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It is stated that more than 6,000 patent will expire during the present year, man of them being important. AccouniNO to Washington dispatches of the !32d the demand for standard silver dollars was steadily increasiug. During the weekended September 18ÍS'L3,OOOwas issued, against $360,000 for the previeras week. It was said the Treasury Department had directed $25,000,000 silver eröfiêates to be prmtèd, the flrst order for whieh, based on the gold deposit in New York, had just been received by the United States ïreasurer. It was for $25,000 certifieates to be paid in St Louis at the Sub-Treasury. Ex-Phesident Grant has recently written a letter to Marshall Jewell, Chairman of the Kepublican National Committee, deellningto preside at any more campaign meetings than those for whicli arrangements have already been made. Duitixo August 50,508 immigranta arriyed in the United States, mostly from European eountries. Ose HUNDBBD axd EioiiTY-FiVE persons lost their livcs through stcamboat accidents in the United States during the fiscal year ended June 3J, 1880. The number for the preceding twelve months was 179. The East. Os the 21st the New Hampshire Stnt Prohibitory Central Committee met in Con cord and nominated Congressmen, Elector and State ollicers. Congkessionai, nomlnations were made on the ílst as follows: Fourth Connecti cut, Geonje W. Peck, Democrat; Thirty iirst New York, Congressman Richard Crowley, Republican; Twelfth Pennsj-lvania, D. W. Connolly, Greenback; Third New Jersey, Congre-isman Miles Ross, Democrat; Third Massaehusetts, Major A. Dearborn, Democrat. On the 21st the Maine State Greenback Conyention met at Portland and adopted resolutions indorsiii the jiroposed Fusión Electoral ticket. Aíter the adjournment of the regular Convention Solou Chase aml about twenty others, callin? themselves "straight Greenbackers," nominated another Electoral ticket. The Massachusetts Greenbackers met in State Convention at Worcester a few days ago and nominated a full State ticket, headed by General Horace B. Sargeant for Governor. Resolutions opposing the use of liquor and tobáceo, indorsing Solón Chase's bolt in Maine and condemning General Butler ior joining the Democratie party were tabled. The Democrats of the First New Hampshire and the B'ifth New Jersey District have nominated A. II. Sulloway and Augustus W. Cutler for Congress, respectively. A toüxg Chinaman, a student at Springfield, Mass., has lately embraced Christianity, and, in conseque nce, has been ordered home by bis parents. He consulted with Secretary Evarts, and found that the treaty between the United States and China stipulated that the Chinese in this country should enjoy entire liberty of conscience, and be exempt from all dleability or persecution on accounl of their religious faith or worship. Congressioxal nominations were made on the 23d as follows: Third New Jersey District, W. L. Hope, Grecnback; Lixth New Jersey, Edirard Balbach, Jr., Democrat; Ninth Massachusetts, M. J. McCaiïerty, Democrat; Thirty-third New York, H. A. Balcom, Democrat; Thirty-second New York, Jonathan Scoville, Democrat. Ox the 23J the one hundredth anniversary of the capture oí Major Andre at Tarrytown was appropriately celebrated at that place. A statue of Patiïotism was unveiled on the spot wh'ere Andre was caiitured, and at the sarae hour of the day. The oration was delivered by Mr. Chauncey M. Depew. Messrs. Tilden and Clarksou N. Potter also delivered addresses. Snow feil on Mount Washington, N. H., on the morning of the 23d. Mks. Grace, of Phüadelphia, mother of two little girls who were killed in the recent railroad disaster at May's Landing, N. J., died reeently from the shock to her system produced by the death uf her cbildren. The following are the official returns of the Vermont election: Total vote, 70, 709; Farnham, 47,S94; Phelps, 21,233; Heath, 1,578; scattering 14. Farnham's majority, 25,079. The two hundreilth annirersary of the settlement oí Bristol, R. L, was celebrated on the 24th, wlth appropriate exercises. The Demócrata of the Fuurteenth Pennsylyania nominated Grant Weidman for Congress on the 24th. Acconuixoto aGloucester (Mass.) dispatch of the 24th Captain (Jharles Martin, master of the ttshing schooner Martha C, just returued from a Grand Bank codfishing voyage, had reported that his vessel was recently twice boarded by hostile parties of New foundlanders while the crew were rigging for squid, and flshlng oporations were forbidden. The in vaders threatened on the latter occasion to drive the vessel from the grounds. Captain Martin dared them to interfere, and, continuing to iish, was not molested. He reports hearing several