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CiTY ITEMS. " Attuactiye and Usepul Chms...

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CiTY ITEMS. " Attuactiye and Usepul Chmstmah Gifts. - We cali attention to our large md attractive Stock of Cloaks and Shawls embracing Paisley, Hroclie. Persian, iinitation India, Blanket shawls, Shoulder shawls, shawls for Misses, black Cashmere shawls, Dolmans, Oioaks and WalkingJackets. Our beautiful Lace Goods, Embroiderod Muil Fichus and Scarfs, Lace Tidics, initial and faucy Handkerchiefs, Luce and Slik llandkeichiefs, Harris Lace Top, and Foster's 10 hook Kid Gloves, choice Napkins, Towels and Spreads, and a large Stock of fancy articles at Mack & Bchmid's, Cropsey keepa flrst class groceries. If you don't bellere it, give him a cal! and bc convinced. Get one of those waim caps of Joe T. Jacobs, the Clothler. C'. H. Minnis faas a first-class run ou repairing. Boys, if you want a Ño. 1 job done take it to Minnis's, tirst door east of Gwiuner's niarket, on Washington streel. A perfect fitting boot made to order, and all work guarauteed to give satisfaction. If you vvant to make your wife happy, buy her a Davis verticle feed sewing ma chine for a Christmas present. Sold ai J. F. Öchuh's hardware store. Uoa't forget when you want rubber boots, overshoes and rubbers at loweat prices, to see L. üruner, No, 8, Soum Mitin strjet. - Ladies wlm are judges say tha'v Mack & Schmid's satin at $1.25 a yard e'-jual those sol 1 byanv other house tur 11. 50. For the best woolen socks, go to Jou. ï. Jacobs, the Olothicr. Best Guitar and Violin strings 15cts Guitars, Violius, Accordiaus, Banjos, Harmonicas.Newarrivals, cheap for cash, ut. Wil se y 's. Por the best aud cheapest boots and shoes go to L. Gruner's, Mo. 8 South Main sireet. AJÍ the meals and vegetables at Cropsey's restaurant, are cooked in Flander's stuam cooker. JSvery person purühasing a truuk of Chas. b'. Burkhardl will leceive oue ol those pateut check',. The Davissewing machine has noequ al tor family use. - If you want a good fitting cloak or dolman at a moderate price, go lo Mack Sehmid's. Joe T. Jacobs, the Clothier, sells the best overall that is made. Tüe largest assortment of tiunks iu the city tor sale at Chas. F. Burkhaidt's, No. 4 Jlurou street. Stranger! Anybody will teil you where Cropsey feeds tiie huiigry. Mittens and gioves made to order at E. J. Johnsoii's, the hatler. If you want a suit of clothe cheap, go lo Jiach ik Auel's. -John Bura seils the best boots and slioes for the least inouey. - A large lot of the best Englisn ware to select trom at A. Kearney's, 35 South Main stieet. Have you Iried one of those Patent Bosom sünts, "THE E1QHMIE?" Joe T. Jacobs.the Clothier.has sold al)out one tnousaud of tliem. Fiom now until Hoüdays we will receive daily in every depa'tment uovelties suitable for presenta, useful, elegant and adapted lo all Purses. Mack & öchmid. Adam I). Seyler has a splendid stock of boots, shoes, and rubber goods to select trom. Everything in the hat and cap line at E. J. Johnson's, No. 7 South Maiasireet. A large slock of valises to select from at Burkhardt's. It will pay you to examine goods and pnces beforepurchusing elsewhere. You can flnd almost anythiug and eyerything in the line of gloves and mittena at Terry's. Bach & Abel offer until January lst the entire Sondeim stock of line cioths aud cassimeres, at cost. Any oue in ueed of a suit of clothes sliould not let tliis opportunity pass. - For (Jhristmas slippers go to John Burg's. Burkhardt, the haruess man.will uot be uudersold by auy house in the city. E. J. Johnson has a splendid line of gents' furnishiug goods. C. E. Holmes keeps the fiuest line of perfumes to be lound ia the city. Ohristmas is coming aud you should cali in at Terry's and buy a seal skin cap or a handsome set of luis. lt is astouishing hovv strangers visiting the city find out where Cropsey's restaurant is. Johnson wou't be undersold by any hat ter in the city. Now don't furget this. - The highest market price paid tor countr}' produce at Kearuey's, 33 South Main street. Ladies and gentlemeu's slippers, best assortment and bottom prices at L Gruner's, No. 8 South Main street. Never have the citizens of Washtenaw county had sucha bargaiu offered them before. f5,000 of clotüs and cassimeres, the eutire Sondeim stock at cost. When Baoh & Abel say cost they always mean what they sa3'. The linest and nicest lot of furs to be fouud in the state west oF Detroit, just received at A. A. Terry's. Heed's gilt edge tonic for sale at C. E. Holmes's, Uook's hotel block. - For rubbers and overshoes, go to John Bu:g's. Eveiy man and boy oughl to buy a sint of clothes of Baeh & Abel. A splendid assortment of caps at Terry's. - Go to John Burg's for Gent's fine shoes. Don't wear any inore veady made clothing- go to Bach & Abel'a aud buy the cloth at 50c on the dollar. GeorgeW. Cropsey! Whoishe? Why he feeda the hungry. lf you wish to make your friend a Christmas preseut, you should invest in a set of furs ut Terry 's. The finest display of holidny goods in the city at t!. E. Holmes'. Cali and examine goods and prices before purebasing elsewhere.


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Ann Arbor Democrat