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[Zanesvllle Times.] Kever Mlaaed. Many of our readers may be beneflted by the following rellable statement from Messrs. A. Hcilinan & Son, the well-known üruLgist of tbis city, who write: VVe have sold thousauds of bottles of that valued medicine- Hamburg Drops - and every bottle that we have sold has always cured. It never mlssed. We recommend it a-s the beat medicine we ever sold, and could furnish statements of curei suüicient to fill the largesl paper printed. - A correspon dcnt says he niixes hog' s lard in the dough he gives his heus, and asserts that a pioce as large as a hickory nut will, if divided up and mixed with their soft feed, set a hen to laying immediately aftér she is broken up. Four young men were arrested at Lowell, Mass., the other day, for playing cards on Sunday. m m ■ [Jaokson (Minn.) Republic] Uncle Samuel Hall says that St. Jacobs Oil has limbercd up his limbs and he is now ready for that foot race on the Fourth. We are rcady, too, Únele. You did the fair thing when you notitieu us in advancc that you had used "St. Jacobs." We can prepare accordíngly- _______ The "common sense" or broad heel shoe comes into fashionthis fall. Woman is broadening her understanding. Remarltable SncceM. The Sciences of medicine and chemistry have never produced so valuable a remedy for the treatmeat of Kidney disease as the accidental discovery of the vegetable contained in Day'8 Kidney Pad. lts rellable character, desirable qualities and masterly curative power have deeply won upon the contidence of (he medical professlon and countlesR suftercrs who have uscd it You can live on Malt, sleep on Hops, resist ague and malaria with Calisaya, and enrich the blood with Iron. In short, you can flnd iikw Hfe in Malt Bittkiis, made of unfermeuteil Malt, Hops, Calisaya and Iron, as every druggist will teil you. Frater Axle Greaie. BeBt In the world. Made only by the Frazer Lubricator Co., at Chicago, New York and St. Louis. Sold every where. Patson's Indelibi.k Mabkino Isk has & record of flfty yeam. Sample mailed for 30c by F. H. StoddardA Co , Northampton, Mass. Reddino's Rcssia Salve is unrivalled for lta peedy healing qualities. Frlce 26c If afflicted with Sore Eyes, use Dr. Isaac Thompson's Eye Water. Drutcprlsts sell it. 35c Fever and A%ae Tonlc. The old reüuble remedy now sells at one dollar. Taic:: Warner' e Saíe Kldney and Liver Cure 50j FOR RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, S ciática, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Sweil ngs and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on eartb cquals St. Jacobs Ou fcs a Mafe, sure, simple and cheap Extcrnal Bemedy. A trial ent&ila but the cumparattvely trilling outlay of 50 Cents, and every ono Buffring with pain eau hare cbeap and positlre proof of iu claimt. Directioni in Kleven Languagel. BOLD BT ALL DEÜGGISTS AND DEALEE3 IN MEDICINE. A. VOGELER & CO., Baltimort, Md., U. B. JU Forthe Cure oí Couglu, Colds. IIoarsuneBS, Aáthma, Bronchitis, Croup, Influenza, WhuoplngCoush. Inclplent Cunsumntlon, c. Prlce only SS oeüW a bullía. 