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ORAND-MOTHER'S CHAIR Full Size Words and Music pano Music "ON THE TRAMP," March ALL 4 PIKCE3 Vem iniuituw. Maüed on receipt TWICKENHAM FERRY of Four 3 cent Spiít'!-irorí and Stutte. Stamps. ADELPHIAN GALOP j.m. stoddart co Sprightlu and pleaHng. Phltodelphla. TJ ILL'S OPERA HOUSE. C. J. WHITNEY. Lessce and Manager. Dramatic Keent of the Seaxon! POSTIVKLY ONE NIGHT OHLT. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6th. MRS. SCOTT SIDDONS Supportodby LUIGI LAHLACHE and a power fnl Dramatic Company under the mantjfriiii'iit of H. J. Sargent and J CL Scanlan. ShakeHpeare's comedy , "A. TonLlke It." UoAi,tNi (her favorite chararter) MUS. SCOTT SIDDONS. ADMISSION 25, BO and 75 oenU. No extra charge forrt'si'rvcd scais now on sale at Watt Bros.' Jowt'lry Store. TTILL'S OPERA H0U8S. C. J. WHITXKY, ],essrt and Manager. TUE8DA V EVBNING, NOVEMBER :!0. The Eminent Actor, -E FRANK I4Y0,s:: In hiti great creatiim of Murdock's churniing backwootls etlp, 'DAVCROCKETT.' Played byMr. Mayo over 3,(1(10 times n America and Kurope. AU thescenery and properties are csrried lijtin1 management POPULAR PR1CES. lieserved seats $1. Adinission 75 and gaüeiy 60 ets. Seats on sale at Watts' Jewell? Store fourdaysin advance. Notice to Creditors. Q TATE OF MICHIGAN. County of Washtenaw O ss. Notice is heivby givcn, that by an order of the probate court for the county of WawhU1 naw, made on the 22d day of Ñorember, A. D. 1880, six months froin that date were allowed for creditors to present their claims against thi e state of John Yonngs, late of Bftid county, deceased, and that all creditors of said deceaaed are required to present their claims to 8ald probate court, at the probate ofílce in Ducity of Ann Arbor, for exaruination and allowancet on or befere the Sïd day of Mav. nezt, and tlüit sucli claims wili be beara before said court, on Wodnesday tlie 23d day of Febroary. and on Monaay tlie tí3d day of ñlay next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of said days. Dated. Ann Arbor. November BS, A. D. 1880. WILUAM 1. HAKKIMAN, Jude of Probate, I - For Salel AboutSO tons of ohoice (.lmothv hay for sale in Iota to su,t purchasers. Por partícula apply to Eugone B, Arnold, on the oíd Arnokl placo bout tbreenülès west of the city. or lv letter at the Aun Arbor postofTlee. EUOENK ft. AKNOLD Box 147. tuk CIIEAPEST Newspaper! IN THE WORLü ! TWO COPIES FOR ONE DOLLAR, OR Four Copies for Two Dollars. Wltli an eitra copythrown in foreach Club of four. These are the new terms of THE ECHO, the best weekly newspaper in the State. E ! 7-.V.' YIIOI) V WANTS IT. Addrees, THE ECHO, Detroit, Mk-h. THE EVENINO HEVS, Daily Ciiculation 27,000 Copies, Bright, New and Imlcpendent, By Mail. $3,1)0 a Year, Address, The Eveninc News, Detroit Mlch. 21 Numbers of Scribner's for $5 The riehly illustrated November numler of Sononer'ê Mimthly, the Decennial Issue, appears in a ncw cover, aud begins the Sist volume. The increasing popularity of the magazine is strongly eridenced bv recent ales. A yearago the monthly circulatioD was about !0,(XX) copies; daring the past nine months it bas avcraged 1 15,000, while tbc lirst edition of the November issue in 123,000. The first Part of the now famous serial by Eugene Scliuylor, "The Life of Peter the Qreat," was flnished in October. With Noyember begina Part II., "Peter Iho Qi-eat is Ruler and Reformer," wbicn win bo an advance, in point of popular interest and wealth of illuslration, upon the part already publi&hed. To cnable readers to secure Part I. the publishers make the following special offers to new subs-ribers