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Chaugeable - the weather. Look for "the dog on the hat." The pólice made 11 arrests in November. There was a heavy rain Saturday night. Monroe is to have a telephone exchange. A woman's club has been organized ia this city. The board of health is it lust to have a $25 desk. J. Webster Cfailds is oing south for his health. Harry Hill and wife arrived home Friday eyening. 1 The Corinne men ie makers dtew well fasteveuinij. Kead the aew advertiseinents in this week 's paper. Dr. Knight, of Eaton Rapids, spent last week in this city. City treasurer Webster received $800 for taxes Monday. The case against Clins. Kitsou bas been discontinued. A. W. Ames keeps The Democrat for sale at his news depot. Grain buyers are unable to get car to grain to market. M. D. Mlller, of the sixth ward, was Ibe first to pay bis taxes. The reform club eluct offlcera the last Wednesday in this month. M. C, LeBeau, has returncd Croman extended trip east and soutb. Mis. Franklin Parker and twochildrcn, bave been sick for several weeks. The trcssle work on the new iron bridge at Kellogg's, was put up Sunday. Company A would üke to atlend the inauguratiou of President Garfleld. Billa amountiug to $2,557.05 were nudited at the last meeting of the council. What was the matter with the street lampa in the third ward Friday nightv The Detroit Evening News is giviog the tax title sharks what they deserve. J. B. Carroll, who was on a visit to the city Mouday, lost from his pocket $18. Thcrc is $2,164.78 of the contingent fund u the hands of the city treasurer. Washtenaw cbapter No. O, H. A. M. , will elect officers next Monday evening. Another car load of iron marked "museum building" was received Thursday. Chief Eugineor Smith has liad the engine in the flfth ward, painted f35 worth. The Itionda grand concert coinpany uext Tuesday evening at the opera house. Dr. Franklin received by express last Saturday a handsome Cocker spaniel. Henry Luick has boen senteneed to the reform school at Lansing until 18 years of age. Mrs. C. Martin fracturad hér wristTuesfiay night by slipping on an icy sidewalk. The Ypsiluuü reform club was addressed by Uapt Bontecou Sunday afternoon. The Toledo & Ann Arboriailroad could 100 freight cars if they could get thcm. The livery men are anxious lor gooi sleighing wliich would improve Ihcir business. Ellen, infant daughter of D. J. and Elizalieth Ross, died Tuesday of brain fever. A concert is to be given in Ypsilanti tomorrow eyening by the Ypsilauti musical union. Fred Sipfley has located in Cadillac for the present, and lias engaged in luinbering. The first Sunday after Christmas the St. Thomas teuipenincc soeietv will elect ofticers. Father Haire.a YVashtenaw county boy, is pastor of a churoh in Brown county, Dakola. The Washtenaw lire insurancecompaii}elect offlcers the second Wednesday in January. Mr. Cobb, clerk at the Cook house for sorae uionths, lias beun relieved of his position. The ünitariao cliurch can be purchased for $3,S00. Here is a speek for the re form club. The expenses of the flre department for three months, ending November 30th,foot up $105,65. The Chandler house is coming up uader the management of is new propiïetor Nelion Bootli. Richard Le wis, a tramp, was given two hours to get out. of town last Thursday and he got. Rev. Dr. Stockiug, of Detroit, is preaching a series of Suuday discourses on "The Millennium." The remaius of the two Allardyce's wht died in this city, were taken to Canada last Thursday. A communication from a prominent farmer in Scio is unavoidably crowded out this week. Mrs. Michael Grossman slipped on an icy sidewalk Tuesday evuning and broke her collar bone. Dr. Cruikshank, the alleged grave robber, has jumped bis bail and left for parts unknown. A large proportion of the wood sold in this city, comes from Milán and Nora, on the Toledo road. Mis. Wm. Clute, of Duudee, is ing her mother, Mis. K. D. Austin, on Fountain street. Rev. Iiobt. Morris lectured at inasonic hall Fiïday eveuing to a goodly mimber of the fralerniLy. Timothy Sullivan, aged 30 years, died Tuesday. Ilis remains were taken to Corunna for burial. John