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Proniptly at 12 o'cloek Dec. 6th the senate was called to order by Vice-Presideut Wheeler. The proceedings were opened with prayer by Cliaplain Bullock. Jama ].. Pbflb, successorof Qeo. S. Houston of Alahama, and Josepli E. Brown (Dem. Ga.), who succeeds Gen. Gordon of Georgia, took tlio oath of office. The credentials of Senator Kduiunds (Rep. Vt.), re-elected as his own successor, was read. The message was read and the senate then adjourred. The House was called to order by the speaker and prayer offered by Rev. Mr. Harrison. Two iiundred and twenty-seven inembers answered the roll cali. After some prelimlnary business the President's messatie was received and read. Mr. Hurd (Dein. O.), introduced a resolution askinc for a revisión of thetarifl upon ceitain anieil principies. Mr. Springer (Detn., 111.) introduced a resoiution for the temporary increase of the justicesof the supreme court of the Uuited States. ( It provides for the appointment of two new ÏUSDOM alter toe 4th of March, 1881, making the number 11, which is to be eventually reduced to nine as vacancles occur.) ByMr. Bennett (Rep., Dak.,) for the admissiou of Dakota into the Union. Mr. Weaver niaJe an effort to submit the I followiug, but under the rules lt was not received: Whereas, Grave abuses exist in the management of commerce between the etates, whereby the producing and shipping interests of the country are conetantly compelled to pay the most unjust and exorbitant rates for transpoitation;therefore Resolved, That in the judprment of this house it is the duty of the general govérnuieut to at ouce exercise its cousututioiiu rijfhts to 1 late commerce ltwpon the Matee by the pasfüíTe oí sucu laws and eslahlishini; euch reirui.uioiiH as will secure to tiie whole jpeople just and impartial rates for transportation of botli ri'litantl pasBeusers. Dec 7.- In Ihe sciiate, the credentiala of Thomas C. Munniue, appointed froui Louisi;ma in place of H. M Spoffcrd, dooeased, was lir i iitccl and filcd. Bills wcre introduced: Mr. McDonald (Dem., Iud.) to authorize the local tnxation of legal tender treasury notes. SUssrs. Tt'ller (Rep., Col.) and HiU (Rep., Col. ) lulls aniendiii the blll to ratify the Ute ntieemeni Mr. Iiijjalls (Rep., Ks.) authoriziuit the issue and providing for the exchange and redeiuption nf fractioual notes. All of which were referred to comniittees. A nuinber of changos were niad in the iMiuimiiteesandseveralnew selected coinmit tees were ordeied. In the house Mr. Bolfoni ( Rep., Col.) introduced a i-esolution, wbich was adopted, oalling 011 Ihe secretary of the interior for Information alxmt Uie Utecliief, Douglas, and bis counectipu with the inurder of Agent Meeker. Mr. Bickuell (Deni., Ind.) calleil up the MUate joint resolution on the subject of counting the electorial vote. The point was raised by tbe Republicans that tliia was not a (Itiestion of privilege, and a vigoroub debate aroee. Messrs. Robeson . ( Rep., N. J.) and Conger (Rep., Mich.) leadinj; on Uie Kepulilican side, and Messrs. Spriuger (Dera., ID.) and Hooker (I)em., Miss.) on The Democratie side. Speaker Randall decided that the resolution preseuted a question of privilege. An attenipt was then made to forcé the preyious questinn, but it was resisted by Republicans, and it was finaJly agreed that debate sliould be allowed. Mr. Keiler (Rep., O.) spoke against the reBolution, and the house adjourned.


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Ann Arbor Democrat