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BUSINESS CARDS. WILLIAM CASPARY, T AKERY AND CONFECTIONERY, 32 Detroit Street. S. B. PARSONS, M. O., Succceeor to Stone &'■ Paraons, "VFFICE AND DISPKNSAKr. J Córner Hurón and Fifth Streets, Ana Arbur. Mich. JOHN F. LAWRENCE ATTORNBT AT T.AW. Office, Nos. 8 aud 3 HilVs Opera nouse. Aun Arbor, Micll. FRANKËMLRÏC K TTOUNET AT IAW. Ofll(;o over Brown V & Co.'s Drug Slore, Córner Main and Hurón Streets, Ann Arbor, Mich. JACOB H ALLER & SON, DEALEHS IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, Speo tacles, Phitert Ware, (iuld Pens and Fine Jeivcirj1. Special attention given to repairing- Watches and Jewelry. _24Soutn Main Street, Ann Arbor. O .C7JEÑKINS, CÜRGEON DENTIST. rooms No. 32 East Washington Stroet, forrnerly occupied by Dr. Frothing-ham. Ann Arbor, Mich. nLEONARD HOUSE, TF. LEONARD. Pioprietor, Adq Arbor, Mich. S. T. SPEECHL.Y, PHOTOCRAPHER TO. 7:.' SUUXH MAIN STKBBT. Cards, Cubil infp, Piom nnde and 8x10, with Frames to snit, baokgrounds and aoc sa icscomplele. kepl wnilo lorod is. HURÓN MARKET. EC. FREER, Dealer in Fresh, Salt and . Smoked Meats, Frosh J ish, Oysters, Poultry, etc. No. 'ñ Eaat Hurón Htrcct. WILLIAM HERZ HOtTBB, 8IGN, ORNAMENTAL and Fresco Painter. Pupering-, Glazing, Gilding, Calcimining and work of evetfS scriplion dono in tho bost Btyle, and warranted to give satisï:iclinu. Shop Xo. 4 West Washington Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. CÖOK HOUSE, CORN'Elí HURÓN AND FOURTH STREETS, An] Arbor, Michigan. HeatedTiv Steam with no Extra Charge. C. H. & F. W". JewklLh Propiii.'tors. THE UIVLftSITY IONSOKIAL PAKLOR and BATH ROOMS. ! No. 5 North Main Strekt. ,T. W. STRlTTSLE. Proprietor. Gentlemanly baibers in attend nee. CITY TEA STORE. MD. L. BRANCH, Proprietor. A general i . aásOrtmenr of Wet and Dry Grooeries, 1 No. 5 riouth Maia St., Ann Arbor, Micü. MSCHAEL H. BRENNAN, ATCOHNEY AT I.AW. Office with E. D. Klnne, Si iwson Block, comer Hurón and Fourth sti ■■ t . Ann Arbor, Michigan. ANTÓN EISELE, DEALER IN MONUMENTS inri Gravestones, niunn facturad f , om Tennei-see and Italinn Marble nnd Scotch aml American Qraníte. shop. cor, ügtroH and Catheriue sts.. Ann Arbor. Mich. FREDERICK PISTORIUS, A TTORNEY AT I.AW andNotary Public. FIre, Xjl nc Accident Ii'su anee: Loan and Keul Estáte Brokerage aud i'ollectlon Office, No. 15 So. Mam St . Ann Arbor, Mich. TheonlyLaw OWcein Wa-htenaw Co wliere the (ierman and Eugl.Bh angnage ure equally at home. rÖlXG ! GOTNG ! ! GONE ! ! ! R. L. Godf rey, Vi Of the township of Pittsñeld. ffers h'i8 services to the farmers of Wahtenaw County asAuctionecr. Anv Information as to terms will be promptly given by artdi-essing the uadersigned. H. L. GÜDFIUOV, Ann Arbor, Mieh. MUSIC STORE. The cheapest place to buy Pianos, Bstey Organs, Violins, Quitara Banjos, Tambourines, Drums, Fites, Flas-eolets. Zithers. Accordeons. Piano stooW, Violin Hoxes. instruction Books tor til kinds of Instruments, Sheet Music (newi, Strlom, best iHiHlity, uil kinds; Month Organs Brido-es Bows, Kevs and Rosin. EvefytMng in the mupjc lino frnm a Chickerinpr Pimío to u Jew's Harp enn be . found at .1. B. SAQE'8 Muslo Store, o. i Washington St., Ann Arbor WILREY'S MUSIC STORE. TilANOS.ORGANS, SHEET MUSIC, [nstrucl tinn Hooks. Vinlins. Guitars, Flutes &c nhcap at Wilsey's MusIc Kooms.oust sido I'ubliè fcquare, Ann Arbor, Michigan. The laiK-est and best Btocfc of Musical Goods ever brouaht mti) Waehtenaw Countv. Violin and Gultar Btrings a speoialty. KT.B.- ttwül be to y,nr interest to c-all before purehasiug anythirig in the Mibic: line. OLIVER HOUSE, pORNEU BROADWAY AND OTTAWA J Btreets, Toledo, Ohio. rCLFOHD HALL, Proprietora. Megets. Tapp & Millek, Olerka, Headquarters for Ann Arbor People, CEO. R. JAQÏÏËs7 2-rO BKOADWAY, t1Ll NEW YORK OITï, Cominissloner of Deertn for all the Stutes In the Union (inclndlae MfeUigan), ufrom MHiue to Califomia." Depositions a specially. W ltnBea carefnHvex miuerl. Testimony plaiuly writieD. Charei reasunaDle. Your ptroinge aoliclted. Tiis Aim Arüor SanTigs Bauk (Organized IK H. under Ihe General Banking Law of tlil taie) has uow, includiu'' Capital otock etc, . ' OVER $250,000 ASSETS. Batlnem-men, (ïua -dian. Tmfteee, Ladiee and otlier persona wili üud tlii Bank a Safe and Convenient Place at wtuch to make Dc:posits and do busineBB. Interest is Allowed on Ali Savings Deposits i f $1.0 and npward, accordina to the rn!e of 1 nterestcoinpoamteaftemi-anuually Money to Loan in Sums of $25 to $5,000, Bccu edby üníncnmbeiedKeál EuMe andotliei IIIRECTOHS - Cbri? iau Mack. W. WV.' U . :utí:miui, VwllUm Doubie, R. A. Beal, Dnuiel UUcouk aud i', . 1!. Smith. 'IPFICERS -Dhripiian Mack, President; W. w V.ines, Vlce--esident; Chas. E. Hiscock, 1 ;'er.


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Ann Arbor Democrat