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"all Well With Us"

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Them is one Important question to bo considered in relation to Uoneaal Zachary Taylor as a candidato f'or President. He is the only innn soulhoi Mason and Dixon's line uho can be elecled ! There is no other man opon wliom the enthusiasm and boundloss admiration of the wliole nation ave so complctely centcred, as npou Zacheiy Taylor. An oveniful, thrilling, and highiy dangerous ci'isis lias been foi'ced upon the country by the Locofoco demagoguea, regardless of the sanctity of the Union which is sa dear to evcvv patriotie American citizen. The Wilmot Proviso, as it is called, has opened afearfnl mine beneath the foundation of the eacred Constitution. Tlmt mino may explüde at the liour of midnight, and forever dederltoy tlte faircsl fabric of human virtue. To avert tliis thrcaiencd cvil, to closo the mightychasrn that beglns to yawu between the fiee and slave State, is a duty Wfl owo to onrselvs, to our posterity, to t In; memory of the illustiious dead, Ilow sliall litis hn (lnnc, ! We must elect i man for President of the Unitcd States wlio livos in our own sunny Soutli: who is willing to peril all for thn constitiiiun.who lone, the South and HER CHÈRISHED [NSTITUTLONS, und yetwill do ampie justice to tho North. And last, thongh not least, we must, to ensure suecess, support a candidate for the Presidency of such au overshadowing popularity, oí n reputation that towers is tho Iliinalaya ïDountains, above all others. Such n man is General Zachary Tnylor. He lives in the Somli, and inakes 1,200 bales of cotton on the banks of the Mississippi. Í1IS INTF.RESTS .fltS FEELINGS, ARE ALL W1TH US!