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Buffalo Convention

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The DolegiitesiYom Michigan, to t!ie Buffalo Convention, assembled at Iluff's Hotel in tlio cily of Bufi'alo on Wednesdny mornitig tlio 9th 1848 st 8 o'clock A. M. nnd wasorgauized by tbo nppointment of S. B. TREABWELL, Esqr. Chairmnn. Hovkï K, Ci.aukf, .Secretary. A Committee of three, consisting of Messrs. R. S. Wilson, of Wnslitennw, A. Blíiir, of Jacksoo, and James I. Mend, of Oakland was uppointed to report tho utimes of Delégales in attendanci: fiom Michigan. Blair, from tlic Committee, reportod the following delegates, Branch, Co. W. P. Huid. Cnlhoun, Co. Joseph Chedsey, F. Quinn, E. Rgleíten, Hovey K. Claike, Her.ry Willis, E. Hnssey. Chns. P. Gorham, R. Pew, James McGregor, S. R. Wheeler. Eaton Co. Eraatup Ingcrsoll, E. P. Ingersoll, lonry A. Shaw. Hillsdule Co. Haynes Johnson, Levi Bnxtor, A. P. Hogarth, Hany Smiih, R. C. Delevnn, W. V. Murphy. J, D. Ha w ley, Abijah Mosher, H. i. Shei-man, Pnul Rnymond, Hntton, H. Egleston. jRckson Co.Austin BInir, A. Junes, W. J. Wnlng, S. Chadwick, Jr. Jamos Slopton, J. H. Tread'ell. E. W. Ilenton. L. Wilcox, IJarvy Eggleston. N. Whitinore, E. K. Whitmoro, S. B, Treadwell Ami Filley, S, St. John, R, B. Rixford, J. L, Phompson, P. K. Conklin, J. H. Cole, II. A, 'rancisco, H. Corwin, A. F." Bolton, C. Deavin P. A. McArtbnr, Chas. L. Merriman, Paul B. Ring. Kalamazoo Co. F. W. Hatcli, Win. Bcnnison, V. M. Thomas, Francis Dennisüii. Kent Co. A. I. Gago. Lenawee Co. Joel Carpenter. Jas S. Gilman, Vin. L. Greenly, Philip N. Teed. Monroe Co. Richard Peters, Isaac P. Chrisiancy, E. Barnes, Wm. Il, Zabriskie, Kussel lowe, Loander Siicket, James Reegan, James Sheaman, Wm. Brunson, Wm. Powers. Oakland Co. Samuel Hungerfurd, Joseph A. 'eck.L. W. Cole, Jonas Bowers, E. P. Beerïam, John Thomas, J. H. Murray A. L. Power, . I. Mead, G. Webster, Lewis Nash, W. M. McConnel, N. Hoyt, H. P. Daley, J. G. Pair, J. Dewell, Peter Dow, T. N. Loomis, M. Aldernan J. M. Ten Eyck.J. M. Hoyt, H. F, Walker. Ionia co, Alonzo Ilyde. Shiwasse Co. John M. Guodhue. Van Buren Co. S. C. Grimes. Washtenaw Co. K. Wilon C. N. Ormsby, R. S. Wilson, E. Manu, C. Spoor, L. C. Miles, H. Cossington, L. Simmons, . Ford, N. Morse, J.H. Fountain, V. D. Clark, G. Walker, S. Stanbro, T. Wootl, William Linsey, R. D. Brower, F. B. Walbridge, J. W. Crosvell, Orrin Arnuld, Clement Hathaway. Wayne Co. W. P. Yerkes, Mernt Randolph, Wm. Sickels, S M. Holmes, C. Fuller, Geo. W. Swift, A. B. Markham, H. Wilmarlli, S. 1'. Mead, B. Lee, W. B. Paniek, C. M. Buil, R. E. Brainaid, Thos. C. Sheldon, Geo. G. Buil, E. H. Wales, It should be remarked that as this list was preared and reported before all the delegates had arrived, it must be somewhat But it waa designad tu Lie as tiecurnto as the circuinstances of time and place of preparntion would admit. In view of tho largo Bumber in attnndanco frora ill parta of the Union, and the probable reciprocity of action, by a smaller numberthan the whole of any delegatiüii. On Motion of Mr. Henry Willis of Cnlhoun Co, ordered that n committee of twelvo, be appointed on the part of this delegaiion. The folluwing gentlemen wero appointed. Messrs. Robt. 8. Wilson, Samuel Ilungeifurd, rlovey K. Clarke, Isaac P. Christiuncy, Auslin 3lair, Joseph Chedsey. Levi Baxter, C. N. Ormsy, Enisrus Ilussey, S. B. Trendwell, E. P. In'ersol, and Alonzó Hyde. After some discussion as to the mode of act'on, n which some members participated it was Ordkbed. Tbat this delegation proceed to the ilace nppointod the meeting of of the Convention, and tbat, Charles T. Gorham Esqr. of Ciilïou n bo Rppoioted Marshal' Tho Delegation then maroliod in procession, preceeded by an excellent Band of Mtuic from Jackson Midi., to the immense tent, in the Park. On airiving thcre, the tent was found to bo otcupied by the Ohio delegation, vvho wereengaged in eifecting their prelitninary organization. The Delegates from Michigan ilierelore, proceeded tothe Soutbeast part of' the Park, and rere called to order by the Cbairraan, to hear the repoit of I. P. Christiancy, Esqr., who had attonded on the part of this State, a meeting of tho Delocatos who arrived on Tuesdny, (ixed for the pose of facilitating the orgaoizatioa oí' tho Convention. Mi'.Christianct, reported that it would probably bo recominend.Hl to tho Convention that a Committee of Conferees be nppointed by cach State, to whom, allquestiona might be referred, in the settlement of which, tho rclalire powi.r of the States ought to bc obtüined. That eacli State, woukl probably be entitled to six conferees at large, and three from ench Congressional District. It wns then ordeved that it be referred to tho Committe of twelve, to nominato tho names ot Conferces for the BCtioD of this delegiition. Duririg the nbscence of the committeo, ihe Delegation nnd the adjoiuing crowd woro nddressed by of Messrs. Humphrey and Qninn of Calhonun. Mr. Claiikk, from tho committeo of twelve roported tho names of the following gentlemen te represent this delqgation as conferees. In the state at largo. Willinm Finley C, N. Ormsby W. M.McConuel, .Toseph Chodsev S. B. TreftdweD F.rnstus Hussny Foi tho lst Cong. Diat. Isaac P. Ghristinney V. P. Yérkw Cyrus F ulier For tho 2d Cong. Dist. Chns. T. Gorham Anstin Blair Ë. P. Ingersol For the3d Cong. Di.t. S. Hanggrford J. II. irKirrny J. I. Mead C. T. Gtórham dnclinod the nppo'mtinent for Sd Dist and tho vacancy was filled by thu appointment of Hovf.t K. Clabke. Mr. Fuller doclinod for tho Ist Distn-sct, and tho vncnncy wan 1 by tha nppointment of GïOBGK W. SwiFT. Tho iMiiiinittiu) iii.-D recoinuiended ao nomination of tlie Uu nOBF.RT R. WIISON, the '' ii , 1vai .íinh'N (■ of ihe Cn The vi port of the CwpmUU v,as ui.M.iryJy concunctj in, t!:o Delegatinn ajjouired. FlUhAt MOJIHIBO, 8 o'clocli. The D, -legntioii Bgain onvened m I3i,ffs Öott), Ir. Treaíwki.i. in !he Chnir. It tyai Reiolted, Thnt n State Ceatnl Comüttee eoDsisting of six, residingat Aon Aibor, Lo ppointed to net in the furt henaeo of of cnii mil llic Stnto Convention bhnll usseuible. Tho following gonliemuu wpvo appoiotsd : Williiim FinJey, Kimhuuc! Mana, O. N. Otom y, C. J. F. VaiJ, Willinm Kinslttv, nud Sabin Felch. It was funher ordered tlmt i):o fiia'Sifite Cunention bo ealfed át Ann Aiboi-, and at such time s tho Coininittoe may uppoiut. AftcM-tlirectlng the usual publication of tho' proeedings the Delegntion ndjournpd sine iic. S, 15. TREADWELL, Chairma.x. Hovey K. Clarke Seeetnry.


Free Soil Party
Liberty Party
Old News
Michigan Liberty Press
S. B. Treadwell
Hovey K. Clarke
R. S. Wilson
A. Blair
James I. Mead
W. P. Hurd
Joseph Chedsey
F. Quinn
E. P. Egleston
Henry Willis
Erastus Hussey
Charles P. Gorham
R. Pew
James McGregor
S. R. Wheeler
Erastus Ingersoll
E. P. Ingersoll
Henry A. Shaw
Haynes Johnston
Levi Baxter
A. P. Hogarth
Harry Smith
R. C. Delevan
W. W. Murphy
J. D. Hawley
Abijah Mosber
H. H. Sherman
Paul Raymond
E. Hatton
H. Eggleston
Austin Blair
A. Janes
W. J. Walling
S. Chadwick
Jr. James Slopton
J. H. Treadwell
E. W. Heaton
L. Wilcox
Harry Eggleston
N. Whitmore
E. K. Whitmore
Ami Filley
S. St. John
R. B. Rixford
J. L. Thompson
P. K. Conklin
J. H. Cole
H. A. Francisco
H. Corwin
A. F. Bolton
C. Deavin
P. A. McArthur
Charles L. Merriman
Paul B. Ring
F. W. Hatch
William Dennison
N. M. Thomas
Francis Dennison
A. L. Gage
Joel Carpenter
Jason S. Gilman
William L. Greenly
Philip N. Teed
Richard Peters
Isaac P. Christiancy
E. Barnes
William H. Zabriskie
Russel Howe
Leander Sacket
James Reegan
James Sherman
William Brunson
William Powers
Samuel Hungerford
Joseph A. Peck
L. W. Cole
Jonas Bowers
E. P. Beerham
John Thomas
J. H. Murray
A. L. Power
J. I. Mead
G. Webster
Lewis Nash
W. M. McConnell
N. Hoyt
H. P. Daley
J. G. Parr
J. Dewell
Peter Dow
T. N. Loomis
M. Alderman
J. M. Ten Eyck
J. M. Hoyt
H. F. Walker
Alonzo Hyde
John M. Goodhue
S. C. Grimes
William Finley
R. K. Wilson
C. N. Ormsby
E. Mann
C. Spoor
L. C. Miles
H. Cossington
L. Simmons
J. Ford
N. Morse
J. H. Fountain
W. D. Clark
G. Walker
S. Stanbro
T. Wood
William Linsley
R. D. Brewer
F. B. Walbridge
J. W. Croswell
Orrin Arnold
Clement Hathaway
W. P. Yerkes
Merrit Randolph
William Sickles
S. M. Holmes
C. Fuller
George W. Swift
A. B. Markham
H. Wilmarth
S. P. Mead
B. Lee
W. B. Patrick
C. M. Bull
E. H. Wales
R. E. Brainard
Thomas C. Sheldon
Buffalo New York