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Hon. Chas. S. May, Of Kalamazoo, A

Hon. Chas. S. May, Of Kalamazoo, A image
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former republican, is making telling speeches in Indiana. The election in Arkansas passed off quietly last Monday, and the democrats carried the state by 40,000 majority. The democracy of New York are to hold a state convention September 28. The Tatnmany and Irving hall democrats have unitcd, much to the disappoiutment of rcpublicans.who have given up all hopes of carrymg the state. As the quustion has been asked a number of times to the democratie majority in this couuty in 1876, we have taken the trouble to examine the records in the clerk's office, and find that Tilden had 552 majority, and Wm. L. Webber for governor, had 618 raajority. The most encouraging reports come from Indiana, where bjth parties are putting in a heap of work. The democrats scem to be ahuad and intend to keep the lead. Although republicans thought at flrst it was a doubtful state, they lmve changed their tune, and now conoedc it to Hancock. - ■ m Pred A. Hunt, oandidate for circuit courtj commissioner on the republican ticket, wlth 800 democratie majority in this county staring him in the face, bas come to the conclusión that be would rather not run and has resigned. The county committee will probably .substitute the name of Frank Hinckley. Bob Frazer spoke in Howell last Friday night to the Garfleld club. Ue made Ihe statement that he had been ft dcraocrat all bis lfc was a bom dVJntocrat, as was liis fathcr befoio him, wllo was an Irisbman; that tbc democratie party made tools of Irishmen and Hcvcr gave tlicm offices of honor or nhioluinents. Now Itobcrt is it true yoü wcre always a democrat? Were jou tiot for two years or more a greenbackcr, and did you not run on the greenback tieket for circuit judge? But . Did the democratie party makc a tooi of 3-ou whpn it elected you to office so mauy times? To hcar a man of your clotb abuse the soutbein people, and to sec you wave tbc bloody shirt as you iliil at Ilowell, is enough to make republicans sick. Where you are known they only laugh at your inconsistency. But we suppose tbere is moncy in such talk for you, aiMl you are now bound to m:ike what you can out of the repúblicas party. Do you remember making ibu statement wiien going to Forbes Corners some weeks ago that, "if your health was good you could "scoop" in several hundred dollars betore the campaign is over." Of the greenback cougressional convention beid in Adrián lust Thursday, The Press of that city snys : Very unexpectedly tbc greenbaekers prccipitated a congressionarconyention upon this city yestcrday and bef ore the astound ed populace could catch its breath, they had massed their forces at Dean's opera house and nominated a candidato for congress. The moveraent was as sudden as the swoop of a hawk, as the impetuous western blizzard.and as malignantas cholera. Theconvention.however.knew what it was here for and without any foolishness or waste of time pitchcd iuto the business m hand and shortly uncovered a gentleman residing in the township of Camden Hillsdale county, named Frederick T. Chester, for congress. We are totally at a loss for biographical material and cannot, thcrefore.write up the pedigrce of him who has so suddenly and uncxpectedly to us, been clothed with distiuction. We have learned however,that Mr. Chester is agen, tleman who cnjoys the respect of his community and is one of thejmost active leaders of his party in Hillsdale. We are informed that previous to joining the greenback party, he was a rcpublicau but at present eau get nothing conclusive on that point. There is no doubt that the greenbaekers will make a desperate fight on this man Chester, in sonie parts of the district. Therc are &ome republicana who singularly enough are not saüsfied with ïlr. Willits and the inethods by which he was nominated and who niay find it convenient to transfer their votes to Mr. Chester not being prepared to offer cordial support to the democratie nomince. Both in Monroe and Hillsdale counties there is earnest eloquent swearing over the treachery and bulldozing that gave Willits the nomination, and" the grumpy faction had ralher sec Chester elected than Willits. On the othcr hand there is a wing of softmoneyites of democratie antecedents who are not enlirely pleased wilh Mr. Waldby, and will of coursc vote for Chester. On the whole, neilher Mr. Willits nor Mr. Waldby meed foar that the appearance of this new contestant will greatly changc the status of the old parties with respect to each other.


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