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BUSINESS CARDS. WILLIAM CASPARY, T} AKERY AND CONFECTÏONERY, 82 Detroit Street. S. B. PARSONS, M. D., Successor to Stone & Parsons, OFFICE AND DI8PBN8A.ET, Corner Hurou and Fífth Street?, Ann Arbor, Mich, JOHN F. LAWRENCE, ATTüRNIOY AT LAW. Office, Nob. 2 aud 3 llill's Opera Houne, Aun Arl og, Micll. "FRANK ÉIVIRICK, A TTORNEY AT LAW. Offloo over Brown 1 & ('o.'s Drug: Store, Comer Main and Hurón Strccts, Aun Arbor, Mich. JACOB HALLER & SON, DEALERS IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, Spee tltcles, Plated Ware, Gold Pons and Fine Jewelry. Special attention given to repairJnjr Watehes and Jewelry. 24 South Main Street, Ann Arbor. O. C. JENKINS, CFRGEON DEfiTIST, rooms No. 32 East i Washington Street, formerly occupied by Dr. Frothingham. Ann Arbor, Mich. LEÓN ARD HOUSE, TF. LEONABD. Proprietor, Ana Arbor, Mich. S. T. SPEECHI.Y, " PHOTOCRAPHER TTO. 72 SOUTH MAIN8TB.EET. Cunls, CabiN ineiy, Prora .nade and 8x]0, wtth Frames tosuit, backgrounds and access )'ies complete. Neg"ativi_ kept ft while for orders. HURON MARKET. I C. PREER, Dealer in Fresh, Salt and j.Smoked Meats, Fresh li.h, Oysters, Poultry, etc. No. 3'i East Hurón Street. WILLIAM HERZ, HOUSE, 8IGN, ORNAMENTAL and Fresco Paintcr. Fapering, Ghizin, Gildinir, Cal cimining and work of every description dono in the best style, and warranted to gi e satisiaction. Slinp No. l West Washington Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. "CÖOK HOUSE, CORNER HURON AND FOURTH STREETS, VV Ann Arbor, Michigan. . Heated liy Steain witli no Extra Charge. C. H. & F. W. Jewkli,, Proprietors. THE UIVERSITY HTONSORIAL PARLOR and J BATH ROOMS. No. 5 North Main Street. J. W. BTBTTBLE, Proprietor. Gentlemanly barbers in attend.ince. CITY TEA STORE. MD. L. BBANCH, Proprietor. A general . aesortment of Wet and Dry Groceries. No. 5 Snuth Main St., Ann Arbor, Mich. WICHAEL H. BRENNAN, A TTORNEY AT LAW. Office with E. D. xV Kinne, SlawsoD Block, corner Huron and Fourth streets, Ann Arbor, Michigan. ANTÓN BÍSELE, DEALER IN MOSUMENTS anñ. Graveatonee, numiifactured f rom Tenneesee and Italían Marble hjkI Scotch and American Granitt. Shop, cor. Detroit and Catherine sta., Ann Arbor. Mich. FREDERICK PISTORIUS, A TTORX E Y AT L A W and Notary Public. Fire, J Life ;nd Accident Itisutance; LoanandReal "Estáte Brokerage and Collection Office, No. 15 So. Wain St . Aun Arbor, Mich. The onlyLaw Office in Va-hten:iw Co.wuerethe Germán and Engliehlanfjuagey are eqnally athome. GOIXG ! GOINTG ! ! GONE ! ! ! R. L. Godf rey, of the township of Pittsfleld, offers nis services to the farmers of Washtenaw County as.Vuotioneer. Any information as to terms, will be promptly given by addressinir the undersigned. K. L. GODFHKV, Ann ArborMich. MtFSIC STORE. The cheapest place to buy Pianos, Estey Organs, Violius, Guitars, Banjos. TambourineB, Drums, Files, Flageolets, Zithers, Accordeons, Piano Btools, Violin Boxes, lnstruction Buoka for ül kinds of instrumeuts, !heet Music (new), Stringrs, best nuality, all kinds; Mouth Organs, Bridg-es, Bows, Kpys and Rosin. Ëvorytmngln tho mueio lino from a Chickering Piano to a Jew's Harp c;m be found at .1. II. SAGE'S Music Store, No. 4 Washington St., Ann Arbor. WILSEY'S MUSIC STORE. TRÍANOS, ORGANS, SHEET MÜSIO, lnstrucL tion Books, Violius, Guitars, Flutes, &c, cheap at Wilsey's Music Rooms.east side Public Square, Ann Arbor, Michigan. The largest and best Stock of Musiral Gouds ever brou?ht toto Washtenaw County. V'inlin and Guitar Strings ii speciaJty. N. B. - It will be to your interest to cali before purchasing anything in the Music line. OLIVER HOUSE, CORNER BROADWAY AND OTTAWA VJ Streets, Toledo, Ohio. I-I 1.1 it l A II I.I.. Proprietors. ."Messrs. Tapp & Milleh, Clerks. Headquarters for Ann Arbop People. CEO. R. JAQUES" 2í) BROADWAY, '■ NEW YORK CITY, Commisf ioner of Dceds for all the States in the Union (including Michigan), " from Maine to California." Deposltions a specialty. Witnesses carefiiHyexminert. Testiimiiiy plainly written. Charge reasonable. Your patronage; solicited. (Orgnnlzed 18'9, nnder Ihe General Banking Law of thil Mate; has now, including Capital btock, etc., etc.. OVER 8250,000 ASSETS. Bueine8-men, Guardians. Trustee, Lsdies and other persons will tind this Bank a Safe and Convenient Place at which to make Deposits and do business. Interest is Allowed on All Savings Deposits ('f f1 .0 ' and tipwnrd, according to the rales of uk. and interest conipoundedeemi-aniiually, Money to Loan in Sums of $25 to $5,000, Seiii-edby Unincumbered Real Estáte and other guod securities. DIREOTOKS - Chrisiian Mack, W. W. Wiues, . D. llitrriman, William Denble, R. A Beul, Daniel Hihcock and VV. B. Smith. OFFK:EBS Chriitian Mack, President; W. W Wines, Jre8ident ; Ch. K. Hlscock Cashier.


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