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BUSINESS CARDS. MISSE, E, & A, L, HAïïimADÏMË To Hit Lmtírx nf Ann Atfmr: Come and see us at No. :! South Main Street, where we hnvp :i fuli line of Corsets, Fancy Goodf, SHk, Linen and Cotton Tlandkorchirfs, Ladle3' Gloves. 0tostery,ToweliiMj, Cable Unen, Worstedg, Carel Boards, Ya, us. Luces, Ruches, ole, etc. WILLIAM CASPARY, TO AKERY AND CONFJ2CTIONERY, 32 Detroit Street. S. B. PARSONS, M. D., Succe&sor to Stoo & PíUFeona, OI'TICE AND DISPKXSAIiV. Córner Hurón tmá Kifth Streetfi, un Arbir, Mich. JOHN F. LAWRENCE, ATTORNKV AT LAW. Office, Non. 2 and 3 HtU'a Opera Ilonnu, Aun Arbor, Mich. FRXfíKE M E R ICK, A TTORNEY AT LAW. Office over Brown i & Co.'s Drug Store, Corner Main and Hurón Street s, Ann Arbor, Mich. JACO HAUER & SON, DEALEU8 DÏ WATCHES, CLOCKS, Spec tarles, Platcil Ware, (iold Pens and Fine .lowriry. Special attention glven to repairins1 Watohes and Jewelryi 24 South Main 8trcct. Ann Arlior. O. C. JENKINS, STTHGEON DBNTIST, rooms No. 33 Kast Washington Street, formerly occupied by Dr. Frothinham. Ann Arbor, Mich. LBONARO HOUSE, TF. LEONARD, Pioprictor, Ana Arbor. Mich. S. T. SPEEGHLY, " PHOTOGRAPHER NO.TC SOÜTH MAI.V SÏKHHÏ. Curda, Cabinets, Promenade and Wxio, wlth Frames tosuit, backpfounds and acerps iries complete. kcit a whili; for orders. HURÓN MARKET. I1 C. FKK1ÍK, Dealer in Fresh, Salt and J.Smokert Meats, Fresh Fish, Oysters, Poultry, etc. No. 3S East Ifuron Street. WILLIAM HERZ, HOUSE, SIGN, ORNAMENTAL and Fresco Palnter. Papcring, Glazin, Gilding, Calcimlnlng and work of every descrlptlon done in the best stylo, and wananted to give satiaíactlon. Shop No. 4 West Washington Street, Ann Arbor, Miehiíran. COOK HOUSE, "10RNER HURÓN AND FOURTH STREETS, V Ann Aittoi-, Ailofaiffan. Heated by Steam with ao Extrn Chnrgo. C. H. & F. W. Jkwkix, Proprietors. THE U1VERSITY TXINSORIAL PAULOR and JBATH ROOMS. No. 5 North Main Stront. 3. W. STHITI1LK Proprietor. Gentlemaniy barbera in nttoiulmco. CITY TE A STORE. MD. L. BRANCH, Propiïetor. .A general assortment of Wet imi Dry Groceries. No. 5 Bouth Main St., Ami Arbor, .Mich. wi c h a ËL hTbr enna n7 ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office with E. D. Kinne, Slawson Block, corner Huron and Fourth streets, Ann Arbor, Michigan. ANTÓN EISELE, DEALER IN MONUMENTS anti GraveRtone, manufacturad from Tenneesei: and Italian Marble and Scotch and American Graniti-. Shop, cor. Detroit and Catherlne sta.. Ann Aibor. Micn. FREDERICK PISTORIUS, ATTORNEY AT LA W anti Notary Public. Flre, Lifjand Accidnnt Inauiancu: Loanand Real Betata lirokera;e and Collection office, No. 15 So. Main St., Ann Arbor. Micli. Tïm (mly Law U.'ilcein a litenaw C'o.where the (Jenuau and EngTBhiaugnagefl are equally at. home. Ct OING! GOINGÜ GONEÜ! R. L. Godfrey, T of the township of Pittsfield, offers nis services to the farmers tif Washtenaw County asAuctioneer. Any information as to terms, will be promptly given by addressinir the un(lersigned. R. L. GODKItlOV, Ann Arbor, Mleh. MÜBIC KTORE. The oheapesl place to buy Pianos, Estey Organs, Violina, Guitars, Banjos, Tambourlnes, Drum?, Fitos, Flageolets, Zithers, Accordeons, Piano Btools, X'iolin üoxes, Instruction Hooks for all kinds of histruments, Shi'ct Music (new), Btrlng, best luality, all kinds; Mouth Organs, BrMgres, llnws, Iv(!.v9 and Rosin. Kvcrythiiif; in tho mu■sic line from a Chlokorin Plano to a Jew'g Harp can be found at J. R. SAGE'S Music Etore, No. 4 Washington St., Ann Arbor. WILSEY'S MUSIC STOReT I JIANOS, ORGANS. SHEET MU8IC, Instruc1 Hou Books, Violins, Guitars, Fluti-s, 4!., 'heapatWilsey'HMiisie Rooms, east side Public Square, Ann Arbor, Michigan. The largest and best stock of Musical Goods ever brougrbt into Washtenaw Couniv. Violiii and Quitar Strings a specialty. N. B.- lt -vvill be to your interest to cali before purchasiiijr anything In the Music line. OLIVER HOUSE, CORNER BROADWAY AND OTTAWA Streets, Toledo, Ohio. 'l l.Folt 1 A HA I.I.. Proprirtora. Heaara. T,u-p & Millek, Clorkg. Hoadquarters f3r Ann Arbor People. C EÖ7R. JAQUËS O,";9 BKOADWAT, "' NEW YORK CITY, Commissioner of Deeds for all the States in the Union (inelndlns Michigan), "from Maine to California." Depositions a upecialty. Witnesses carefnHyexinined. Testiinnny plainly ritten Chareas teaBouaMejfuur patrouaKaolicitiia. "Tlie Aim Arbor Savings BanF (Organizeti is '.. under ihe GeneralüankingLaw of thi Mate) has including Capital stock etc., etc.. ' OVER $230,000 ASSETS. Bmtnejs-men, Gaardlans. Trustees, Ladles and other persons will lind Bank a Safe and Convenient I'laco at wnich to make DepoBtti and do bueineas. Interest is Allowed on All Savings Deposits of tl B'and npwnrd, nccnvdlnü to the of uk. and iutuv-! w,,.;p. ;iuietl vAml-anuually. Money to Loan in Sums of $25 to $5,OOO, edby antacum wrod líeal Estáte and other g.od secnrltles. piIIECTOKS - ChrU.ian Mack, W. W. Aine8, W. D. llairiinan, illiam üenbVe, R. A Dual, Uauiel Uibcock and W. B. Smith. FFICERS-Christian Mack, President; W. W. Wine, Vice-Pi-esident; Chas. E. Hiscock, Cnshier.


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Ann Arbor Democrat