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DüitiNG the year ended June3), 1880, 7,240,537 postal money-orders lor $100,352,818 were sued, against $8S,254,041 the previous fiscal car; Lees and premiums received by postasters during the fiscal year, $917,091, or 5117,827 more than the previous fiscal year; ommissions pald postmasters and expenses or clerk-htre, etc, $679,516, whieh, deducted rom the gross receipts derived irom fees nd premiums, leaves $237,575 as the gross evenue of the Bureau for the year. üther xpenses leave $17,575 as the net revenue of ie Money-Order Bureau. Accorkino to the report of the Comptroller f the Currency the additional circulation ssued durini August and September mounted to $702,63U; amount surrendered nd destroyed, $039,569- leaving a decrease I circulation during the two montha of 236,939. The net lncrease of National Bank otes during the year ending October 1 was 59,654,713; increase oL legal-tender notes on cposit for the purpose of retiring the Naonal-Bank circulation during August and eptember, $566,051; increase during the ear ending October 1, 1880, $7,179,962; nount of legal-tender notes on deposit, 20,363,383; total amount of National-Bank otes opstanding October 1, 1SS0, $342,579,833, not including National gold bank-notes, mouiiting to $1,325,060; amount of United States currency outstanding, $362622,914. TnE public-debt statement for September makes the following eihibit: Total debt (inuding interest), $2,115,539,44:2. Cash in reasury, $199,945,260. Debt, less amount in reasury, 1,915,594, 182. Decrease during he month, .$8,974,891. Decrease since June 30, 1880, $26,578,112. A few days ago the daughter of General achary Taylor received Í16,000 at the Treasry nepartnientin Washington, tjeingthe Induce of salary which her father would have eceived had he livcd to complete his Prcsiential term. Miss Taylor has been in poor rcumstances for some years, and the bill uthorizing the payment of the money to her as passed during the last session of Conress. The annual report of the Commissioner of he Geueral Land Office has been issued. "rom it it appears that there were surveyed uring the year ending June 30, 1SS0, 15,699,53 acres of public lands, and 652,151 acres of ands elaimed by private parties, a large iurease over the land surveyed during any revious year. During the fiscal year there ere 850,740 acres of public land purchased, ,045,570 acres entered under the Homestead aw, 2,193,1S4 obtained by settlers under the mber-culture clausc, and 88,522 acres ob,a'ned on military bounty land warrants. 'here were 3,757,888 acres of swamp lands atented to the States, and 1,157,375 acres ertiried as for railroad purposes. The total mount of land surveyed since the creation of he office is 752,557,195 acres. The amount of ublic lands uot yet surveyed is estimated at ,062,231,727. The total coinage of the United States Mint during September was $6,340,501, of hich $2,301,000 were silver dollars. The Jíast. John M. Candler is the Republlcan eandiate for Congress in the Eighth Massachuetts District; Chilian Koberts in the Third few Jersey, and Albert C. Wooáworth in the Cleventh Massachusetts. The Demoerats oí he geventh Xew Jersey District have nominated A. A. Hardenburgh. Dr. Michael Corrigan, Bishop oí Newark, N. J., has been appointed Coadjutor Bishop of New York. The appointment was made at the request of Cardinal McCloskey, and carries the right to the succession. Bbfore retiring to bed on the night of the 28th uit., at the Burnet House, Stroudsburg, 'a., James Hanua blew out the gas. He and a companion were found dead the next mornng- The Demoerats of the Twentieth Pennsylvania District have nominated ex-Governor A. G. Curtin for Congress, and the Greenjaekers of the Sixteenth New York District have nominated Alexander Gregory. On the 29tn uit. the New Hampshtre State Greenback Convention met at Manchester and placed in nomination a full State ticket, hcaded ny Warren G. Brown for Governor. Tiirc Albion Print Works Compauy, located at Conshohocken, Pa., suspended payment on the 30th uit., and made an assignment of its property for the benent of lts creditors. The Directors state tliat owing to sundry losses and misfortunes the concern was obliged to go into liquidation. At ds session in Fhiladelphia on the 29th uit. the Pan-Prestyterian Council adopted a reKolution recommending that the churches take under careful consideration the revised version of the Bible now bc ing made. The census returns give the six New England States a total population of 4,014,308, beingan increase of S88,996 in ten years. CoNORESsiONAii nomiuatious made in the Eastern States on the 30th uit : Greenback - First New Hampshire