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IIARNESS STORE! Chas, F. Burkhardt, sueceasor to the lute J 0 Burkhardt, dealer in HARNESSES, TRUNKS, VALICES, WHIPS. BRUSHES, BLANKETS, ETC. HARNESSES MADE TO ORDER AND IÍEPAIRING NEATLY DONE Charles F. Burkhardt, No 4, Huron Street, Ann Arbor. Michigan. EDWARD DUFFY. Wliolosalo ana Batall Grocor. DEALER IN BOOTS AND SHOES. Also a fu II Line of Ladies' and Gents' Hosiery and Undcrware. Corner Main and Ann Streel. (Opposite CourMKouse) FOR INSURANCE ON YOUR PROPERTY - -GO TO C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT, No. 4, South Main Street, ANN ARBOK, - - MICHIGAN. The oldest ageney in the city. Established a quarter of a century ago. Representing the folowing flrst class companies: Home Insurance Co.. of N.Y.,Assets over $6,000 000 Continental Ins. Co.,of N. Y.,Assets over $3,000,000 Niágara Fire Ins. Co., N. Y., . . . . Assets $1,442 400 Girard of Pa., Assets over $1.000,000 Oriënt of Hartford Assets Í700 000 ÜTES .LOW. Losses liberally adjusteri and promptly paid "rTnSEY & SEABÖLT, No. 6and 8 Washington St., Have on hand a complete stock of everything in the Crocery Line. They buy their Teas, Coffees, and Sugars In large amounts, and at Casita. Prices And can sell at Low Figures The large invoice of Teas they Buy and Sell, is a good proof that in Quality and Price they Give Bargains. They Roast their own Coffees every week, and none but prime articles are used. Their Bakeryturns out excellent Bread, Cakes and Crackers. Cali and see them. ÉKÏDNHPAD THE GREAT DISCOTERY FOB DISÍASE3 OK THE KIDNEYS, BLADOER AND URINARY Oh GANS. A remedy that will popitively eur OIABETES, GRAVEL, DROPSY, BRIGHTS DÍSEASE WGH COLOREO URINE, INCONTINENCE AND RE' TENTION OF URINE. SERVÓOS ÍE8ILITY and FEMALE COMPLAINTS when NOTHING ELSE CAN lts suocess proves the effioacj of ABSORPTION ft saved the Hfe of ita discoverer and is eaviii(? the livea of thousand8 of others. For fiile by Drugffista or sent by mail on reoeipt of the prioe, ($2.00.) OAY KIDNEY PAD CO., Solé Proprietors, Toledo, Ohio. ÖT" Send your address for our pamphlet "How a Life was Sayed." For Sale by EBERBACH & SON. Drugglsts. c. h. mm, ABSTRACT OFFICE. No excuse for a man who Buys a Farm with a Bad Title, or No Titleat All. Re quirethe man who wonld sell you his farm or would borrow money of you on a mortgage to go to C. H. Manly's office, in Ann Arbor, and get a full and complete statement of all Deeds Mortgages, Assignments, Releases, Tax Titles, Attaohi ments, Levies on Execution. Lis Pendens, Leases &c, &c, that affect the title. Yourlandsarebecoming valuable. and it will soon be time to bring out these old claims for you to settle. Five dollars paid for an abstract is a better investment than flfty dollars paid to defend or correct a bad title. If you desire I will assist you in perfectingyour title at a reasonable rate. I have all the facilities for this work. Go to C. H. Manly's office and have your title exammedand theerrors in the description corrected. Terms:- Abstract of Title, flrst 8 conveyances, $.00; each additional conveyance, 25 cents We make :-io abstract less than $3.00. Office in Register office. Ann Arbor Michigan. JACKSON FIRE CLAY CO. Manufacturera of Stone Sewer Pipe - AND-JDTUXJsT TILE. All our Drain Tile are made of Fire Clay, are of unuinuü strength and lUjht wciqht, which matenally reduces the breakage and expense of trans po rtation. The ditching f or this class of tiling is less expeu sive, as they do not require to be laid belaw frost, but only deep enough to escape the plow While tnjs is more economieal it also aids in obtaining abetter "fall" or grade to the drain. A full assortment of all sizes, for sale in small quantities, or car load lots, at the FEBDON