League Of Women Voters Plans Membership Meetings

League Of Women Voters Plans Membership Meetings
Sept. 15 through 20 has been proclaimed League of Women Voters Week by Gov. William Milliken, who cited the League as a source of unbiased information on political issues and candidates.
The Ann Arbor branch of the League will observe LWV Week with a series of membership meetings at the following times and locations:
• 9:15 a.m. Tuesday at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 1914 Greenview
• 7:45 p.m. Tuesday at the home of Thelma McDaniel, 210 N. Wallace, Ypsilanti
• 7:45 p.m. Wednesday at the home of Marg McNeil, 1626 Harbal
• 1:15 p.m. Thursday at the home of Nancy Davis, 2385 W. Huron River Dr.
During the coming year local LWV resource committees will be studying city government finances, election laws, environmental problems, the Presidency, children’s services and quality education in the schools. Voter services will also be provided.
Information about League membership and activities is available from the LWV office, 333 S. Fourth Ave., telephone — 761-0978; or from Mary Lynn Thomson at 761-7564.
LWV Week
League of Women Voters Membership Chairman Mary Lynn Thomson, left, Myrtle Cox, vice president for program and Helen West, president, extend to prospective members an invitation to a series of introductory meetings scheduled for this week.
Michigan League of Women Voters [LWV]
Clubs & Organizations
Ann Arbor League of Women Voters [LWV]
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Has Photo
Old News
Ann Arbor News
Gov. William G. Milliken
Thelma McDaniel
Marg McNeil
Nancy Davis
Mary Lynn Thomson
Myrtle Cox
Helen West
1914 Greenview Ave
210 N Wallace Ypsilanti
1626 Harbal Dr
2385 W Huron River Dr
333 S Fourth Ave