Clark Ridpath lectures iu university hall to-morrow evcning. Subject, Alexaoder llaoiillon. Rev. Mr. Cady ia to receivt a salary of $350 per year, preaehing to the oongregationslist of Kalamo. The visiting horticulturists and pornologists were shown throngh the universily Tuesday afternoon. Chas. A. King has received a judgment in the circuit court against Martlia A. Harnberger et al for $248. The bee keepers of Washtenaw couutv will hold a meeting to-day iu the rooms of the pomological society. The gravel train passecl over the new bridge on the Northeastern railroad last Thursday for the flrst time. Tne ünitarian society has been offered $1,000 for the old church, by the Ann Arbor agricultural company. The new bridge over the Huron river at this place is 980 fcet long and cost the T. & N. E. railroad $12,038.18. Byron Webster, law class of '67, is editor of the Marshalltown Statesman, published in Marshalltown, Iowa. Mary Corner was arrested Saturday by Constable Loomis, charged with stealing a scarf from the Leonard house. The Minnis orchestra have opened a dancing school in Jackson, and the flrst hop was given Tuesday evening. II. R. Hill has been puid a $75 city der for tlic reut of the ground in the rear of the opera house for a market. Geo. Clarken has filed hia saloon bond with Hiram Kitridge and Emanuel Luick as sureties, in the sum of f 3,000. The pólice last month made 11 arresta us followa; Drunk and disorderly, 8; disorderly, 1 larceny, 1 ; crazy, 1 . Sylvester Lucas (colored) wil] linger at Ionia for the next four months. The charge against him was vagrancy. The third tvard street fund has been exhausted and several bilis have had to go over until after the first of February. Miss Lottie Hall atteuded the charity ball at the Boody house in Toledo laat week, also the Hotel Madison aasembly. John Muchlig slipped on a hinge in a door in the sidewalk in front of Gwinner s market Monday evening, and broke hls leg. Wn. Brink uell cleared the snow from the ice on the mili pond last Thursday, and the katers have been very busy since then. Sarah A., daughter of Joscph and Sarah Donnelley, died last Thursday morning of iriflaniniHtion of the throat, in her 15th year. Dr. Nichols will move into the rooms now occupied by the Misses Willard in Joe. T. Jacobs' bloek, the first of next April. Justice Winegar has held John Williams, the biuglar, in the sum of $1,000 for trial, and in default of bail he went to jail. Any item of news will be thankfully received, as we aim to givc the readers of The Demociïat the bost local paper in the city. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank has declared a semi-aunual dividend of 4 per cent, payable after the fitst Monday in Jauuary. A. E. Busenbark, of the town of Ann Arbor, who Las lately shown signs of insanity is to be taken to the asylum ut Kalamazoo. Two car loada of polls have been ordered, and the wires for the telephone exchange will probably be put up some tiuie tlas mouth. They have a lecture association in Saline. Ruv. L. R. Fiske, of Albion, is to deliver the opening lecture of the course December 22. The tramp printer will Snd himself in a peck of trouble if he don't miud his owii business and let the proprietor of a hotel in this city alone. A number of citizcns vvere at the depot last Tüursday to see the Fouutaine ocomotlve, whieh passed through heic on its way to Detroit. The tax books of the different suptrvisors'district were given to city Treasurer Webster Monday. By paying this nionth you eau save oue per ceut. Business is increasinjj in the otüce of the register of deeds. lf it will ouly cou tinue after the rirst of Jauuary, Register eleet Gilbert will be happy. Jas. Tolbert, of Saginaw, was the gutst of Aid. Keecli last Thursday. He was looking aftet bis business here, of which Mr. Keech is manager. The petition of W. E. Walker and others, tor the reuioval of the coal aheds on Mi Uur avenue, has been placed in Ule handl of tbe street committee. Mrs. Morse, of Medevia township, Lenawee county, the lady operaled on for Drs. Breakey and Kapp of this city, has entirely recovered. Thos. Lucas ivas arrested by Dcputy Sheriff Clarken Tuesday,on