Aerial Photograph of the Peninsular Paper Co. on LeForge Road, Ypsilanti, September 1958

Published In
Ann Arbor News, September 10, 1958
Leforge Rd. Relocation Approved: The Ypsilanti City Council last night approved a plan which will relocate Leforge Rd. 18 feet to the east in front of the Peninsular Paper Co. (above). The change was necessary to permit construction of a $350,000 addition to the plant without encroaching on the road's right-of-way. The addition will be built north of the main Peninsular building. The roadway will be moved to the east (left above) between the New York Central Railroad tracks and the LeForge Rd. bridge.
Ann Arbor News, September 10, 1958
Leforge Rd. Relocation Approved: The Ypsilanti City Council last night approved a plan which will relocate Leforge Rd. 18 feet to the east in front of the Peninsular Paper Co. (above). The change was necessary to permit construction of a $350,000 addition to the plant without encroaching on the road's right-of-way. The addition will be built north of the main Peninsular building. The roadway will be moved to the east (left above) between the New York Central Railroad tracks and the LeForge Rd. bridge.
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