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Two Oiitiin-. Repúlate flrat the stomach, secondthelivpr; espccialiy tl.c tir-t, s ,i to p'erioftn thcir iunctions perfcetly, and ou wiil reumw ut. least iiinetceü-rweitieths of all the ii Is tiar mankind is heir t , In thts or any otl e mare. Hop Bitters is the only ih nj; that will üive perlectly healthr natural aetión to these two organs. - Maine Farmer. Wiiii.k the dauhtcr of Alfret! M. Paye, of Clima, Mc. was watcliins; at. the 1 of a sick si6ter, a spotted adder ovei feet in ensith passeu over lier feet. I was killed by hef father tii fBe fitting-room. Oen. #Tohn A. TogAn, Hero of the late ar, and ni)H Ulilttd Staten Senator froin Illinois, writes.: "Sume vea a po I '.as trouU d more or lesswith i-ne;1m:ti sni, aud have witliin the lastyearor so eulïered intensely with same discase. I befran to tnke 'Öurah's Rheuraafic Kemcdy,' and am tborousflily satistied tfaat I have l)een curcl by its use. I do not hesitate to recommend it to all snfferers." It is taken internally and liever faüsto cnro tlie worst case in the sho! test. lime. Soiil hv all Wholesale and retaii druggintQ. Write, for tO-pas'e pamphlet to K. K. l'.elphenstine, Drugijisl,, Washington, D. C. $5,000 will bt tor eitêd rtndpaid bythe Malt, Bitters Comaiiv iï Hrrfi'.i: a fftmil medicine prepared by thein, ooes not excel in a fair eompet.nve exaniinnlion all other eornpounds uowbeforethe public oaJU,cd "Bi The best is the cheapest. Tf. H. I!rv. Chleao Business Co lege - thé standard tut. cin of the eountn - urnishes the educatiou that pays. Catalogue seut free. P.A.TSOX'9 IXDFI.IHJ.I', MaüKIVü InK hffg a reeorJ of Jit'i fpars. Samplu mailed tor 3 '■ ■ by F. H. Stóddardcte Co., Northampton, Maas. Tur regular Frazer Ax'eGrease .-aves money for the coasumer. Tlie liyut colored or yeUow looeens tm spokes. If afïlic'ed wüh Sore Eres, '-Use Dr. Isaac Tbompson'g Eye Water. prugg8tssellit. 25c. Rpqnixo's RrjssjA Salve has proyed itíe.'nciency by atcstof thrée-quarters of a een tur . (Jambkidob, Mass., will celébrate its 250th anniVerary on the Sth of. next December. Lewis (;. WlfisèW, "f Washmitton Borouïh, Pa., küledala ge copperhead snaku, .vii,eii. lien opened, was fouud to coutain sixtv youna; ones. 'Have a btottVng Sao, sir?" asked a peripatetc dealer, feoehlint out one of t&oae ab?"rheiits. "HiW do you lasten tlie tli nu oniM inuuired Jonos af ter turnin;: it over anil over. "Fasti r IVOB?" exolaiinil peddier. l'whut do you meauí" "What ilu vounn-Hni'1 cried Jones, loolíiii'í up. Yöung man, l've bad expenence in this rad Imsines-; l've bought tbem for tbr head, stonnich and livrr. and this is the iii'S one I everaw witb no tackle on it. X . 