LUMBER YARD. JAS. TOLBERT. Affent. The Michigan Central Rtiilroad, with [te conncotions at Chicago, affords the most direct, and desirable route to travel from Michigan to all points in Kanaas, Nebraska, Colorado, Texas, Minnesota, üakota, Manitoba, etc. Michigan Central traiua make sure and close connections at Chicago with througU e.xpresH trains on all Western lines, Kates will always bc as lov is the lowcst. Parties going West will fin il it to their interest to correspond with Ilenry C. Wentworth, General PasBenger and Ticket Agent of the Line, at Chicago, who will cheerfully impait uiy information velative to routes, time of trains. maps and lowcst rates. Do not purchase your tickets nor contract your ïreight until you have heard frora the Michigan Central. 5OO RKWAKÜ. We will pay the ftbove reward for anv case of Liver Ooniplaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Indigestión, Constipation orCostiveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pilis, wlien the directions are strietly complied with. They are purely Vegetable and never fail to give satisfaction. Sugar Coated. Large boxes, containing 30 Pilis, 25 cents. For sale by all DrugRints. Beware of counterf eits and imitations. The gen uine maiiiif actured only by John C. West & Co. , "The Pili Makers," 181 & 183 W. Madison St. Chicago. Free trial package ssnt by prepaid Dreoelpto(a8 cent stanii DRAKE'S OYSTER DEPOT 2O East Huron St. Oysters Always Fresh and Cheap. Pure Wines and Liquors for medicinal pnrposes. Clioicest brands of Cigars always on hand Ü0AL! COAL! C0ALÍ M. Fleming still continúes in THE COAL BUSINESS, -AND IS- SELLINGr CHEAPER Than any one in the city. You willflnd it to your interest to give me a cali bef ore purchasing elsewhere. Office, Durheim's tobáceo store, corner Main and Huron streets, inn Arbor Mich. M. FLEMING . Livery, Sale, AND BOARDING STABLE! I have opened a Livery, Sale, and Boarding Stable opposite the CourfHouse on Fourth street, where livery rigs can be obtained at any time of the day or night. A fine lot of new carriages and good horses, at reasonable rates. Brcaking colts andhandling track horses a specialty ; good references given. P. Iiïwin, Ann Arbr. FRED SORG, Dealer in PAINTS, 0ILSJA1ISHES BSUSHES, WINDOW GLASS, And all Patatera' Supplies of the Best Quality. SHOP AND STORE 26 and 28 East Washington st. ANN ARBOR. - MICMIGAN. HENRY MATTHEWS, Has; the pleasure to inform the public that he is ready to receiTe them in his new bnck MEAT MARKET! ONE DOOR EAST OF LEONAHD HOUSE. Everything in his Une will be flret-class, and At Reasonable Rates. He returns nis sincere thanks to all hia old customers for their generous patronage, and cordiaïïyinvites them, and all new customers to his new quarters, where he hopes by fair deahng to enlaree his alreadv growing business. HEALTH IS WEAITH. Dr E C West 's Nerve and Brain Treatment: a snecific fór Hysteria, Dizziness, Convulsiona, rPerVoïsHeadache, Mental Depressions Is. of Memory, Hpermatorrhcea, Impotency, Involuntarv Em ssions, Premature Old Age, caused by over-ertion, self -abuse, or over-indulgence, whch leads to misery , decay and death One box wul cure recent case. Kaoh box containsone month's treatment. One dollar a box. or tux boxes for five doUars; sent by mail.prepaid on receipt of price. We guárante six boxes to cure any case. With each order received by us forsixboxes, accompanied with flve dollare, we wil! sf.ulthe purchaser our written guarantee to return the money if the treatment does not effect acure. Guaranteesissued by Brown&Co.. sole authorized Agts. for Ann Arbor, Mich John C. West & Co., Solé Proprietors, Chicago IU. Friezelle Jt Co. Wholesale Aats., Detroit, Míen


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