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-GfVIRS. POTTS'S FOR SALE BY THE HARDWARE TRAPE. FruilWineandJellyPress I?rice, f $3,00, For Seeding and Extracting Juice FROM- ALLFRUITS AND BERRIES. ÖTEVEBY FAMILY NEEDS Ü.NE. jL3 Henrt for il Catalogue, l-'ree. Em&puss m co„ müúí. k FO KSALK Bï THE HARPW1KK THAI E. pKÉÉ Is made Trom ft e!mjle Tropical I,caf ond is a PO8ITITE femèdy for Pain In tlie Back, Severe H 1acheft Dlzzlneu, Inflamcd Eyoa, Bloaüng. Mght SweaU, Torpld Lfrer, Palnful Urfnatlon, Gravel, and ai; ObOWM of tin Kidueys, Llver orUrlnary Qrgao, It Is u safe and ecriatn (jure fur Lmcorrhea, Wbmh nes nnd all Ft-inaU ComplalnU. Aa a 13 lood PuriftiTlt . if uurqualeü, for lt curca tbc organs that inikc the hluod, Tiic lartit't bottle In th raarket. Prlre, SI. 93. Por sale byDniKglstn and a!l Aefclèn. II. H. WARXKU fe CO., Korttester, X Y. TUTTS PILLS SYMPTO.fiS OF A TORPID LBVER. Loss of Appetite, Boweis costiye, Pain in the Llead, with aaull sensation in thebaok part. Pain under the shouidor blade, fuUness after eatine, with a disinclination to exeitionof body or inind, Irritability oí tempor, Low soirits, with a feolinK ot oavineneglected orno duty, Weariness, DisZ1Q0.-3. i'luttering at the Heart, l)ots before the eyes, ïellow Skin, Heartaoho generally over theright ere, Bestlessnesa with fiti'ul dreams, highly colored Urina Sí TUTT'S PSLLS ar -Miiri'inrtll.V :ï'l;ljttr 1 1O MUrU OMri, a i u L Ir iloue vff'Ct% siich a E!i;t,njC Of fliiii; hm to aatonlHlt (lu ufrror. BU14J KV&tCk Wiit-itt, VxilCii ïj OKSTS Oflic-, 35 nïBrray Street New Vork ÏHREE OF THE "BËSTBÖÖKSFOR SINGIN6 CLASSES THE TEMPLE. SI or SO per dozen. Jiy Da. W. O. PrBxiNt. Siich a fuileizcd boohas the abovehas thiBatlvant&ic OTcr a smaüerone: Aftcr you bavo been through ita exoellont elomentary oourío, bare sung its cboerful Songs and Gloee, ita hpiritual Songa, its Hjmns, Tunea and AntLems, you have on hand a large collection Ychlfh is jiist tho thülg for Choii praotlcO, anI aiw tor Home sincinn. Dr. Perkins is well known as one oí our mo4t akilful compilers. TUE VOICEOFVfOKSHIP. 91 or $O per dozen. By L. O. LMLaS0N. 't'his book covers precisely the same cround as doet the Temple, and peoplowill no one or the otheria tln-y i":uiry tlie music orthestylo of tbis or the other excellent composer. Mr. Kinersou' a books are kuowrn in evory houeehold and evcry school, and oach now bookís ÍDtndcd t be au adrance over those that preceded it. JOHNSOX'9 METHOJ) FOU SIXGTX& CLASSES. O Ctn. , or $6 per dozen. By A. N. JOHNSON. No writer oxeéis this one in the perfect clearness and implictty of hisexplanationsaud the thorougliness of of lus work. The teacher who uses this method needs tohavoinhia hand the Cnoncs Choir Insïbücxion Booe (91.25), by t-ho same author. The pages oorrespond, and the larger bookpivesdirectionafar tbo uss of the smaller. OlIVER DITSON & CO., LYON & HEALY, Bi.TOJf. CUICAQO. PHYSIGAL LIFE OF BOTH SEXES. A brllllant book fiioi-iniitinií in ötvlc, pure ia tangnngi1, nidir8fd by pby8ic4ans t;verywlvi-e. An biK)rat{ oxnoiitlon of the Pbyslcal Lifr ui' Man and ■1. ElcKiintly prliifcd and ftillv llluBtrat d. Kxti-uoriüiüuy inducementa to Arante Address JOKES BROTHERS & CO., Cfflcago, 9 FOR THE HAIR. 'Wt BURNETT'S (OCOAINE W ABSOLUTE „ CÏÏEE FOB DANDKUFP. f " BURNEH'S (OCOAINE CÜEES BALDNESS , y AD SCALD HEAD. Peftutifiüly Ilhmiinated Floral Hand Rook frw. Scnd ddrou to JOS. BURNETT ÍL CO.. Iioston. (ut Centuries of Triumph OvcrP)'8ppsla,Livt!r Dlsoasc, Bowe] Complalnts, aud vHrlou febrile and nervous l(s(j]dT3liaa Immorlnll7] the Solucr Bpa, and these victories are nosr repetted throuííhout ihf wuiid tiy TarniiU' JEilVrvei.eti Siltxer Aporlent, iMntHinliig all the leiii-iit. aiiii producliiK 11 the happy rcwilta oí the Great Giniian spring, lliirty to foriy duses Sparklinji Apricnt t" THrwÖiiWH'S FRIEND Will Cure that Sick-Headache. SJryor Sal bï All ünutïlststilKKRI.G. A thoruutch professional educulun üü'l :i tlcslrablc siruatlon on radnaunc, ras iH'uhrniuM atthf Xational ïiivütute ui' Stvoiu SnKlnecrtug, BrlUgcport, 1 ■■!'.. now claaa fórml on the tirt or 1 verf niumli - gend for 'uinii NUCCETS OF GOLD; Or, The Iiwi of' HitcceaN In lAr?. Popalnr Kook of the Dáy. On (h i-urreni pi It m ■( Li.mj-, Capital, Moivy aml Wi-nlilj. .■Ni 1.1mi a to neg. Kor tenns tddru o. J. ÜAlLEV, Oaoeaden, N. f. WE WANT YOÜigi TTNIVERSAL." one of the most nunviive ona best i'ibli.-licU, eii.lortyl by aU denonaüwtioM 1 ev?ry homo. fo by sult.-CTlpton. Jat Amji;w, dsgksb d .vft, cuiütigo C&AAAVUtZB puulot Id Coujic Munthiy, fi mam cP-"Mr moth plotortal forfainiiy'ntrtflhïTnent SIM tew Sentón U to aoyoew Bubscrtbw lor 's i'ti. si-e ■mt'iis ïuc; nono f ree. Addrtea [i iliiMJiLV, 121 Nassau Stuwt, N. T, WÏL" ■ ' OEM Ilku nhrivii- (O 1 Stops. rrlcts, .O, 0O, S3, 7., Ciuh. Iiy-Fully ftFJEJ' TISIPLE or MIMI, i:il Ntrerl, Chineo■f PERMANENTLY CÜRESB H KIDNEY DISEASES, R ES LIVER COMPLAINTS, I 3 Constipation and Piles. Dr. R.H. (Harte, Snuth Hero,Vt,Isays, ''Jncascs H ■S Of kMnryTroablM ít lias acttid liteftdiaiin. It ■ EJj hún nircd mnny very bad cases oí Pi !, and Lab EM aevrr f -iiled toactclclPiHlv." Kflwn FaircMJU, of fct. Aibaiw, Vt,, iiay."It 1 ■ _j of riicfiesivaluo. AfW eixtecn ycars ofgreat ■ miucrin? f rom Piles and CoeiivuiU'o-s it UÊ ■m pleteJy curod me." ILJ Ml U H. licufAbon, of Berkshire, says. "Or.o KI fcj Sffohftsdono wonders for jïio ín coniplctely Cj H ing a severo Livor and üidney Compiaínt" ÏT HAS tüilVO I bwonderfulVt il [ Í H POWER. LSU ! Stcaue It Art3 en the U7IS, ttsa EOWELS ui I tbs BKTE73 at tho cuso tiao. Beenuse It cleanaes the system of B B thopoleonoushumorsthat develcpo n 2 InKldneyand Urlnary diaoases, Bd s !ousness Jnundlce, Conetlprtlon, H H Piles, orín Rheumatlsm, Neuralgia 19 PJ ancJ nervous disorders LJ H KHÍ.NEY-WORT In dry roeetnble i'Oi. B D Mumli-.ud caa bc ent by niAll propulü. PB E3 OacpMki(CwlU]MklsqtaofawHdB. M THY IT S ï tFBuy II at the Dnictfita. Prloc, +1.00. L WELLS, SICHAIDSOH 4 CO., opritn, N 2 (Will nj pnl paúl.) RurÜD glon. Vt. F V pad' A (IKK for the most prcvalpiu and fatal d!eases Ihat uDlift mankind lOt.ND AT LAST. Intf-nuti mt'diclnes ut-ver ()iU uor npvac cali cure KIIKXKY DISIIAMK. KTOP IT NOW: apply Day'H Kldney Piui AT ONti:. and tt' cured üf all HÍlcriiDüs oí tbe Iildiiev. Iil;ill-i and liiiiaiy Organ. It is the only trt.