aftcr October 201 h, who begin witb the November uumber. (1.) New subscribors may obtain, for f5.00, Scribner's Monihly for (he coming year, and the prevlous nine numbers, February to October, 18W, whicfa iuclude Part 1. of "Peter the (irent," JIrs. Burnett'a "Louiaiana," etc. In accept:ng this otTer, twenty-one Dumbcn will b'e had for f5. (3.) They may obtain tlie previous twelve numbers of SerQmer's, clegantly bound in olive-green cloth (two volumes) containing Part I. of Peter the Great, all of Cable's novel, "The Grandissimes," wit h tbc numbers nained above, and a yoar'a subecriplion, for f 7.50. (Regular price, $10.) All book-scllers or ncws-dealers will take subscriptions and supply the numbers and volumes mcntioiied in the above special offers, without extra charge for postage or expresa; or the publishers, Bcribner & Co , 743 Hroadway, New York, may bc addressed direct. Tiie regular price of ücribner's is f4. a year, 35 cents a number. St. Nicholas for 1881. 5OOO for England, 100,000 for America. St. AiWWís.the charmsng magazine for boys and girls, edited by Mrs. Mary Mapea Uodgc, has increased so mucli in size and number of pages the past year tliut the publishers have been obliged to issue the yearly volume in two parts, instead of one as heretofore. As to its circulation, they report a gain of 10,000 in the average monthly editious of 1880 over 1879. The announcements for the coming year include a capital seria! story for boys, full of exciting adventure. In Na Uire's Wonderland." or.Adventures in the American Tropics: Stories of Art and Artists, by Mrs. Clara Erskine Clement, a faithful outline of the history of European Art. with many illustrations. "Ahaeton Hodgers," a delightful, liumorous serial by Kossiter Johnson ; "Mystery in a Mansion," a six months' serial ; The Treasure-Boxof Literature, directing and encouraging young people in the best read ing ; The Agassiz Association, fully exphiincd in the November number : " Two English Queens, " by Mrs. Olipuant ; " Tüe Land of Nod,'' a children's operetta, with music - full of charming tableaux and cflects ; A series of beautifully ïllustrated Ballads for Young Polks, ginning with the Christmas uumber ; A Special Budget of Fairy Stories by Frank R. Stockton - the first of which is in the November number ; An Indian Story by " Bright Eyes." the Ponca Indian maid". en ; asplendid holiday story, " A Christmas with the Man in the Moon," by Washington Gladden. Open air Papers, stories of sports and gaines, will be continued, with all the popular departments. Subscnptious beginning with the November issue will include " the wonderful Christmas number," of which the edition will be 5,000 in England and 100,000 in America. The price of this number, to be issucd about November 30th, will be 30 cents. Hegular price f 3.00 a year ; 25 cents a QUmber. For sale, and subscriptions received by all dealeis, or the publishers, Scribncr Co., 745 Broadway, New York NOTICE. ALL OUT OF EMPLOYMENT, Sliould nddrcss Frank Leslie Pubhshing Co., 15 Dey Street'Ncw York; an active agent wanted in cvery town. All wbo wish to make money rapidly, sliould send Thirty Geni for five weeks' subscriplion, to Frank Leslie's Weekly, (the only Democratie Illustratcd Paper publlahed.) Clubs of foor, for five weeks, for onc dollar, or sample copy will be sent for 6 cents postage stnnips. Illnstrated Catalogue frec. Notice to Creditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. Notice is hereliy civen, that hy au order of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, oude on 8th day of November, a. d., 1N81. six months froin that