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Useful And Suggestive

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- Molasses Crullers. - Tw# tcacupfuls of molasses, two teacupfuls of oream, tud eggs. ono teaspooniul of salaratua, nul Bour to mix and roll. - PigS tlial liavo l)t!en raised on niilk, ' grass, i-lover, tubcrs and roots, till thev wetab lJO no pouuds, aro generally ueaïthy. Tliey are thon in good condition to fatten. - Every owner of a farm should endcavor to h'nd out what his farm is best adapted to, aud then paraue t wii,h all his oaight, if he would mako. farnúng a prolitable and rémunerative calling. - VVooden labels and staken tor the orebard and gardeo are. reüdered verv durable by dippiag thema in crude putroliuiui. Writing with a cominon lead pe&oi) on vrood tSus treatcd will last for years; and labeTs buríeá in the ground show no indioations of decay lor years. - Sánsage Rolls. - lioll out the paste very thin; out ihto small squares; upon each siii;in; put i tablespoonful of sausage meat; dredge over this ;t very littTe uour, and meel the corners of the paste on top. plaehing thèm togethér. ! ic each with white of eég and bake in a (iiiRk oven lili brown. A very nice broakfast dish, to ba eateu hot. - Uread Unielet. - Xiiko the grated cnimbs of a small loaf of baker's bread, put in a dish, pour over it as much ei r:nn as will nioistcn il suHiciently to make it a smooth ];is(o., season with peppel and Balt, add a littls gruted h:un; beat live &gg8 well and stir them into the bread aml cream: have ho.t luitter in a pan, put inthn mixture, atablespoonful at a titüe; fry a liglit brovvn and serve hot. - Turnips Stou-ed in Gravy. - Paro and waab six vUlte Cnraips; ut them in dice half au inch square, laingthem in eoid water as thej ftre ent ; meantimo heat a pint ot anv kind of pold gravy; wnen all the ftirnips are cut put them into the gravy wiih a teaapoonful of sugar and sulliuient and salt to make them palatable; stew them rnlJv till tender, for about an haar, and serve tiiein Jiot in the gravy. - As 3oon as the ground begins to freezc (writes Mr. M. ('rawford, ol Cnyahoga Falls, Oblo), cover yonr ncw Btrawberry-beds witb, coarse manure, straw ór littev of any kind, to shadu tha ground or kecp the planta from boing injured by frcezing and thatving, Earlv in tlie spring remove the covering írom direotly over the plants, but leave it between them for a muleh. If woeds appe&r íu the spring, Let them be pulled out by hand, as hoei ng would be injurious. - Prof. Culbertson has by experimente proven to his satisfaction that wheat, bartey, rve and oats should not be eovered leepur than two inehes. íf phinted íive inches deep tliey will never come up. At a dept h of three inches, thé Spront from the gr'ain, when neat the surface, fornied a bulb, and from this bulb roots were sent out, and the stock took a new growth from that bulb upward. He says that wheat should be eovered from an inch to an inch and a half, instead of being eovered deepor as is usually done. - Preserving Timber. - Evapórate the juicos and moistnre - i. e., tlioroughly geasotl ii und ihcn proteet it from outsi'lc moisture. The method mosl corainotily employed for preserving timbei from decay that is exposed to the aotion of water is the application of as mueh creosote as the pores will taku up. Whcn a small quantity only is to be treated the creosote can be appliod with an ordinary brush; ona large scale expensive appliancea are r'eqnired. Posts subjected to the actiou of water are variously treated. Sometimos tho ends to be placed in the ground are dipped in gas tar; sometimos they are permeated with coal oil. A mixture of forty parts chalk, lifty parta rosin and four parts liu.scod oil, melted and thoroughly incorporated, with one part suíphuric acid ttdded, is recommended for this purpose by Germán scientists. - N. Y. World. . - Nothing gives so dismal and inhospitable an appearance to a sitting room as to have the chaira and sofa or couch eovered with stiff, unfriendly looking linen, but pretty furníturc. that is used coustantly must be protected in somc way, and there are many coveríng8 which are realfy ornamental. For lastance, a couch muy be kept from lading by taking a piece of Turkish towefiag the tequired length. Put scallops of llanncl on the etlge, a bori der or cenlerpiece; or simplv a vine worked in some bright color across tliu ends makes a ]nvtty addition to it. Tidies that are very servicoable may be made of browa linen with an applique sti peof cretonne ilowers or sfiroll. Thc easiest and mo'st satisfactory way tu prepare cretonne for transferring is to first work the ligure which s to be cut out with the buttonhole stitch, and tliL-n cut around that. Whcn it is placed upon broadcloth or any material which does not require washing, sew it with long stitches on the wrong side, but tvheo ! transferring to the linen sew it lirmly, i so that it will keep its place when ': washed. The tidies may be íinished j prettily across the ends; turn down a hem on the sides and feather stitch with worsted or working cotton. - Admitting that one has a good time, thal the enjovmcnt is something a I little better than ia experieneed on al most any day daring the whole year, i is it not a qnestipn uhetherThanksgiv! ing stufling of not only poultry in the kitchen, but of stómaehs at bounteous ! boards, paya ufterall? Beforè tlie day l i coneluded nearly all are made drowsy and heav , not a few eoniplain of headaches;stiíl othcrs will confess thattheir dinnor bas giren them a fit of indigestión, while nearly all, the next morning, if they describé their true feelings, will say that the mouth is not tasting quite so well as usual, and, on the whole, they are not feeling as well. -Dr. FooUïi ïkalih Monlhly for JS'ovetnber. Leaíi Astray. - Bullets, in batt.le. Fok many years Mases, un oíd negro, was a servant at the Unlverslty of Alabama, and Walted on the stuilcnts vcrv t'iiit lifiulv : "but lic as a most qotorioua liypocrite. JIo as on tlmt account ccMiinioTily called "T'roarh among the bovs One ilay he was passiiiíí a ci"(tvd of stutlents. w hun one of them called tohim: "Isay, Pn-acli, what areyCOl K'nL to ilo when Satan (jete s uu I" " Wait on Btudents," was the re; ly. Catti.e earn thelr daily foml, In the summer, by the sweat 01 their browse. Hnstood twirllUK l'i hat in his hand in the hallway. It was sbout time tor the mnrnlnestars to iicin their sons; togetber. "Well," and hfl moved one fitep nearcr the door. " Well," sfie replied, as slie stepped to the door also. " Well, I - I must be t'oine;. If " "That's riirht, John, f " and she leant'd herhead on his shouldi-r. "If - you - -any - conundrums - to - ask - ask - them - now." He was measured for a neff bat and a pair of kid gloves on that eame day. Avoii making an enemy of a miser- he will giw no quarter. A coi.oiiKD mal) reoéntly made application for a dlvorcé (rom iris wlfe. When ked on whai ground lie deinunded a dívorce he oxp íiiicd as f olio va: "De irround of dis oceaBlon la suflicient erionjfh. When I rented ten aerea and worked one mulé, I inarried a .ornan suitablu for de occasion. Now I rent sixty aeree of land an' work five Cuales. My fust' wife is a mighty sood ten-acre wife, but she (on't suit de occasion oh sixty acres. I nee 's a n-óman what can spreaa more.'" - (Jaltxtíon v. rmsahad egs-samile, sald the lecturer wbea a rotten eix' stiuck him between thc eyes. - Bustoti Transcript. HbbBBRT Spbncki: says: ''Life is the deflniti' com'jiiiation i'f licteroüeneous chanpes, botb simultaneous and succesalve, in correspondence with externa! coexlstencd and Bequencea." But can Mr. Bpencor iiroveit.! Qeshouldn'l inake such rasb statements unir be lias the [Japera to corrobórate them. l.ifc muy not be one of tluse tilines, after all, Tbis cáinpaign íias been ini 1 rolitic of wild, exajígerated assertlons. - Xoiristoan Hoali


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