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PHILIP WINECAR JUSTICE OFTHK PEACE, room No. 4, Opera House Block, Ann Arbor, Michigan. H. R. HILL A TTORNEY AT LAW. office No. 3, Opera I "V. House Block. Ann Arbor. Michigan. CEO. A. BOYLAN7 HOUSE, SIQN and Ornamental Palnter. Shop under the Star Clothing House. Orders left at C. Boylan's will he promptly attended to. DR. L. D. WHITE qREATS SUCCESSFULIA all manner of A chronic diseases. Diseases of the lungs and throat a specialty. Office hours f rom T A. M.toö P. M. Ónice and residence No. 51 North Main St. Ann Arlxtr, - ... Michigan. Abraham Lincoln, THE IMPORTED THOROUGH BRED STALLION FRCM KENTUCKY, Will make the season this tall at ANN ARBOR. For further particulars cali on or address Jacob Hoflstettcr, 34 South Main street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. C. H. MANLY'S, ABSTRACT OFFICE. No excuse for a man who Buys a Farm with a Bad Title, or No Titleat All. Requirethe man who wouM sell you his farm or would borrow money of you on a mortgage, to go to C. H. Manly's office, in Aun Arbor, and get a full and complete statement of all Deeds, Mortgages, AssignmeHts, Releases, Tax Titles, Attach i menta, Levies on Execution. Lis Pendens, Leases, c, &c, that affect the title. Your lands are beeoming valuable, and t will soon be time to bring out these old claims for you to settle. Five dollars paid for an abstract is a better investment than flfty dollars paid to defend or correct a bad title. If you desire I wiU assist you in perfectingyour title at a reasonable rate. I have all the facilities for this work. Go to C. H. Manly's ornee and have your title examinedandtheerrorsin the description eorrected. 9 Tkums:- Abstract of Title, flrst 8 conveyances. $2.00; each additional conveyance, 25 cents. We make no abstract less than $2.00. Office in Register ornee . Ann Arbor Michigan. ÉkidneTpad THE GREÁT DISCO VEK Y FOR DISEASES OÏ THE KIDNEYS. BLADDER AND URINARY 0BGANS. A remedy that will positively cure DIABETES, GRAVEL, DROPSY, BRIGHTS OÍSEASE, HIGH COLORED URINE, INCONTINENCE AND RETENTION OF URINE, NERVOUS 0EBIUTY and FEMALE COMPLAINTS when NOTHINQ ELSE CAN. Hs Bucces8 provea the cfHcacy of ABSORPTION. It savod the Ufe of lts dlscoverer and is saving the Uves of thousands of others. For sale by DrugK'Bta or Bent by malí on receipt of the prioe. (I2.00.) oaykidneymdc0i Solé Proprietora, Toledo, Ohio. tW Send your address for our psmphlet. "How a Lifo waa 8aved." For Sale by EBERBACH & SON. Druggists. FOR INSURANCE ON YOUR PROPERTY GO TO C. II. