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A Wiii-nliiK. Coughs are caused by the chantrcable weathcr of lutumn, and, if negleeted, are apt to continue all winter. If cured now the lungl will galn strength to withstand the severe trial of winter and spring. Piao's ( 'ure is the best remedj. Fifty cent bottles are eold for 23 cents. FOB Consnmptlves, Delicate Fcmales, NursIngMother, Sirkiv Cbildren, and t.iie j)-h:lity of Ae, Malt Bitters, prepareÖ by the Malt Bitters Üompany, are tlic purest atid richest nourishlni; agent ia f i wils or medicine ever compounued. I'atsos's iNDKi.ini.E Ink Is the best for marking lincn. Sample will bc sent post-paid for 30c. by F. II. Stoddard.Northainpton.Mass. Evekt Farmer and Teamster should know that Frazer Axlc (rease eures sore necka and ■cratches on horsvs. I5uy it anywhere. Ask your diwglít íor Reddins'a Russia Salve. Keep it in bouse in cuse; oí icci'lcnts. Wn.nOFT'8 Fever and As;ue Tonic. The oíd reliable remedy novr sells at one dollar. To nAVEgood bread, ase ECátlodá] Yeast. 5TjAcnB5ölL RHEÜMATISM, Neuralgia, S ciática, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Sweifings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Meada che, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Prrparntion on rarth cquals St. Jacobs Oil as a vafe, sttn-, simple an-1 chrap Externa! KomctJy. A trial en taita bïit the compnratiwly trifling outlay oí 'tO Cents, arui cvtry vto sufftiring vith pa can bavo cheap and iiosiliTe proof vf ita claims. Dfrectiona in Kloren Tiiingiiagrit. BOLD BT ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS IN MEDICINE. A. VOGZLER Se CO.t Baltimorc, Md., U. S. A. Fonhc Curo of Couglis doUj. flosrsonu. Asilima, Brinií-lilU. Cruup, [nfloenzn, whoopIngCouglLlilolpleni OonioiopiáoBi c. I'ric oqI; canta titile. -=MRS. POTTS'i ColUHleSailIron. FOR SALE BY THE HARDWARE TRAPE. Fruit.WineandJellyPress Irloo, sjísíi.OO. For Seeding and Extracting Juice PKOM - ALLFRUITS AND BERRIES. $rEVERY FAMILY EEDS ONE. J& Send fot ii i'aluli;iic, Free. ENTERPRISE MT'G CO,, Piilaielphii. Pa, FOK SALE BT THE 1UBDWARK TtUDK. Z DR. Á .L7 C L Ü M '8 l AtpPCATHARTIC. ThU Remedy acta n :i gwitle ïathirttc, a wonderf-il Tonto, n onexeeptionable Mterative. ana a certaln OorrectlTe.cle&osiiis ui syatein ol all impurlticH of the boilv by ïin perfect u:tion upon the Stonlaon, l.ivrr and Blooa Tryit. B6ld bt all dküOOISTS. WARRANTED IN ALL CASES. Ak l)urlí■i foa: it and for rstlmoiüalB. MM runi'OL.MMGto., Proprletora, KedWing, Minn. iglkMCATARRH JrijPAD.') JS&tfS ' s%L = Wiirrmti-cltocMir". Cln-MdHJK 1 IT iHirfriv.. I'rleu .10 cent, fSívVw_y jUK nuiil. " AMKHICAN PAD örHi v -''- lïo.ston, M.i-. ForFEVERandAGUEuse rkERRY DAVIS' F v-_. rs til all Dni(gisisAIJV-KILLER ! tir Tltrre f. o remetía had in mr'éatèr esleeni. " A MEDICINE WITHOUT A RIVAL." TUK ltKAXESX KIDNEY AND LIVER MEDICINE EVKR KKOWX. HUNT'S RBWtEDÏ hu avcil from linger)ng dieonse nnd dcath hundredl who !i:ive beia arivrn up ty ]i]iyii:ians to die. lli;T's üi:mi:iY ra nll Dlsenw of