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Bucklin's Árnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Hruises, inores. Ulcera, Snit Khcum, Fever Sores. Tetter, ('happed Hiuuls, Chilblaius, Corns, aml ali kinds of skin Erup lions. This salve is guaranteed to givn perfect satisfact ion in every case or the inoney refunded. Prtce 23 cents per box For snle by Eborbacb V Bon, Auu Arbor Mich. Feeble Ladies. TlioHe tanguid, tircsoiue, sensntious, cauingyouto fee! Bcarcely ablo to be on vuur feet; that constant (Irain lliul is iaken trom your sj'steiuall lts elasticity; drlviiü; Iho bloom trom your cbeeks; tlial continuiil straln upon your vital forces, ren(lerin.n you iirUalile and frctfnl, can eosily be removed liy the use of that marvellous remedy, Hop Bitters. Irregwlarities and olistniclions of yoir system are rclieved at once, white tbe special cause of periódica! painüis perinaDently removed. Wil] you hcéd tliis' - Ciucinnati Sntunm Night. lts lust a Booming. Such is the expression f rom druggists and dealcis every where who are selling I)r. King's New Discovery for Consumpion. No othcr preparatiou begins to havo such an extensivo aud rapid sale. And why? Siinply becsuse of its truly wonderful merits. No Oough or Cold, no matter of how long standing, can resist its healingqualilius. Asthina, Bronchitit Hoarsencss, Hay Fever, Pain in the Side or Chcst andditüouHy of breathing.or any lingering disease of the Throat or Lungs rapidly yield to its tnarvelous powers. It will positively cure, aud that where everythingclse has failftd. Satisfy yourselt asthousauds have done by of your drutjgist, Eberbach & Son, a tria) bottle for ten cents, or a regular size for $1. For sale by Eberbach & Son, Aun Arbor, Mich. Charles Hartman, Toledo, Oliio, says: I know it cured ine, and I hope olhêrs similarly troubled witli pain in the chest may be belped by the "Only Lung Pad" as I llave' - See Adv. Perfectly Safe in all Cases. For diseasesof the Throat.Lungs.Croup, Whooping Cough, Colds, etc., Downs' Elixir is a safe, reliable.and effectual remedy. Dr. Baxter's Mandrake Bitters act upon the Stomach, Liver and liowels, remove all seeretions, purify the Blood, and fortify the system against disease. Horsemeu. Ask your merchant for Henry & Johnson'h Árnica and Oil Liniment, and keep it always tn the slable, to use iu case of accident. NOTÏCE. All pi'i'si n Indebted to the estáte of the late John C. Burkhardt, (harness-maker) will pleane settle their accounts at once, a the estáte must be elosed shortly. L. (Jiuner, Administra tor. Aun Arbor, Der K. 180. TTILL'S OPERA HOUSE. C. J. WHITN'EY. Leaee and Maiianer. TUBSDAY EvENINii ÜKC. 14, 1SS0. 3Fto:n.cLa Grand Concert Company. G. W. COLBY - Manager Oompoaed of the toUowln eminent artista: MLLE. R10NDA, Prima Donna Soprano. MLLE. ADELB BARBE, Aged te years. Pianiiit. Pupil of Hittcr of l'ari. Mu I.miN Hkvman. - 8nlo VUMnhU. Mit. iutvD D'llEitiiKKT. ■ ■ - -VMlneettn. Mr. Basbtt Tenor, Mr. Qabhael Marie, Ptontet, ADMISSION Sö, 80 and 75 cents. ] No extra charge for reserved seats now 011 sale at Watts Bios.' ïewliy Store. THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR Geo. ' Clarken, The Michigan Central Railroad, with its connections at (Chicago, alTords the moBt direct and desirable