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT, No. 4, South Main Street, ANN ARBOK, - - MICHIGAN. The oldest ageney in the city. Established a quarter of a century ago. Representing the folowlng ñrst class companies: Home Insurance Co..of N.Y.,Assetsover $6,000,00(1 Continental Ins. Co.,of N. Y., Assets over $3,000,000 Niágara Fire Ins. Co., N. Y., .... Assets $1 ,4-12,400 OirardofPa., Assets over $1,000,000 Oriënt of Hartford Assets $700,000 R. A. T E S ,O W. Loases liberallv adjusted and promptly paid HEALTH IS WËALTH. Dr. E. C. West1 Nerve and Braiu Treatinent:a specific for Ilysteria, Dizziness, Convulsions, Nervous Headache, Mental Depressions, Loss of Utímoryt S}ermatorrhoea, Impotency, Involun:ary Kinissínns, Premature Ola Age, causea by over-exertion, self -abuse, or over-indulgence, wh'ch leads tomisery, decay and death. One hox will cure recent cases. Lach box contains one month's treatment. One dollar a box. or six wxes for flve dollars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxea to cure any case. With each order received by us 'or 8Íx boxes, accompanied with flve dollars, we will send the purchaser our written guaran tee to return the money if the treatment does not effect acure. Guarantees issüed by Brown& Co., solé authorized Agts. for Ann Arlxr, Mich, John C. Wast & Co., Solé Proprietors, ChlcáffO, 111. Tríezelle &Co. wholesale Agts., Detroit, Mích. .T IT GkIILSr. I Iidiiim M ;l í i In ■■-. -HAS OPENED- HIS MEAT MARKET ON ANN STHEET, Opposite the court-house, where FRESH and SALT Meats of the i BEST QUALITY can be proenrod. THOS. MATTHEWS. ÍIARÑESS STORE ! Chas, V. Burkhardt, successor to the late J. C. Burkhardt, dealer in HARNESSES, TRUNKS, VALICES, WHIPS, BRUSHES, BLANKETS, ETC. HARNESSES MADE TO ORDER AND REPAIRING NEATLY DONE. Charles F. Burkhardt, No 4, Huron Street, HM ArbOT Mkhiiinn. GOAL ! COAL! COAL! M. Fleming still continúes ín THE COAL BUSINESS, -AND IS- SELLING CHEAPER Tlian nny ono in the city. Yon will find it to your interest to give me a cali before purchasing elgewhere. Office, Durheim 's tobáceo store, corner Main and Hurón streets, Ann ArborMich. M. FLEMING . Sam. B. Revenaugh, Is now taking the Best Class oí Pliirnili In the City at Prices to Suit the Times, U round Floor Qallery. GOODRICH BLOCK, East Side of the NEW COUBT HOÜSE. EDWAKD DTJFFY. Wholesale anflRetailGrocer. DEALER IN BOOTS AND SHOES. Also a full Line of Ladies' and Gents' HoMievy tintl T7nlex--vro. Corner Main and Ann Streets. (Opposite Court-House) FRED S0RG7 Dealer in PAINTS, OILS.VARNISHES BRUSHES, WINDOW GLASS, And all Painters' Supplies of the Best Quality. SHOP AND STORE, 26 and 28 East Washington Ist. ANN ARBOR. - MICMIGAN. " HENRYTJAnHÉWST" Has; the pleasure to inform the public that he is ready to receive thciu in hia new brick MEAT MARKET! ONE DOOR EAST OF LEONARD HOUSE. Evcrytliing in his line wiil be (lrst-class, and At Reasonable Rates. He returns nis sincere thanks to all his old customers for their genereus patronage, and cordially invitvs them, and all new customers 10 hte new quarters, where he hopes by fair dealing U enlarge his alreadv growine business. J. A. PÖLHEMUS, Lirery S"talDle The best and most extensive