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Over The Falls At Niagara--a Deliberate Suicide

Over The Falls At Niagara--a Deliberate Suicide image
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Tho Niágara Falla Telegraph give the following account of the recent su: cide at that place: George W. Kaapp, of Utic.{ oommitte suicide here last night by leaping into the rap id8. He made his preparations in the mos cureful manner, even KOing so fnr as to pro cure a plstol, with which he evirtently inten ed to ehoot nny one who shonld interfere wit hi-.n. Kuapparrivedhereatii:: last nffht,on the train frojn Buffalo, and after seudinfr tolegraph message, went to the Internationa Hotel, where he haU supper. What he di during the rernainder of the eveniníf uutil h took his írightful loup i3 a mystery. Mr. (.". ( Nusener, oí Drunimondsvilíe, Out., and hf eousln, Miss Florence M. Evart, who had boe viewing the falls f rom Prospect Park, went t Tugrby's bazar, just south of the bridge wh1c spans the rapids to Goat lslaml. The youn ludy 6tt down on a long Beat on tho balcón which extends along the side of the baza aud over the rapids, and her companion wen insidc and entered into conrersation with young attendant. Vory soou atter this, Knap came aloujr, and what followcd was told li: Misa Evart to your correspondent, as follows "Mr. Nuseneij with whose famüy lame present visiting: atross the river, and mysel came ovor to the American sido of thé rivor and afterspending short time in Prospec l'ark we went to ïugby's bazar. Ue and sat down on tho scat along the balcony, and my cousin went into the bazar, and stood in the door with hls back toward me, engaged in convèrsation with Miss Mary Haney. 1 sa there about three minutes, when the man came along. It was rather dark at the tim o'líjjí didn'ttake particular nctico of him HolMlver, I should say that he was a tall anc rather stout man of niiddle age, and wore a daik suit of clotbes. He wore a full beard whioh seemed to he slightly tinpred with gray Hp sut down ten fi et awy f rom me, and appo.ired tobeiu decp ttouftht. He sat there about threo minutes, und then wtnt to the extreme corner of the bsilcony, ton feet further away. He sat down, pulled out a diarv, hastily sodbbleiJ a fow wortls, theu toreoui th Ifaf and ptnned tho note inside of hls cout, 01 the right side. He thon r..,moved the gai mi n 'ind took oif hia vest. He id not sci m to Ie BxciWxl. nud I thoutrlit that probahly 6 e h n oeen walkinfr, and, bcins beated, was tryiiigr loeool off. However, I continucd ti vaten hnn. He stippea a moment, as thotigh. holding eommuniou with himaelt, and tiieii removed his euffs. He la d hia bat i n top of the clotnes, and, inoiiiilins the raüin. stood th:-re a minute. Thep, diawln.'í a pistpl, he ruisec both bands ábave his ned mi lired a shot with one. Just ;is he didthislic hpjit his knuus and (ravp the Irijhtful leap into thd rápida. I luniwljust tlit-ii, so fritrbteiit'd that i knew r.ot what to do. I jut luanaered to ycll, aud I uvrlcy i'nd others c:'me Insti'.htly ip." 'l'hoi-e wlio ran out on the baleony snythat tile man was drow:u;l bct'ore he reaí-liod tho awful procinie. (.'Klity rods awav. and t)i4 the body s!ot into the darkttcss ai'ul down lbo feíthing nbyps like a b:ill shot fioïrt a eJinnon. Xocry aa heard from the suicido who so dejiberntelv' and deterroinedly endwi liis t-art'pr. A erówa so'on gathered ureum!. Tiliceman Ralph Bailey took poseesütnri of the man's etíeets, which werc f'ound neatlj io!ded and pile;' npon tlis soat Tue noto pinned on the coat read: Ploaae e.vpress these to E. F. Emen-, 29 John Street, Utioa. G. W. 7ínaip. l'he S'gnature was in a plain, bold-hund. ín a vest p. elcet wns found a plain oíd English lovcr watfh, and elseivhcre v. ere a memorandum bjok. o 'iituinin j bilis and ftirll) in money. a counterfeit tiade dollar, eyej ;, knlie, and match and tobaöcö bo.xcs. The eu.Ta wore found ln a coat pwket. On a bunen of keys was a píate nmrkcd "Knopp, resideneo 10 Coi per strert, Utioa." The canse of tne pui'ide is a mystery. ,Tust after the siueido a tolesiaiih boy r.m d wn to delive, the auswer (o the mess: (re Kn;,ppsent iarber In the evening. nnd whicli was nbjut business inattèrs. Knapp was evldêntly sane, and went about he bus nees of emlin-i his lile with eoolness uid de"l!iera(ion. Nobody kno.vs anyihinif bout the maft. Thcbodv. i'or whicf) Scareb is )ow made nlonji ihe binks of the ri-er xiow-ihe lalie, has not . et. Leen iound, and HOOHbly wl!l never be reeovercd. ' Kuii.ideb"e was that oí' "Pipil-" Walker, a boatman, who. full oí licuor, ?ot lu small lioat and weiitover the ialls. His boi' vas uover reeovtred.


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Ann Arbor Democrat