date were allowed for rn-diUu-s to present tlieir cfai insana i nst the rst altof JaniusC'oiïield, late of said county, deceased, and that all credittu of ftaid deceatud aie reqniiied to present meir claims to said Probate Court, attne Probate Office in the city of Ann Arhor, for examiuation and allowance, on or before the 9th day of May next, and that such iluims will be heard before said Court, on Tuesday the Öth day of February , and on Momiay the 9th day of May nnxt, at ten o'clock iu the forenoon of each of said days. bated, Ann ArlK)r, November 8, A. D, 1880. WILLIAM 1). HAUKIMAN, JudRH of Probate. Abraham Lincoln, THE IMPORTED THOROUGH BRED STALLION FRCNI KENTUCKY, Will make the season this tall at ANN ARBOR. For further particulars cali on or address Jacob Iloffstetter, 34 South Main street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. TAKE NDTICE ! DON'T BUY ADOLLA.R'8 WOUTÍÍ OF GOODS BEFORE 8EEINQ Wl STOCK Al PRICES. A FULL LINE IN Every Department. Menrsr Yoüths And Boys7 GLOTHING CapsaniFiiistiii doods. JOE T. JACOBS, The Clotiiikk. Ann Arbor. [spavinireIB KENDALL S SPAvTn CURE. The most successful Remedyevnr diseovered, as it is certain ín ii s crtVots mui ilotis not büster. Road Proof Below. PRESEVERANCE WILL TELL. Stoughton, Mass., Mure) I6th, 1880. B. J. & Oo., Oicnts; - In justice to you milt niysclf, I think I ought to let you know that I have removed two bone spavins with "Kendaü's Spa vin Cure,' one very lare one; don't know how long the apavin had boen there. I have owned the horse eight months. It took me four inonths to take the Harge one off and two for thp uinall one. I have useil teu bot t les. The hors is t-ntirely wtIl, not at all stilT, and no buneh to be soen or feit. Thisis a woiultrfiil medicine. It is a new thing here: but if it does for all whul it has done for me itssale will bo vTy grwM - Respectfully youre, Chas. K. Parker. Kendall's Spavin Cube is su re in its elYecUs, mild in itaaction aait doet not hlister, yet it is penetrating and powerful to reach every deep seat-ed (ain or to remove any bony growth or other enlargement.Huehas8avins,Hplints.ourhH, callous, sprains. swellings, any lamentas and all enlargments of the joints or limhs, or rheiiinu' tism in man and for any purpose tor whioli a linitnent is usrd for man or lieast, It ia nuw knowu to be the bentliiiiment for man ever ustxl, acting raild and yct certain in its effects. Send addressfor Illustratftl Circular whirh wfl think fjives positive proof of its virtus. No rt niedy luis ever met witli such uiuiualificd BUOOOaa to our knowIedKC, for beast as well as man. PricoSl. perbottle, or six bottle for $.". All DrugKists bavO it orean get il for you, or it wilt le ent to any addresa on receipt of prioe by the proprietors. DR. B. J. KENDALL & CO., Enosburgh Falls, Vermont. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS I PHILIP WINECAR TUSTICE OFTHE PKACE, room No. 4, Opera tl House Blciok. Aun Aruor. Michigan. H. R. HILL ATTORXEY AT LAW. ornee No. 3, Opera House Block. Aun Albor. Michigan. THOS. DALE, tlie Professional Dyer and Clothes C'leaner.third (loor south oí the Opera House. Samples of work can beseenat the shop. Satisfaetion guaran' teed. CEO. A. BOYLAN, HOUSE. SIGN and Ornamental Painter. Bhop under the Star Clothing House. Orders kit atO. Boylan's will be promptly attended to. JOSEPH CLINTON, Merchant Tailor. shopo%'tr AVm. AUaby's boot and Bhoe atore, All w ork guaranteed orno charge. For Sale I A number onc cow for sale ; also a covert d carriage nearly ncw Inquire of Joseph Donnully, Aun Albor, Mich. DR. L. D. WHITE rpREATS SUCCESSFL'LLY all manner of