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FLOER - City pastry branda. .$5 2" @ State brands 6 09 @ 6 25 Seconds 4 25 (a) 4 75 Minnesota patentp.. 7 25 ( 8 0) Low grades 8 00 @ S 7j Rve 5 00 @ Buckwheat 6 25 i„t 5 60 Wheat- No. 1 white $1 W a 1 C4L Beller Peo 1 f4 1 i% Beller Jn 116 a 1 f6 Beller Feb 1(8 @ 1 C8W Seller Maren 1 9%., : 10JÍ Beller April 1 lü @ 1 lü? No. 2 white 9) (i No.2red..... ...... 10k@ Uarley- Canadian, 2 25 'i$2 i O per 1OÜ 11. State, $1 35@1 60. Bea9- Unpicked. 9ü@l 29 per buh, picfced 1 6C@1 73. Corn- 47v. 4!)c per bash. Oats - S 8089o per bu. Kye- Gou 75cper bush. Ai'fles- $1 25 a$140per bbl. ÜKAMB- Oncickett 90e3 $1 20 per bafh, pick ed fl 50@l 75. UCTTEF.- Frime quality. 19321. Kfdim 14 2 18c tn, Oebisk- 13í(ai4' per Ib 0RANBEEIlIK8- $5 00@ i7 50 per bbl. Olilán &prLK- 8X op. pt Ib; Dress. i Hoo )- $S "005 25. iiiaa - Kresh Ï2jt25ot. Qamk- Quuted terms are abont as followa: Turkeys, 10o to 12o; veniaon careare, 6o to 8c; do saddlef, l()c to lüc; qnail $2 to $2 25; partridges, 6.0 to 70o; Mallard dnck, 50o to 60o; common do, 2 )c to 3'Jo, woodcock. $2 rO; snipe $1; r&bbits, 50c; squirrels, 60. Bay- Choice timothy tK:aj!16. !1ONI!T-(!omh, 14í5Í6it. Mulé Sdoab- 12X. Hops - lSiMOe per ponnd' Onionb- Ï8 25(í8 60 wr bbl. Poultby - Chiikns, 7g8; tu'keys 9 ?10o. Potatoek- Ëarly Rose, 4Ec. Peach Blows 50c per bn. ''EOVisiowK - Pork meB 115 @ $16 Rd; Ijard, 839; ham, 10o Bhr;u,derB, 7iñ8i: booa, H Xo! üif niesn l.--i, 9 fin @l(i 0!1 ur bbl. dried beef, 10@llo. 8alt- 1 0L@l 10 per bbl. 8e;i- Clover, $1 50iii4 60 por bu.; timothy $2 6"@2 7 '. Switf.T Potatoks- 8 4)853 EO per bbl. Tallow - '3a IJer poand. Woo- iï 7ú(ííf 5 per oord. 2 DETROIT STOCK MARKETS. Cattlk - Sales wero made at $2.10 to $3.5C per cwt. - the MwMt price for uot very good heifers; the highest priee for good fat steers. Ordinary butchering lote aold at $2.25 to $2.50 per cwt. One exceptlonall.v erood lot of steen, some of tlieiii fit for the Christuias market, broogfat 9&L0 per ewt. Huns- fi.10 to.ft.75 per cwt Most of the sales were at $4.30 to $4.50 per cwt. BbEEF-38.60tof3.9S per cwt.; for mixed Jote, fat wethers $4 to f-f.10 per cwt. JüNGLISH GRAIN MARKET. Loudon. November, 20. - The Mark Lane ExpreRssays: LIlUe pioenM has been made with wheat sowiug in late districts In queuc of frosts, alternatinc with rains. which keep land iu very wet condition. There .iave been íather more liberal oflerings of home tjrown samplet iu tlie Londou inarket durinj; the week, bilt there w;w DO iiuproveinent in condition. The sales of Euglish wbeat duilog tbe week were 46,1)11 quarferB at tts 5d per (luarter, agahist 88,680 uiarters at 46s 7d Mr quarter (he correepondiike week liistyear. uttporte into tlie unlted Idngaom the week ending November 20 were 1,21H,76S cvts. of wheat and 310,600 cwts. of flour.


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