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Livery, Sale, AND BOARDING STABLE! I have opened a Livery, Sale, and Boarding Stable opposite the CourtHouse on Fourth Street, where livery rigs can be obtained at any time of the day or night. A fine lot of new carriages and good horses, at reasonable rates. Breaking rolts andhandling track horses a specialty ; good references given. P. Irwin, Ann Arber. The Michigan Central Railroad, with its connections at Chicago, afïords the most direct and desirable route to travel irom Michigan to all points in Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Texas, Minnesota, Dakota, Manitoba, etc. ! Michigan Central trains make surc and close connections at Chicago with through express trains on all Western lines, Rates will always be as low as the lowest. Parties going West will find it to their interest to correspond with Henry C. "Wentworth, General Passenger and Ticket Agent of the Line, at Chicago, who will cheerfully impart any information relativo to routes, time of trains, maps and lowest rales. Do not purchase your tickets nor contract your freight until you have heard from the Michigan Central. The Elegant Steamer CHIEF JUSTICE WAITE, Will run daily during the season of 3880 (except Thursdays) to PUT-IN-BAY And everv Thuvsday to DETROIT. Leaves Toledo, for Put-in-Bay, at 8 a. m. and turns at 6.30 p. m., and connects with steamer erris for Lakesidc. Leaves Toledo for Put-in.Bay, every Sunday at 9 A. M., and returns at 7.30 p. m. Leaves TOledo for Detroit, every Thursday at 8 A. st, returns at 9 p. M. Every Wednesday and Friday the trip will be extended to Lakeside, and during the Camp Meeting the Waite will run through daily. The return trip to Toledo will be in time to eonnect with the evening R, R. trains leavine the city. Fare for round trip same day, 75 ets. Fare to Sandusky, $1. C. WEST, Secretary. T. L. E. & I. St. Bt. Co ONE NIGHT ONLY. No extra charge for reserved seats now on sale at Watts' Jewelry Store. Admission, $1, 75 and 50 cents. ATTENTION! ATTENTION! To MyFriendsand Patuons : Last Spring I prophesied that goods would not be any higher during the spring and summer season, which was the case. Now I believe that goods have an upward tendency and would advise all who are going to need anything in the Clothing, or Hat line, to purchase their supply at once. I am putting in an immense STOCK of CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS and furnishing goods, and will be pleased to have all who are interested in the same to cali and at least examine goods and prices. JOE T. JACOBS, The Clothier. Ana Arbor, Sept. 1880. WILLIAM CASPARY, T AKERY AND CONFECTIONAEY. 33 Detroit Street JOSEPH CLINTON, Merchant Tailor. shop over Wm. Allaby's boo and shoe store, All work guaranteed or no charge. FOUND! A SUM OF MONEY and valuable papers, which A the owner can have by proving property and paying for this notice. Isaac T. Duim, Fifth ward. Ann Arbor .... MlcliiQan. nïENDAirstlÈ KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. The most successful Remedyever discovered, as it is certain in its effeets and does not blister. Read Proof Below. PRESEVERANCE WILL TELL. Stoughton, Mass., March 16th, 1680. B. J. Kendall & Co., Gents;- In justice to you andmyself, I think I Qught to let you know that I have removed two bone spavins with "Kendall's Spavin Cure," one very large om; don't kuow how long the spayin had been there. I have owned the horse eight months. It took me four months to take the large one off and two for the small one. I have used ten bottles. The horse is entirely well, not at all stift, and no bunch to be seen or feit. This is a wonderful medicine. It is a new thing here: but if it does for all what it has done for me its sale will be verv great. Kespectfully yours, Chas. E. Parker. Kendall's Spavin Cure is sure in its effeets, mild in its action as it does not blister, yet it is penetrating and powerful to reacb every deep seated pain or to remove any bony growth or other eulargement.sueh as spavins, splnits, eurbs, callous, sprains, swellings, any lamemos and all enlargements of the joints or limbs, or rheuniatism in man and for any pui-pose tor which a liniment is used for man or beast. It is now known to be the bestliniment for man ever used, acting mild and yet certain in its effects. Send address for Illustrated Circular which we think gives positive proof of its virtues. No remedy has ever met with such unqualified succeys to our knowledge,, for beast as well as man. Price $1. per bottle, or six bottles for $5. All Druggists have it orean get it for you, or it will be sent to any address on receipt of price by the proprietors. DB. B. J. KENDALL & CO. , Enosburgh Falls, Vermont.J SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. DRAKE'S OYSTER DEPOT 20 East Huron St. Oysters Always Fresh and Cheap. Pure Wines and Liquors for medicinal purposes. Choicest brands of Cigars ahvnys on hand. Improved lowa Farm far Sale ! io7 acres under the plow, 53 in pasture, oi'chard and grove. 3.000 cotton wood, fruit and other trees set out andgrowingnicely. GOOD WATER on farm. Farm three miles from the western braneh of the Illinois Central R, R. For price and terms apply to or address F. Stofflet, Ann Arbor, Mich. Owner will trade farm on real estáte lylng ir. or near the city of Ann Arbor. REEDTS lfeQI LT E D G Eg TüHïC IS A THOROUCH REMEDY n every case of Malarial Fever or Fover and Vgut-, while for disorders of the Stomach, Tor)idii' of the Liver. Indigestión and disturbances of the animal f orces, wSich debilítate, it has no equivalent, and can have no substituto, It should ïot be confounded with triturated eompounds of cheap spirits and essential oils, often sold under he name of Bitters. FOR SALE BY )ruggists, Grocers, andWine Merchants evcrywhere. A DVERTISE IN THE DEMOCRAT.


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