District, Dr. LaFarelle; Second do., John F. Woodbury; Third do., Dudley T. Chase. Republican- Tliirtceuth New York, John 11. Ketcham (renominated) ; Thirticth do., John Van Voorhis (renominated) ; Thirty-seconddo., Myron P. Bush. Democratie - Fourth Massachusetts, VVilliam Gaston; Tweutieth New York, Judge Hilton. Accoroixo to a New York dispatch of the lst the horse distemper was rapldly spreading in that city. Nearly one-third of the horses owncd by the strect-car and omnibus eompanies were already suffering, and it was believed that nearly all of them would be down in a few days. Travel was greatly impeded in consequence. Conqrkssional nominations were made on the lst as follows: Seventh Massachusetts District, Congressman William A. Russel!, Republican; Fifth Massachutts, J. N. fum, Greenback: Twenty-first New York, Francis K. Gilbert, Democrat. Judoe Henhy Hn.TON has refused to run as the Democratie eandidate for Congress iu the Twcnticth New York Distriet. A New York special of the lst says Mr. Jewell, the Chairman of the National íepublican Comtnittee, had issued a circular to Virginia Republicans advisiny them to form no alliance with cither faction of the Democratie in that State, and to give their undivided support to the Republican Electoral ticket. Duking September 26,140 European imraigrants reached New York. The number for September, 1879, was 14,770. West and Soutli. The Greenback Executive Comraittee of Louisiana has decidcd to put a full Electora ticket in the field. At Indianapolis on the 28th the corner stone of the new State-House of Indiana wa lalii, with appropriate ceremonies. Ex-Gov ernor Hendricks dcliveied the oration o the occasion. About 7,000 persons were present. The President and party arrived at Ashland Ore., on the 28th. The citizens tendera them a reception in the public square, where short speeches were delivered by Presiden Hayes and General Sherman. The Greenbackers of the Pecond Illinoi District have nomtnated C. J. Dixon for Con gress; the Kepublicus of the First Miehi nu, Hetaj V. Lord, and of the Third Vii ginla, 11. L. Pelouse. llnNitv Chambbrlais has declined th (iii-riilim k Domlnatioo for Congress in th Fuiirl.h Mulii.ui District. Aiiorr í3,00J persons were present at a Re publican gatheriim at Warren, O., on th ?.sf.h., nyer whieh ex-Preetdent Grant presidec Benatut .■onklir-c riiade the principal speech General Grant, in a recent letter to tlie Cbairman of the Republican National CÓn mittee, has declined to preside at any more campaign meetings than those íor wliich arrangements had already been made, of wliich the above meeting was one. At Indianapolis on tbc night oí the 28th uit. Mr. James Forrester and his wife took rooms at the Fyle House, and, having blown out the gas on re Uring, were found in an unconscious stato the next morning frotn having breathed 'the escaping gas. Mr. Forrester was dead, and his wife was not expected to live. The Supremo Court oí California has recently decided that no county or municipal officers are to be voted íor at the election this fall. This renders nuatory a great omount oí county convention work by the various politica} parties. The epizootic has broken out among the horses in Indianapolis. A National Reunión oí the surviving prisoners of the late war was held at Indianapolis on the 29th uit. General Streight piesided, and an address oí welcoiue was delivered by Mayor Caven. Scveral hundred persons purticipated. TnE South Carolina Greenback State Convention whieh met at Columbia on the 29th uit. nomiuated a íull State ticket, headed by L. W. R. Blair for Governor. The Greenbackers oí the First Illinois District have nominated Richard l'owers for Congress, and f.hc Republicana oí the Third Arkansas District have nominaled Thomas Boles. Tuk boller of Shabcr's flouring mlll at St. Paul, Minn., explodcd a few mornlnga ago, totally wrecking the engine-house and killin the enginecr, Jacob Kapp, a youDJ man twenty-four years of age. The Neb: aska Democrats have nominated Thomas Tipton for Governor. The Greenbackers of the Fourth WlfCOUsin District have nominated George Godfrey for Congress, and those of the Fourth Soutli Carolina, J. II. McLane. General John F. Farnsworth is the Democratie candidato in the Second Illinois District. T:iE Greenbackers of the Third Illinois District have nominated C. II. Adams fot Congress. Os the lst a boiler explosión in the sawmili of l'itts & Cranage at Bay City, Mich., eaused the deatli of the engineerand snriouuly injured several other persons. The accident is said to have been the result of gross carelessness on the part of the proprietors. Forelprn Intellig-ence. A telegram oí the 28th says the Powers had on that lay peremptorily demanded of the Sultan the iminediate recall of Riza Pasha, the Turkish Connnander, and tbc surrender of Dulcigno. Accordino to a Candahar dispatch, received in London on the 29th uit., the Afghan priests were preaching a fresh rleing in Afghanistan, and the condition of the British army had again become critical. The wife of the Russian Consul at Van, a city in Turkis Armenia, was recently assassinated by robbers. A Caxdaiiar telegram of the 30th uit. reports a gathering of the iriends of the deposed Takoob Khan at Farrah, at which it was agreed to organizo attacks upon the British until Yakoob was proclaimed Ameer again. Gahibaldi and his son Menotti have reently resigned as memben of the Italian 'arliament, and it was rumorea that they ■ere connected wlth rcvolutionary movements. Ax Iialian iron-clad, said to be the most oweriul oue ever constructed, was recently uecessfully launched at Rome, in the presnce ot Kins Humbert and a large gatherng of his subjects. The armor of the new ron-clad (the Italia) is said to be three feet hiek. A Paris dispatch of the lst says that iYance had informed England that she would not particípate in any further acts ol oercion tonards Turkey which England might contémplate. It is announced that the Spanish Government has resolved to prosecute all priests vho introduce politics toto tlieir sermons, nd dismiss all Mayors who are notorious Carlists. Ddkino the week cnding September 24 tiere were sixtecn de&ths from yellow fever nd ten deaths from sinall-pox at Havana. Among the victims of rever was Luis tlarenco, Chief of Staff to the Governor ol Cuba. The State of Chihuahua, iu Mt-xieo, has ofered areward of $2,500 for the sealp of Vicoria, the Apache Chief. The Melbourne (Australia) Exposition was ormally opened on the lst. On1 the lst the British Government oifered a reward of Í5.003 for the discovcry of the murderers of Lord Mountmorris. Robixson, Lonn & Co., extensivo flealors in wood and fflllow wan; at No. 14 Cliambers street, New Vink, have tailed. Juuru: Axduew McClaijj lias been nominated for Congrcss by the Republicana of the Sixlh Tennossee District, and Colonel Thomas II Herndon by the Democrats of the First Alabama District. Accohdixg to the Rlchmond Dfrpatrh, the official censas return of Viirini Rlve that State a po, ulatlon of 1 509 335, belng an Increase over the populatlon in 1870 of 281,172, or about 23 per cent. A M.unitiTï of the eveniiif; newBpapers publishcd in Vienno on tbe 2d ere eonliscated for publisliing the manifestó of the Conetitutional party. United Status postal statistics show that at the expiral. ion of the lust fiscal year therc wure 104 free del i ver y oflices, employlog '2 888 carrier, in operatlon. Tbe total number of pieces of mail handled at the offices designated amounted to 932,121,843, an increase of 133,267,778 over the preceding year. Genehal iiiEH.MAN has tclegraplied to Washington that President Ilayes and his parly wlll not return to the White House till the 7th of November. The ceremony of unveiling the statue of Robert Burns took place in Central Park, New York, on the afternoon of the 2d. George William Curtís delivered the oration. Tbc iviusic consisled of Scottish airs, and the ceremonies were appropriatel.y ended by the whole company singing " Auld Lang Syne." Tui! New York Grand Jury on the 2d found indictments for grand larceny.aud receiving stolen goods against Lawrenee R. Jerome, Jr., and his friends, Patchell and McGibbon, ín connection with the loss of a package of securities, valued at Í87,5OO, by a Wall street h'rm oí brokers, in July last. Brockway, the notorious forger, bas been sentenced at Providence, R. I.,to eight years' imprisonrnent In the ttate-prison. The Pan-1'resbyterian Council, bavinji transacted all business brought before it, adjourned at Philadelphia on the 2d. Du. Gobbsbn, of Philadelphia, who poieoned his young wife in order to secure her property, lias been convictcd of murder in the iirst degree. Thb edttors of the St. Petersburg newspapers have been waimd that they will not be allowcd to rtleeusj tbe question of a Constitution for Kussia duringtbe reignof the present Czar. The Chicago Base-Bal] Club has won the charopionship, the League season closing on tlie SOtli uit. The record stands: Chicago, 67 games won; Providente, 5:2; Cleveland, 47; Troy, 41! Worcester, 40; Boston, li: Bttffalo, 25; Clnclnnati, 31. A bodï of armed (nên entered the town of Dalton, la, on the nighi ol thé Ist, and resoued a lol il contraband foods selzed by the revenue offlcerg. The Washington Department at once teleisraphed the Collector to use iill lus foree and authority to capture aud punieh the raiders.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat