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Thb report of General Sherman to the Secretary of War was publisbed on the 15th. Among other recommendations, he advises that the ariny be increased to 80,000 enlisted men, and says that he ajrees with General Sheridan in saying that the present army is over-worked; he fayors providing suitable armaments for the forts which guard the cliief harbors of the country, and thinks that in view of tho extensión of railroads in the Western States and Territories, particularly the completion of the Pacilic Roads, many of the minor posts in these regions might be abandoned, and recomraends that the soldiers be eoncentrated at strategie points along the National frontier, and at points wnere railroads intersect, so that they could be moved to threatened points at the shortest notice. The Comptroller of the Treasury has recently decided that the Government cannot be held liable for injuries done by one of its agents. It was announced frora Washington on the 17th that, in bis fortheoming annual report, Secretary Schurz would strongly favor the Northern Pacific Railway, and oppose legislation to cut off the land grant. He would also urge an appropriation to pay the Puncas for the lands f rom which they were removed in Dakota, on condition that they would remain in Indian Territory. Thb Treasury Department estimates that the eoin and bullion in the United States on the first day of November aggregated, in gold, Í454,O12,O3O; silver, f158,371,327. TiiEexports of breadstuffs f rom the United States for the first ten months of this year amounted in Talue to $231,838,038. For the corresponding puriod last year the aggregate value was $208.005,344, the increase for 18S0 being $33,332,694. The attendance at the Convention of the Patrons of Husbandry at Washington on the 18th was the largest in the history of that organization. Nearly every State was represented. According to the officers' reports the association is gaining in numbers and otherwise. The JSast. A bot in Elmira, N. Y., has recently lost an eye f rom epizootic poisoning. It seems the lad bad wiped his face with a handkerchief he bad used to clean off expectoration that his horse had coughed on bis coat-sleeve. Diphtheria has reently assumed an epidemie form in Brooklyn, and the mortality was said to be as great as it was in Memphis during the yellow-fever pestilence. The authorities had withdrawn the children from the public schools, and other measures to arrest the progress of the diseasê had been taken. According to the official report the population of New York City is 1,206,577. Number of males, 590,762; females, 615,815; excess of females, 25,053. The native residents are 727,743, and the foreign-boru 478,834. A toung man named Charles Herseberger, nineteen years of age, was running a footrace in New York City the other day when, after going about twenty yards, a blood vesBel burst in the región oí the heart, and he feil to tile ground dead. Accohding to a New York dispatch of the 17th the Erie Canal and its branches will close for the season on the 3d of December. At its recent session in Philadelphia the American Humane Society appointed a eommittee to ure upon Congress the passage of a more efficiënt law to prevent cruelty to animals during transportation to market. According to the official canvass of votes in Connecticut, the Garfield Electors have a plurality of 2,655, and a majority over all of 1,382. On the 17th the eldest daughter of United States Senator Don Cameron was married at Hanisburg, Pa., to William H. Bradley, son of Justice Bradley, of the United States Supreme Court. On thel7th Captain Young, of the ill-fated steamer Narragansett, was held to bail by th United States Commissioner at Norwich, Conn., to answer to the charge of criminal negligence and misconduct, and causing the collision with the Stonington. The following is the official vote of New York City for President : Hancock, 123,015; Garfield, 81,686; Weaver, 610; Dow, 26. Total, 205,337. Hancock's plurality, 41,329; majority, 40,693. Total vote of the city in 1876, 171,091. A proclamation has been issued by Governor Davis, of Maine, declaring that 57,015 votes were cast in favor of, and 35,402 arainst, the amemiment to the State Constitution, making only a plurality of votes neeessary to elect a Governor, and that the amendment has become a part of the Constitution. On the 17th the New York Grand Jury indicted Kenward Philp for libel against General Garfield. The great actor Salvini arrived In New York on the 18th. In New York on the