1 dmi't want it. (.ooildav." ïhe man saw it was no use to arfrne wiih Jones. - Boston Transcript. Wiiy is it tDat the circus eleihant ncver kili.s tlie clown or tlie leinonade num ! Sorthe Cureof CouïIis, Cul'K Kouvatta, Asttama, ronchlti, Croup, loduriita. WhuopmiOutigti. ; lent ConaumDÜOO 4c. Prlce ouly 9S üeaw a hinile. tdk ÉJÉkTne Boyal Top " 0vAE?ATSpiiiniDgPistoL OF TiU __- "jf H J! -4 f I H 8pin ft Tup ftt umi liidb B jV, I %H 'l cünut itríkt ib band, ."-,■ W " fcnd i Id bcj duptui. T - .L C fa Uied ti iplo Uit Top V 't; ; Lk wniMut ftrun üi Cp, ut u H n B ftblt("ï ö Top. A food (07 H ;vio iBC aVfor (,tl. or Ütiil, W 1 è"ï-- V3V p(pid. Tur ü (NU. ■ LaSj ■PgOHN f. U)VILL A SOtCR, B g IJ Uua Dallen, Uoitou, Hmé ■ Illntrutfd HuocazlBa wlll enter on ItN lSlh in 1HM1. S1.50. n ïear In , vnnc i-uil IVr Nüiniilr Xo. and Preniliim l.UI. K W ïiuboriber Bet extra Nim. by ; anbcilbli)jL non', n lílí M "ursery Oompany Eoiton, Mass. 59GKJ& CEBÉiIaí FOB RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Scfatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chestt Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swellngs and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparatlon on earth eqnals St. Jacobs Oit, as a safe, surc, itímple and rheap Kxtenml Brmedy. A trial entalla but the comparutlvrly irifling ou Hay pf 50 Ci'nts, and ejrty oue iiffering wlth pala can havo cheap and positivo proof of íu claimi. DirectionB ín Kleven Languagei. BOLD BT ALL DBUGGI8TS AND DEALERS ÍH MEDICINE. A. VOGELER fc CO., BaUimore, Md., U. S. A Ís intuir from a limpio Tropical Lfftf md lí a POSI Ti VE remedy for Pain In ihc Back, Severe Hed' aches, Dlzzlncse, Inflamed Kye. líloatlng, Xight ' Swcíats, Torpld LlTer, Palnful Urination, Gravel, nnd U Diseaie of ttafi Ktdnpyi, LJver or TTrtnary Organa. It is a tafe and certain cure for Leucorrhea, Wumb' and all Peínale Complalnta. As a Blood Purifler It !■ uuoqualtd. for ti curea tí orfians that ínuke the blood. The largest bottle in the market. Prl, l.5. For tale by Drugglsis and all dealsra, H. U. A CO., Rocheater. JU. T. ■f P ï RMANENTLYClfREH 5 KIONEY DISEASCS, LIVER COMPLAINTS, 3 Constipation and Piles. Ka Dr.R. H. Clark, South Hero.Vt.says, 'Incascs I H of Klilnr Trouliles itliaa acted like acharm. It ■■ CJ hascurcdmAnyverybad cases ofl'ilw, and has Cj B nevor failod to acteHlcientlj." Nelson Fairchild, of 8t AÍbans, VtM b&jb, trít i H J of nriceless valué. Aft ■TBixtwn yrars cfpreat Fí ■ snfferínff from V'úva aud Cüatireiiew It comU H plctcly cured me." I C. 8. Hofrabon, of Berkshire, saya, "One pack■■ CJ age has done ■wonder f-T me ín cotnnlotely curCj ■ ing a severo Liver and Kidney Complaint." it has iinrvQ E ■ WONDERFULII ti L i POWER. ■■iiiiJ B I Bsemse lt Acts ontha LITIS, ths 30WELS nd ■ tho KEiTSTa ', th stae tino. Becmise It cleanses the system of M m the polsonoushumora that deveiope n 3 inKIdneyand Urlnary dlscases, M ja lousnoss, Jaundlce, Constipation, ■ ■ Piles, orín Rhsumatlsm, Neuralgia ■ n and nervous disorders. LJ M KIDNKV.WORT la adry vegetable I Wm pouiuluud coa lm wnt by mull prcpulü. Kl J Uup])ackaarowillniake8ixqtsof medicine. U Tursr it 3xro-vsr t 3 tS"Huy tl ut the Drucrlata, Prlce, ti. 00. L WSLLS, EICHAEDSOH CO., rroprfatore, M 2 (Wlll nd pmt psM.) BurUngUm, Vt P e FOR THE HAIR. BUKNETT'S )AINE ABSOLUTE ODEE FOB DASDEUFF. BURNETT'S ÍOCOAINE % 0UEE8 BALDNESS y AND SOALD HEAD. Beaittifully Illiimfnated Floral Hnnd Book f re. Send addrrsy to Jos BURNCTT CO .Rosten, Mas. TUTT'S PILLS SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Losa o -ieiite, uowela costive, Fain in the ctead, withadull sonsatiou in the back part, Fain under the shoulder blade, fullnesa after enting, with a disinclination to exertion of body or mind, lrritiibiüty of temper. Low spirits, with a feeling ot naving nelected sotne duty, WearinesB, Dizziness, i!'luttering at the Heart, Uota before the eyes, Yellow Skin, Headaohe generally over theright aye, Hestlossness withfitln' fl"náms. hi'ilv "olorM Uriñe de CONSTIPATION. TUTT'S PILLS r 4perllly afAitil to nurli caei, n lo -nVct nch a rhftnío of rellnic nft to asíonlsli tlie Htitferor. ROLI) B7ZBÏWHBBK. PHICE S CENTS. OFFICE, 85 Marra; .itrn-l, New York. THE GRSAT INSTSÜ3TI0N BOOS ! EICHÁRDSON'S NEW METHOD For the Pianoforte. BY NATHAN RICHARDSON. PRICE $3.25. ; ' IT IS CKSKIÍALLY CONCEDED THAT TI11S IS THÏ MOST PEÍSFECT, AS WELt AS THE MOST Büa E88FUL I'IANOFORTKINM l:t VI tOV BOOK evLb fublished. hav1ng ilkkn jiasï times revised; it mas be coitsidered as en■nitKI.V rlíKK FItOM J-:i!KOKS. HAVINf. II ÍN BEPEA1EDLÏ EBXABQSD, IT IS RKMAIiKA" ; BI.Y FUI.I. AND COMPLETE. MANY THOÜSANDS OF TEACHERS HAVE CTSETJ TM'". DOOK FOK YKARS. AND S1ILI. CONTINUE j TO U.SF. II', AS TUK 1!KST. SALES AUE C'ONST.WT AXI) VKIiV LAB6E. nll'HAKDBOX1 NEW METIIOD FOK THE PIi ANOFOKTE IS TUK TITLE. ORDER IT HY ! THK WHOLE TITLE. AND ACCF.I'T NO OTHER ! BOOK. SI'CE THIS IS THE ORIGINAL AND TBÜB "KICHAI!I(IN'." SOLD BY AI.L THE PRINCIPAL ITÜfllC DEALERS AND BOOKSKI.LEHS OF THE UNITED TATES AND CANADA. MAII.ED, POSTFHEE. FOR S3.SS. LYON & HEALY, Chicago, III. OLIVER OITSOH & CO.. Boston. a OOK AGENTS WAXTED for JOHN I!. GOUOH'S liew bonk. ut publislicd.enlillfd SUNLIGHT AND SHADOW fVith RcniiniKtnc.-i of Thrillln!, lMVtic, .nd Amu-in; "Ak%John li. Gouah. pi'ln, humor, nd gooI thinp for all. i i, e, ÜMTtLITOS E0., 68Deilrbom St., Chicago, 10. 70,000 SOLD YEARLY. The ffrowlnff popuWtrity nnd uefulne of OAKINKT Er PA IU.OK OROAX8 I hown by he lactth! EVKXTÏTMOrvV)iar old yearly la the Unltcd States. The bemt are MASON & HAMLIN ORGANS lïti , i) 1 ■ 11 iiwuni'-ii hiuest distinoi ionskob DKMONbTKATÏD SUPBRIORITY at KVERY QMS of CtM GKKAT WORLD'S Industrial Exlllhltiuns for thlrUjen years, without oru ainrjl exception. NfcW STYLES Are rondy thlsseason wlíli important Improvementg. FOR LAKGK CHÜKCIIKS.spl ■ndid orRin. wltligrcat power aml vari.-iy, al tüv. . tXt). and lonpi-lccs; FORSMALLEK CIHTnCHK. SCBÖÓtSi ■.. Sl to HO and upwards; SUFKKB UBAfflXli KUOJt SI VI. ES il sato HiU. nncl upwanU; A QBE AT VARIETTof SMALLER ORGANS of rijoal excellence though Ksacapacity, or In piala casos, at, M UW) and upwurd. Alo furnish.-il ron jio.nthly or ijuíBtirlt paymrnts. tü and upwartli. Tlteste organs are certalnly unrlpaledtn excellence, white the prictê are nol mttch hlgher thfxn those of very i-nferior instrument. Bi'fore pim-hasmü any organ end tortatext ILLUSTKATKU CATALOGUE (32 pp.4to), contalnlng full deacrlpllous and prlce, lndudhiR nt tylf, and inuch usrful InformaUon for the purcbufi of any organ, wh ih win be ''nl free and post-paiü. MA8OKI 4 HAMLIN OROANCO,, 1M Tremont Si.. BOflTON; 4 E.14CU Si., NEW ÏUKK: H9 Wabasll Ave.,CHlCAOO. ïpPÏÏm ÖWAN TËD nlTllli I 11 lv T.wli.-r.-tos 11 to I! XlUJLJli i. 'J Fai ' nsumer. thPC l.'InV.dOOI.I MAMI.VIIIV'IK.V asas ï ■ ' ■:■.. ■■■.,-., .:.,Kfi Groo r. l , I i M J ■ i ,-'.. CU - ■ ! -:hUi..O for ' po . '- '. i -li lnllvxpl:inuilonandoulllt. GRAEFÊNBERG S& VEGETABLE y;la Hiajr Müdest ever known, cura mÉjSïvBR malarialdiseases, TïeKfirA HEADACHE, 8ILI0USY&aXh NESS, INDICESTION and ffYHk These Tone up the system a"d restore hnalth to those suffering from debility and nervousness. Sold by all Druggistg. SS Ooxitai er Box. O lAWING MADE EASY. _ v boy 10 yeara old can iaw off Bj_ :ï-fot loir in two minute. Ournfw portable Monurcli Klirhtulu Siiwing Miichliu' rtvtils all others. .1 eaih wlll bt; glvrn to iwi men who can ttaw as .icí wul tutty In old wny. a one boy 16 yearn ola can with thls machlov. Wárranttw!. Clrtulan sent Fn'c. Agi-nt witrittd. MONARCH LIGHTNING SAW CO.. lO EUndolph u, CUloaso, HL UENTS WANTJD Hl Best and Fastest Selling piCTOBIAL BOOKS anfl BIBL1S. I Prici-s n-ilui-ci 33 piT c.e:n. Address KATIOKAEi ■L V t It I.SNJUMi (nPANT, Pniladclphia, Fa., Chicago, I11M oí ÖU Louis, filo. @t 1=1 CATA RRH Jrpfy pad. 'i JSam ■ f "L W rrnnted Xo Prlre áBr"f. '■'■■■" 1-. SOt-ms. SoldbyDreici-ts BR V% ov rf ni hy ni1l, í AMKIÍIfw SríW CAN PADCO..8SOW -li ■fe'W. ''J'm AirettlM 'on Ca.iii'rii lm, :UJ A ttlUli I II ploymrat toan int llig-nt inau r womiD in evers ,4 i ï,1 T ri w for o lown. W also wnt A U II J J O . n!riu?, ■up-Tb. higfaly cummendcd, iniwust'ly popular ai-. ■TVTTTT f áLV7 Immense sal.-e sure. iNEWBOOK"0 - ■i X1JU ff ÜVvX&AicniH makc mgnej fasi. Si nd for circular and V FHM, Alsu. fr TBK I'koj-j.kV Mmuine BOd Grand Prcmlmns. Onl)' $J- ft yeai1. Siirnntc ni for Rtftmp orS moi P. IV. ZIEOLLB V CO., IOOO Arch St.. iMiftadelphla. Pa.,or Cbícago, I1L #STOYt PIPE SKELF AND UTENSIL STAND. AGEXTZ WAXmu fot lbo uuit rcjini-iii.-iit aitick' vu-r olfered to hiv:si-ket'pf in. Agt-uts nit-ei with gri-lcr Bartceu thn ?iei. One agfQt 1)102 in 15 (hvs, anolhvr as in Sditvs, nnnthtr 2? mi 1 hw. ItoxiiiK aml Krt'iijlit FiN-í' l iKPiili. Si-ui lm uuint Mrasa. J. K. Mll'.l'AflS) .. 