route to travel from Michigan to all poiuts in Kansas. Nebraska, Colorado, Texas. Nlinm-sota, Dakota, Manitoba. etc. Michigan Central traías make ure and close ooiinection at Chicago with through expres trains on all Western lines. Rates will always le as low as the lowest. Partjes goi ig West will flnd it to their interest to correspond with Henry C. Went worth, General Passenger and Ticket Agent of the IJne. at Chicago, who will cheerfully impart , any informatlon relative to routes, time of trains, maps and lowest ratei. Do nut purohflM vmir tickets nor contract your friMKhl untllyou naveheard from the Michignn Central. lU'NlXKSN CA I1IIS. LEONARO HOUSE, 1 F. LEONARO, Proprietor, Ann Arlior, Mtcll. WILL1AM CASPARY, I)AKKi;v AND COHFE0TI0KSR1 . : Detroll Street JOHN F. LAWKKNCE, ATTORNKY AT I.AW. Office, Nos. 2 and 8 Itill's Opera House. Ann Artior, Mich. FRANK EMERICK, A'ITühxey at Office over Brown j Co's Druu Store, Corner Main and lluron Streets, Ann Arbor, Mlch. HURÓN MARKET. LT 0. FREEK, Dealer In Fresb. Salt and I j stnokrd Meato, Fresta Kisli, Oysten, Poul tiy, etc Ño. 86 Enst Hui-on Btreet. M1CIIAKL H. BREÑNAN, ATTOKNKY AT LAW. Offico with E. D. KiniH'. BlAwson Blook, corner lïnron and Fönrth BtreetB. Ann Arbor, Ulob. S. B. PARSONS, M. I).. Bucceesor ii stone S: Parsons, OFFICE AND DISPENSABY, Corner Huron and Ftftb streets, Ann Arttor, Mlcb. O. C. JENK1NS, SURQKÖN DENT1ST. Rooms Xo. : Kast Washington stn-et. formeriy occupledby Dr. ITrothlngharn. Aira Arbor, Micli. COOK I1OUSE, CORNKi: HURÓN AXI) FOURTH STRKKTS. Aun Arbor, Ulchigau. Hentnl by Steara ritn no Kxira Chante. C. II. A I'. v. .Ikwki.i., Propnetora. JACObUÁLLER & SON, DEALBB ÍN VVATCHB, CLOCK8, Smetaclt's, Pbkted Ware, ti ola ivtis and Fine Jewelry. Special attention glven lo repairlag Vvatchea aud Jewelry. l Bouth Main Street. Inn Arbor. THE ÜNIVERSITY TX)N8ORIAL PABLOB ftnd X . BATH ROOM8. No. ■"'. Nortli Main Street. .1 W. 8TBUBLK, Proprletor. uenttemanty barbera in attendance. ANTÓN EISELE, D1:a).KR IX MOXUMKXTS mul Ciavi'sloms, manufacturad trom Tennesaee and Itallan Uarble and Scoteta and American (ranitc Shop (''M. Detroit mil Catheríne sts.. Aun Arbnr Mich. s. T. SPEECHLY, PHOTOGRAPHER NO 72 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Cante, ('alti nets. 1'ronumade aiul 8x10. wiih Frames i ■uit. Backgrounds and aocesaorfes complete, N.'gnüveskt'pt awhllefor orders. WILLIAM HEK, HOUSE, SIGN, ORNAMENTAL and FreaCO i'aiiiifi". P&perinff, Glazlng, gilding, Calcintiningand vors r every descriptlon done in the best Btyle, and warranted to glve satisfaotion. Bhop No. i Weal Washington Street, Aun rbor, Michigan. WILSEY'S MUSIC STORE. 7IANOS. 0EQAM8, SIIEKT MUSK'. iDStniCi tlon Books, Vioiins, Quitan, ñutee, .V'-.. clieai) at Wlbey's Uusic Rooms, ,-ast aide Public Square, AnnArbor, Michigan, The laijtest and best Stock of Musical Goods ever brouubl into Washt'(i:tw Countv. Violin and Quitar sti-lns a speelalt. . N. I!. It 11 be to your lutereel in cali before purchaslng auythlnx in the Slusic line. MUSIC STOKE. -The cheapest place to buv Planos, Kstey Oreans, VloIlns. Gultars. Banjos, Tambourines, Drama, Flfes, Fl&geQlets, Zithers, Accordeons, Piano Stxls, Violin lïoxt's. Instruction Booka tor II kinds of Instruments, 8heet tlnsic(new). S trinan, Deal qtiallty, all kinds; UotithOrgans, Bridge8,Bows, Kt-ys and Hosin. Everythlngin themuaic line from a OhtckerinK Piano Co a Jew'a ETarp can be round at .1. R. SAüK's siuslc store. Nu. i Washington st,. Aan Arbor. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank, (Organlzed 1869, under the Qeneral Banking Uuof thisstatvi has now. Including capital Stock etc, etc, OVER 250,000 ASSETS. Hnsiupss men, Guardlans. Trustees, Ladiea and other persons wlll And this Bank u SAFE AND CONVENIENT Plaofi al wrhich to make Deposits and do business. Interest s Ailowed on All Savings Deposits Of $1.0and upward. aooordlng to the rules of the bank, and Interest compounded semi-anmi ally. Money to Loan in Sums of $25 to S5.OOO, Secured by ünlncumbered Real Estáte and other Kood securities. DIUKCTORS.- Christian Maok. W. V. Wines, W. V. Harrhnan, Williani Deuble, It. .V. Beal, Daniel Hlscook and W. U. Smitb. OFFICERS.- Christian Maok, President; W W, Wines, Vice-President; ('has. K.ilisoock, Cashiei". clzzecL TJ-pA GOLD RlN(j, which the owner can have by provine property and payingfor thia notiee. Address, DemoiBat Ann Arbor, BUch, DR. L. D. WHITE rpEKATS BÜCCE88FULLÏ 11 marnier of A chronic diseases. Dtaeaaes of the lungxaiKl throal a specialty. Offloeboun from " A. M. to ( ]'. M. Omce and residence Ko. "ii North Mam SI. .li Ailx; - ... Mtchigan. i John Mytiii baa gone bito the wood business a&ftbi bbbseaton, aud proposes to keep on hand asupply ofallkfnasof voöa. whichwïll be sold at reasonabte ratet; left at Durfaeima to baooostoreon Huron strect. or at the yards al the fout of Huron stn-ri. adjoitüng the Toledo railroml, ivill racelve prompt attention. JOHN FI.YNN. Swathel, Kyer & Peterson, ;FLOÜRiNBEBEDSTOBE. Wc have ootistantly on hand ALL KINDS OF GRAIN, FLOUR AND FEED, whicli will lic ]iromptly delivered to any part ot the city. Office or. Fourtli and Anu Streels, Aun Albor - - - Micb. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1878. nfQ BAKER S BROMA w? iBfHJ ' ft rnI11'nnt'on of the Cocoamg gjr1 Llt vith otber ingrcdicnts, inWitril vigorating and agrccablc alike to flB IMlUu invHÜjH nnd pcrMon Ín healtli. I IHl ''"" thc hirtí il yiellfl a delicate MM jtjSj II nther liourishmcnt is unpalatahlc fflffljj jA II :in(1 indigeetiblc. Ab a diet for HWrl lI childrcn it it invaluablc. Sold hjr (roccm pverjrwherp. MHÉÉPL BAKEK fc CO., Vorcheticr, Maat, r If you aro a man VVlf you are a H F of VBT man of P ■ ened by the struin of ■■ ■ your dutios ftvoid ■ƒ nirht work, to re Btlmulants and use IF ton lrain iiervraua Hop Bitters. ■ waste, us Hop B. If you aro y out ik nnd ■ miiTcrinK f rom ny indiacixtiou or di-sipaB tion if you ar mrriod or sinylf. oíd or B yuuug, sulTerliitr from poorliealth m Uuiiriiish ■ Inf? on a bed of aicknoss, ïvly ou H o pi Bitters. Wliwver you are, k Thousands dio anwheiwv.