Newfoundlanders had been arrested by the local authorities for interference with the American iishermcn. Announcement is made that, on and after Octobcr l$t the Anglo-American Cable Company's tariff from New York to the United Kingdom will be advanced to fifty cents per word. On and atter December 1 the tariff to Frauce will be the same. West anti South. The abeconding President of the First National Bank of Bratüeboro, Vt., S. M. Waite, was arrested at Omaha on the 21st and taken East. Mr. Waite disappeared last June and took with him about $500,000. A large amount of money was recovered. Edwin Lee Bkown, President of the American Humane Society, has given notice that the time for receiviug models and plans of an "Improved Cattle Car," in competition for the $5,000 prize offered by the Association, has been extended from October 1, 18SJ, to January 1, 1881, which extensión is final. For furtherinforoiation competitors may apply to Mr. Brown, at Chicago, inclosing stamp for reply. Jesse D. Grant, the third 6on of General Grant, was married in San Francisco on the 21st to Miss JLizzie Chapman, daughter of a merchant of that city. Thb Democrats of the Third Illinois District have nominated Perry H. Smith, Jr., for Congress. On the 22d the twelfth reunión of the Army of the Cumberland commenced in Toledo, Ohio, with some 500 members of the society present, among others Generáis Garfield and Sheridan, General Prouty, General Cist and General Meissner, of the United States army. Letters of reirret were receivod from Generale Grant and Hancock. Denis Kearney h as sent a dispatch from San Francisco to Solón Chase congratulatirig him on his recent bolt, and urging a straight fight and no fusión with the Democracy. The following Congressional nominations wcre made on the 22d: Second Missouri District, M. A. Rosenblatt, Republicau; Seventh Alabam, Arthur Bingham, Bepubllcan; Second Wisconsin, J. C. Gregory, Demcrat. Accokdinq to h Des Molnes (Iowa) telegram of the Ü8d Levi Johnson, of Norton County, Kansas, was there soliciting aid for the people In Phillips, Sherman, Decatur, bheridan, Rawllns and other counties. In Norton County 1,800 people are said tobe in absolute want of food. The wheatcropin all these counties faíled, and in June the land was ploived up and planteil with corn, which, when t eame up, was destroyed by the web worm. He gives a sad story of want and euilenm;-. One; family had no food for eleven weeks but wheat bran. A nother faroily had nothing for three weeks but eornmeal. TnE RepuWicans of the Second Maryland District have nominated E. II. Webster for Conresa, and the öreenbackers ol' the First Wisconsin District, E. H. Craig. At the late reunión of the Army of the Curaberland in Toledo Lientenanfe General P. H. Sheridan was elceted President; Gen eral H. M. Cist, Corrcspondimr Secretary; Colonel John W. Steele, Recording Sccrotary; General J. S. Fuilerton, Treasurer. Several Viee-Fresidents were also ehosen. Memorial were read In commemoration of the life and services of General Hooker, General A. C. Williams, (Michigan), General .Teil C. Davis and Colonel W. II. Greeuwood. Ox the 23d the Supremo Court' of Indiana overruled the petition for a re-hearin; in the case involving the validity of the ConstitBtionol amendments. The State election will be held In Oi'tober. Eugene 1'kindi.e has been nominated for Consress by the Tliird Michigan Democrats, J. B. Sheldon, declined. On the 24th the BepuWloann of the Fourth Marvland District nominated George Mounds for Cons;resB. The Secretary of the Interior received a dispatch from the Chairman of the Ute Commission on the 24th stating that more than three-fourths of the male adults of the Ut"! bands had simed ths treaty. As the law requires the signatures of only three-quarters, the Secretary would instruct theCommissioners in rerard to the execution of the treaty. A Ciiicago Justice has imposed a fine of $25 upon Jerre Dunn for cruelty to bis horse during the recent six-days' trial test between man and horse. Accordisg to a San Francisco telegram of the24th the Presidential party embarked for Oregon on the evening of that day. TnE steamer Florence Meyer, from Cincinnati, sruck a snag in the Mississippi River, near Natchez, the other day and went to the bottom. Five persons were drowned. The boat and cargo are a total loss. Foreig-ii Intelli g'ence. Official intelligence has been received that the Tambookies have eombined with the Basutos against the British in South África. Fuixce Nikata, oí Montenegro, issued a proclamation to his troops on thel'lst informing them that Montenegro must flght ior its rights. Three British men-of-war have been ordered to the Newfoundland rïshing grounds, where an American