the charge of buiug drunk and disorderly, and Justice Winegar sent him up for 2j days. ïhere is a man livina; in the fourth ward who has not been to the postofüce in seven years, although he comes up town nearly every night in the week. There is to be a concert this evening in the Webster Congregitional church, for the benefit of the sociaty. Prof. Wilsey and others trom this city will tnke part. The persons beiug tried in the Lenawee circuit eourt were confronted by the following witnesses frota this city: Drs. Herdmno and Lluff, and Jackson Sweet. Patrick Carroll, who was tried in the circuit court on the charge of attempt to rape, and commitled of assault, has been senteuced totwo months imprisoumentin jail. Died In the township of Webster, on Thursday lat ot consuiaption, Richard E. Butler, aged 59 years. For 40 years lie had been a resident of the town of Hambuig. Jiiót thiuk of it 1,500 students attending the uuiversity of Michigan, the largest nuniber yel. We iiope lo see the time wheu the number will be increased to 2,000. Wui. Herz has üis material ou band aud early iu the spring will erect a brick shop 2'i by 45 feet on Washington street. The cost of the building will be about #2,000. Sometime last Tüursday the proprietor oí a house near the Catholic cemetery, threw one of the girl's trunks troin the second story wiuduw and it was srnashed to pieces. The persou who inslituted ihe complaint against Chas. Kilson was evidently enraged beoausc he was aot permitted to have a drink, in his, Kitsou's, saloon on election day. Was the committee who called ou the former president and treasurer of the society knowu as the ladies' temperanco wolkers, afiaid to broach the question of lurmug over that $100. The pólice are expected to report ;o the pohce committee the uumber of rests aud the dispositiou of the casus; the amount oí fiue nioney collected, etc, at the enu of eaeii mouth. If the Aun Arbor city baad does not make rapid iuiproveineut it wil] not be the fault of Piot. Öimouds, the leader, lor he has the metnbers practicing nuarly every uight in the week.. Of course theie are fire limita, but woodeu structures are peruiitted by the couucil to be built from time 10 Unie - and there is considerable squealiug on the part of iusurauce agents. The case of Michael Ehnis against Susau Kidder, of Saline township before Justice Winegar, was settled, the defendant paying ihe amouut of wages claimed, and costs of suit. Jas. Monroe Dunlap of South Lyon has got to takc $300 and let the Toledo and Nortbeastern road cross his land. Serves him right, for the company sometime ago offered him $500. M. H. Brennan, who went west soinetime ago, has relurued hoine. He has coucluded to engage in the practice of law in this city and has gone into the office of the Hon. E. D. Kinne. Wc hope the report is true that Jas. M. Colé, a former citizen of this place, has disposed of a gold separator, his own invention, for $50,000. Jim is deserving of a few thousands in his oíd age. Chas. A. Meyers, the individual who obtaiDed goods from a number of houses in this city andar false pretences.was sen tenced by Judge Morris last Friday to one year imprisonment at Jackson. Borne of the tax-payers of Lodi and Webster are evidently in a hurrj to get township treasurers receipts, for last week the aitn of $000 was paid in for tax ea in Lodi and $500 in Webster. A petition was filed Tuesday for the probate ot the will of Jas. C. Watson. The will will be distributed according to the lawb of Wisconsin, wliich gives the widow one-third of the personal property. Fred O. Nye and family were in the city last week on a visit. Fred is an old Anu Albor boy, and is now residing in Holland. He is train dispatcher for the Chicago, Michigan and Lake Shore railroad. The improved appearance of the paper last week we are pleased to learn suits our subscribers. We intend to make other improvements during the coming year, when everybody will want The Demochat. The constables will detuand an examinatiou to day. They don't propose to submit to any more adjournmeuts if they eau help it. When the cases ave finally disposed of then we will have something to say. Chief