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Aye, "vote As You Shot."

Aye, "vote As You Shot." image
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The stalwart press is shouting once more its oíd battle cry. It does not address itself to the reason and eonscience of the voler. It has no argument to persuade the though'ful or to convince the doubting. lts only resource consists in its oft repeated and haekneyed appeal to sectiouat prejudiee and passiou. " Vote as you shot!' is the sum and substance of its argumenlation. We are disposed to take tho stalwart editors at their word. Aye, " Vote as you shot " Be oareful, though, if y-oji do, tluit your bullct does not strikt; Mr. Hayes' Inte Postmaster General, Key. or Mr. I layes' Plenipotentiarleá to foreign oourts, Longstreet and Hilliard, or Mr. H:iyes' Consul at Shanghai, Colonel Mosby. ' Vote as you shot." Hut if you do, remember that your gun will be pointed in the same dirëctioiï in which General Hancock pointed his sword at Gcltysburgand the Wilderness. Vote as you shot." If you do, your aim will be, as luis boen that of General Hancock, in war and in peaoc, at the enemios of the Constitution and civil Hberty. " Vote as you shot." If you do, you will draw a baad on the newenemies of the Constitutiou who refuse to sulnnit to its authority and insist on governing the people outaide of it. " Vote as you shot." If you do, you will probably lay low the thieves and plunderers who have brought dishonor and shamo on the Republic and who f they had been eaught plyingthctrtrade in the army woild have been Iried by a drum-head court-inartial ;ind shot. J5y all means "vote as you shot." But'you did not shoot with Garfield when lui le t ou on the battla-tield to enter on Macaroeroi eorruption in Conne. You did not shoot with the sutïersand contractors and camp followors who now pontrol the Republiean party. You did not shoot with the Credit Mobiüer swindlers, tbeDe Golycr jmvement lobby, the whisky ring ar tho Keturning-Board thieves. " Vote as ' you shot,'' and you will be in line with ! the Hancock veterans pouring your volley into the wavéring ranksol the only I cnemy of Union and Peaue that vet romains, the raoribund and morbese Ke pul)lican party. -Uarrisburg Patriot. A stoky is told of an English voter I who possesseil intluence, and whpasked the candidate to give his son a letter oí i recommeiulation to an offlcer at the Admirality. The request was grantod, but when the youth called to deliver his credentials he found that be had mislaid the precious epistle. Howcver, he succeeded in obtaining a nomin at ion, and some weeks aftcr his return home discovered the lost "letter of reeommendation" among some papers. Having done without it, he had tho curïosfty to open it, and was startletl to lind it contained an earnest injunction to "throw every obstacle in his way," for, as tho writêr addcil, "I cannot disoblige this youth's father, and if he once enters the navy he will be plaguing my UÍB. out to get hini a ship." The young man was furious, but tho father, a practical-minded man, coolly remarkeil: "It is not worth making a (listnrbancc. we will take hini at_ his word añil plague hini for a ship." whieh was done accordingly, with success. -Marshall O. Roberts, the wellknown New York oapltalist, recently deeeaed, was pne oí the wealthiest men in this country. His nvestmenta in stbeks aml bon.UA a'onc amount to slii.iMio.con, and he had mueh reftl estate and other propertj besides. Ho made most of liis money in Ihe sleamship and railroinl busiuesi.


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