Exploring the Mind | Working Hard at Being Normal: Gender & Intimacy In Palliative Care
Wednesday April 28, 2021: 7:00pm to 8:30pm Add to Calendar / Add to Google Calendar
How do we define quality of life, and what is important?
As individuals live longer and with chronic illnesses, there has been increased attention to people’s quality of life: what is it, what does it include, and what can help expand it? One key element of this story includes people’s sexual quality of life. In this talk, I will discuss the sexual health concerns that women diagnosed with metastatic, or advanced, breast cancer face when living with this disease. In short, this study and the questions it raises, draw together needs that arise near or at the end of life and how these intersect with intimacy concerns that develop across the life span.
Dr. Sara McClelland is Associate Professor at the University of Michigan in the departments of Psychology and Women’s and Gender Studies. She received her PhD in Psychology from the Graduate Center (CUNY) and was a postdoctoral scholar in the Michigan Society of Fellows. Her research focuses on issues related to sexual health and well-being in a wide variety of people and groups and the role of social norms in people’s intimate lives. She has studied sexual health as affected by abstinence-only sex education policies, experiences of stigma and discrimination, and gender and sexual expectations.
This program is in partnership with the University of Michigan Department of Psychology.