evening of the 18th a conference of magnates representing all Pacific Roads and every Mexican railroad grant was held and was presided over by General Grant. It was unanimously resolved to fuse in one scheme all the interests represented, and a sub-committee was appointed, with General Grant as chairman, to perfect a plan at once. Aboüt two years ago John Shufeldt, of North Adams, Mass. , was tried for the murder of his wife. The evidence against him was not sutficient to convict, and he was acquitted. The Sheriff at North Adams has lately made the discovery that Shufeldt's wife, for whosu murderhe had been tried, was alive and well. West and South. The official returns from California show majorities ranging from 87 to 143 for five Hancock Electors, Judge Terry being defeated by Henry Edgerton, Republican, by 507 votes. Governor Wiltz, of Louisiana, has appointed T. C. Mannintr, ex-Chlef-Justiee of the Supreme Court of that State, to be United States Senator, vice Spofford, deceased. One of the wings of the Minnesota Insane Asylum at St. Peter was destroyed by fire on the evening of the 15th. The news on the evening of the 16th was to the effect that ten or fif teen persons had perished in the flames. Seven bodies had been recovered. Among the bodies taken from the ruins was that oL Mr. Abrams, a well-known citizen of Minneapolis. A few days ago Joseph MeCorkey, a Leadvilie miner, feil throujh the shaft of the Chrysolite Mine at that place, and was killed. A brother miner named Alex. McHardy, deBcemled to recover the body, and when on the point of accomplishing his purpose he was overeóme by the foul gas, feil backward, and was killed. A large number of the buildings, includingmostof the residences, of the Town of Newport, Ark. , on the Iron Mountain Railroad, were destroyed by fire a few days ago, and about 200 families were made homeless. The property loss is estímate d at $200,000. Great distress preyalled among the parties burnt out. On the night of the 15th three men were killed and thirteen others seriously injured by a construction train breaking through a bridge on the Dallas & Wichita Railroad, in Texas. It was thought most of the injured would die. A pew days slnce three children died at Wilmington, Del., from eating uncooked sweet potatoes, the vines of which had been sprinkled with Paris green. On the 17th a Missouri farmer died at the St. Joseph Medical College from the effect of Chloroform laken while undergoing an operation for cáncer. At Little Rock, Ark., on the 17th snow feil all day, an event sald to be without parallel in that región. While eating supper at Lead City, Col., a few days ago, Frank Seacott ehoked to deatu trying to swallow a piece of meat. Dii'Hthebia prevails to an alarming extent in various sections of the Union. Whole families have been attacked at Petersburg, Va., and Raclne, Wis. In the latter city four children were recently buried from one house. TnE Chicago daily papers state that manufacturing butter out of lard by means of chemical manipulation bas recently become a regular business in that and other Western cities. On the 17th two women and three children in Cleveland were fatally suflocated by the gas from a base-burning stove. Tuf. Demócrata of the Alabama Legislature on the 18th nominated James L. Pugh for United States Senator to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Senator Houston. Theke was a fuel famine in San Francisco on the 18th, and in some portions of Iowa school houses had to be closed for the lackof Something to burn. Ox the"l8th three more of the inmates of the Minnesota Insane Asylum died from the efEects of exposure and inhalation of smoke the tiTgfit the building burned. The known deaths from that catastrophenumberedtwenty-nine up to tlie morning of the 19th, and eight of the inmates were still missing. Govrnor Pillsbury had offered to advance the money required to rebuild the Asylum. Accohdinq to the report of the Oliio State Board of Agriculture foi November the total amount ol the wheat product of the State for 1880 is 52 522,794 bushels, an average yield of 18 3-10 bushels per acre. The yield lor 1879 was 41,053,120 bushels, averaging 1T 7-10 bushels per acre. The official canvass in Kansas gives Garfleld 118,368 votes; Hancock, 58,684; Weaver, 18,945. Garfield's plurality, 59,084; majority over all, 40,739. For the Prohibition amendment there were 89,072 votes cast, and 82,526 votes against, showing a majority for the amendment of 6,547. On the evening of the 18th the new census of St. Louis was flnished and shows a population of 350,915, a gain of 17,338 over th ürst enumeration. A few days ago a North Carolina young lady hanged herself because her father was defeated in his candidacy for the Legislature at the late election. Foreign Intelligence. The Chlef of the Paris Fire Department favors the adoption of the American system of extinguishinar fires. It is stated that eight thousand rifles were recently shipped from Italian ports for Ireland, and Irishmen from the United States are reported to have purchased great quantities of arms in Switzerland. An appeal has been made to the people of the United States and Canada for aid for the sufferers by the late terrible colliery disasters at Stellarton, N. S. The loss of life is stated at fifty boys and men, who left thirty-three widows and a hundred and ten orphans. Besides, a working forcé of some seven hundred men, the support of a ppulation of 2,000 people, are thrown out of employment by the destruction of the works, and provisión must be mada for the rigorous Canadian winter already upon them. Two KiHiLiST leaders were hanged at the fortress in St. Petersburg on the 16th. The Pope has appointed Cardinal Jacobini Pontifical Secretary of State. A short time ago the schooner Abraham Lincoln foundered olt the coast of Liberia, thlrty persons finding graves in the sea. TnE President of the Republic of San Domingo has invited the several American Governments to con tribute funds for the erection of a monument over the remains of Christopher Columbus, found there three yeare or so ago. Accokding to a Dublin telegram of the 17th there was no cessation of agrarian outrages in that country. The owner of an extensive estáte in County Cork was reported to have been shot. Parnell, the Irish Land agitator, has announced a liberal reduction of rents to his tenants. The British regiment stationed at Halifax has been ordered to Ireland. Accordinq to a late Teheran dispatch a great battle took place at Ourmiah on the I3th, the loss being very heavy on both sides. The Kurds were repulsed, but burned the village and massacred two hundred citizens. On the night of the 17th a Galway landlord was tarred and feathered by a band of infuriated peasants. There was a heavy snow-storm throughout Scotland on the 18th. The natives in Northern Cashmere, India, are in an active state of rebellion. Xjü.TX!ZI. There was a frost in Louisiana on the night of the 19th, which inflicted but slight damage on the sugar erop in the river parishes, but injured the cane in St. Laundry. A New Orleans telegram says the sugar erop of the. State, partially estimated, will be 237,000 hogsheads, an increase of 71,000 hogsheads over 1879. The molasses yield will exceed that of 1879 by 810,000 gallons. The official vote of Oregon gives Garfield 763 majority. Wade, who was sentenced to be hanged at Indianapolis on the 19th, was granted a respite by Governor Williams until the 24th of February. His execution was postponed that he might be used as a witness against his accomplice, Mrs. Brown, the wife of his victim. The Chicago Grain and Provisión Exchange, a "bucket shop" of more than ordinary pretensious, has sustained a loss of about $100,000 on pork and stocks during the last ninety days, and failed on the 19th. At the municipal election in Chatanooga, Tinn., on the 18th, Hart (Republican) was elected Mayor by 117 majority. Of the five Aldermen elected three are Democrats and two Republicans. The aggregate vote of Wisconsin for President tliis year was 267,162. Gartield received 144,399; Hancock, 114,653; Weaver, 7,982; Phelps (Anti-Masonic), 91; Dow, 37. Garfield's plurality, 29,746; majority over all, 21,B36. The total vste of the State in 1876 was 257,312. A dispatch was received at the Department of State in Washington on the 18th announcing that a treaty on the subject of immigration had been concluded between tlie United States Commissioners and tlie Guvernment of China. In the absence of Secretary Evarts from the Capital the State Department declined to make public the text of the treaty. It was uuderstood, however, that the Secretary regarded the provis ons as hiïhly satisfactory, and as covering the whole subject of Chinese irnmigration into this country. The vote of Massachusetts, as offieially declared, is: For Garfield, 165,198; Hancock, 111,960; Weaver, 4,548; Dow, 682. Total vote, 283,388. Garfield's plurality, 53,238; majority over all, 48,008. General Gakkield celebrated the 49th auniversary of his birth at the house of his unele, Thomas Garfield, at Warrensvillc, Ohio, on the 19th. It was also the 79t!i anniversary of the birth