Johnson managed to pull through November by expending only $111.85 among the indigent poor: First ward, #33.76; second ward, $11,34; third ward, 8.13; fourth ward, $33; flfth ward, $15.03; 6ixth ward, $10,59. Adrián Press: Henry Winter, an Ann Arbor xnecbanic, lost a linger at Keck's factory. "Ice pose snow use to sleigh myself though" said Henry and Winter setinfor a game of "freezout," where two paircould beat a full hand. Odborne, the basso, Whedon, the tenor, Mailory and Hunt, the funny, Grant, the well known "end man," and others well kuown and meritorious, will take part in the Webster concert this Thursday evening. There will bc "music in the air." E. D. Price, a gradúate of the law departinent of the university, and for scveral years a member ot the editorial stafE of the Post and Tribune, has accepted the position of advance agent for John McCullough, the great tragedian. Last Saturday afternoon Fred Stollstimer made a complaint against Michael Alberly, of Scio, charging him wilh assault and battery. Alberly was arrested by Constable Loomis, and the examination is to come off before Justice Grauger. Gillie Ilowe, who, some months ago engaged in the drug business ia Jackson, with bis uncle, Dr. John North, has 'sold out bis interest to nis uncle. The feeble health of his grandfalher, Mr. North, making it necessary for him to return home. John Williams, the individual supposed to have burglarized Newhoff's machine shop last week, was arrested in Detroit Friday night by Constable Schall. Tools answering the descriplion of those taken from the shop were fouud in bis possession. Dr. K&pp held a post mortem ou the body of Frederick liahniiller of Freedom, who died last week, trom the eft'ects of beiug thrown from his carriage. The doctor found that a blood vessel in his brain had been ruptured and the skull fractured. Emily, wife of Wm. Marken, of the township of Lodi, died Dec. lst, of abcess of the boweh, at the age of 57 years and 19 days. She was born in the town of Cury, St. Edmunds, Suffolk county, England, and had been a resident of Lodi for 26 years. Last Friday morning two men in tbe employ of the Detroit iron and bridge corapany, who were working on the iron bridge being constructed at Kellogg's, were severely injured by the scaffolding giving way. One man had nis hbs broken and the other a leg brokeu. Eight boys in this city from the age of eight to twelve years have organized a juvenile brass band with Master Paul Minnis as leader. Henry Otto is instructor and the band is inaking rapid progress, and at do distant day propose to give a concert at the opera house Chas. Meyers was taken to Jackson Monday. The keeper of the pr3ou recognized him as an old offender, this last sommilment making it the Eeventh time he has served the state, and each time for obtaining goods under filse pretensos. Meyers has a wife living in Jackson. Quit claim deedsof property in Chelsea to the M. C. II. R. company signed by the following parties have been recorded in the register office: David Congdon, Olive Doyle, Deborah Hovey, Mary FlayIer, Jabez Bacon, Ellen Pratt, Hannah F. Boyd and Elisha Congdon (by heirs.) Saline Observer: Last Sunday Mt. Cardinal J. Woolsey, who lives six miles west of this place, slipped and feil, breaking his arm between the suoulder and elbow. As Mr. Woolsey is nearly 80 years old it will doubtless require sorae time for nature to repair the break. Dr. Geo. Howell, of Macon, is attending him. Montgomery Democrat : When you are travelingalways take sotne stranger into your confidense; teil him how much money you have with you, whcre you keep it, and what you are goiog to do with it. If he dosen;t relieve you of what you possess you '11 have the satisfaction of kuowing that you have at least met an honest man. The Aun Arbor agricultural company, elected the following officers Mouday: Directors, J. Auslin Scott, H. W. Rogers, J. W. Knight, John Finnegin, M. T. Howard, E. W. Moore, Moses Seabolt; president, J. A. Scott; vice president and inanaging director, Jno. Finnegan; treasurer, J. W. Kuight; secretary, Earle Knight. Several nights ago as a young girl was returning to her hume in the third