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PHILIP WINECAR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, rocwi No 4, Oper House Block, Ann Albor, Michigan. Livery, Sale, AND BOARDING STABLE! I have opened a Livery, Sale, anc Boarding Stable opposite the Couri House on Fourth street, wheie livery rigs can be obtained at any time o: the day or night. A fine lot of new carriages and good horses, at reason able rates. Breaking colts and hand ling track horses a specialty ; gooc references given. P. Irwin, Ann Arber. HOP BITTERS? (A Medicine, not a Drink.) OOMTAnli HOPS, BITOIHI, IHANDRAKB, UANDELION, Amt thf PirBSST akp Bert Midi n a l QuaLI TI28 OF ALL OTHJf K BlTTEBa. THEY CURE &11 Piscases of theStomach, Bowels, Blood, Liver, Kldneye, and Urlnary Orans, Nervouinefla, Sleepleasness and eapecially Feinale Complalnte. siooo in cold. B Will be psld for a case ttaey wlll not cnre orï help, or for anythlog lmpure or iojurlouë f ound la thein. Aik yonr dragglst for Hop Bitters and try I tuem before you sleep. Take no other I X IC. 1an absolute and Irresistible cure for I Druakenoeu, use of opium, tobáceo and narcotica. ■■■■ Sikd fob Circulas. ■mninlBHHH AU mboTt told by dmeritti. Hop Bllttn Mfg. Co., Rochg.Ut, w. Y. , & Totonlo, Ooi. I 21 Numbers of Scribner's for $5 The richly illustrated November numbor of Scrtbner's Monthly, the Decenmal Issue, appears in a new cover, aiid beging the21st volume. The increasing popularity of the magazine is strongly evidenced by recent ales. A year ago the monthly circulation was about 90,000 copies; during the past nine months it bas averaged 115,000, while the flrst edition of the November issue is 125,000. The örst Part of the now famous serial Sy Eugene Schuyler, "The Life of Peter ;he Great," was iinished in üctober. Witb. November begins Part II., "Peter the Gi'eat as Ruler and Refoimer," which will be an advance, iu point of popular interest and wealth of illustration, upon the part already publi&hed. To enable readers to secure Part I. the publishers make the following special offers to new snbsjribers after October 20lh, who begin with the November nuraber. (1.) New sub8Cribers may obtain, for 5.00, Hcrilmer's Monihly for Ihe coming rear, and the previousnine numbers, F"ebuary to October, 1880, which iuclude Pait 1. of "Peter the Great," Mrs. Bur nett's 'Louisiana," etc. In accepting .his offer, twenty-one numbers will be ïad for f 5. (2.) They may obtain the previoug welve numbers of Scribiiev's, elegantly ound d olive-green cloth (two volumes) containing Part I. of Peter the Great, all of Cable's novel, "The Grandissimes," with the numbers named above, and a rear's subscription, for $7.50. (Regular )rice, $10.) All book-sellers or news-dealers will ake aubscriptions and supply the numbers and volumes mentioned in the above specal offers, without extra charge for posage or express; or the publishers, Scribner & Co , 743 Broadway, New York, may be addresaed direct. The regular rice of Scribner's is $4. a year, 35 cents a ïumber. TAKB NDTICE ! DON'T BUY ADOLLAR'S WORTII OF GOODS BEFORE SEEING Mï STOCK Al PRICES. A FULL LINE IN Every Department. Mcn's, Yoïïths7, . And Boys' CLOTHING CpailForiisliii GooAs. JOE T. JACOBS, The Clothier. Ann Arbor. MEMBRINO GOLD DUST Will make the season until December lst 1880, AÏIRWIN'SBARN ON THE EAST S1DE OF THE COURT-HOUSE ON FOURTII STREET. TH1S HORSE TOOK FIRST MONEY N THE STALLION RACE At The Washtenaw Countv Fair. H. R. HILL ATTOENEY AT LAW. office No. 8, Opera House Bloi-k. Aun Arlior. Michigan. NOTICE. ALL OUT OF EMPLOYMENT, Bhould addreas Frank Leslie Pubhshing Co., 15 Dey Street,' New York; an aotivc' agent wantod in cvcry town. All who wish to make nioney rapidly, sliould sond Thirhj Ooit for fivc weeks subscription, to Frank Leslie's Weekly, (the only Democratie Illustrated Pajier published.) Clubs of four, for live weeks, for one dollar, or sample copy will be sent tor 6 cents postage starnps. llHistratcd Catalogue free.


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Ann Arbor Democrat