70,000 SOLD YEARLY." The aronlng popalarlty and aseAilneas ot CABI9ÍET ar FABLOB OKOAX8 l nhown by the Tact lm l IETEXTT THOl'UX D re ■old yoarly In the United State. The beat ar the MASON & HAMLIN ORCANS wlilch havo been awurded mouKaT distihctiomb tor DRSlOXSTItATtn 8UrKKIOKITT ttt ÏVEKT OMK Of thi SBSA.T WORLD'S Industrial Exhlbltlons for thlrteen jears, without mie single exceptlon. NEW STYLES Are ready 'luw acason with important Improrements. KOR LAR(iK CHURCHE3, splondld organs, with great power and vnrioty, at 70, MSO. 390. and leasprice; FOR SMALLER UHURCHES, SCnOOLS. c., l t 1300 and upwardt; SUPERB DRAWIKO ROOM STYLES at WOOto 501). and upward; A OREAÏ VABIKTY of SMALLER OROAN8 of eijual excellence, tboughlrHcapaclty, or in plaln case, at 51 to r.10 and upwarda. Also furnlsbcd fok komtult or juabtzkly iaymn-t8, 5 and upwards. These orgnns are certainly unrlvaled ín excellence, white tlu prices are not much htgher titan those af ver y inferior instrumenta. Before purchasliiK any organ send for latest ILLU8TKATE1) CATALOGUE (32 pp. o), containing full descrlptlons and prlced, includlng ncw styles. andmuch useful Information for the purchasei of any organ, talch will bc sent fret and postpaid. MASON HAMLIN ORGAN CO., 1M Treraont St.. BOSTON; 4 E. 14th St. , NEW YORK ; 149 Wabaslí Ave. , CHICAGO. FOR THE HAIR. f BURNETPS (OCOAINE k ABSOLUTE w- 0UKE F0R DANDBOTF. f BURNETT'S (OCOAINE 0ÏÏEES BALDNESS AND SCALD HEAD, Bautifull7 Illumlnated Floral Hand Hook fret;. Send nrldrw U, JOS. BURNETT tL CO.. Bnton. ass. For FEVERandlGÏÏTuse FIERBY DAVIS' Altf-KILLER ! HF" Thtre is no remtdy held in g reaier eêteein. Ptwtotu travtling shouid keep it by tiem. tfgYi vorxi Max ou ou), G JKSKFy I" A4rwt. DS. tfÖSZALIi. T m.' cure "Ssül I madv from a almplc Tropical Leaf and I a PO8ITIVE nmedy for Pain In the Back. Severe Hadaches, DIzzínegs, InAaracd Eyes, IMoftilng, XIrIU BwtaU, Torpld Livor, Palnful Urlnatlon. Oravel. and all Dlseascs of thc Kldncyt, Llver or Urlnary Ornan. It Is a safe and -ertaln cum for Leucorrhea, Womb Dlseas;a and all Fruíalo Complalnts. As a Blood Purlfler lt ! uneqnaled, for It curei the organs that makc the blood. Tbc largcst bottle In thc market. Prlea, Sl.SS. For aalc by Druggisu and all dealer. II. II. "WARNER A CO., Hotbtlltr, Jf. T. ILj Of Cheap, Land Rate VH EXCURSIÓN to ArkansasWl ipil Nov. Oth, one day. mSi Whure man has the most n:oney M3J yL in pocket at the end V5 It clmientre compfcrUoo wltli any part or the world tor frults, wheat, coni, tna?ses, ctlon( wol, etc, Avuiü the catarrh. lviimai.sin, et, of thft hl Rh. tl ry andcoldalr. Seek tlie lu-althy and moderate cUmate of Arksruas. Flinire on prlces of land in Arkansan, the producía pt-r acre and markeUnss. Figure on days o uut-door labor, cloihlng and foikt. theu ontrast Uiestock-feeillMK tu UieN'nrtb. Fiviiru on constant omEloynietit Sep that senslblo and carefol pcupiO aro f-althy Learn of euod goonona and favorable sbuwers. TAKE NOTTCKÍ There is au impiirtant moTeii.c.ii uf peoph f rum the iiürlliern tu suuttieni latitudes, caused by advaiitaffM. ït acts overeóme prejudteê. Arkansas la the peaceable and most promlslug Southern State. Tralnsleave St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 9. 10, Hand 12, for Texarkana, Ark., (fod for 40das. wlth stop-oft, on the Iroii Muunt:tln Itoïif. Qet tickets at all rotirHn offices and at the 0nlon Drpit, st. Louis. For informa tton a(dress Thomas Ksst'x. Land Comm , Littte jjuck. Ark. W. A. Kcirlall, a:ul Market SLs., rit. Louis, Mo. For Strength, Purtty "i Flavor the HAS NOT ITS EQUAL IN AMERICA ! It is Bold in pound and half pouti'l packaea niu - wtwtr ín buik. Sf'c that tiio Beab are unbrolcen abdDoiar th o HignaUire uf C. Jevne. TJum-i are fonr ?raclfu vsMiï of Yiang Hrson, imperial, Choipowder, Ooloiur, Japan, Siuohonit mul Mixi'd. ÑO. 4. 50 cents; Mo. 3, 60i:tS; KÓ. 2. 80-ts. Ni. 1, $1.00. If wo h&re no ajfonoy at your place, anti vou can 't get the Gold Mandarín Tea at your Grocer's, fzf-i up a Club Order among your fnends and nood direct t" vi-.and we wil) jay you for the troufole. JMV1V ttt Wholfsttle Grocer. O am' I 1 2 Madlaoo 8t . Cliicayo, An Agent wanted in every town in America. FOR CHILLS AND FEVER CAUSXD BV Malarial Poisoning OF THE BLOOD. A Warranted Cure. Price, $1.00. t3F TOB 8AXK BT ALL DBÜOOI8T8. El Thoie terrible Headuchea generated hy obttructed eecretions, and to which ladles are especlally ubject, can always be rclloved, and thelr rocurrence prevented, by the use of Tabraxt's EFraaviSCEST 6XI.T7.RB APLBIENT. rROCURABLE AT ALL DRUG STORE3. THËBËSTMUSIC BOOKS QWEtCOME CHOBT. (1.00). By W S. Tii.dkn. lor Hiik Sci'tols. Jut out. 8ON KELLS. (50 ets.) By L. O. Kmkksox. Juat Uout; for Cummon Schools. WHITEBÜBÜS. 30 cu. ) for Sunday Schools. PAU OmN ISSTROCTIÖ BOOK. (11.50), By A.N. Johnson, Is out of slKht flU'iadof any othersln tfOfhlnglK'fduncrsup Ri-ed Organ. buiïi sacular and sacr'd miink', Sunday School, lmprance, dospel and Hymn muilc All teacher take tu lt at once. 3CH0IRS AND SINGINÖ CLASSES wtll not forget our tbrce superior books: Volc uf Wonhlp (SI), "uy L. O. Emerson; Temple itl), by Vi'.O. Pcrklns. and .Hnhoil ■'■■ Miuvliiz t laxen. (60 ets. ), by A. N. Jolms.m. aCHOIBS win flnd no bettr Anthem BftokK tlinn our ücw t ! AMERICAN ANTHEM Kook. (1.35), byJnKnstm, ÜTtMMD it Abbty, or EMERSON'á AXTHEM 1IOOK. (H25), by . O. Emer3n, or ANTHEM HARP, (11. 25), by W. O. PerkiTU. 31 I.M KIl.V N K IT.OIM.K wlU 1) rara t ns TKMPF.RAXCE JEWELS. W ets. 1. by Torne) (t H-iJJman; orTEMPEKANCK I.IÜHT. jM ct. ), by Iluag t Servoss; or HÜLL'S TEMPEiiAKCE GLEE BOOK, MUcts.) Specimen copies of any book matlrd for abovc prlccs. OLIVER OITSON & CO., LYON & HEALY, BOSTON. CHICAOO, CHAS. H. DITSON & CO.. i. E. DITSON & CO., 848 Broadnay, N. T. 122S Chestnut St. , Phlla. THE BEST REMEDY FOR Woman!s Wrongs WII.L BK FOUND IN TH1 WOMAN'S FRIEND. LORD, ST0UTENBURG & CO., 86 Wabash Av., CMcago, 8OI.E K..srs. tWFor Salo by All DriiKKist. C(nn 1 liniiTU We oHor p:irinr emV'vU R IRUil I II ploymcnttoan'lnt.-lllKrnt man ur wuman hl o vvy i ál V fl Cl for o'ir town. W' also want J. J JTi il l J un1i)ui-, Btipi-rb. h1gh],v (-oiiiiin-ndcd. iru]iiens--iv popular and fiist u TII W Irt ÉlW I mnirnüi' sales Mire. ? NEW BOOK" X1U ff lvvl&A: nts inonoy ttM Bpnd for clrcukiru nnd term. Aluo, fnr ThbPkori.K's M AiiAZi.vK and (3 rand Prcmtuitis. Only 1.