151íC-U'rnliv, C ncin'li. O. l;:i Wa!ntv-;. 8UjLoato.Mo. AGC.VTS ! Here 1. ÏOCK GUI. O IIF. : JLiIItItIJSI li irULiii eockies. Ily i l'. S. MliK'rul Sniveyor. Compl dcsrrlptlon of vcrv part of iht' grcill -. d mui iHvor flrtdfl. Th' pr i-lon smrf: wli - 'li' llnd ir. howthoy fin'] lt. hovv t!iym!ne i: dvi-niiiit of 'lll Cnni'i Llfc. srivams Silfd wüh I Foresta fillcd wH h (í uur. M tuntalna QUcd w] ti SUvei anl Gold. Kor clrcuhir ii-I Sue.:it oxira ferntn, ddn'ss 111 BBARD BEI l ■ Hm ■ U MARKT WA I NS H 11 Í1 111 I Out untl Rei.tly forüeJlL JLXtXXXUi. llver.y. X,.w I 111? time A BR O AD sfSrlo.%Yí XI U UVAlli Canal Btnktt, CliicBo, 111. göj ÏOUXO JU OP1;"' 1 wraKktaX Onti -H,. ik tl '( hm I -■' ÊffBSr rirni' flll1 II' AltcnU Wanu-d rvcrywhi-re Hl Kil II Wfscllo famlUoa, hottta and 1 I lili I lïll'J laijic consumiTK : largcjt tock In Ihe country: quaüry andu-nus Iht )'■■■;. umitri' aion'kenpi-ns should cali or THU WLLLS 1 Í.A COMPANT.201 FuUonSi . N' V. P.O.Box 4.i0. wflfatPhjWd Whrk C16AHS WAn ! KUW in ivo". 8. FOSTOR s CO., C.ikIbuiI, O. ni'nTI'DI? Bellered and cured hy Dr. J. A. KI I I I1 11 fi SiixBM.ix'nini liml, lih.iiiitli. InIII I 1 l' HU jury irusaoa ñ(Uct. Bcnd .üc. foi Dook Illustniting (1 enMii aml al'h r mr''. J.V BroadwBy. New York. Braucta Oüiui', St. Lonis, Mo. HEADQUARTERS 5 AND 10 CENT Countfr Suppllea. Send for 4-pagi" raialoKucto C.'AUV, FULTOX & CO., O Kingston stn-ct, Boaton. Ma ■ I ■ mand (TiffisontCO. D. anywnere. Wholesale li A I ti1"1 Itetail. lMa-llstw lio 1 eruaranIIMIiltttM. ü.(.'.STKKHL.157 Wu'.ixshav.Ubluasa Xn J i% l-KF.HKXTS PREE. - il nd'MA ''"■" 'ur panlrnliirs. K UIKI-'.r, IT! ft O 7Schoor9t., Bo AOEXTS WAJiTED for the Bot ani F . .K Plciorial Book8 and Biiilev. Pi [cea n thictyi Sjucrrcnt. National Publlshlng Co., Chlrngo. 111. nniH ■ nnhlnc llahlt ur,(l In 16 IVlIl jM foïOda.Tn. .!...-. (IM'uifd. Ui IUiW I Da, J. ara-Ht:.-.-. l.riu Oiilo. (TOCrtA MONTH! A(.KTS WAXTED! TkA rl I I7S Beat scüiiig Araelei in mrldi ■ mmVUWMtile;w. JAï llo-o.i. Dt-lroit. Mich. VOUNfl MKX Nviintelegraphyauil ramün toilOO X a nuinth. Kvery srBdnBle BUBraoteAd a naylns s;matlon. A IdrÏBH link.,M;iii:iKis..!:mcsvül''.Wls. AeiKiVTScoinmoneywlth "I.Iite nnd '"i;i . '. of Oi-iutmI Grimt." Send for descnpLtvc circular. Addreu Chaso Pub'ng Co. , Toledo, O. UIICIP At Hai.f Price. i : talotrue free. nlUdlb iifMi ' [ir. ff 7f) A WEEK. fl2adayat home casily made. J)i u Uostly outfit free. Adoro True aCo. Aiufusta. Me. AC ('KVTS cures all your Oorn and limilin. ■SOAddreBaOLlTUBUaa, H.D.. wllmlngton, Del COC A WEEK invourowntown. Term ind J) 005 outfit f rea Aadr'8H.HallettlCo Portland.Me AIIUC Kevolvem. Illus. Catalogue f re II II H w Oreat Wetten Guu Works. Pliutiuiiih. Pa. A. N. K. - ÍC i. iin perdayatbome. Saiupleiworthfa IJ 10 ZU (Vee A(l"rm9imoÑ0a.P0ttUa,M.


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