A chronic diseases. is-as,s oí the lunK-s aud throat a specialty. Office hours front TA. M. tos P.M. Ofllee and residence No. 51 Niirth Main St. Aiui Arbor, .... MUMgan. Sam. B. Revenaugh, Is now taking the Best CIrss oí PIëöotSs In the City at Prices to Suit the Times, (ïround Floor Gallrry. COODRICH BLOCK, East Side of the NEW COURT HOUSE. ÁTIT ÍA-GKaIÍIN"'I llolHMS I.lilllCs -HAS OPENED- HIS MEAT MARKET ON ANX STREET, Opposite the court-house, where FRESfl and SALT Meats of the BEST QUALITY can bu procureri. THOS. MATTHEWS. RoP BITTERS (A Medicine, not a Drink.) CONTATOS HOPS, BUCHU, MANDRAKB, DA.NDliMON, I AXDTHF PüRKST AKI I T1K8 OF ALL OTUKK lín TKBSTMEY CUBE I .ají Dfsemseflof theStomach, Bowels. Blood, I V Llver, KJdneys, and UrlnaryOrjíauH, Nervoufiuew, SlceplespnettBand especially Feiuale ComplaluU. JE $1000 IN COLD. -S I TVfH he pnW for a case they will not cure oiB lielp, ur for itnythiiiK lmpure or lujuí iuu íouud 111 tlifiu. I Aulcyonr druppist for Hop Bitters and try I I tlitiiu befare you sleep. Take uu utlier. I I D I. C ís an ahsolate and Irresistible cure for I Drunkeuueaa, ue of opium, tubaccu uud ■I uarcotlcs. ■ ■■■■■B SKND KiiB C'IKI'ILAB. IHHHH All hovc told liy druKiiti. I Hoy Bilton MfK. Co-, Kocbwlr, N. Y., Tomnto, Oot. I Ktied's Gilt Edgii Tonic restores the ippetite. Ueed's Gilt Kdc Tonic cures Fevenmd Affue j WILLIAM CASPARY, TjAKKitY and coNraonoNABT. 82 Detroit Street MEMBRINO GOLD DUST Will make the season uuti! December lst 1880, ATIRWIN'SBARN ON THE KAST SIDE OF THE COURT-HOUSE ON FOURTH STKEKT. THIS HORSE TOOK FIRST MONKV IN THE STALLION RACE At Tuk Wasiitknaw Countt Faih. P. ntWIN. Ann Arbor, Mlch REEti$ ÏOMÏC IS A THOROUCH REMEDY In every case of Mttlarial Fever or Fcver and Ague, white for disordera of tlie Stomaeh, Torpidity of the Liver. Indigestión and dlsturbanoei of the animal torces, whicli debilítate, it has DO equivalent, and can have no robstttote. It ghonld not be confounded wlth trltaratedoompounda of cheftp spirits and essential oüs( ofteu sold onder the nanie of Bitters. FOK SALE BY Druggists, Grocers, and Wine Merchante evcrywliere. DETROIT, HILLSDALE & SOUTHWESTEKN. jOING WEST. LEAVE. 11AIL. Ypsilauti S 25 a. m. 5 45 p. m Sun 8 5Í a. m. 6 18 p. ui Manchester.... 9 85 a. ni. 6 48p. m lliils.lile 11 -■ a. ni. 8 32 p. m Bankers 11 30 P. m. 8 ao p. m OOING EAST. I.EAVK. EXPRESS. MAIL. üunkers f 5() a. m. a SO p. m Hillsdale 7 58 a. m. 2 45 p. m Manchester 4 15 p. m Sujnk ...10 10a. in. 4 4H p. na VpsHanti 1040 a. in. B 15 p. la, Wm. F. Pakker. SuuerinU-ndent. rpOLEDO & ANN AKBOR RAILROAU Taking effect Sunday June 27, 1880. Traína run by Uolumbus tiim-. GolñgNorth. ' Ctolng Soatl. Êxii'ss Mail. STATIONS. Mail. Exp's' A. M P. M. A. M. P. H. tr.5.-. tu.10 Toledo t .80 tr.w 7.W li.L! North Toledo -MI.2T 7.47 8.10 . Detroit Junction. 9.18 &18 i.. Hawthorn.. .. a.O8 n. 8.87 0.41 1 Samarla I .i "T18' s. I 11.55 1 Lulu 8.M TM 8.46 7.09 1 Monroe JuncUon y.ifl 7.00' S.55 7.10 I Uundee 8-3 ' 'JU5 7.S0 Azaliii 8.85 B.40 .18 7.)t4 Milan (.1 8.87 H.25 I 7.4Ü Nora 8.08 ikx.':: l'.p:ii T.47 Urania fl.OO !,16i U.42 1 t..')7 ïpaüanti Juncti'n 7.50 n.ot;t 9.55 I +S.10 Ann Albor .. . tí L local f relght lea ves Toledo at 1Í:C6 m. an. arrivés In Ann Arborat 8.46 p. m., and eaveAiii Arborat 11:40a, m, and arrivés atToIjdoat 8.0 On and afler Fob. -2?. 1880 traius on tlie Totedfl . and Ann Aroor B. K. will arrlve and l'av. Ann Arborasfollows: Leav, Express 6. B0 Pi m. ; icoiiiiiiodation 11.40; Mail r.: a. m. Arrive, a.55 . M. ;:).45p,H. ;.1( P.M. .1 M. ASHI.KY Jlt .(ii'li'l SilpfrllitendBllt


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat