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I orcr Tiiha JÜdition. A verbatim reprint of the tut (ÍMO) London edltlon of ChamlwiVs Encyelo'"'o0 ■ r0 radia, wlthi tíon about 15.000 topics by American editora : tho whule under one alphiilM1. vritli cnh llluatratlonii r necoiwary to elucídate tho toxt. Printod from irn - cin'tnttyiw platea, brevier type, oa superior ium-t, mi'1 bound Ín l&elegant octavo volumes of aiont P00 pages eacb, it trul ontln, completo. atout 10 ior rent more than Appleton mid 2tt piT ppnt moro thnn Jobnson's ('yriopojdla, and though Ín ai) respecta Important to the genera] reader, It la far superior toeitheroí thom, Ita cost Es Imt a fractlon nf th.-,r prfCM. Volumen I. and II. are ready Oetolj-r 1, and otliur roltimos will follovr at Ira, -ti, two each month, tho ontira work being compleu-d by April, )"W1, and probably sooner. Prtfrt per volume, In cltli. tl; in half Rúenla, jrllt top, &% fcAk L. v u 4' ■■"; postas] P volume, 21 con tu. It han Iwn our oostom in prVTkHU &+ fj fi JíTTCB Dci 1 ÜtiOIUi t oítVr special indiici'inents to thiv; who orders ar SOOUOSf jf% I %_ "v ■ v ■ esWed. In purvil.inrc of that p.íllcy, or bffon OetJ.erSl nty, we will ncetTfl ■ ordo, wlth ca.h, for the set nf íft rolumes minpN-te the nominal prloe of ttO for ihc ertition in eloth, and $15.00 f ni th edition in balt ÜUMla, Kilt top. Th pilco durin? November will bo advancod to tlO.AOaml ftÜJfi, and a furttirr tdvance U i b voéúí iimi month ttll th' rork f roonpleted. It i not nippoaed tliat the diiu í thono wü will i.i i.i become purchasers of the Kncyclopaadia win mako taym4nt in advance as thy nr hare the opportunlty to do. ihouiíh moni oí thotn it - for thcir nswmapors and magazlnfle fitll y'-ar in ailvsneo-lmt tiio oíd. tried "f thr Literary Kevolution, who know lliat the Amorican Bok Exchango nlway aecoiapUahei wliat It unilt-rtAkt'4, and does rhal it promlásf to do, wtil Ík; gflad tu t'.í by inv-sttnií $10.0) and (?"'- the eailíett and Donsequently Ix-wt prlnted copies of the largest and best Kiuryc!ojwulia err publishcd in tliix rountry. even at ten liitir itx riiL Voíuuifs will hv nhipped att may bu dín-cuxl, att tney aru l&ueu, ur whn the aet i completo. Chambers's Encyclopaedia An a portinn of the I.ihrnry of Universal Kniwld(fo, wo ltue Chani)on's Kncyclopmdia scparatIy, without tlie Anericanaddltlons. complete Ín 15 Tolumes Urna In thia ityle it i- prlnted from new electrotype plato mado frora vei-vclrnr noniKiivii trpfc IMoo, &oma sfl "91 f oditlon, cloth, t; ai1us odífeion (ftner. per.wúe marg1ns),natl Ruwla,ílt t-p, Jft L m33 ti"-w. InthlflítyluUTol . i Ortob'r i.anti vnluiiip 15 will t ahnut Octo ber Ö, oomplettnff the work. Tothoeopderíní (i irlttffthe m nthofOetobor.tho prlce of the Ifi volamei ■ I tí;.u") ror the rioth, #14.W for tho Lüi KuJcna, gilt up. luring November tho price wili be advancwl to V.V, and $11.50 for th sct. American Additionss The wenr tfovt addltkoH to Chambsrm'B Eocrctoprnlla (about iooo topi&t) whiob aro made by the Amcrln edíi n i-.r the U&mry of Universal Knowledge. will ! 