of the Orale. The only participants in the affair were numibers of the family, of whom about thirty were present. Rev. J. Htatt Smith, member of Congresselect, Rev. Justin D. Fulton, Rev. Tlieodore Cuyler and other prominent gentlemen of Brooklyn, N. Y., have siiined a petition praying President Ilayes to restore colored Cadet Whlttakar to his farmer paaition and place, on the ground that no act of wrong-doing haa been proven against him. Report of General Sherman. Washington, November 15. The annual re port of General Sherman to thi! Seeretary of War is givento the public to-day. After ealling altention to various subordínate reporta, th General says: "I agree with General Sheridan tbat the army In too small in enlisted men tofulitü the heavy duties now impoacd on jt, and is overworked. I, therefore, renew my recommendation oí la?t year that Congress be asked to give 25,000 enlisted men specincally to the troopa of the Une of the army, ami to make a separate provisión for detachmenta 'of advanoe men,' engineer battalion,' l hospital stewards,' 'commissary sergeants,' 'West Point detachmenta,' 'detailed elerks,' etc, in the same manner as has already been done for the Signal Corps. In this eonnection I will venture to eall your atteution to the faet that the Reviaed Statutes, edition of 1878, Sec. 1,115, deüning the organization of the army, limita the strength to 'not more than 30,0l)J eulisted men,' but subsequent appropriatiou bilis by provisos have limited the expenditures to 25,000 enlisted men. Still the legal strength la 30,000 eulisted men, and that number ia the least poasiblo at which we ean maintain the present organization of forty regiments in anything like good order, discipline and eoonomy, and I infer this end can be reaehed by simply omitting the proviaoa In the next appropriation bill. " The prosperoua times and easy finaneial condition of the Treisury may now enable Congress to próvido suitable arraaments for tho forts which guard the chief harbors of the country." Speaking of the Northern Paciüe, ünion Pacific and Southern Paciflo Kailroads, General Sherman says: " These railroads have completely revolutionized our oountry in the past few years, aud impose on the military an eutire chuuge of policy. Hitherto we have been compellod to maintain smaü postsalons; wagon and stage routes of travel. These are no longer needed, because no longer usod, aud the settlements which grow up spcedily aloug the new railroads atford the security necessary, and the regular stations built for storuge at eonvenient distances atford the necessary shelter forstores, and for the men when oporatinii in the neighborhood. We should now absolutely abandon many of tho smaller posts hitherto necessary, and concontrate at strategie points, generally near the National frontier orwhere railroads interect, eo as to send out detaclnnents prompüy to distriots where needed. " Iri my Judgment the time has now come for the military authorities to select a suituble strategie point for permanent occupation and improvemeiit, whenco detachnieuts can be sent out for special service. As long as we possoss and must care for these small posts t is impossible to abiludun thein to waste, and we ure torced to holdthem, but if Congress will desígnate to the President, the Secretary of War and a Board of Oilicers the rigüt to sell these posts and appropriate the proceeds of sale to strategie points, 1 am certain it will result in great economy and enable us to maiutain large garrisons With incroascd discipline and better service. For similar reasons and because the eommerce of the world is carried on in strips of 3,0U0 tons and over, and because of the heavy draft of war vcssels, most of our aea-coast defenses are supertiuous. We now have 5(),ü 00,000 people, aud the Idea of auy hostile forco landing on our coast is preposterous; yet our grettt commercial ports should be made so safe that even anupprehension of (langer would not be feit. Portland, Boston, Newport, New York, Philadelphia, Hampton ltoads, Port Koyal, Key West, i'enBacola, New Urleans, San Diego, San Francisco and Port Townsend should all be properly fortitied and garrisoned. All minor forts should be sold or abandoned. An annual appropriation of $1.000,000 would in ten years put these forts in good order, and another inillioü a year would properly arm them, and the Secretary of War and President should have discretion in the disbursement of this money, Artillery oiïiccrs s&ould also be associated with engineers in eonstrueting, altering and repairing sea-coast defenses, because the men who have to tight these batteries should have eomething to do in their construotion." Keferriiifr to the reporlsof General Schotleld and Colonel Getty relative to West Point and the artillery school at Fortress Monroe, General Sherman savs: " Tn my judgment both these institutions af a In as good order as posslble, and both are an honor to tho oountry. Bducationmust always be the surest basis of National security and honor. The education and manly training imparted to young men at West Point have rtpaid the United States a thousaad times thoir cost, and have more than veritiedthe predictions of General Washington. From time to time periodical complaints have arisen to its prejudice, such as occurred last year in regard to the eolored cadet, Whittaker. A thorough, patiënt, close investigation in the midst of a tumult of abuse resulted in the perfect vindication of the authorlties of that Academy. Every cadet at West Point is an appointee of a member of Congress, each member having a cadet of hls own nomination there, with only ten appointed by the President at large. The corps of cadets Is therefore a youthful counterpart of our National Houae of Representatives. The same lawa, tho same rcgulations, the same instruction books, clothing and food are oommonto all, and a more democratie body never existed on earth thau is the corpa of cadets. Projudice Is alleged against eolored cadets. Prejudice of race is the most ditïicult to eontend against of any in this world. There is no more such prejudice at West Point than in the country at large, and the practico of equality at West Point is in advance of the rest of the country, The authorities at the Academy have no voiee iu the selection of eandidates, and must receive, train and edúcate such as are there, regardless of nationality, color, or previous condition. To discrimínate in favor of a eolored boy by reasou of his color is aa much a violation of the Fourteenth Amendmentto the Constitution as to discrimínate against him, perfect impartiality being the rule, and that, I believe, the authorities at West Point have endeavored to follow. ïn this con" nection 1 desire to state fat in my judgment the requirement that all enlisted men of the Ninth and Tenth Cavalry and of the Twentyfourth and Twenty-nfth Infantry shall be co ored men, while the officers are white, is not consistent with the amendment of the Constitution ref erred to. All men sbould be enlisted who are qualined, and assigned to regiments regardless of color or previous condition. Such has been the law and usage -in the navy for years, and the army would soon grow aocuatomed to it. No body of men on earth haa more reverence for the Conatitutiou and laws than the army, and I pledgo my own and the good f aith of all in the service to eaf orce f aithfully every part of the Constitution of the United States, and every law made in pursuancc thereof. General Scholield is abundantly able to enforce the laws aud regulations of the academy. " The education at Fort Monroe, under the supervisión of (oionel Getty, ia purely professional, and limited chietiy to the artillery arm of the service. This education cannot be found in another ooilege in America, and is valuable because the use of artülery is limited to war on a large scaie, and canuot be learned in our Indian wars or in common life. When the necessity arises for artillery oilicers, as in our Mexican war and also our civil war, it is sudden and immediate. This school oosts nothing but the ordinary garrison expenses. iBtill desireto establish a similar school for infantry and cavalry at Leavenworth as soon as the condition of Indian affairs will admit of the sure release of some good infantry regiment from the distant frontier, which I hope .will occur within the next year." The report eoncludes as follows: " In conclusión, I beg to state that the entire army is, in my opinión, as patriotio, as patiënt, as willing to encounter danger and hard service, as at any former period of our history. The rapid extensión of railroads and mails has much improved tho general condition nni contentinent of the olfieers and men, and they simply suffer the usual tato of peace in slow promotion and the apprehension of changes which never come. The country is so large that regimental transfers and changes are costly, and the consequence has been many regiments have remained longrer in remoto quiirtcrs than seemed fair; but I have endeavon'il to malte the resrimental changes as fast us possibie, coMigtont with the annual en."


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