til" Kldniys, Itlnflda-r, l ïhiarv rsnii, Dropsy, tiravt-1, I)i:ib-t-8, and Ilic-ulktinence'aiul rïctrntion of t'rino. llt'NT'S itlí.MIÍIIV incournges sleep, crcntc nppoUte,,brac? up the yitem, arnl ruucwid bcalth i Ihe vsull. HUM'S lti:Mi:UY cures rain In tho 811', Hark, nr I.niii, OciWTBl Dolilllty, Fomalo IMësaseSi Dlitwbod Slrrp, i.osh of Aiipntitf, üiiRlit'" Dlsease, and II Comnlalnt oi tin I iiini-( iilial Orgsna. BUNT'8 REMEDY quickly indims tho lJvtT hi hculiliv atllon, remoTMg causo tht produco BUloiu liiulm lic, Dyipepsla, Soiir Stomach, Costlvciiods, ril-8, c. By the ne of HBMÏ'S KKMKDY the Stomach aml Qowsla ill ipcedilï regaln thcir itrength. nu.! the BlooJ wtll B perfeotlj purifled. HONT'S ur.air.DY la purel vegetable, and meet want never bofore ftirnlfihca tö the pnb11c and the atnunl reltonce majr he placed in n. III'NT'S REMEDY Uprepnra .1 v,nc kly tlia disonBo, unal Jins navir iMen kliavn t l"ai!. trial wlll convine yon. 1-nr Nil 'bv nll Sl'M1 lor Pamphlc u WM. E. TLAItlfK. Provldenoe, R. I. l'ricos, 75 cents, and $1.25 (Iktgc Blie)'. f2 11 MC ReTolT. IltuB. Catalogue free. UUIlOorcat.Wü8ternOun Worlu, Plttaburgh. Pa. NOW READY. THE FOURTEENTH SEMI-ANNUAL -o- MME. DEMOREST'S Porl-Folio ol Fashions A Ltfp and Bfiautlful lïook of O4 Folio ï'agt1, PUBLISHED IN MARCH and SEPTEMBER. CONTA1N1NC1 OVER 700 LARGE ILLUSTRATIONS, of Xio Latent and B'ft Styioa, Inciitdfng all thf stnndKTdand uefuldealgitfforLadlex' and Chlldfötfi Dresa, witli Krcncli :md Rpgltob ttcsorlptloiu, miDiint of nmt rfal requircS, etc., ct&i Bvery la ly wunts thl& lloulc FriCC, 15 cem, pü!t ircv. - AL8O- THE TWENTIETH SEMI-ANNUAL - OF - MME. DEMOREST'S What to Wear PUBLISHKD IN MAIÏCH AND SEPTEMBER. Contnln tlie lntont Information on every dt'partment of Ladles' mul ChlldrcQ's i)r'-?s, Inctudtng Muteriftis, Trfmmlng. TnivcHutr. Wedding and MonrnlnKOutlltfl, CoBtunu'i of all drscrlptlons, .Ji-wclry, CüifTurrs, MI11Ii;n-y, etc., etc., wlth vnluabl' Information for M-tclianin, Mllltnrrn, DreuOUÜBon und Ladlca gcnerully. 130 pngs. lurgc 8vo. l'itni, i.'.hats; POST 1 KIK. AddrcM MDE. DEMOREST. 1? L( Kïih Htrr+U A'EW ÏORK. 70,000 SOLD YEARLY. The KrowInK popilliil'Uy :iml ui ■rtilnr of V It 1 ET „,■ I-A II l. It O KG A NB I lhWB 1.V ihe IlKl (lm( NKVKNTV TIKIl'SAXBare aold yeurly In thu L'ulted Htules. The bent ure the MASON & HAILIN QRGANS Wlik-li vdf bèah nw;ir!rd mOSMt nisriM' nO3f8 TOB DKMONM Ha 1F.: BÜPBBIOBITT ftt EVKRV ÜSK Of tllf GRBAT WOlïLD'S rndbstrtal KxlifWiion for NEW STYLES Are rendy thls neason wlth iinportanr Improvctnonta. FOB I.Al:.K Ill.Ui ■lIis.;i!{rc-!t K. wit and v;rl.ty. :u 8'í". M80, WW, and l-i prieel; FOB SMALLER CIIURCHES, SCHOOLS. (., sl to MQO umi upward; BUFEBB DBAWINQ ROOM BTTLE8 I HOOto 1500, and npwardis A ORBAT VARIBTYoI smai.i.i.