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Rain every day of the fair. The new steamer cost f 2,500. Only four entries in the baby show. Forepaugh stopped at the Cook house. A large crowd attended the circus Monday. Resistration day Tuesday, October 29th. The pólice made eight arrests last montli. Adjourned meeting of the council Ithis evening. Keegau and Groves have nol been recaptuied. Ben Martin, of Bay City, ia visiting nis old home. The Kegister is after the tramp printer this week. The best apples are only worth 60 cents per barrel. Forepaugh had a number of extra police on duty. It is estimated tuat 20,000 persons attended the circus. Company A paraded on the fair grounds last Thursday. Last Monday the merchants did au immense trade. dH Ja?. Mulligan was fined $8 for getting drunk Monday. Adelaide Lewett, M. D., has located in Leadville, Colorado. Constable Looinis run in two drunken moa Monday evening. Joe T. J;iool)3 took the first prizc on single camage horses. Jas, Bunin, raüroader.drunk and disorordei-ly; 10 days in Jail. Prof. Hatrington discovered a large cornet last Thursday night. There was a democratie pole raised in the third ward last Tuesday. Judge Hiurimn.ii addressed the Mooreville democracy last eveniug. C. E. Freer picked nearly a quart of ripe raspberries last Saturday. Dn Cocker and wife retuvned home from Europe last Friday night. Nearly 1,000 persons took meals at Kearney's restaurant last week, H. B. Dodsley is buying apples in örass Lake for Henniug & Co. D. Cramtr speaks at a democratie meeting in Clinton this evening. A fire in Mooreville last Suuday evening destroyed a barn and three horses. The question is asked if the reform club would not like to sell the tent. Michael and P. Duffy, will not rebuild their farm house until nexl spring. The deinocrats of Northfleld raised a pole at Wclch's Corners yesterday. Forty-eight democrats :u the second ward have joined the H. and E. club. The officers of the fair have n't money enough to pay the preminni awarded. The jury for the October term of court, will be drawn next Monday forenoon. The sum of $2,200 is to be taken from the contingent fund to pay for the The pay of Policemen Millrnan and Porter has beon incressed to $1.50 per day. More persons attended the circus thau were present at the fair during the four days. The hornoeopathic students largely exceed the uumber in attendance last year. Henry Gilbert and Dr. Gates, both of Chelseu, were in the city Tuesday on business. They cxpect to have the railroad bridge over the pond completed half way by tonight. Chief Johnson drew orders on the contingent fund last month to the aniount of $78.30. The council did n't have time to listen to the reading of the minutes Tuesday evening. The special premium of $10 for the best collection of pgeons was awarded to J. J. Walker. The W. C. T. U.( thatrun the eating house on the fair grouuds, just about paid expenses. One thousand two hundred and fortytwo students had entered the university up to Saturday last. Chas. R. Whitnian is making a number of {telling speeches, and is doing good work this campaign. A public reception was given Dr. and Mrs. Cocker last evening in the parlors of the M. E. church. Two colored bruiscrs pommelled each other in the alley back of A. R, Hali's bakery Monday night. A countrymen squandered $25 on the fair grounds, last Thursday, in attempting to "draw" a watch. The safe in the Ypsilanti postoffice was blown open Saturday night, and $1,200 in stamps taken. The council adjourned Monday evening to give the city fathers an opportunity to take iu the circtis. W. E. Walker, who been at Lyons several weeks building the abutments to a bridge, has returned home. Prof. Tyler delivered an address to the students of the university last Priday on the subject of a gyinuasiuiu. One of the sights on Main street Monday evening was a drunken man and woman liugging each other. Dr. Kapp expccts 10 leavo the last of this week to look after lus pine lands in the northern part of the state. James Loney, brother of John and VVilliam Loney, died Sunday, of consuni'Hion. He was 35 ycars of agc. The following chronicle editors werc elected ast Saturday: M. Oren, Miame, Ind.,and Geo. Lilly, of London, Out. Tüe greenbackers of this represenlative district, are to hold a convention next Saturday iu G. R. Williams' law office. Hon. D. H. Jerome, republican candidate for governor, delivered an address on the fair grounds last Thursday afternoon. The ground in the rear of the opera house has been rented for a wood market for which the city is to pay $75 per year. R. Swartout, night operator at the M. C. R. R. depot, has gone to Elkluudt Ind., and Chas. Kicks of Jackson, takes his place. The board of supervisors met Monday. All bilis against the county must be presented on or before the third day of the session. S. W. Bodwell, whose horse was hitched in front of the fair grounds the night of Forepaugh's circus, had his naruess cut in a number of places. A man in the euiploy of Forepaugh was badly injured Mouday, by being steped on by an elephant. He was taken to the hospital for repairs. Kcarney did an immense business at his restaurant last week. He had plenty of help to wait upon the huugry, and all were served in hort order. W. T. Lawrence, chairman of the democratie congressional committec, and the Hon. Wm. H. Waldby, both of Adrián, were in the city yesterday. Wm. McOsker, a student in theuniversity, was robbed of a gold watch and chain, a draft tor $200, and $15 in currency last Monday evcning. Two hundred and seventy one dollars and seventy-seven cents, was the amount of orders allowed on the general fund by the council Tuesday evening. It seeras the greeubackers ave bound to keep up au organization in tliis county although tlieir numbershave sadly diminished since the election two years ago. Tlie principal exhibitors of catlle were Phelps Bros., Webster; J. F. Stabler, Ann Arbor; J. V. N. Gregory. Lima; T. Sutheriand, Pittsfleld; and Isaac Dunn, Ann Arbor. Chicf Johnson collared a tramp on Main strect Monday, and took from his person a vest belonging to John Sweet, which had been stolen from Kitredgc's livery barn. The Monroe Democrat says: "Waldby has done more for Adrián and the county surrounding, as a private citizen, than Willits bas for this district, since be has beeu in congress." The house owned by W. J. Clark of Ypsilanti and occupied by W. T. Barber, with its conlents was destroyed by fire last Thursdaj' moriiiiia;. Insurance on dwelling, $500. There was no insurunce on the furniture. Amona; the new business enteipiises in Chicago is the Dufïy Tool Manufacturinfl; company which owns seveu acres of land on the Calumet river. The company manufacture their own stcei, and will soon inako it hot for the Pittsburg manuf acturies .. Evening News: All AVashteuaw couuty could produce but two babies prettj enough to inspire the parents with the courage to put them on exhibition at the county fair baby show. One was the child of Joe T. Jacobs and the other that of J. S. Sherman. Mrs. J. S. Sherraan siiü holds to the opinión tliat she was cutitled to the first premium on her baby. She claims that of the four babies, she had the finest and best behaved baby on exfubition. The other mothers probably thmk their babies too were entitled to the first premium. The colored men of this oity to the number of 51, met in secrete conclave at the court house, last Friday evening. It is rumored that the only business which came before the meeting was of a politiCiil nature, and that speeches were made by a number of prominent colored men. The gas went out all over the city last Wednesday night. Willets, who was speoking in the court-house, said he had been notified that the supply of gas was limited; but some thought for a time that it was the work of democrats. The trouble was at the works, where repairs were being made. Nelaon Patrickenson, a colored man frora the county, was found dead - drunk in the rear of Eaii's building on Main street Monday cvening, and was taken to jail by Constable Loomis and Policeman Millman. The next morning he had no money to pay his fine and the justice sent him down for 15 days. A paper receutly contained the followingiteni: - "A building in this city took flre ia the roof of yesterday from spontaneous combustión. An examination into the cause was made, but nothing bearing on the subject was ascertained beyond the fact that the edifice was tenanted by thirty-eight lawyers " The stearaer was given another trial Tuesday afternoou. It was placed near the bridge at the foot of Liberty strect, and threw two streams of water through 850 feet of liose, somo 25 feet over the tops of the buildings on Main stxeet. One man in particular who votcd against an appropriation f or a steamcr, was delighted with the way it worked. A severe hail storm passed over the township of Saline in a south-westcrly direction last week. Sonie of the stones measured seven iuches in circumference, and the ground was covered with them. Apples were knocked from the trees, and branches measuring from ouc to two feet were broken off. Windows in a number of houses were also broken. The quarterly meeting of the Wushtenaw county medical society, was held at the court-house Tuesday afternoon. Dr. Kapp, president of the society, in the chair. There was a f uil attendance of the membon, The chicf business was the report ing and discussion of cases. Dr. Batewell of Ypsilanti, read a very intcresting paper on "Injuries of the spinal column." Evening News: Michigan still leads. Prof. Harringnton from his eyrie at Ann Arbor last Tnursday night found a eomet, and it wa3 no little two-cent cornet either, with a tail three seconds or two minutes long; but it was a noble fellow dragging behind it a brush a full degree in length. The glory of the Michigan observatory has not yet departed.and two comets a year is a good score. A Gorman who claimed to be from New into a little difüculty with a young man named Binder, which ended in a fight. The polico afterwards tcnipted to arrest the stranger and lic fought Hke a good fellow. A passim? hack was hailed and it took the united efforts of half a dozen persons besides the pólice to get the belligerent into the hack when he was driven to jail. Only 16 inches of water in the public cistern near the Catholic church, and not a drop of water in the one at the corner of Jefferson and Fifth streets. The two cisterns are of 1,400 barrels capacity. "We think it would be well for the comniittee on fire department, to have them fixed. If they will not hokl water, and there is no way of getting water into them, it strikes us it would be a good idea to have them filled. The new steamer, W. B. Smith, was tested last Saturday afternoon, in the presence of a large crowd, who stood for over an nour in the rain. First one stream was thrown on the court-houae, and then two streams were thrown on. Protection engine theu threw a stream of water to the clock dial, beating the steamer several feet. Another trial was had Monday afternoon. The steamer gives general satisfaction. E. B. Hali's coal team rao away Tuesday afternoon. At the corner of Main and Ann streets the wagou collided with the gas post which was broken off. The horses ran down Main street and turncd west on Cntherinc street. The hind wheels of the wagon were thrown agaiust a porch in front of C. B. Davison's house with such force as to partially deniolish it. A little daughter of Mr. Davison's was standing in the door, but she got out of the way just as the wagon struck the porch. . John Kecgan and Joseph Graves, awaiting trial on the charge of robbery and tilltapping respectiyely, sawed out of jail last Friday night and made thcir escape. But then there will soon be a chango, and it reuiains to be seen whether the sanie carelessness will will be exhibited ander the in-coming sheriff. It is no excuse that the jail isa rickety old concern, and that prisoners can easily effect their escape. It is the business of the turnkey to npend u portion of bis time in looking to the prisoners' safety. If tuis had been Jone during the past f our years, the papers would not have bad a dozen or more jail escapes to record. The democratie represen tative convention for the second district was held at the court-house Tuesday afternoon. E. Clancy of Northfleld, was elected cbairmanaud Nathan Suttou of Northfield, secretary. Geo. V. N. Renwick of Salem, in a few well chosen words nominated J. B. Vanatta of Salem. P. McKerof Ann Arbor seconded it, and, on motion of P. Wall of Northñeld, Mr. Vanatta was nominated by acclamation. Judge Harrimaa then iutroduced Mr. V., who thauked the conventioii for the high honor, and stated tliat if elected he would go to Lansing and look after the intcrests of the farming cominunity and the intcrests of tho university as well. The pioneer society, and many leading citizens not members of the society, for a long time have manifested considerable interest toward having the history of Wusbteuavv county compiled and published, but owing to one thing and auother no deflnite steps have been taken untilnow. The arduous labor of gathcring up, arrauging and piiblishingourcounty's history has at last been undertaken by the publishing firm of Chas. C. Chapman & Co., of Chicago. The historical committee of the pioneer society bas made all the necessary arrangements with these gentlemen to publish a history of the county, and they begin their work immediately. Tuey employ a corps of experienced historians and we may expect a work whicU all can look upon with pride. Last Monday evemng two law studeiits the worse for liquor became iuvolved in a quarrel ia the Cook house, and were "bounced" from the office by the proprietor. When in front of Andrews' book store one of tUe students aüempted to put bis foot through a chromo, aud passing to the next door they entered Holmes' drug store, wherc they thought to have their fight out. They sinashcd a largeglassbottle, and just as the fight was becoming interesting, Chief Johnson put in an appearance, wheu the belligerents went for him. They tore his coat and unmentiouables, but he mauaged to hold his owd. Constable Sthall came to the rescuc and the studcuts were marebed off to jail, where Ihey remained ovr night. Tuesday morning Justice Winegarletthem go on paying $25. Each prouiised to behave better in the future, and if their names were only supjjressed they would feel under many obligations to the justice and reporters.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat