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The Sad Truth is

We are slowly destroying our world.

More than 4.3 billion people on Earth live on less than $2.50 every day.

Hunger kills as much as 25,000 people every day.

Count to ten. Are you done yet? A child just died of hunger.

If someone has a gun in their house, it's 22 times more likely that it will be used for suicide or accidental shootings than for defense.

Have you ever tried to go a day without WiFi? A week? How was it? Hard? Well, guess what. 25% of the human population doesn't even have electricity. 

Every year, cruise ships dump 14 billion pounds of trash into the oceans. 

2 million children in poverty die every year because of treatable diseases such as diarrhea and pneumonia.

Now that you know these, what can you do to help the world?