-r yvi fee! il Tl nuaUyfrom wie that v i u r syxtem UB 8 forni of Kidney m-tHiiVliiisiiik'.ton-BWdlseoHB that miKlit without intoxicatiug, BHby timcly ue ot tnko Hop W% HopBlttera Bittere. j TTave yon jSfimB Bfl iSSdl HOP süasíiíí You ill if ■ niTTrnrt tobáceo, or ciirvdifyounisc ■ II LUI1 Uttrootica. Hop Bitter. B K f KA I i U" ' UIIU Sold ly dru(tply wck umi ■ ...urn rlat Seudlur loisrlritrd.try I NEVEK Cin-utar. ïJ:,moï?l fa il 1 1 ie. It ha. 3 TA I L "ro co aved M Ro.kir, . T. ■ dredg. tJ - -- A Torooto, OnU OLIVER HOUSE, pORNER BROADWAY AND OTTAWA V si r,-(;ts, Toledo, Ohio. Pulford A. Hall, Proprietors. Mkshiix. Topp Mim.eii, (.'li-rks. HEADQUABTERS FORAHN ARBOR PEOPLE. For SaieF A in .ut 80 tons of ehotce timothj hay for sale In lots to uit purchasers. For particulars apply to EugeiiK B. Arnold, on the old Ariiold place about three mflM wed "f tlio city, or bv letterat the A1111 Arbor postoffice. EUGENE B. ARNOLD, Box 14T. Commissioners Notice. OTATK t)K MI(HI(;N,(Jountyof Washtcnaw, O 8. Thti imdci-signed hftving been appointed by the Probate oourt for said Count v, Coimnissioui'i-atoiri'iMvi-.cxamiiu'aiKladjust all claims and iicniauiis of il peroong anlngt theeatatocf Har riet .Tiidson lateof said ('ouutv deceased, hereb?' glve notice that six inonths from date are allowed, by order ol said Probate Oourt, for Creditors to present their claim axainst the estáte of said ilweasf d and that they will meet at the offlee of l'hilip Wlnegar, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said Coiintv. on WedncMiay' the 23d day of Febmary and on Monday the 2Sa day of Mav next, al len Q'clock x. m. of each of said days, to recdive, examine aiui adjust snid claims. Dated NoTember 23d 1KO. Philip Wine(?ar. Daniel Hiscock. Commisslonen Notice to Creditors. Q TATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw O ss. Notice is hereby ven, that by an order of the probate eourl for the eounty of Washtenaw, made on the 'ti day of Noiember, A. D. 1NK0, six months trom that date were allowed forcredltora t pretest their claims ai;ainst the estáte of John Youiitfs, Inte of said county, deceaged, and that all creditors of gaid deoeMed we requlrod to present their claims to said probate court, at the probate, ofllee in tl' city nf Ann Ariwr, for examination and nllow anoet on or bef ere the 38d lny of May. next, aad that luch clftbïtfl will be heard Itffore said oourt, on i-(liit'sd;iy Uu1 M day of Febrnary. mul on Moiuiay the iirll day of May next, at ten nVlnok in the forenoon ofeseta f Mtd days Dati-il, Ann Ailxir, November H, A. I). ixsii. W1LLIAM 1). IIAKUIM AN. Judre of Probate. Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN. Uounty of Waslitenaw ss.- In the Matter of the Estáte of Kustwll BriKíí, Incompetent. Notice is hereby pciven. puraiianvr of an Order gitmted to the nnilersined Guardian of said Incompetent, by the Hou. Judge of Probate for the County of Washtenaw, on the fourth day of December A. I). ÏHSO, there will be sold at Public Vendue. to the highest bidder, at the east front door of the court house in the city of Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtenow in said Ktate, on Saturday the twentv-seoond day of January 1KÖ1, at ten o"clock in tlw forenoon of that dfiy (subject to all encumbrances by mortage or otherwise existinKat the time of the sale, the fol' lowintf ilesciibedReal Estte, to-wit: Twenty (20) acrat mi the cast side of tbe west half of the north east quarter of section two (2) in town tuur south rane flve enst {Salem) Washtenaw county, Michigan. 5IYKON WKBB. Dated Dee. 1. 