Ü0 aycar. Suinplt fte tor taoip orS mon'hf for ii cents. I. W. ZIEOLEB A CQ., 1OOO Arch st., Pbiládfllphla, Pa. , or Clrhiago, UT. RAILROAD 6AZETTE. A JOURNAL OF TRANSPORTATION. Engineering and Railroad News. ruhlUliml at 73 llrnailniijr. en York. GRAEFENBERG VEGETABLES Mildest ever known, curn MALARIAL DISEASES, HEADACHE, 8ILI0US. NESS, INDICESTION anti FEVERS. These Tone up the system and restore health t those suffering from general debility ano nervousness. Sold by all Druggists. SS Oouts xer 3o3K -SMRS. POTTS'Colfl-HanflleSaüIron. _Js Ik BS FOR SALE BY THE HARDWARE TRADE. Fruit.WineandJellyPress Irïce, tffflM #3.OO. For Seeding and Extracting Juica FROM ALLFRUITS AND BERRIES. ÖTEYEEY FAXILY RBBDS ONE..JFJ ftend fiar n Cutniogrue, Free. ENTERPRISE MT'5 C0„ Philidelphia. Pa, MUÍ SALE BY THE fUBDWi.UK TKA.DE. ■ PERMANENTLY CURE8 3 KIDNEY DISEASES, ■ LIVER COMPLA1NT8, I 3 Constipation and Piles. Dr. R.H. Clark, South nero,Vt.says,"Incasea ■ H of kïtlncr Trnnblc it has octed Uke a charin. It HH A hascured many verybad cases of I'Upb, anti lma C H neverfailed to RcteÏ3ciently." Nelson Fcirchild, of St. Alhans, Vt., flaya, "It is ■ J of priccless value. Af tor gixteen yeavs ofgrcat k M sufTerinjjC from PUea and Costivcnctia it LJ ■ pleU'lycaredme." H C. 8. Hpjrabon, of Berkshire, sayp. "One pa EJ ftgrehasüono vondei f r mo ín complctely E 9Ê ing a severo Livor and Kidney Complaint' IT HAS WÏÏV? E gWONDERFUL ff tl II l POWER, 'i mii' I BetausiitActsonthoLfflIE, the BJTELS ani I the ZISSET3 at tt wais 8M. Because It cleanses the systetn of I ■ the poiconous humora that clcvelopo pi 3 InKidneyand Urlnary diseases, U 5 lousness, Jaundlce, Constipation, m ■ Piles, orín Rheumatlsm, Neuralgia ■■ 1 and nervouR disorders. LJ H KID.NEY-WOItT I dry voeotablc oom. B HO poundand con bc iM;nt by uittil prcputtl. Ril Etf Onerncka?crlllmnkerix qtsof moflirlne. ■■ j tlTHuy It at the Drwnclttn. Prlc, 41.00. L WELL3, EICHAEB30S ft CO., Prspriotsrj, n 12 (Wlll tml pl pid.) Barllnetoa, Vt. F TUTTS" PJJLLS 8YMPTOMIS OF A TORPID LIVER. Loss oí Appotite, Uowels oostive, Pain in tho tïead, with a dull aeus.ition in the back part. Pain under the shoulder blade, fullnesa after eatinff, Trith a disiuclination to exertion of body or mind, Irritabüity of temper, Low spirits, with a feeline oí aav ingneglected some daty, Weariness, Dizliuess. I'luttermg at the Heart, l)ots before the eyes, Yellow Skin, Headaohs generally over the right eye, Kestlesaness with ütiul dreams, highly colored Uriuo & CONSTIPATION. TUTT'S PILLS ar Hprlally adaptad to sik-U rae, m mXntlr dove rtïoctn nr!i a citante of fel int hs to aMtonltih tli arcrr. ïiL,i Jbi-,Ki P1ÜCJS 25 CJENTS Office, 35 lUnrray Street New Yorfc AKidney m) pad A CTKI-: tor the most prevalen) aml fatal dfseaöcs tbat ufflict mankiiul FOl'NI) AT LAST. In torna) medid nt-s nercrdld oor m vr ra cure HilM-:i DIMEAME. !STOi'lTow; uppiy Day's Kidney Pad AT OBICb, and be cureti of al! üfïtTtiohs of tüe Kidnevft. liladdtr anl I riiiarj Orirnil. 