vessel was not long ago attacked by the resident fisliermen. A few days since a ferry-boat capsized at Bordeaux, France, while cros9;ng the Garonne, and six persons were drowned. Florence Tilton, daughter of Theodore Tilton, was reeently married to a Mr. Pelton, of Louisiana, in London. Tiïe steamer Teutonia, which reeently left London for New York, took out 150 British agriculturists for Texas. Tni Turkish troops near Scutari are roported to be dying of fever at the rate of 200 nerday. According to late dispatches serious dlsturbances had occurred in Cantón, China. Europeans had been threatened, and the Catholic missions attacked. In suppressing a riot the military had killed several of the Darticipants and wounded many others. The following is the composition of the French Cabinet as reconstructed : Jules Ferry, President of the Council and Minister of Public Instruction ; Barthelemy St. Hilaire, Winister of Foreign Affairs; M. Constans, Minister of the Interior and Worship; M. Cazot, Minister of .Tustice ; M. Mairnin, Minster of Finanee; General Farre, Minister of War; Admira] Clouet, Minister of Afarine; AI. Carnot, Minister of Public Works; M. Tirard, Minister of Conmierou; M. Cockery, Minister of Posts and Telegraphs. A fetv days ago thrce thousand workmen n the factories at Jargeyo, Russia, struck against a reduetion of wa,res and have since committed great excesses. The Porte has issued anot.her note, proestin against the naval demonstraron, and again declaring it to be arraed pressure against the Sultan. The rebelüon in Cubahavingbeen subdued 5,000 Spanish troops have been ordered to be vithtlrav. n from the island. An earthiuake in Chili, last month, ík reported to h;ive destroyed the town of Illapel, vith a loss of some 200 livesi Wiixiam .1. Taïloh & Co., extensive inurance brokers, located at Newcastle-onTyne, England, failfd a few days since, with iabilities of over $350,000. LATER 1)1 ktxg the u-eek eudlng on the toch M0,92 standard dollars were distributed )y the United States Treasury, against 297,489 or the corresponding period last year. The Cashier oL the Treasury is said to be shipping different parts oí the country, prineipally outh and West, $25,000 in fractional silver aily. At Saratoga on the 25th the single scull aee between Riley, of Saratoga, and Weis;erber, of Wheeling, three miles and turn, ;l,00 ) a side, was won by Riiey in 21 minutis, 3J seconds. Weisgerber's time, 31:24. Two bots n Reading, Pa., quarreled a few ays ago over a game of marbles; one of hem settled the dispute by killing the other with a stone. Announcement was made on the 25th that . B. Yeagley #nd Noah W. Parker, candiates of the Indiana Green hackers for Secre" ary of State and State Senator, respectively,ad withdrawn from the National ticket, and would act with the Demócrata. The official canvass shows that the ConsMutional Amendment repudiating a portion of ie debt of Arkansas, recently submitted to il' i'eople of that Sute, has been defeatedby b ut seven thousand majority. The total ute was 140,000. T:ikëe men were scalded fatally and two tK'is severely by the explosión oí the steamiip" of the packet Mapgie Haipei-, on the )hio Rlver iiecl's Landing, on the nlght f tlie 25th. At Portland, Ind., on the afternoon of the ith oceurrcd the nurriacre by telegraph óf . II. Latham, manacer of the American inJonTehgraphat Albany, Mu., atttí Míes innle Faris, of Feunville, Ind. Misa Farie tood beaidu Uie Kev. K. J. Parrett, tl.v ofclatlnx minister, in the telegraph offlee al 'ortland w hile the ceremony was t ransmittod. he services ocpupied tliirty-six miuui.--. The publisher of the WiatifA Itinuj, in beïalf of the farmers and snippers of the United ítates, has called a National Convention to e held at Farwell Hall, Chicago, on the 14th f October, for the purpose of discussing the ïffping hiterests of the country, and to desu ways and meai)6 to 6ecure inter-State egulation and Governmental control of railoads. The question of taxation will also be scussed. AU the farmers'" societies througbut the United States are requested to seud elegates to take part in the proceedinus. or full particulars write to Jame.-s W. Wilon, 157 Dearbornstreet, Chicago. 'lm: followiag Cont;ressional nominations ere made on the 25th: Third California istriet, A. Mussclman, Greenback; Thirtyiird New York, A. R. Sellew, l'rohibition ; wenty-eighth New York, Cougressman Jernlah W. Dwight Clahbnck Ckat, a candidati? for District ttonicy in Santa Barbara, Cal., lecently ïot and fatally wounded T. Glancey, an ed tor whorefused to support him. An Athmis (Greece) dispatch of the 25th ys brii;andage had greatly increased in Maedonia.


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