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BUSINESS CARDS. MISSE. E. & A, L HAVLËTSlADÏÊFSTÓRÏ. Til thr Larfícx nf An Arhur: Come :ui.l sec as :i No. :! South Main street whcre wc have a fiill Une f Corsets, Fancj Goods, Silk. Unen andC!otton Handkerohiefa Ladies' Gloves. Hoslery,Towellng,Tablc Linón Wurstcds, Cara Boards. Yaras, Laces, linches. ótemete. , WILLIAM CASPARY, TAKKRY AND CONFECTIONERY, 82 Detroit Street. S. B. PARSONS, M. D., Succesoor to Btone L Pararas, OFFICE AND DISPENSA!! Y. Comer Hnrou aml l'ifth Strocta, Aun Arbor, Micb. JOHN F. LAWRENCE, ATTOKNEV AT J.AW. Office, Nos. 2 nud 3 Ilills Opera Houso, Ann Arbor, Mich. FRANK Ë M L R I C K , ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office over Brown A Co.'a Drug Siore, Córner Main and Hurón Street, Ann Arbor, Mioh. JACOB H ALLER & SON, DEALERS IN WATCHES, OLOCKS, Spec tacles, Plftted Ware, (old Pens and Fine Jewelrj Special attention given to repairing Watches and Jewelry. 24 South Main Street, Ann Arbor. O. C. JÉÑKINS, OURGEON DENTIST, rooms No. 32 East lí Washington Street, íormcrly occupied by Dr. Frtrthingham. Ann Arbor, Mieh. "Têoïï'arIdFh o u s e , TF. LEONAUD, Pioprietor, Ana Arbor, Mich. S. T SPEECHLY, PHOTOCRAPHER NO.72SOÜTH BlAINeTUEET. Cards, Cabinets, Promenade and 8x10, with Frames tosuit, backprrounds jmd aocessorles complete. kept u while for orders. HURÓN MARKET. P C. FltEKIi, Dealer in Frosh, 8alt and j.Smokcil Meats, Fregh lish. Oysters, Poultry, etc. No. 38 East Hurón Street. WillTam h e r z , HOUSE, S1GN, OÜNAMKN'TAL and Fresco l'Mintcr. Paperlng, Olaztng, Gilding, Cal-' oiminhiK anl work oí every denerlption done in liest style, and warranted toglve satisfaction. Khop No. 4 West Washington Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. __ CÓOK HOUSE, pORNETl HÜUON AXDFOirRTH STKEETS, J Ann Arbor, Michigan. Heatedbv Steam with no Extra Charge. C. H. & W. W. J f.wkix, Proprietors. THEnSTVERSITY rpONSORIAL PAKLOK and 1 BATH ROOMS. No. 5 North Jlain Streot. .1. W. BTRTTBLB. Proprietor. (rnllcin:uilv liarbcrs in iiltcnilillcc. CITY TEA STORE. MD. L. I1HAXCH, Proprietor. A (femoral . assortraent of Wet and Dry Grooeries. No. 5 South Main St., Ann Arbor, Mich. M4CHAELH.B RENNAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oflice with E. D. Kinne, Slawson Block, comer Hurón and Fourth streeta, Ann Arbor, Michigan. ANTÓN EISELE, DEALER IN MONUMENTS and Gravestones, manufacturad fiom Tennessee and Hallan Marble and Scotch anrl American Gratllte. Shop, cor. Detroit ond Catherine st.. Ann Arbor. Mich. FREDERICK PISTORIUS, A TTORNEYATLAW and Notary Public. Fire, xV Life and Accident Insui anee; Loan and Real Kstute ISrokerane and Collectton Office, No. 15 So. Main St. Ann Arbor, Mich. The only Law Office in Wahtenaw Co.where the tíennan añil Kngiishlangujigoü are etiually atlionie. OING1 GO1NGÜ GONEü! 11. L. (odfrey, of the township of Plttsfleld, offers his services to the farmers ot' Washtcnaw County asAuctioncer. Any information as to terms," will be promptly given by uildrossing the undersígned. R. L. GODKHI'.V, Ann Arbor, Mich. MIISIC STORE. The oheapest plaoe to buy Pianos, Estoy Organs, vlolins, Guitars, Itiinjos. Tanibourincs, Drums, Filcfi, FlngeoletB, Zithers, Accordeons, Piano Stools, Violln Boxea, [nstruction Booksfor all kinds of instrumente. Sheet Music (ncw), Siringa, best iiuality, all kinds; Mouth Orgaris, HridKcs, Hiiws, fceys and Rosjn. Everytbing in tas music line from a Chickering Pianu to a Jew'S Harp can be fouud at J. K. SAiiH'S Music Btore, No. l Washington st., Ann Arbor. WILSEY'S MUStC STORE. I)IANOS, OKÍJAXS. BHEETMU8IC, Instnio 1 tton Books, violins. Guitars, Flutes, Ac., eheapat WHsey's Muslc Rooma,east sidePublta Square, Anu Albor, Michigan. The largest and best Stock of Musical Goods ever broujrht Into Waahtenaw County. Vlolln and Cuitar Stringse speclalty. N. li.- It will be to your interest to cali lieforc purchaslníf anythintr Ui the Musio line. ___ OLIVER HOUSE, C(OKNEH IÍHOADWAY AND OTTAWA BtreetB, Toledo, niiio. rilliiKli A HALL, l'iopilitor. Mesare. Tait & Mili.ek, Clerka. Headquarters fop Ann Arhop People, CEO. r7"jaqüës7 O "CO BKOADWAY, itii NEW YORK CITÏ, Commlusioner of Dceds for nll the States In the Union (inclndtne Michigan), 'from Muine to California.'1 Depositioiis a ppecinlty. Witnesep carefuHycxumineil. ïestiiniiny plainly ritten. ChargM tetBonalilc. Your patronage nolicited. Tie Ann Arbor Sa?iins BaniT (Orinnized íBií), undei the General Banking Law of tuis State) tas now, includin Capital Mock, etcM etc, OVER $250,000 ASSETS. J'.U' iiKs-men, Quardlans. Trnstres, Ladles an otlier pcreou. will ünd tUls Jïnnk a Safe and Convenient Place at which to make Deposite and do busineu. Interest is Allowed on AU Savings Oeposit i'f .0 and npword, nccordins; to the role? o 'l.i1 r.:uik. mid interest cAinpaunded semi-nmiuall; Money to Loan in Sums of $25 to 98,000, Secu ed by Unlncuuil)eied líeal Estáte and other i; ,od seoarities. imi:f. lOltS _ ChrUtlau Mack, W. W. ., W. ]). Sarrlman, William DenWe, R. A , Uaiiiul Uiscuck and W. B. Sniith. FFIOERS-Christian Mack, President; W. W. Viues, Vlce-President; Chus. B. HUcock, Oaabln.


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Ann Arbor Democrat