Charles Joiner Signs A Petition For The League Of Women Voters, April 1968
Published In
Ann Arbor News, April 17, 1968
Mrs. Alfred F. Conard (center) and Mrs. Charles W. Joiner, members of the League of Women Voters, add the support of Mr. Joiner, associate dean and professor in the University's School of Law, to the League's petition to place a judicial selection and tenure amendment to the state constitution on the November ballot.
Ann Arbor News, April 17, 1968
Mrs. Alfred F. Conard (center) and Mrs. Charles W. Joiner, members of the League of Women Voters, add the support of Mr. Joiner, associate dean and professor in the University's School of Law, to the League's petition to place a judicial selection and tenure amendment to the state constitution on the November ballot.
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