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If The Democratic Ticket Is Voted As It

If The Democratic Ticket Is Voted As It image
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is printed, a republic.ui can't be èlected in this county Vote straight and the republicana will not have nn opportunity of celebrating over a viclory in tliis county. Can democrats who have been ealled rebels, horse thieves, and everything tbat is low and vilo, give a single reason why they should vote for iiy republican u week froni Tuesday. Not a camlidate on the republican county ticket expects to be elecied except by democratie votes, and not u demoerat can be defeated uuless he is cut by democrats. This is the picture. Itemeinber if a republiean is elected it will be by democratie votes. We iiave a good big majonty in this county, and there is no reason why the entire ticket should not be triumphantly eketed. .. .■ The nceessity of regiatering on oext Tuesday must be apparent toevery demoerat. Where yon know a vote can be made see to it tliat the person's name is registered. Go with him if it is necessary. Democrats will be isked to vote for certain rei)ublicans out of compliment. For the life of us we can't sce how the God and morality party could teel complimented by having a rebel, as thcy are pleased to term us, vote for a single republican. Wc expected Landers would be defeated for governor'in Indiana; but to teil the truth we were terribly disappoiuted as to the result on the balance of the democratie ticket, The legislatura i Uso republican, whicta iimiks the election of a republican to succeed Senator McDonald In Lenawee, Hillsdalc and .Monroe oounties the democrats propose to give our cundidate forcongress, Ilon. Wni. II. SPaidby, a big boost. Let the demócrata f Washtenaw county do as well, and lie can and will bc cleelcd to suooced bloody shirt Willils. Democrats don't gel fooled by trading votes with republicans. Vmi will find Uiiv will bc vcry anxiousto "swap" tbcir wliole county ticket for one or two candidatos. Republicana never trade when they liave as sure a tliing as tbe demo crats have in Washtcnaw county. Ex-Governor Austin Blair, who supported Ureeley in 1872, Tilden in 1870, and in 1880 De (Jolyer Garfield, spoke to na audience of about 350 i" the courthouse last Friday night. He waived the bloody shirt, denounced democrats, and made an ass of himself generally. The story has been started for the purpose of injuring Edward Duffy, our candúdate for clerk, tbat he will not attend to the dutics of the office. The story is false and without foundation. Mr. Duffy will give the office his whole attention, and hc will make as good an offlceraa this county or state ever had. Republicans will argue that I-hei r candidales on the county ticket, are good men and (felcctcd would serve tlic county failhfully. Yes! but are not our caudidates equallj as competent and deserving of theunited support of the party? Democrats, retnember this when you go lo the polls on the secoud of November, Only 12 days remain before election. It is now time for the republicana iu this county lo start bugaboo stories about eau didateson the democratie ticket. Don't believe a word these men have to say, for t isonlymanufacturedfor the purpose of making capital. Every democrat iu old Washtenaw knows what a straigh'. ballot means. Election day is fast approaching. Only one more issue of The Democisaï and the die will be cast. It is for you democrats of Washtenaw county tosay whether a republicau shall be eleeted. A great respODSibility restsupon you, and remember the resul t alone depends on how you cast your ballots. Shall we have a glorious democratie victory? That is the quesüon for you to decide. There never was a ticket presentcd to the democracy of Washtenaw county romnosed of men botter qualilied to flll the respectivo offices, or with stronger claims apon the party than the one to be roted next Tuesda}r week. Fellow democrats, you are to decide by your sufferagel whether every candidate shall be elected, f rom state senator down to coroner. Vote the straight ticket, and the republicans will burc no powder in honor of a democratie defeat. -- ■ - Senator Ferry, who was publicly cowbided in the streets of Washington for slaudering a young lady, has the audacity to teil an Ann Arbor audieoce that the democratie party is composed of the very worst element of society. This, renieiu ber, is what one of the leaders of the re publican party in this state has to say of democrats. Now is it not pretty cheeky for a party that follows the beek and nod of this ihystering polilician, to ask a democrat to split his ticket? llaiuly Andy.of the Ypsilanti Commercial, says the democratie party is the rebel party. Now brothcr democrat, wheu a k publican asks yon to split, remember the abuse that has been heaped upon you by the radical press and stump speakers; ponder it in your tniud and then ask yourself the questlOD why should I grant favors to a party that looks upou me as a rebel, that has almsed, vililied, and deBOUnced in the vilost of language the men ihat bclong to the democratie party? ■ ■ i Democrats bc up and doing. Let yaur watchword be victory. With a United front wc can elect every candidate on our ticket. The republicans admit it and say tlieir only hope is to get the