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Boss Kelly Has Been Bounced From The

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poition of couiptrollcr of New York city. The Sturgis Journal does tbc righttbing when it says "lliat tbc merabers of the incoraing house caunot do botter than electMr. Wm. K. Cblld to th office of sergeant-at-arms." Mr. Cbilda hu been tbore twic, ii: bM provcil cnpablc and ctlicicnt, and a tbird term should be liis. It gives 08 ptoaaure tosay aood word for a rapublican official in these days of ropublioan rottenneM and corruption. The democratie press of the state look complaisantly on and enjoy tlie light republicans are making over the United States senatorship. Who the coming inan may lie muiters litlle to the democracy, foi it is none of their funeral. Of the candidatos mentioned, ex-Govs. Bagley and Baldwin, and Congressman Conger, it isclaimed tbat the chances of eacli are about even on the go in. Who tbe lucky one will be time will alone develop. _ - m i ■ uw Without tlic knowlcdgc of Judge ('ooley n strong movemcnt has been iel on foot by inttueutial meinbers of the .Michigan Imr to present liis name to tlie President f or nomi nat ion f or one of the iinpending vacancies on the hendí nf llie supreme court of the United States, lt is safe 10 fuiy that the President can elect no abler, purer, or more learneil lawycr for such a position ihiin Thomas M. Cooley. Hia appoiutment would botb meritand cali ut natiobal approval.- li#t a ikI Tribune. The many friends of Judge Cooley ín ibis city without regard t o party, would bc pleaaed to sec the distlngulahed jmist appointed tothe posilion. Ah g jadge he Im8 no poer m tilia country. The following compllmentory notice conccrning us, appenrcd in Tlie Wnshten:iw Post (Independent) last weck. "TIip Axn Arisoi Okmocrat, which is now in its thinl year, is by fir the ableet democratie newspapcr pubtlahed in Ann Axbor, and ihould recoive ihc undivlded patronage of the demócrata of bis city. The DXKOCBAT carries vrilb itsflf tbc best principies of its party, and if the party would carry the winning Mag in the future, it must give Tin-: Demockat its full support. Mr. II. K. II. Bowlt, althoUgb a young man, iscapable in every respect of fulfllling thp position of inanaging editor." ■ - ♦ "Last even ing, about ilic time Ihe Ibcaters were out, a gang of somc 40 or 00 men cume marching up Woodward avenue in a column of fours. At the corner of ('ongreBs strect, by an evolution of four rightand fours front, they formed in line across tbc avenue and procecded on tbeir ivay. making night hideous by bowling out the "Full Moon chorus." Tbc demonstration had all tbe eannarksof agigantic drank. An Ann Arbor man wno witncssed the alïair, said be "feit more at home"' in Detroit than ever liefore."- Detroü Evening News. The gang of 40 or 50 men referred to romprise just.y')-,to wit: Messrs. Tlionipson, Baker, Conely and Bandall, membevs of tbe M. ("'s. wbo wen! walllnir tbe continual absence of the grr.nd pan j:indrum, the editor of tbis paper. The lecturc of Prof. John Clark Ridpatb, before the students' lectura assooiation, developed two things, The first was that the lecturer, besides having exttemely poor tast in handling bis subject, prored himself a better historian than lecturer. Second, the association, in cmploying such men, prove themselves a mere partisan tai] piece to the republican kite. Any man who will take advantage of bis position as a lecturer to lmpose his politi;:;d views npon an audience who have paid their money to hear him, is either lackiug in the essential qualititl wl ic'i go t make up a gentleman, or else is so intensely partisan that be can see DOthing outside of his own narrow-contracted, one-ideaed soul, and in either instance is uot fittogo ubout the country abuising and insulting people ander the guise of a public instructor or historian. And the association, by securing such lecturcra ought to bc "set down on " by every fairminded man, whether he be republican or democrat. Although we do nol approve insulting a speaker, we think the persons who showcd their colors by hissing some of the statements expresstd deserve miUl censure, if any, for thcy but repaid impudence with indignntion, white their action was in full keeping with the hooting iodulged in by tbc republicana- both were out of place. It is tbc opinión of the writcr that the name of Thomas Jeffcrson will live in tbc generations to come, wbile the pettv, narrow-mir.ded, bigoted pigmies who try to belittlc bis abilitics an.l besmirch his motives and statcsmanship, will nevel bc accorded an existence in memory ; and i[ the name of Aiexander Hamiltion deserves no better subject than Ilidpath to hand it down In history, it should beleftto perista. Kx-Ald. Pcck is vetylow. The Miutiio Palmer troupe Btopped pi t the Cook house. Autlrew Hartman, dronk, flned $6.50, whicli ntnount he forkcd over to the jus- tice. Business at the Gregory house has more than thribbled since N. BootU look charge. Those members of J. C. iïird's family who Wave bcon sick with the dipbtberia. ave rapidly recovering. Justicc Winegar suspended sentence ycsterday on John Fineyson, who was up for disordcrly conduct. Justicfi Winegar has tried and disposcd or 209 cases since the 4th of last .luly, and no decisión has been appcaled from. A student namcd Reynolds slept in jail Tuesday night, and ycsterday pleaded guilty to being a disordcrly. He was flned 116.50 by Justicc Winecar. M. E. Le Beau, who has dccq in the employ of the Keek furiiiture company tor the past year, will travel next year for the Columbus, O., buggy corapany. Geo. B. Shettevly, who has been a memlier of Beunctt ifc Palmer's comhination tor soine months, is visiting bis parents. He expects to rcjoin the coinpany soon. Chicago Times : The produclion of Únele Toin's Cabio by Anthony & EUis' guperb coinpany Is the most atlractive ol the many tbe ?lay bas had these many years ; and for that reason ia likely to develop immense drawing capacity.


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Ann Arbor Democrat