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Sri Hardjoko Wirjomartono, UM Student From Java, With Children Of Wilfred Kincaid Enjoying The Snow, December 18, 1962

Sri Hardjoko Wirjomartono, UM Student From Java, With Children Of Wilfred Kincaid Enjoying The Snow, December 18, 1962 image
Published In
Ann Arbor News, December 18, 1962
New Experience: Sri Hardjoko Wirjomartono of Java, an island in Indonesia, found Michigan snow a new experience. While studying for his master's degree in mechanical engineering at the University, Sri is learning about American living through the Family Host Program. The Wilfred M. Kincaid family of 1358 Arlington Blvd., including Walter, 6, David, 4, and long-haired pal, and Bill, 9, (left to right), is entertaining him once a month during his stay in Ann Arbor.

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