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Michigan State News

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A ïaumeu named Lewis Clark, living flTe miles southwest of Laingsburg, Btarted to walk home from that villaje in a recent storm, and perished írom cold and exposure witliin calliug distance írom his own houBe. Charles Duncan and a companion entered Herkner's jewelry store at Grand Kapids, at noon, on the 15th, when only a boy named George Calkins was present. One seized him by the iieck and the other conimenced robbing the cases, when an alarm was given in the street, and the men fled. Duncan was captured. llis companion is at large. Fire cm the morning of the 15th at I.akeside, near Muskejoa, destroyed $2,5'J0 worth of lumber belongin to McCratt & Montgomery, a barn belonging to W. S. Gerrish, with two horses and a buggy, and about seveuty cords of wood, owned by Herman Langwell. A few nights ago at Grand Rafids Mr. William Baars, a bookkeeper in the City National Bank, and son of the Cashier of the bank, comm:tted suïcide by shooting himself through the heart from the lower right side. He went out in the evening, did not return, and wlien his father went to search for him was found, as sugsjested in a note left in his room, in the family lot at thecemetery, dead. He was a young man twenty-four or twentyfive years old, born in Grand Kapide, and of one of the best, oldest and most respected families. He had been troubled with ill liealth and melancholy at times for some years, and undoubtedly was insane. J. J. Watson, living south of Grani Rapids, had lus carriage house and carpentcr shop burned a few days sincé. Loss $2,000; On the night of the 13th a most distressing accident took place near Jackson Junction, whereby Frank Fairfleld, a switchman, lost his life. It seems that, while switching, he attempted to board the step back of the engine, and in some manner missed his hold and was run over, crushing his legs from the ankles to the abdomen to a pulp, but closing the arteries so that he lived for an hour after ! the iujury. His left arm was torn from the socket at the elbow, and his head brnised. Consciousness continued to the last, and he conversed about his pareuts in Buffalo, giving their address, and speaktng of his past. He was about twenty-five or thirty years old, and was a general favorite with his fellowworkmen. No blame can be attached to anyone. When brought to the station the effect upon thi: other switchmen was made apparcnt, two saying that they would take their time, and would never draw another pin thefeafter. Andrew Fleming, a prominent busincs man of Kalamazoo since 1866, and one of its heaviest capitalista) diedthe other morning of cerebral apoplöxy; Tue wife of William Marshall, at Detroit, nursed her infant during the niglit, oei found it 6mothereci to death in the tnornins. Petek Henkel, tha owner of valuadlo property on Randolph street, Detroit, opposite the upper end of the central market, has filcd a bilí in chancery to restrain the city from using the public streets for market purposes, aml to recover $25,000 damages. Georgb W. Bhooks, of Springwells, near Detroit, charged with invëigling a respectar ble young lady from anorthern county into a bogus marriage, has been lodged in jail upon a capias issued at the instance of his Tictim, who sues for damages. Aboi:t om; thousand men have been discharïed, or are about to be discharged, from tbevarious mines on the Menominee range. Kalamazoo, with a populatlon of twelve thonsaiKl, Hourishes under a vlllage charter, and is not. ambitious to become a city. It is one of the least governnd and best governcd connminities in America. - Chicago Times. GovEitN'Oït CitoawELL has been called upon within the last year to appoint four Circuit Judges toftll vaoaníñes caused by resignation, and each appointment was confirmed by the people at the recent electiou. Fishehmen in Saginaw Bay are in hard luck. Nets on the east shore valued a' $10.000, and those around Charity Islands valued at $4,000, ure fast in the ice and in danger of beinglost. Saginaw Riyei below East Saginaw is irozen over, and two or ihree barges In the ice are unable to get through. The new Court-House at Monroe, just completed at a costof $30,000, and one of thefinest in Michigan, was dedicated on the evenin; of the 1 7 ï li . Several hundred members of the bar of Detroit and other cities were presen'. The opening address was by Colonel I. R. Grosvenor, President of the Monroe County bar, and was foliowed by an eloquent and seholarly oration by ex-Governor Alpbeus Felch, a former membef of the bar of Monroë. Afttir the ceremonies at the CourtHouse a grand banquet was given by the citizens and members of the bar in honor of Judge Felch. The whole afïair was creditable and suceessful in every way. The Booming Company at Muskegon, oirIng to the bad weather, have been compelled to svispend operations for the season. Ice has already formed on Muskegon lake, and the shipraents of lumber lor the season are over. The quantity of lo,2s etill in the river and which the Booming Company had hopes of being able to get to the milis is about seventy-flve million ieet, some twentyfive m Hion less than last year. Nearly all the milis have shut down, and the rest wil! be compelled to follow suit in a Uvr days. The amouut of lumber cross-piled on the docksto be held over' á about thirty million feet- 3gurës considerably below last year's. Over fifteen hundred men have already gone to the lumber woods. The body of Captain Fabin, of the life-eaving station at Forty-Mile Point, who waa drowned with Captain Joseph Sawyer a short time ago, was recently found about seven miles west oí Rogers City, in Lake Huron. The keeper of the Branch County PoorHouse h is been sued by a pauper inmate of that institution for havine foreibly hindered him from going down town. It is rumored quietly iu Detroit that there is an immediate prospect of the Biddle House property passing into othrr hands. Detroit manufacturera speak of an unprecedenteii influí of foieigu mechanics to that citv. The following are the Detroit wheat quotatlons: Wheat, No. 1 White, $1.Ü4@1.O4JÍ; November, do, tl.05%(gl.05J; December, do, $.05,@l.05X; January, do, $1.07) 1.07JÍ; N - Red, $1 0fi@l 06.1; No. 2 White, $l.l)W@l.'0%. _ The following account is given as authentic in the New York Medical Record: Three deaths from dipntheria have receutly occurred in the family of Baldwin Gordon, who lives at the beaoh opposite Paehoque, L. I., under very remarkable circumstances. Sonie time ago a cat, which had been owneil by a family siveral members of which werc suiFering from the disease, was taken to the Gordon House. While plaihg with this cat a little child of Mr. (iordon was bitten in one of its iingers. The wound caused intense pain, and was soon followed by a soreness and ulceration of the throat, which a physician pronounced to be diphthcria. Others oi the family were taken with the disease and twoof thechiklreiulied. Mis. Gordon, who was reeoverin; from sickness, was seized with the disease and died. It is reported that still another member of the family has died. Physiuians believe that .he cat was suifering from diphtheria when it bit the child. _ . Some nnknown lorer of truth says: 'The man who makes the uoffee ú a hotel is never seen by the jmblio. That' 8 one reason why none oï thcm are ever found dead in the alley."


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