1 Mïiai-atelT ín four voiuinc of ro to íow ■ each. larjrí trne . nrlco boina í'-'kj per voiumo In cloth. #i.o in luir Knin, pilt top i-i(jt,"' p ■■ ■ ■ . ii contu. Volume í. nill be readj Ín October, and othr volumes will f-iinw ut rapidly --: posible, the vchoie betiig cotnpleted by April, UBI an i probnhly nooner. lrice for t of foiir volume íwrína 0fíry. net, $fl8 f.r tho cloth, $i.w tor the hir Rumia, grilt top. Wie f''ir volume r Amorican Addition wUl be founü well nigh indi penitable by 11 ownen of Chantborn', Appleton'f} Johnson'1 and all other Ui'cloptwluu cxcepttlio lkijjc tjyo ediUua oí Uie Library ot Uuivc-rMtl Knov. luOju, fiom which it i? compiied. Standard Books. fTJhrary of rniTínwl ICnówledge, ÍS volt. $1S.OO. I Kart in (Jneor Iand, ülus.. 60 .-.- itB, tCbamber't Bncyclopn lia, US roti,, Í7.BO. I Acmé lj.i ;u v .r Modern Classics, 40 cents. American Aildítions to (.'hanibíTs's Encyclopwdia, 4 Amoricin I'atriotiKi, 50 cents. voIb.. $4,00. Talne'a Hi-tury of EogUnh Literata re, 60 cent. Hilninn'.'. niliÍKm1! Romo, ft voN., $3.00. Ocll H-k of Natural IJjtmy, $1. Hacaulay's Hi-tnry of Bnland, :t vota., $1.25. l'ictoriai Haiwly Lexicon, 17 cent. Madanlay'i Life and Letter, bo centii. Raying". t-y oí s arrowítnvüi r.ip4r?, 30 cent. Macatilay'H ! pms, S vola., $1.80. Mrs. Hcmans1 i'octical Workt SOoenta. Chambem'fi Cyclopsadla nf Kng-. Literatura, i rols, $3. Kitto'M cyciopoHlia of Bib. Lltorature, ü vola., $2. Knlirht'x Hlrtory of EEnRland 4 rola .$3. Holliné Anolrnt 11 tfnry. $1.76. Vi it irch's Uves of Ulustrioun Men, :t vojs $1.50. Smltb'fl Dlrtlonarypf the Bible, &0 cents. Qeikie's Life and Words of Chr. 50 cents. Works .vf ruw Join pim--. $1.60. Younft's Concordance, aii.yw referencee, $9. Comlc HIrtory of U. s.. Il-i:k.ns, iiluíi., 50 ccnU. Acmé Library of Bkwraphy, :t ros., 40 and 5Ooeat. FieolUi by Exerclse, Dr. Qeo. lí. Tnylor, 40 cent.-. Dook ol v ibloB A ■]■ etc .' ÍHus-i 40 cents. licalth for Women, Ir. Geo. U. Taylor, 30 cents. HtRon's Completa Poetlcal Work, 40 cents. Library Magazine. .". bound volumes, 30 to 60 cents. ■Sbakospeai-eS Complete Works, íl.60. Leaven froni tha Unny ( an Oíd Iawyer, $1. WatIcs "f Dante transíate! by 30 conta. Itrptihiican Mnnuai. iiWO. 50 nanto. Works of VlndL traiwlated by ín-j'.im. 30 cent. Hoiner'i Illad, transUted by Pope. 8Q cnts, The Koran t Mohammed, by Bala, 30 oanta, i 's :■. ey, traiiüliOed Pope, au cutí. Adrentiirea ot Don Óuixot(1Uus., 60 cents. - Ivanhoe, 00 cents. Araliinn NiKhts. Hluft,, 40 cent. R i irs uv I Daya "i l'i-mpoii. BO cents. lïTuiYon's i'ii[íi-íin'5 Prosresfi, iitus., 40 cents. Cure t rixralysis, Dr. Oeo h. Taylor, 30 cent. Robuuon Crosoa, Illus.. 40 cnt. Froiwart's Cbronlcles, filos., $1.60. Ifunnhausen and GuUrvar'fTnvvela, llhifi.,4Ooeat. "The Liphtoí Ama, Arnoid, 25 cents. BtarlM anü Uallad?, uy E. T. Aldcn, lllus., 50 eenta. TCachof the ahoví Imund in cloth If bv tnail, p?taffff oxtra. Most of tho boolti are alw ptihlidhed in fin dttions and fftie bbidfaasa at higher prlcea. Books witii i i in press; tti nome }t:it nut all vota. imid, iipwrtntT CstsIosvM tt frrr im rrqMrNi. i ', -ini l liv bank dnift, moiicy order, regiateied lettur or by BxprM ■- FractiOIU jfouo dollar may i. :■ f&unpa Adán n AMERICAN BOOK EXCHANCE, JOHX 15. ALDEN, MANA; Tribuno liuildinir, Niew Vork. A WKrnTWQ . Porton, lí. L. [[ntne: rhnmlo'iihia. U:ity & Co.-. Clnclnnmti, Rohen ciivke .v i o.i AItJLiW VIJlib : Indimwmñs. Bowen, Stíwrt .t do.; Cleeliúil, [ngham, Ciarte ,v Co.. Toterto. B ... la-rj) (■„ . Chlrago AIUmi S Cluuiwlck . m sina lor liv-ns. I he irxline lxok!'lr; Agenry íur l'cillc cooa, CuniilntUam, CuiUoy Jt Welc-h, Dan Fiancinco. LiBbral Urrliw to clubf. vflit re there areno aiftjtl.


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