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John R. Meadows gets his last haircut at Duane Welch's barbershop located at 115 W. Huron St., June 20, 1961

John R. Meadows gets his last haircut at Duane Welch's barbershop located at 115 W. Huron St., June 20, 1961 image
Published In
Ann Arbor News, June 21, 1961
LONG PATRONAGE ENDS: John R. Meadows, senior vice-president of the Ann Arbor Bank, for 38 years a patron of the barbershop at 115 W. Huron St., got his last haircut there yesterday from barber Duane Welch. The shop closes July 1 to make way for the Ann Arbor Trust Company's expansion program. The late Frank Miller owned the shop between 1922 and 1953, when it was sold to Ray Knieper. Welch has operated it since 1958.

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Donated by the Ann Arbor News. © The Ann Arbor News.