in the city. HACK AND BUS UNE ! Running to all trains night and day . Orders fllled promptly for all kinds of conveyan ces. Particular attention given to orders for funerals Cor. Main and CatherineSts. ANN ARBOR - MICHIGAN JACKSON FIRE CLAY CO. Manufacturers of Stone Sewer Pipe - AND-jdtijhst tile. All our Draln Tile are made of Firc Clay, are of wiHKiuiJstrength aml liiilit Wttght, whieh matorially reduces the breakage and expense of transporta tiou. The ditchiiiK for this class of tiling ia less expen sive, as they do not require to be laid below frost, but only deep enough to B60M6 the plow. While tlii is more econonucal it also aids in obtaining abetter 'fall" or grade to the drain. A full assortment of all sizes, for sale in small quantities, or car load lots, at tlFEEDON LUIER YARD. JAS. TOLBERT, Agent. THOS. DALE, the Professional Dyer and Clothes Cleaner,third door south of the Opera House. Sample of work can beseeuat the shop. SatisfacUon guaranteed. BAILBOADS. "VriCHIGAN CENTRAL KA1LKOA1). TIMH TAIiLE, JUNE 18, 1880, aomo wist. C á. ff o BTATIOKS. J íL 5! =2 ?ï a L c ca. % a. ft ? lfi.l tñ"ArA A.M. A. M. 1. M. 1'. M. P.M. I'. M. Detroit Lv. 7.00 9.35 5.55 4.0ó 8.30 V.TA G. T. June 7.15 'J.55 0.10 4.20 8.45 10.11 Wayne June... 7.52 10.2 6.42, 4.4li .17 10. 4i YpsiUmt 8.20 10.48 7.05 5.'J5i 9.42 11. Ir" Ann Arbor..... 8.40 11.00 7.35 5.221 10.00 11.24 Dexter 9.04 7.561 5.38 10.21 Chelsca 9.22 8-llf 5.52 10.35 Graas Lake 9.50 8.35 6.13 10.45 Jackson Ar. 10.10 '9.00 11 20 Jackson Lv. 10.20 12.15 fi.55 11.15 12.5c Albion 11.04 12.50 _ 7.45 11.59 L88 Marshall 11.50 1.30 „ g 8.11 12.21 l.M Battlu Creek.... 12.10 1.55 L 8.41 12.45 2.S0 A. M. üalceburg 12.53 a. m. 9.14 Kalamazoo 1.13 2.36 4.50 9.86 1.30 8.CS Lawtuu 1.52 5.25 ï.05 Dccatur 2.07 5.42 2.2! Downglac 2.29 U.07 2.44 Niles 2.55 4.01 6.50 3.10 4. Buchanan a.08 7.02 3.23 . . Three Oaka.... 3.S8 7.37 New Buftalo... 3.53 4.52 7.40 4.05 .„ Mich. City 4.23 5.20 8.08 4.33 5.55 Lake 5.0S 6.02 8.541 5.17 6.45 Kciisington Ö.00 8.50 9.45 6.05 7.4C Chicago Ar B.50 7.4U 10.ii5 6.55 s 3i. GOIMG EASi. STATIONS. = l á H Í_1.Üm 2 W A.M. A.M. PM T. M. P. M. Chicago Lv. 7.00 00 4.00 5.15 9.1C Keiiiiugton 7.50 9.50 4.C0 (i.oó 10.0C Lake 8.35 10.30 5.40 6.50 10.4S Mich. City I .2a 11.18 .3 7.45 UM New BuDalo... 9.50 11.33 C.5S 11.52 Thrce Oaks 10.TO 7.13 Bnchanan 10.30 r.M. 7.4b !....' Niles 10.45 12. IS 8.10 9.00 12.4E üowaL'iae 11.13 8.38 1.10 Decatur 11.89 1 Í.06 1.82 Iiwton 11.57 0 221 a.m Kalamazoo ïa.Jtï 1.38 10.0 ti.öoi 10.25 2.25 Galesburg 12.5K - 5" 7.08 3.45 Battlc Creek... 1.2S 2.15 m' I 7.40 11.10 3.1S P. M. ft ! Marshall 2.25 3.0H L& I 8 08 11.35 3.46 Albion 2.52 3.21 --r=- 8.35 11.69 4.1S k.U.l A.M. Jackson Ar. 3.40 Jacksoii Lv. 3.45 4.05 7.15 9.30 12.45 5.0C GrassLake 4.10 7.38 9.50 Chelsea. 4.40 8.02 10.07 Dexter 5.00 8.16 10.19 Ann Arbor 6.22 5.07 8.!0 10.351 2.05 6.2; Ypsllanti 5.88 6.23 8 55 10.48 2.20 6.41 Wayne June... 6.02 5.45 9.1fi 11.08 2.44 7.6c G.T. June 6.35 6.15 il.45 1135 3.20 7.4! Potro Ar. 6.50 6.30 10.00 11.50 :i..JÖ 8.01 The New York Express, a fast train leaves Chicago at 8.30 in the afternoon aiul inakes the follnwing stops, Michigan City, 5,25; Niles, 6.23; Kalamazoo 7. 40; Hattle Creek, 8. 18: Jaekson, 9.30; Ypsikmti, 10.50; G. T. Junction, 11.36; nrrivingin Detroit at 10.50 P. M. A way frieght leave Detroit at 5 A. M. ; Ypsilanti, 8.05; Ann Arbor 9.55; Delhi, 10.86; Dexter. 11.45; Chelsea, 12.55; P. 'M,; Francisco, 1.32 and arriving in Chicago KS8 A. M. Snnday exceptcd. JSaturday Sunday excepted t-Dally. Henbt C. Wbstwortu, n. B. Ledyabd, ff. P. & T. A., Chicago. QetCl Manager. Detroit "ETROIT, HILLSDALE & SOUTHWESTERN. jOIXG WEST. LSAVK. MAIL. Ypsilanti 8 25 a. m. 5 45 p. ra Saline 8 57 a. m. 6 13 p. m Manchester 'J 35 a. ni. 6 48 p. m HilLsdale 11 U ii. m. 8 28 p. m Bankers 11 30 p. m. 8 30 p. m GOING EAST. I.K.VVK. EXPRESS. MAIL. Bankers 7 50 a. m. 2 30 p. m IIiUslale 7 58a. m. 2 45 p. m Manchester 9 35 a. m. 4 15 p, m Saline 10 10 a. m. 4 48 p. ra Ypsilanti 1040 a. m. 5 15 p. m Wm. F. Paeker, SuDerintendent. rpOLEDO & ANN ARBOR RAILKOAD Takine effect Sunday June 27, 1880. Trains run Dy Columbus time. (oiiiK North. __, Golng South. Expss I Mail. I STATIONS. I MaU. Exp's A. H. P. M. I A. M. P. M. t"55 +6.10 Toledo + 9.3) +7.50 7.58 .ÍS Xorth Toledo +9.27 7.47 ÍUO 6.35 Detroit Junction. !U5 7.35. 8.18 B.33 Hawthorn 'J.O8 7.27 8.27 B.41 Sainaría 9.01 7.18 8.40 (.55 IaiIu 8.50 7.05 8.45 7.00 I Monroe Junction 8.45 7.00 8.55 7. 10 Dundee 8.86 6.50 9.05 7.20 Azalia 8.25 8,40 9.18 7.84 Milán 8.12 6.27 9.25 7.40 Nora 8.0tí B.SI 9.3i 7.47 Urania.... Í8.00 Í0.15 t.tí I 1.57 ypsilanti Juncti'n 7.50 8.05 ;+ l.;5 I +M.10 Aun Arboi-.. .. +7.JB tt.M A local freight leaves Toledo at 13:05 m. an_ ariivrs iu Ann Arborat 3.45 p. m., and eaves Am Arborat 11:40 a. m. and armes at Toledo at 3,(15 p. m. On and af ter Feb. 22, 1880 trains on the Toledo and Ann Arbor R. R. will arrive and lea ve Ann Arborasfollows: I.cnvf. Express 5.50 p. u. ; acommodation 11.40; Mail 7.35 a. . Arrive, 9.55 a, m. :.!.I5p,m.;8.1C p. m. J. M. ASHLEY Jn.,Gen'l Superintendeni. We will pay ttu' abo ve reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dyspopsia, Siek Heodache, Indigestión. Constipation Of OostírAIUBB vn t-aimot cure with Wfst's Vegetable Liver Pilis, wheii the directions are strictly complíod with. Tho are puroly '(igetahle añil ii(vcr íail togive sat isfaction. Sugar OOAtod. Iarpe boxea, contalning 3() lilis, SOoeiitBi Vot wUe fay ail Drnggtata, Bowarüf cuuiiU-rfi.'itsaiHliiintatioiis, The gen illne innnufactured only bv Jolm C West& Co., l'ill Makers," 181 & 183 W. Madisou st. Chicago. Freo trial packagossnt by mail prepaiU n reoeipt of a 3 cent stamp


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