ü 0RGAM8i eqtul anMBcacc. tbough lcat capaottjr, or in plulu caten, at 1 to 9J0 aml upwátdB. Alto furnlshrd for mon thly or quartj:ki.y I'aymen-ts, $5 and npwiinls. Thene orjjaits are rertainiu unrivatêd in excellence, rrhlle the prices are WÁ mucA li'njher than those txf reri hfiiar instrument. Boforc purcbaslóg nny organ send for latent lLl.i BTRATED CATALOGUE (SI pp.4to), oontalnlng full tli MijpUuli-s and prloea, lacludlng Uf styl'-s.andmiu'h useful Information for tlie purchasei of ;my organ, Wtllcl) wlll h" t free and poêt-pöti, MASON IIAM1.1N ORGAN CO.. UI IlemOBJ St.. HOSTON'; 4i E. Mth Bt, . NEW YORK : 14 Wabasli Ave.. CHICAGO. THREE OF THE BEST BOOKS FOR SINGING CLASSES. Tnr temt ï.f. 81, or 99 per dozen. By Dn. W. O. Pt:rkins. Kuch a full sizcd bock as tho above hiis thtRadvanlafte OTör a smAÏler one: Aftor jou liave been through it excellent olerncntnry couro, liave sunK ita cheorfu Songs and Glees, its Spiritual SongK, its Hymns, Tune nd Anthems, you havo on hand a large coliection whiih is ]t tht thlng for Choli pra;ti'-(.. Mitl nno ta Homo singinR. Dr. Perkins is well known ai one of our most akilíul compilers. Til E VOICE OF WOR8HIF. fltl, or SO Pi dozen. By L. U. EUEBKOV. This book covers prccisely tho same irronnd as doe thf Tf.mi'i.k, and pcople wili uso one or the othor a thry fancy tho inusio or the ntyle of this or tlio othc XoeDent composer. Mr. Eraenon'n hooka aro known ii evory hounehold and every school, and oach new book i intcnded to be an advance over thoae that preceded it. JOHXSOX'S METIIO1) FOR SIXGINO CUASSK.H. O Cts., or SO per By A. N'. Jonysos. No vrriter exccls thi one in the perfect clearntis anc siniplicity of his ezplanations and the thorouhnsso of his vrork. The teacher rrho nes this methoci need tohavn inhis hand the Cnonus Choiu Insthuction BOOK ($1.25), by the samn author. Tho pages corropoiul, and the largor book givesdirections for the use o the hinalW-r. OLIVER DITSON & CO., LYON &. HEALY BuSTOH. CHIOAqO. lEQslSj rAD A (TRI: for tli(? niOHt prVfdéll1 and fatnl (l!sFaaea tina affilel mankind FOl.Mi AT I.AST. In:t'rnal medicines n'vr(IM nur nveróhïj cure KIDNET DISfKASE. STOP IT KOWi nppl.v I). '■ Kulney l'nil AT O"t'K. and be rured oT uH alT"illons of llie. IÍI.Iim . itlmUtii iikI rrin:u'T ra:ii. It is ine only trcainifiu Hint wlll CUT8 NEBVOV AMI I'IIVSU-AI. Dlltll II V. aml tlial distressinK "BA(H ACH:." Il willannunlly wive maliy times itn cosí In meilicines 111,1 plaJifera. wnlcD :it b- n Ive Imt teni)iin;iry relict. Bolll by DruKgisls 01 vut by mail on recelpl ufprï Onrliook. "How i Life Was snved," glviiiK a histoiy of thls new ilisrnveiy aml :i laru' record ot niOBt rcmarkuble enieH.'seiit Tree. Wrilelörit. ])AV KIDMV PAD ., Tola-do, O. Ol'lC CIIIIjD'S PAD Is the flret and only eim forChlitlreii trmtiik-d wi;h Incontlncnoe of urlnu, act whonijilltlv wet tin: lied. Prlee fltl..O. FOR CHILL8 AND FEVER jTÏXÏ yVXjlj DXSX1ASX1S CAUSBn BV Malaria! Poisoning OF THE BLOOD. A Warranted Cure Price, $1.00. HT rOK ALK DT iLI. DRUOOI1IT8. JES 6 FOR THE HAIR. BURNETT'S )AINE ABSOLUTE CÜKE POR DANDEUPF. f BURNEH'S ÍOCOAINE CURES BALDNESS y AND SCALD HEAD. BoHutifullv Ulomliuitad Hobk] lluti.l ltolc freo. Sínd j d,!r. K.I.. JOS. BURNETT & CO.. H..ton. Mn-. ËRAEFENBERG vegetable: t% 't tt tt se mt JL JUi AM üEr Mildest ever known, cure MALAR1ALDISEASES, HEADACHE, 8ILI0USNESS, INDICESTION and These JRlffiPI Tone up the system and restore he?lth to those suffering from peneral debility and nervousness. Sold by all Druggists. SS Conts por Box. N U C G E T S ÖF GOLD; Or, Tiu liinv of Sncn-üi In l.ï IV-, Th Potuüar Book of the Day. On the curren! orobitin ■ ! . abor, Capital, Uoney mul woaltn asi Datrcfl Prtce 11.50. Liberal dls(-nints to Rgfat. Tvru ■. i. B u.KV, Caaeadi k S PRACTXCALWST&OCTI0 RffiM OINEEKINO. ii.m-.iii-:!i prfölnnl II andnd.ali ililc Hun '-1" Sl?iï I [IK VU! Il iDülllUtc Dl ,. A el . i i I on the "rsl ol eyenr moDltaotiaaa Nu vaunUolu. lemlfoi'l'ninp'"' DQAA PK1ZB puizlaa In :ie Munthiy. a mamíP-itMI motil Kir famili enteitiiintneut. 21st eai Seut oii trial all niuuthi t" iny 110 anbscrluef S .■■ unen Hu-. ; mine Int'. Aildlï-ss 1 Cuillc MlJMilJ-ï. 11 .Niissau SUeet. N. ï. ■ The Only Remedy i 11 TH AT ACTS ATTHKSAHK IIÜK OnR THE LIVER, U 3 THE BOWEL8, W ñ II This eombined actiongive iiicon-k Uderf ui power to cure alldkeaiet. U Kwhy .Are, We 8ick?l H Because we allmo these great organs Bij yio become clogged or torpid, and WÊpoitonoushumorsare therefore forcedWÊ kiinto the blood ihat sfunild be expelledí Bbiliol'snküs, riLKS, 'UAsrii'ATioN.M Cl KIDNKT COMl'I-AINTS, IlilN.Uiï M M D1SEASKS, I K'IAI V, WÍAKë VSSSE%, AS KKBTOOS llfiy caunngfree action of these ortianJR )mwnd reUriiig tluir power to throw ojfïi U Wliy RulTor BIHom palm anA oht-sl ■ Whj tormrntxil nith l'ücs, ('i:i ipation 1 TO ft 1 Wil y frililitfnoil ovrr d uurilc rnl Kldnpj'H 11 U VihJ ernluro ncrvous or Hlck hcadnchest ■■ Sviiy Iirto tih'Oph'sB nighlsl :■ Ja 19 Cm KÏDNEY WO KT and rejoicé inB 1 1 h'allh. It it a dry, vegetabU compound andW V MB One packQK wlll mn!r Mfx ut ol' MedlctncFj H Oei U of your DrugqlM, he will order Uwá pH W3U3, BICHASE30S CO., Prsprietort, tH k4 ( KurllsiKiB, ït, lJ or a ïfar if l-;iii-r CliisH lh:m any other propi ' medictiM f iiiv iteiidB 'J'iirninfs Kllcrvcscciil Seltzer Aperlent, Allil lur tlli Ii-:m.. it UI .'c! ■■i.illltcip:!! 1 ut ullruf itHnt valuablc nañlrsl medicines [n the world. Wo n-fcr to the irreal Scltxcr BprlnR of whlch thousandsot the dynpcptlc, Ihe blllous, lLe rheun anil tti vlcütnn i .-iml ili.--.iM-. reairt annuxlly. and return to the!r lunm-s i-unvalt-'-i-nt or onred The in-rinl is one ol thollnst iuiiI bv nuixl ■:.- -lul uf aj] efforta made tu reprounce, in a MjrtRble form. tli popular mulera] watersol Rqrope. 3OLD 11V ALL DKÜQOISTS. ;- ' WA R N E S3'3 r77 ■""■j A-'tk tí3 R W CÚRE Wi Is inii'l'' from B Himple Tropical L"fif ítntl ís n POHIT1VK remedí fur ruin lu thc l!:u-k. Sevcre líoi'lach?a, DlzztneM, Inflamed Eyes, Blofetliig, xiiit Swi'rttfi, Torpltl LlvtT, Pninful Ur1n:itln, (iriil, and aliDteeaacaofthe Kldney, LlTer or Orlnary Organa. It la a safo and c;-.-;Mn cupe for Lt-iuunlua, w.nnb - and ull Peínalo Cqmplalnte. A a Mlnod PuriliiT lt i nnequaled, for lt cure thn organs thnt ni tbe bloüd. The lai-Rust bottle Ín thc mnrli't. Frlc, SI. 83. For sale by DruRglts and all dealers, II. II. WAHXKH .V CU., KiiC'hi'Mcr, ti. Y. TÜTT'S PILLS 8YNIPTOWIS OF A TORPBD LIVER. Loss of Appetito. Bowels costiye, I'ain ín the otead, with a dull sensUion i ti the back part. Pain under the shoulder blade, fullnoss after e&ting, with a disinoliuation to exertion of body or mind, Irritability of temper. Low soirits, with a feolinp ol' naving negleoted somo duty, Wearinnss, Dizziness, Fluttoring at the Heart, Dota bofore the eyea, Yellow Skin, Headache generally ovar the right eye, Bestlessnoss with íitful dreams, highiy oolored Lfrino Ai CONSTIPATIOjl. TUTT'S PILLS Krf Mprolülly Rdn)ittl to Kticli int'n, íiij; M (o astontMll tlir HiiOcnr. tiOLU KVlLUiSV.. US OBNTB OÍEct-, 35 .Unrray StrccU Wew Vork. ÏUK WOMAN'S FrIENR í" IS THE BEST RKMEDT IS THJT LÉX J wori-d roR Femalk WEAKyfc7'y K g KES8, Chasqb or JjlTK O ir Sick Hbadachb, Pai-WX B L fulMokth, Faixino iA WyT m0 K OFTHE WOMB, -LyT0Xm M LAVED MONTH, BANU TO A8K Q C IRÏ0U-O' Aok IT. p h LAIHTIE8 && L IJX PHÜPRliETOli. SC %&Syuiti, Stcntenbnrg i Co,, 2 r WABA3H AVKNUH, j BJW chio0O, - - Illinoi. r1 - ty SoltAgonurartlM ünlted Statea. r EINCYCLOPEDÍA TIOÜETTEIBUSfNESS Tliisls tin cífíipfst !nl only Mmiploio anrl roHable wurk' on Etiquette and Busln i Forma, It tclls how m perfonn all tlw varlous dntles of Míe. and how to appear to thc AjCntp VaiUed.- Si-mi for Cfr I liiiK tuJldeacrlptlon of tha work ftnd cxi I tnató Agenta. PHYSÍGAL LIFE OF BOTH 3EXES. A bfllllant buok. ías'1imtlitK tO slyl'. puro In languaci. endoraed lo ph pyhere. An rlnborate exppsltfon of Phyalcal Llfc t Man and 11 Elrgamly prtuxod and firtly llluslratod. Kxtraordliiary ltutu--inMi(H lo Aisi-nli. Aa di. u JONES, BBO! HJSRS .v i" . I lllcnip, 1. uirwtmxnBmmmm horsc powmi BíVVÉaíaJli tígi t&ii Well üoring and Roek EÍ A :J [Vi Vj"u ■J"-'-j Drüli"i Maehlnatl HájgUL2d BpsI Well AiiK-rat f'"'i ' 'f'Uf .?i l9 C'irciilur.s ! -: I1Hb?IHLOOMIS & NYMAN. Yfp gi vet .Ymrmoiny 'wnxESl worfh 1 11 .Wiifliinpry I ö lïflfi'aK'J ind Toolx, mul lnn'tSJ-ál i . ".- ■ i ITT M "' T iiiiÍT i TiJailM TRUTH íf. Sí.' c h _T ?:hWf AHIII3I HiirphliK' llnMI 4'urt'fl in Kl llv3IStJI '"-X'H.v. N. .;.. lili. ■■..!. WlHIJÍli'-'-J1111' ■ IBilo. HEADQUARTERS 5 AND 10 CENT Counter Rnpplleá. Band r or4-pasé cnrsloirin' toCAKV. ríJLTOS a CO., su Klus l I75 ld-st s.-lhn-_' Irlifks in worM; i - 1111J)uJU'?'' jai BKO.vüo.Tl. Detroit, Ulob. ■ ■a p:iu!i ii-wj-!i!i'.(i D.anjwnara Wnolal U A I !:imiI Hetall. l'lk!clN;iw. d'l k'llriH lIMI llti'iM. JU-i .Stiikhl. 1Ö7 W;il)iisliav.(JHkago. jrnj 4 WI'EK in vourov, n lonn. Termsand JJwDÍ"i'iiUlttttw AjcIr'sllllallettitOo l'ortland.Mi) YOl'Níí MFN íprn FMejtnptir and eam W0 to 9100 a monto. Even Kradnate iiini nte lap lylnif ituation. AddroM i. Valentina líanaeer, JanMvUHWil PCUTC Coln money vrith ■ 'tmc' Wew AbCN I O Kccrlpt Book. I ■Ate. By malí, 4 aiePiü'nCo.,Tèiedo.O. r i. fon pordaál home. SaoiplesworthM A. N. K. M I. _ ff 70 A WK.EK. íl : 1:V ;t hume casily made. 1 J)J ú CosUjouuU Iroe. AUürsTrueiOo, AususUkM.


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