1S80. Guardián. Estáte of Honry Huosmann. STATE OF MICHIGAN, eimnty of Washtetiaw ss. At a session of the probate court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, "on Weduemiay the flrut day of December, in the year onO thousand efghthundredamleighty. Present, tvilliam t. Harrinian, judge of probate. In the matter of the estáte of Henry Hue& manu. deceaned. Lambert DresuHhouve adminfstrator de lonii non of said estáte, comes iuto t-ourt aiu represents that he is now preparad to rende r hi flnalaccount as such admin&ti'atnr is ordered, that Tuesday. th 4th day of January next. at ten o'clock in the forenoon, le assim-il for examining and a! lowfug such account, and that the heirs at-la of ttatd deceased, and all other persons interest fd in said estáte, are requlred to appear at a Af'ssion of saidcourt.then to be holden at the pro bate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in Said Coun ty and show cause, if any there be, why the said arcount shouldnot be allowed. And it isjfurthe ordered, that said admiiiist rator gi ve notice to the persons intereste.d in said estáte, of the pendenc] of said account, and the hearing thereof , by caua ing a COpy of this order to be publislied in Th .4 nu Arbor Demoerat, a newspaper printed an circulatinc in said county, three successive weeks prertous to said dar of hearing. WILUAM D. HARRIMAN, (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Doty. Probate Register. DRAKE'S ÖY8TER DEPOT 2O East HuronSt. Oysters Always Fresh and Cheap. Pure Wlnes and Liquors for medicinal pnrroses. Cboicest brands of Cisars always on ban J HEALTHI8 WEALTH. Dr. E. C. West 's Nerve and Braln Treatmentra specific for Hysterla, Dizziness, Convulsión Nervous Headache, Mental Depressions, Loss of Memory, Sermatorrhcea, Iinjiotency, Involuntary Emisstons, Premature Ola Age, cau&ed by over-exertion, self-abuse, or over-indulgence. hich leads to misery, decay and death . One box will cure regenteases. Each box cont&insone month's treatmant. One dollar a box, or kíx boxes for five dollars; sentby mail prepaid on receipt of prlce. We guárante six box es to cure any case. With each order received by ua for six boxea, accompanied with flve dollars, we will seudthe purchaser our written guarantee to return the money if the treatment dors imt effect acure. Guarantees issued by Brown&Co., solé authorized Agts. for Aun Arbor, Slich. John C. West & Co., Solé Proprietors. Chicago, III. Friezelle&Co. Wholesale Agts.. Detroit, Mica. "HENBY MATTHEWSr Has} the pleasure to inform the public that he Ij reaay to receive them iu lüsnvw brick MEAT MARKET! ONE DOOR EAST OF LEONARD HOUSE. Everything in his line wiil be flrst-class, and At Reasonabie Rates. He returns nis sincere thanks to aU hls old customci-s for their generous patronage, ami cordi ally invites them, and all new customers to his D6W quarters, where he hopes by fair dealing to enlarge his alreadr growlnc business. ÉkBneTpad THE GBEAT DISCOVER? FOIl DISKASES OV TBS (IDNEYS, BLADDER AND URINARY 0RGANS. A. remedy that will positivelr cure DIABETES, GRAVEL, DROPSY, BRIGHTS DISEASE, HIGH COLOREO URINE, INCONTINENCE AND RETENTION OF URINE. NERVOUS ÍEBILITY and FEMALE COMPLAINTS when N0THIN8 ELSE CAN. lts success provea the effleacy of ABSORPTION. It aaved the llfe of lts discoverer and Is wring the Uves of thousands of others. For sale by Drugglstg or sent by mail on receipt ofthepnc,.m,MYK)oNEYpAoco Sole Proprietors, Toledo, Ohlo. tÊT" Senil your addresa for our pamphlet, "How a Llfe was 8ed." For Sale by EBERBACH & SON. Druggists. JACKSON FIRE CLAY CO. Manufacturera of Stone Sewer Pipe - - JDTUXJT TILE. All our Drniii Tile are ma.le of Fire Clay, are of unuguúl strengtll and Hultt fWtJii. which ma terially reduce the brrakage and expense ol transiKirtation. The dltching for thisolass of ttllnpiRipssxpen sive, &x they lo not require to be laïd below frxtst. butonly deep enotib to i-srape the plow. Whilé this is more c!onoinical t also aids in obtaiuing#abetter "t'all" or grade to the drain. A f uil nssort ment of all rrfinfl, for ale la mail quantitif s, or car load lt? . at th FERDON LüfflBER YARD. JAS. TOLBERT, Altenl. MARKETS. Home. Ahn Arbor, December S, 1880 APPLES. Dry, per Ib BEA.NS, per bushei f 75 a HO BUTTER. per pound a 20 C1IEESE, " 14 15 CHIOKENS, " 7 8 COFFEE -Rio. by saok. per Ib. U 1B Java 5 30 CORN, per bushei 85 BGO6, per dozen 20 -M KI.OUR, per bbl 5 50 PATENT FLOUR, per bbl 8 00 HAV. per ton 10 00 a 12 00 HliiKS -Oreen 8 Kipskms 8 a 9 CalfHkins 10 Petto W a 40 Oreen salt-cured tí 7 HONKY, cup. perlb...., ib so KÊUOSINE- Watr white a 80 bhl 76 LARD, per lb K a 9 OATS. per bushei 35 36 ONIONS, " 1 Í5 a 150 l'OKK 5 00 a 5 25 POT ATOES, per bushei 38 a 40 SUOAR- 'A'" by bb! , per lb. 10 a 1C 1-2 TAl.l.oW, per lb WHKAT, per bu 0 WOOD. per cord a 4 00 TAKE NOTICE ! DONT BUY A DOLLAR1 WORTH OF GOOD8 BEFORE BEGING MY STOCK AND P8ICES A FULL LINE IN Every Department Men's, Youths', And Boys7 CLOTHING Caps and Fnriisiii Goofls JOE T. JACOBS, Thk Clothikr. Ann Arbor. ' W KENDALU?Ï% (SPAVINUREiB KENDALL S SPAVIN CURE. Themottsueceuful Remedyever lisoovered, as it in certain in it-s eiïects and does ïot blister. Read Proof Below. PRESEVERANCE WILL TELL. Stoughton, Mass., March ltith, 1880. B. J. Kkndau. & Co., Gïnts:- In jugtice. to you andmyself, I thlnk I ougbt to let you know that have removed two bone spavlns with "Keudall's Spavin Cure," one very large one; don't know ïow long the spavin had been there. I have wned the horse elght months. It took me four months to take thelarge oue off and two for the mail one. 1 have used ten bottles. The home is ntirely well, not at all stiff . and no bunch to 1een or feit. ThLs is a wonderful medicine. It is new tbing hf re; but it it does for all what it has one for me iU sale will be very great. Kespectfully youra, Chas. E. Pabkkr. Kkndal.l'8 Spavin Cur is sure in Uu effecta, ïild in itM action as it does not blister, yet it ík KMietratiiiK nd powerful to reach every deep eated pain or to remove any bony growth or ther enlargement siich as spavin , splints, curt. allou, aprains. wellinga, any lamejie' and all nlargnniwitsof the joints or limbs, or i-heumaam in man and for any purpose, for whioh a iniment is used for man or Deast. It is now mowntobe the best liniinent for man ever used, cting mild and yet certalnin its eiteots. Send aildress for Illustrated Circular which we link gives positive proof of it virtues. No remey hos ever met with uch unqualifled success to ur knowledge. for beast as well as man. Price Si per bottle, or siz bottle for to. All DruRifists have it orean get it for you, or it will ■e gent to any addresa on receipt of price by the roprietors. DR. B. J. KENDALL CO., Euosmrgh FalU, Vermont. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS PHILIP WINECAR "IUSTICE OF THE PEACE, room No. 4, Opera f J House Block, Aun Albor, Michigan. H. R. HILL ATTORNEY AT LAW, office No. ■!, Opera House Block. Ann Arlmr. Michigan. THO8. DALE, the Professional Dyer anti Clothes C9eAner,thlrd door smii li of the Opera House. Samples of worfc can be seen at the shop. Satisfaction guaran tfetl. CEO. A.BOYLAN7 HOUSE, SION anti Ornamental Patatar. Shop uiider the Star Clothinf; Eouse. Orders len at C. Boylan's will be promptly attendett to. JOSEPH CLINTON, MerehantTailnr. shop over Wm. Allaby's boot and shoe store, All work guaranteed or HO charge. Sam. B. Revenaugh, Is now taking the Best Glass oi PMopuls In tlie City at Prices to Suit the Times. Qround Floor Qallery. GOODRICH BUOCK, Eaxt Side of the NEW COUBT HOUSE. .A.T IT .A.3-IISr_ Tli o lililí I . I I w -HAS OFENED- HIS MEAT MARKET ON ANN STREET, Opposlte the eourthouse, where FRKSII and SALT Mnus of the BEST QUALITY au be procured. THOS. MATTH EWa In. h. downs VEGETABLE BALSAM1C ELIXIR Sisa sure cure lor Cough, Culd.-, I Whooping-Cough, and all Lung I Diseases, when taken iri season. I People die of consuii.tioi. impW ly because oi neglcct, when the Itimely use of tin remedj would have cured them ai once. Ftfty-one years oi constant use jjiuvcb tiiv. lact that no cough reined Ute .-iood the test likt D .■.' t.tixir. I'lKï JV fcjb ,vl,.. Cl 'f vl ludliK.c Unit KMr) v. l.i-c .'. DrBaxter'b Mandrake ISlTTBK Will (ure Jaundice, Dyspepsin, B Liver Cunicjiaciits, Indigestión, dj and all diaeaMrt arising tcuti yi iouiiicüo Pi iic 5 ets. perbutlle. fvj Foi Saii Bterywlian. 11 KMi ói JOBHOHI ÁRNICA AND OIL IlinimentS M'ar .Umi anti Beast. ■ The most perfect liniment ever H ■ compounded. Pricr :c. and 50c. m . FurSnUKvir.vwli.Uf. WILLIAM CASPARY, DAKBRY AND COXFECTIONAKY. :2 Detroit Streel HARNÊSS_ STÖRËT Chas, L Burkhardt, succefloor to the 'late J. C. Burkhardt, dealer in HARNESSES, TRUNKS, VALICES, WHIPS, BRUSHES, BLANKETS, ETC. HARNESSES MADE TO ORDER AND REPAIRIXG NEATLY DONE Catarles F. Burkhardt, No 4, Huron Street, Ann Arlmr Michigan, "DOG ON THE "DOG ON THE OLD HAT." OM HAT." A. A. TEEEY, A. A. TEEEY, HAT8 HAT8 AXN ABBOB, AKTN ABBOB, M1CH. MICH. RINSEY & SEABOLT, No. 6 and 8 Washington st.f Have on hand a complete stock of everything in the Grocery Line. They buy their Teas, Colïfocs, nul f-iutf' In large amounts, and at CasItL 3?:c?oes And can sell at Low Figures. Tl ie large invoice of Teas they Buy aud Sell, Is a good pruof that in Quality and Price they Give Bargains. They Koast their o-n Cofltees every week, an none but prime articles are usecL Their Bakeryturns out excellent Bread, Cakes and Crackers. Cali and see them. B!S tONÏC IS A THOROUGH REMEDY In vim-v case of Malarial Fever or Fever and Ague, while for disorders of the StoniHch, Toriiidity if Livcr. Inilim'stion and disturbance of the animal forces, whicli debilítate, it has DO equivalent, and can have no siibstlmte. lt ahould not be confoiiDded with tritiiratedciniM)unds of oheap sijirits and essential oils, of ten MM undcr the name of Bitten. FOK SALE BY Druggists. (loci-rs, anilWiiiH Men'hants evcry. Wllt'l-t'.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat