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Washington, August 11, 1S48. Hot'SE. - The Oregon Territorial Bill, witli the amendraents of the Seuate, was taken up ; and the (]ueslion being on the concurring in these amendments, the tjuestion was taken sep arately o eaeh. That giving the veto power to the Governor was non cor.curred in, 92 to 10C. The third amendmetrt of the Senate inserts after tlie enacting lause of the 14 tti section, the following : " That the line of thirty-MX degreps, thirty minutes of norlh latitudo, known as the Missouri Compromiso line, as dt;fined by tlie eigth section of un act entilleil " An act to_ ttuthorize the people of the Missouri Territory to form a Constitution and State Government, and for the admission of sucli Suite into the Union on an eqnal footing with the original States, and to prohibil slavery in certaiu Territories" approved Marcli 6th, 1S20, bc, and the same is hereby, declared toextend to tlie Pacific Ocean; and the said eightfa section, together with the compromiso theruiii efiecled, is hereby revived and declared to le in full force and binding for the future organizatlon of the Territories of the United States, in the same sense and with tlie samo understanding with which it was originally adopted, and" The vote on concurring in this amendment was taken by yeas and nays, and resulted as follow3 : Yeas - Messrs. Adams, Atkinson, Barringer Barrow, Bayly, Beale, Bedinger, Bocock.Botts Bowdon, Bowlin, Boyd, Boyden Brndhead, Charles Broivn. Albert G. Brown. Buckner, Burt, Cabeli, Chapman, Chase, Beverly L. Clark, Clingman, HoWoll Cobb, Williamson B. W. Cobb, Cocke, Ciozier, Daniel, DomiïllGarnett Duncan, Alexander Evans, Feathoreton Flournoy, French. Fnlton, Gayle, Goggin Green, Willard P. Hall, Haralgon, Harrnanson Harns',HaskeU,Hill,Hilliard, Isaac E. Holmes, George S. Houston, Charles J. Ingorsoll, Iver8on, Andrew Johnson. Robert V. Johnson, George W. Jones, John W. Jonos, Kaufman, T. B. King, Ligon, Lumpkin, Mcüowell. McKay, McLane, Meade, Morehead, Outlaw, Pendleton, Phelps, Pilsbury, Preston, Rhctt, Roman, Shepperd, Stanton, Stephens, Th.orn ns, Jacob Thompson, John B. Thompson, Robert A. Thompson, Tompkins, Toombs, Venable Wallace, Woodward- 82. Nays Messrs. Abbott, Asiitnun, JJingliam, Bhnchard, Brady, Butler. Canby, Catheart, Franklin Clark, Collamer, Cnllins, Conger, Cranston, Crowel!, Cummins, Darlincr, Dicky Dickinson, Dixpn, Duer, Daniel Duncan, Dunn, Eckert, Edsall, Edwards, Embree, Nathan Evans, Faran, Farrelly, Ficklin, Fishor, Freedley.Fries, Gott, Gregory. Grinnell.Hale, Nathan'K. Hall, HatnmoM, Jame G. Hampton, Moses Hampton. Henloy, Henry, Elias B tlolrnes, John W. Ho-JSton, Hubhard.Hiidson, Hunt, Joseph R. InrsoN. Irvin, Tenkins, Ke!I)f. Kenmin, Daniel P. Kin?, William 1 . Lawrence. Sidney Lwrenaa, Lincoln, Lord, Lyndo Maelay, McClerknd, McCleroand.Mo. Ifvaine, Job Mann, Hóraca Mann, Marrh, Marvin, Miller, Morris, Mullin, Mforphy, Nelson, Nes. Newell, Nicoll, Paifrey, Pea?lee, Peck, Patrie, Pettit, Pollook, Pntnam, ReyTiolds', Rictey. Rol)inson, Rockhill, John ARockwell, Rose, Root, Rümsey, St. John, Schenck, Sherrlll, Bilvester, Slingerland, Smart, Caleb B. Smith, Robert Srmth, Truman Smith, Starkweathar, Andrew Stewart Cbarlos E. Stuart, Strohm, Strong, Tallmadge Taylor, James Thompson, Thuriton, Tuck 'Turner, Van Dyke, Vinton, Warren, Wentworth, White, Wiek, WlUiams, Wilmot -121. Mr. Smith of Indiana moved to ro-consider this vote, and moved to lay tha,t motion on the tabiü, which lattsr. motion ias agroed to