1 1 N ulily Ire;it tm-ut ihat wllFcure NEBVOUf AM i'HYSH il UEltlIJTY. auli thac dísíres-ni compltiínt, BACK At'HK." it wlll annuatly save many times Itd OOAt in medicitie.s and piasters, wlilcb at bost give tuit lemporary relief. Sok) by I)ruf:gist3 orsniLljy mail on recelpt of prlce. 02. Our book, Huw a fclíe Was Savol," gtvlng a history of this new discovcry and a laruo record 01' most remarkabl cures, sent vriie Itor it. MAY KIISi: V PAD .. Tolf tío. O. OUR CHILI)1 PAO is tho fint and onlycuro for Cülldren troubled with incomluenre of nriac, aad who üijjliUy wet thü bed. Prlce Sil .5O. SK TOUR ORUGGIST FCR THE f 01AÏS FRIEND. II out of tt, teil lilm to oidfT ol LORD, STOUTENBÜRG & C0.f SOIiII AGEWTS, 86 Wabash Avenue. Chicaso. III. Bslfl CATARRH wrSUu PAD rj JE} BHBJw Warnintcd to cun1. ClrcutKT;' ' 1. hrs fv.-1.. ."iO ctmtfl, fTO?CV jffL mail. i" M':::í' w I'AI) WS'Kwv. Qo r -y ij Huaujü Mass. PHYSIGAL LIFE OF BOTH 8EXES. A briillant book, fn.antnatlng in etylr, pure in lannuag"', endorted by pbyalclana everywhepe. An rlftborate í-xptwmon of hip Physlcal Lffi' of Man and Woman. Rlegantl; prlnrrd nnd fullv lllustratcd. Kxiruordlnitry liuliKcmi-nti to .Umi. Aitüress JOKES BBOTHERS ft CO.. Chicago, IU. l88l7iFIÍE. I88I." The 1LLUSTRATED "GOLDEN PRIZE" for 1881 is now reudy. Tliis elegant book contalDs abnut jOO fine ensravlnprs. A snedmén copy will be sent iree to anj one in tlie United States on receipt of a three-cenl stamp to ore-pav costase on the book. A' ents wantcd. A(i.lress I-". i.KASOS & CO., ■IU .'-uiumcr Street, Boston, Mass. THE WOMAN'S FRlËHD Will Cure that Sick-Headache. XWVm Sale bj All DruiitfUts. DI'DTII'nP Réllcred mi cured by Pr. J. A. Il I I II 11 K SHEi:M-.N'nie-li.ü. wiüinutthi'inIIL'I Il'lIIJji.liet. Bená 10c for buok inu8tril!iK ;i'i üefon mi tftrcure. 251 Brosdway, New York. Branch Office, Sí. Loáis, Mj. HEAOQUARTERS 5 AND 10 CENT Counter Suppllot. S-nd for 4-pago caralotf uc to CARYt FULTOM CO., S Kink- OD, Mass. Ai:rrs!íliitaoneywiíh "IJft? nnd Tra vt-i orOencrnl dr:int." Bcod for (lfscriptlvc vircular. AiKiri'KB Cfiiïsr Pab'ng Oo. . TolcdOi O. nillllïl llallt'nrrl In 10 IIVIIlfM tnSOdaya. -pn.i ■" in ...I. ACKXTS WAXTKII for Ov Bcl aml FasTcütSclling l'lclovtii] Dooka iil Blblw. Pi a n ilutad 88 per cene. Natioiml PublUlilng Co., Chicago, ill. (TOPA WEEK in voinoun imvn. Termsan J DDD5outütrre). Aüilr'i U.HalkttüCo PorUaaiJIo I a i)'1 irimmetO.O. I). snywüew. wimipi Uil Usad lixlail. Prlce-llít frtt. Ho Hls KuaranIIMI fltwi. i).C.STREHL.157"Vab;isb av,chlcaga ÍC i tOfl pcrclnvat home. Samplcswortti$5 fü 0 ÍU (u Ad'(lrtsSTiX5OiiCo..l'urli!id. Jlo. ÍOrn MONTH! BST8WANTB0I n.l nl75 Best SeMiig Anieles in thaworld; s:n. vUu"l'lf.". J.W ill:. [,, ,..:i. Mu'li. fïMNC ReTOlTer. Illus. Catalogue free. U Wil Wlir. m - ■ in lam Works. PitUburgh. I'a. r0l'S0 JIKN Irarn relmtrapliy and oarnfto tomOO . aaionth. Evt'ry aradiiat ■ BuanMteed a p.iyr: : .:Cuation. Adüiv-vH k vaTonUna Blaiuger, JaueviU. ris, ff 70 A WEEK. l:;.nlayat liornc eusily made. Jjlu Costlj outllt frea Addr'sTrue Co. AunusU. Ma. A. N. K. H ' TO. WKE.V H-MTI.Va TO ADVJBBTWflERS, plentv iy yon satv the Jkdvertitement 4m thi pa f ar.


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Ann Arbor Democrat