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Prospectus Of The Free Soil Campaigner

Prospectus Of The Free Soil Campaigner image
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A Weekly Pnper, devoted to the great interest of Free Soil, Frce Speech, Free íabor; and Free Jllen.'' will be published at the olTice uf tlio Michigan I.iberty Press, at Batlle Creek, every Fi'iday - commencing on tliu letduv of September, and continuing mi til ufter electíoa - al tlio low prico of PIFTEEN CENTS PER COPY, ir trn coplea lo one address for ouc dullat' and twenty cents - pay strictly in ad vaneo. Orders eQcloting the money wilí receive i)rompt attentiüii. E Tlie Democratie (Cass) Convention of Calhoun county, nominoted, for Rcpresentatives, Fknskr Ferguson, J. D. PlKRCr, and Mosks Halt. - Slierlflf', Joseph Hollon ; Clark, Francia W. Sliearman ; Regisster, Bobert B. Portar; Treasnrcr, l'rttoii Mitcliell ; Probate Judge, Horace A. Noyes; Surveyor, Cyrus Robinsun; Coi-onors, Nathan Davis, Aaron Ismond. Among their resolations we observe oiie approriag and pledging support to the Baltimore noininees, but none against elavery - and Itill we suppase they wonld all like to be called Fiee Soil men.