-;itiuent tluit wTlTcure NKllVOVM AXI l'MVKit'AI IKIEBIITT. and i lint áíMroaalug cntnplaiul, " IfAtK ACHi;." It will anuuully Pave iiumy limes UscosL in oiedicjnes and piasters, wht -h at bt 81 ;ive bul u-mpoiury relief. BOld by Imigists or sedt by mail u ïi'ceipt v( jnirt2. t):ir bouk, ■ Huw ;i Life Was Savèd," Kiving : tustory of tliis ikïiv disrovt-ry aiul u large 'fcnl vi iuo%t rvm:ti'krbl( onww, eut frrp. WriW tur It. 1AY H1I':V HAD CO.. Toledo O. Ol'lt cilllivs PAD t the ftmuiul ónly cnw forChldven iruubh-d witti Iik-oiiiíul-iiuv of urine, and wliü Dliihiiy ret tno bed. l'rici1 & t.fio. FOR CH1LLS AND FEVER AND AXjXj DXSSSBS QAVBBD 1!Y (Salarial Poisoning OFTHEBLOOD. A Warrantad Cure. Price, $1.00. UT FOB 8AI.K BT ALL DEU00IST8. _AI 6RAEFËNBËRË -gSgr VEGETABLE i ? Milclost ever known. oure MShR' malarialdiseases, ■ T!PKBré HEADACHE, 8ILI0US. mP INDtCESTION and rIP These TÉrto"H"w v fii Tone ud the system and rostore h??lth tq those suffering from peñera! debility ans , nervousness. Sold by all Druggflsts. SS Cents rcr Box. The Miniature Gun, oniy Al The barrel and stock art bea-vily jilntcci. Handooio oi namentod luuuile. Tlitiun is hix'li loadixirf faiibre. anti ir on ru'w and appt-oved prinelulus. T'nt. April O.lSSfL XlitiUsAiids 9o)iiiüixady1 All the foy8 In the coiintrv canown thla ë!i fant singlo -barrel i.n and have lots ot'fun thli faU wd winwr. Cheapeat In th worldl Spk cjal (!■ kfh y "ir itpeclal reasoilá wè ugií tfrt rt-elpt of only Ki, t ■ expreas ;i Miniature Gun Lncluse] in aneat Imx to any reader if tíiísí p;tper. 2 ioi-#l.ï&. T fii-60' ■. - ■ ORDKB .VI' ■ W. H. THOMPSON & 00.. O La Kalle St . Chicapo.Iü. THE BEST REftEDY FOR Woraan's Wrongs WIU, BI FOUNB IN TM WOMAN'S FBIEND. i LORD, STOUTENBURG & CO., 86 Wabash Av., Chicago, SOI. E AliESTI. HTTor Salf br AU DraKfllst. ENCYCLOPEDlÁ TI0ÜETTE1BUSINESS Thtsia tUe.cbcftpctt and only coitapléte and retablo work on Ktiqu 'i t ,md Busint?ís and Social Fonn-i. It. ! tells how to pvrforiii nll tho raHoua dutlfs of Itfe. and l bow to apj -ar to tho h-m adrankae on all occasions. Atr-ntN Wanted.- St-nd for circulan :onfalninga luil'liTjiiip-.'iHi uf (tic worlc and extra terras to Ajgfutê. AddrcssïiATioNAL li'jir-i--iiLN'o f , CtklC&gOi III. ASK ÏOUR ORUGGIST FCR THE WOMAFS FRIEE il out of it, teli tlm ;o iwdCT or LORD, STOUTENBURG & CO., SOIiH AGSUVTS, 86 Wabash Avenue. Chicago. III. afc Torxo man on oi.n, tffev HEADQÜARTERS 5 AND 10 CENT Counter Sinpll-a. Sfnd for 4-pagi' qatalOKUe to CA KV. FULTOS 4 CO.. Kingston street. Boston, M OVtiU MKN "sarn Telop!ij ana arn40 to100 ■ uiüiilh. Evcrj gi-iuliiatft mniraiucfvl a ptylngsltlutlon. AJilio: K. VaJmiUno. Manaepr. Janeavllla iVii mi linaiKi H'iatsentc.o. D.wutrnwn, Wholijal U A Salami Kttaii. Hrlce-lW ƒ). (!o Is gui-an Irtl ïlti'wl. ki'.strkhi.. 1SV wabMlj-avchlcaïoi eDCT''AMl'ATOV BOOK. 1190. Agenta Wnted. UnCHI Garflold. Uancock - iyiigi'8i8! enpmvint. Prl ■ tl. Wmii rulittcal Comnciuiium. Soul for i-.frcuiurs j F. C. D ) iwark, N'. .1 inilBnal Morplilnc Ilaöil umi In 1.1 tOCn NIONTH! ' ■:TViWATKD! . -r. jav nKO.-vnom. Detrole, Bih. irCliTC Coln monff wlth Jr. Oh.e' New AUCil I O Receipt lloou. OiiretlwoDly onemnulnc, Bj -nial:. J. AddreC Jo.O. (fnoA WFICK iiiy.iurownluwn. ïermsanJ JUU ó outtlt frw. Aiilrn H. llallettasCa PortlaniMa fC I f)fl perdayathome. SamplesworthS 40 '0 ÍÍÚ he AiílresSi-issos tl. J'ortIuJ. -i ff 170 A WEEK. flSadayatliomfeasilymatie. Ji L CosUy üiiult Ir (W. AJclr True & o. Augusta. M á7ñTk. Ib 'tSl "ÏTHEX trKÏÏTMXO TO ADVEHTiSE&S. plrncr san V'" '"" "" 4wiim"I


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