democrats to nlif, by wluch means they expect toele::t a portion of their county ticket. Don't let them have an opportunity of rejoicing over a rcpiiblican tiiumph in a county where the democrats have severai hundred majority. Democrats, a straight ballot means the election of the entire ticket. Wc have endeavored to impress upon the minde of democrats, the necessity of making a detennlned tight at the coming election. Every effort wil) be made by our opponents to induce democrats to vote for this or that candidate, not one of whom bas any claim or rigut to expect a vote at our bands. The result of the eleclion in Indiana, which state the republicans carried by fraud, should only tend to cement the democratie party of the whole country in closer bonds of unity, for in union there is strength. __ It is important that conveyances be secuied on election day to carry voters who may reside some distance from the polls. Democrats, don't wail to be asked, but have your teams in readiness. No matter if half the county should turn out. Better have too many vehicles in readiness than not enough. Let every democrat in Washtenaw county resolve himself into a committec of one, and work for the success of the ticket. Then it will only be a question as to how large a majority cach candidate will have. -- -i m The republicans crowed over the victory in Indiana. Men likc Dirk Gla.ior almsed democrats and called them traitors, and Col. Dean is said to have made the statement that to democrat who ei ved in the army received an honorable discharge. And yet these men have tho bra.en impudence to ask democrats to split. There never was a time in the history of this county when it looked more encouraging for the democracy, if they but do their duty. If Wasbteuaw was republicau by the majority we claim, what democrat would stand the ghost of a chance of an election? Not one. Democrats will alone be held respon&ible for the defeat of a single man on the county ticket. And whyV Becausc the republicans concede a majority against them of several hundred, and depend on ih moenvtic voters to elect their ticket. What have the republicans done for us that they now ask democrats to vote with them? Have they not said enough to makfl B BOÜd Washtcnaw? If you have kept posted in republican politics, in the line of argument advauccd by radical papers (an you nccd not go bcyond the boumleries of this county) you knovv it lias been vitupcration umi abuse of demócrata cverywhere. ♦ ■ The republicans are several buudred in the miuorily in this county, yet Ihey expect to be able to secure cnough democratie votes to elect a portion of tbeir ticket . Thcy don't claim tbeir candidates are nny more competent to fill the respective oHiees, or that there is auy particular reason why certaiu ones should reeeive the support of deniocrals.only tbat they are good men and ought to bcelected. Wliat is the matter with our ticket? Is it not coniposed of men eijually us good, ;is competent, and fully luseapuble as thenien who will run agaiust thcin? Tuis beiDg the case what good reason can a demociat have for not supporting the ticket? The republicans, elated over their recent victories in Ohio and Iudiana, propose to makc a riftie in some of the southern statcs, hoping to carry them for Garfleld and Arthur. Il is also proposcd to station a number of United States deputy marshals at cach polling place, for what purpose is only too evident. The republican mauageis are desperate, and they will 'not leave a stonc unturned. By J'rn mf they carried Indiaua, and by f mud they will altempt to elect their president. In some places in Indiana they polled nearly as many votes as there were inhabitants, and this thing is to be repcated a week f rom Tuesday. But then the democrats have a majority in the senate and congress of the U. S., and wuh tlic precedent of 1876 they can declare Hancock legally elected president, if it is necessary to throw out the votes of half a dozen states to accomplish it. -.♦- . Inasmuch as there exists in the public mimi some very erroneous ideas as to the amount of salary reeeived by our candidate for county clerk, Edward Duffy, while serving the county in the capacity of superintendent of the poor, we have taken the trouble to look up the matter, and the result of our senrch shows that in no year durir.g the time he has served the county as superintendent, has his salary exceeded oiie httidred dollar per year for services at the county house. The bill rendered by hiin for the past year for services outside of the county house amouuted to $40, the greater portion of which sum was mouey expended by him for railroad travel to and froin state asylums caring for our county insane, as well as looking after indentured children in various parts of the county as the law requires the superintendents of the poor to do, as well as expenses incured in the purchase of supplies for the county house. It must be eutirely clear to every candid mind that the story of his having drawn large amounts of rnoucy as salary each year, is a political bug bear, aad is circulated solely with a view of dumagiug Mr. Dulïy's prospects of an ek'Cliou. Democrats, pay uo atteution to such trash, but vote the ticket straight, and sce that your neighbors do the same.


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