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Coal advauced Tuesday froir. $7 to $7.50 per ton, and leading dealers say it will go up to$8 or $K50 witlilu the next month. The cause of ttiis advance is the apprehension of a scracity. Ncarly 100,000 tonsare frozeu up between Chicago and Buffalo, and there ia little prospect of getting it through before spring. A supply can be broaffbt hy rail, but this teuds to m;iki the price higher. A girl at Sarnia pulled the cork out of a botUe "f ammonta wlth her teeth. Sho was DOflrly suffocated hy the fumes and baly burned ou the face and throat Not long ago a lruggist in Forest lost his Ufe by similar cíirelessness. There aro all the sufficieut iudicaüons that a nuniber of changeH of army officers will be made soon at Washington after congress .rcasscinbles. There are a number of ofoww iii the arnjy ellglble for cetlrement, and it is beiieved a clean sweep will be made. Cyrus McConniek's gift of i 100,000 to the Presbyterian theological seminary at Chicago in order to keep Prof. Patton there was of no avall. Prof. Patton goes to Princeton. The gqvernmentinsists upon Sitting Buli's iinciiiiililioual surrender, and unless lie comes to time very soon it wiil send troops against hini. Win. E. Brockway, charged with having been concerued in the counterfeitiug pr $2114,000 WOftb of United States bonds, obtained bis release upon simply surrenderinü the 25 platee trom wbieli tlie countnrfeit bonds were printetl. Brockway admitted, it is said, that there were 250 of the $1,000 counterfeit bonds printed, of wliu'h 204 wee found in tlie possession of Jiojle, in Chicago. He did not know where tne reinainins 4ii were. The examination of uwens, acoused of printing tlie bouds, takes place December 1. The census of Alaska shows a population o 30,000, of whoui not more than 300 are whites Lucy Emeline Meeker convicted at Montpelier, VL, of poisoning her ll-year-old. dauehter with strychniue. The tcstiiuony was horrible in the extreme. Her eon Almon was an accessory, and confessed all. Jay Gould assuines control of tho Missouri, Kansas & Texas railroad. A Washiiiftton dispatch says that the clerk of the house Adame is missing, and no amouutof telegraphing can "raise him" anywhore. The law of Georgia próvidos that tho electoral college shall "meet on ttie first Monday in DeetMiibersoas to be ready to vota on the following Weduesday," wbich bull-headed provisión didn't work this year for obvious reasons. Crim:nal news: At Lansing John Cook struek F. W. Rice with au ax, iatally wound Ing htm. - Robert H. lierdell, president of tlie Erie railroad comyany, was arrested in New York on charge of perjnry and locked up at the Tombs for want of $5,(100 bail.- Mrs. Casey of Torouto was arrestad for tho inurder of her two children, wlio were fo i:id in bed roaetedto death.- Jolm Maher and Isaac Norris of Fort Wayne, Ind., have beea seutenced ;O impnsomnt'Mt for life for murder. - A colored scbool teacher named Lorenzo Ivey was irutally assaulted at Danville, Va., by a boy wliom he liad punished, and his brother. - Dan. 5niltli, colored, was bun;: by a mobat Pulaski, Tinn., fnr attempted rape. The lake fleets have got out of the ice and rarived at their destiuations. Navigation is closed for tbe season. Fircs.- At Eldora, Ks., tlie Bonanza milis, loss $20,000; insurance small. - At Topeka, Ks., Crawford's opera house, loss over $30,000; iuiiired $16,000.- At Covington, Ky., loss $11,Dsnranoe $5,200.- At Eau Olaire, Wis., store oí i', i'. Maloue; loss $15,000; partially usnreil. At New York bank presidente intenriewed a.v that mlli(n;s oí dollars are iu the liank vaults for want of use. In the assay office here are $öO,000,iioO in foreign gold, whicli nis been coming Iutb since August 2. It is stiinateil that $11,000,000 are on steamers 'ound to tlils port, so that by the latter part of lext week the total aniount of gold at tliis port will have reached $62,000,000. Durins November United States mints coined $4,574,200 in gold and 12,300,000 silver dollars. A bilí has been introduced uto the South ('anilina legislatura ninking the participation, either as principal or second, in a fatal duel, uiurder, and puuishable with death. Tlie report of the infernal revenue comuiissioner shows a total internal revenue for the last fiscal ycar of $16S,ittl,!U0, an increase of over $10,000,000. Four publishers and editora of Truth - Hart, Post, Ph lip and Byrne, have been indicted for piihlishiui; a criminal libel against Gen. Garfield. S. S. Morey lias been indicted for perjury. Gold still pours into the country from Europe at the rate of half a million a day. The United States circuit court at Omaha has decided that the Pencas liare a legal estáte in their reservatiou.


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