ward, and aa she was passing the Toledo track on Miller avenue.a man jumped out froni behind the coal sheds and grabbed her around the waist. The girl gave one shriek and a student who happencd to be close by, went to her aid when the miscreaut fled. T. Boyd, proprietor of the shootiug gallery at the Leonard houae, has oflered three prizes which are now being shot for, - a $10 revolver, one box of cigars of the value of $7.50 and $2 in cash. John Robison and John Reeves aretied, having made 115 out of apossible 120, 10 shots each. Chas. Stoll and Sweet, the butcher, are tbe next highest, 114 each. Aboul the meanest Ihing a man can do is to subscribe for a paper, and after receiving it for twoyears without paying a cent, refuse to take it from the office, or order it stopped. We have such an individual, a resident of the township of Augusta, in mind, and we should hate to give his name to the public, but unless the account is settled we think we would be justified in doing so. We await events. Geo. Martin was awarded the badge Monday evening for the best execution of the sileDt manuel of arms. The committee consisted of Lieutenant Schuh, exLieutenant Ludlow, dergeant Revenaugh, and Corporal Sheehnn. The drill was very close, the execution of the manuel being without any full mistakc. The baduje has formerly been held by Private Wade and Corporal Dietz. Capt. Manly intends hereafter to cali out each member of the company to drill for the badge. The Washtenaw county pomological society held their annual meeting Saturday and elected the following offlcers for the ensuingyear: President, 8. W. Dorr, Manchester; vice-presidents, J. D. Baldwin, Ann Arbor; A. A. Conklin, Manchester; Geo. Sutton, Northfleld; executive coramittee, Emil Baur, Jas. J. Par. shali, P. L. Page, Chas. H. Woodruff, Aun Albor; botanist, Prof. Voltiey II. Spaulding; ornithologist, Prof. 3. Beal Steere; entomologist, D. J. Higley; cliinatologist, Prof. Alex. Wincl.ell. Mr. F. B. Thurber, of New York, f urn ishes llie December Scribuer a ])íi])er which will be wideíy read, and wbich bids fair to créate considerable excitement. It is entitled "The Railroads nnd the Peopie," and itpresents mos forcibly tbe recent exposures of corruption in the great railroad monopolies of this country. The December number of Scribner contaius also many striking illustrative as well as literary features. The November issue wa3 the largest ever printed; it contained oue hundred and seventy pages, and was crowded with brilliant pictures and articles of more than usual interest. Geo. W. Slayton, wliose house in the township of Ypsilanti, was dcstroyed by flre last July, was insured in the Washtesaw Mutual tor $1,700. He also held a policy for $500 in the Watertown, of New York. Previous to the flre he transferred bis property without giving notiee and without consent of the offlcera of the Washtenaw Mutual insurance company, who were not aware of the existence of a second policy. As he had violated the by-laws of the company in not giving uo tice as the by-laws expressly próvido, payraent was refnsed. It was decidedto submit the matter to arbitrators, and John K. Yocum, of Lyndon and a Mr. Bennett of Superior were selected. As the arbitrators could not agree, a third party was selected, and the matter wa being heard Tuesday. Tlie influuutial ííeutloniaii referred to pometime ago in Tuk Democrat as being instrumental in inducing a bone setter, named Sweet, l'rom the west, to visit this city for the purpose of examimng Mrs. A. Wright and tlie girl patiënt, one f wliom was sulïeriug with a bioken hip the other with a broken leg ncar the ankle, was none other than a man of the size of Prof. Olney, of the university. The cases which the bone-setterpromised would termínate so successíully got worse after he left, and the patients bave siuce been examined by Dr. Douald Mach-au. and pronounced as first diagnosed by Drs. Smith and Morton. It is a little singular that a prof essor in the university of Michigan should be instrumental in recommending a quack in preference to men who have given a iife study to the profession.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat