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What Will Follow The October Defeats

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The Republicana have carried Ohio and reduoed the relative Democratie strength in Indiana by a shrewd, tricky device. At the eleventh hour, too late to meet their sophistries with argument, they took up the tarifï' issue, on which they daré not make a National campaign, and pushed it in two States where they were sure it would be utilized to their advanlage. The extensivo iron interests and a few other branches of mauafactures in which heavy capitalista in those States are interested, made the situatión favorable for a tarift erusade, and when the managers were compelied to house the bloody shirt they instan tly ran up the motto, " Protection to Home Industries," and worked that lead with the results indicated. In saying that they dare not undertake a National oanvass on the issue of protection to monopolies as opposed to the Democratie demand for a tarifï for revenuo, we speak advisedly but reluctant, as, if they are to adopt such a programme, they must and will be forced to do It. They have gone too far for safe retreat. They stand committed to the issue. They must face it now till the day of election- not in localities of their choosing, but all over the Union. In every city and town or township, where the Republican party has an organized existence, this issue must go to the front at once and be held there. Not alone in communities where protected nabobs and the men under their immediate bread and butter control make up the bulk of the voting population, but in rural States where the victims of the protective heresy do the voting, must this battle now be fought and won by the advocates of reveuue reform. It may be admitted that the changes which will result f rom this contest will not all inure to the benefit of the Democratie party. It will pot New Jersey in the list of doubtful States. It will make Connecticut Republican. It will also increase the Republican strength in the other New England States, but they naturally belong to that party. On the other hand, Wiseonsin and Minnesota will come over to the party of revenue reform. Illinois will be oven more emphatic in its declaration against monopolistic protect-ion, and New York's certain Democratie majority will be largely augmented. Thus the balance of gain will be largely on the Democratie sido. Thus the policy that seems so shrewd, as viewed in relation to Ohio and Indiana, will prove fatal in the end. Thüs the boasted strategy and sagaoity of the men who have made this issuo prominent will be shown to have been short-sighted folly. An overwhelming majority of the American people are in hearty sympathy with the Democratie doctrine of a revenue tariff. The present tariff now indorsed by the Republican managers has been condemned a thousand times by all the ablest men of their party. There is not a Republiean in the present Congress who has not denounced some features of that iniquitous and oppressive law. General Garfield has put the seal of his condemnation ou this coditied rascality. While he permitted himself to be used as an immovablo impediment in the path of revenue reform he did not hesitate to ndmit the iujustice and cruel oppression that are enshrined in the law as it stands. The Democratie party welcomes this issue with cheeerhil composure. The fight for revenue reform is the people' s battle. - Washington Fost. General Hancock says, "We move forward not backward." If he had no ottaer claims, the South might well be solid for him as a reward for these golden words. The whole country needs to forget the past that we may work for the future. The best, the young, the progressive South yearns to let "the dead past bury its uead." When reconstruction was accomplished a new era dawned upon the whole country. Slavery, that enriched citizens but enervated States is gone forever, anci with it all those devilish, irritating questions that made war plausible and possible. And in clinging to the past the Republican party is making a great mistake. - Vicksburg (Miss.) Berald. --# Happily, the Democracy is not unused to reverses, and the defeat of Tuesday will spur the party to redoubled efforts during the next three weeks in every State in the Union. In the new phase which the Presidential struggle has now assumed we cannot affori to take any risks. Hancock will be likely to need every Electoral vote that the Southern States can give him, but even if Ohio and Indiana should vote in November as they have voted in October, there are other Northern States which may have as unpleasant a surprise in store for the Republicana as


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