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ii iam tam ing ït as one of the two pre...

ii iam tam ing ït as one of the two pre... image
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ii iam tam ing ït as one of the two precious metals wliich furnish the coinage of the world. It WiH, in my Judjrment, eontnbnte to this result if congress will repeaJ so miicli of existinff legislation as requires tlie cotnage of silver dollars containing 412) gniins of süver, and in lts etend will autliofize the secretaiy of the In -.uryto coin silver dollars of equivalent vaiue as hullion, witli gold dollars. This w'il defraud no man, ar.d will be in acoordance witíi familiar precedents. Cougress, on several occasions, lias altered the ratio of valne between gold and silver, in order to estatilish it more nearly ia acoordance willi the actual ra. tio of value between the tvo metala. In financlal legislation every measure in the directiou of greater fidelity in the discharge of pecuiiiary obligations, lias heen fouud by experiencetodiminish the rates of interest which dcbtors are required to pay, and to increase the facUity with which nioney can he obtaiued for every legitímate purpose. Our oh n recent fmnncial history shows how surely monèy hecomes abundant whenevercoiifidenoe in the exa 't performance of inoneyed olOigatioüs is estahlished


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat