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Dry Goods

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A reporter of the Rkgistbii dropped in Üio otlicr day to that popular place of resort, tho ever attractivc 8lore of Messrs. Bacil ibel. Thotifth it was early in the morning the store was througcd with enstomers and tho niombors of tho Ürm and thoir corps of courteous attaches were bugily engagcd in attending the mimerous wants. Tlie store, though arnmged without any attompt fat display, is porhnpR looking fincr than over beforo, with ïta.wealth of rich and costly goods. The artistically arranged show Windows with their bright colored eurtains, the show cases with their airy laces, eiquisite tics, and an ondless vanety of pretty articles, and the shelves on which are piled the more oxponsive and 3ubstantial fabries all combine to render tlie place ono of rare nttraction. Messrs. Bach .V AW CWTy a very large stock of goods. One of the lendiug featurnj of their atore is its silk departmpnt. In this department may be soen a large and varied assortment of black and colored silkn, black and colored brocaded silks, black and colored satms, black brocaded satin?, black hik! colored corderoys. Messin. Baeh Abel make r spociulty of these goods and take a jnst prido in sefiiring the bost imported and American makos.. Ladies clesirinj; a lieaiitit'nl dress 0n BOt do botter than nmke llicir choice Iroin this elegant aasortment. Thedresi good department comprises an endlesa roriety of black and eolored caslimerea, mummie cloihs, black and colorad suitings, Hannel mihinga in all ilio new desirablO hades, handsome plaids, stik warp Henrietta, cámbrica and fancy ginghanm " eTeryshade and varirty. Bonst Keeping doods. - The matron'a cyu glcains wiih delight as slip glauco ovor ihi deparlment, so uyeful yet ornamental articles, and tlio young married couple liere freight their cntit boforo lannohing il on tlie nnoortain soa of honse keeping. Here may bo ! foundbleacliedand imbleacheddamaik,Turltey red and avery variety of color, tabir doüu in Turkey red, cream nd towele and loweling, napkins n all sizes, fruit napkin in red and white wiili gay bordera, oonnterpanei Ironi the dieapeal to ihc bost, and other articlos too nuineroua to tncnlion. Trimming of Every Desoriptwn abound, ineludinz latpst lashionable novcllies, black and eolored fringes, Guipare, Spanish and Fronch laoes, torchon, bretonne and languedoc varictics, boaded ríiuiis, Hamburg edgea, oottoa trimmings of every variety. Buttons of evary immaginable kind are for galo, inclnding pearl, horn vegetable ivmy, jet, etc. .V.v'V Wear. - Tha display under thia extensive head is very large and includea rnfBes, roffling, lare colla, laoe tips. Unen cnllars and curtí, lace Bchus, ribbons, undtiea in profusión. Cloak "i i Shawl Department -Thia dcpartment is the most inviüng une m tho house. The largest and most elegant assortment of cloaks aml dolmans to be fomid in the cotinty adonis this depannipnt. Messrs. Baoh i Abel are solo agenta in this market lor the colebratod .Springor Bros. cloaks and dolmaiiR. Their goods are called by all tlrst class merchante the best ir.nde and most perfect fitting garments in tho world. Xo lady in need of a cloak or dolman ought to tliink of b'iyiii(r ftny othor makc. Corsets of mauy diffbrent and fine nmkcs are selling last. Ohves. - Grent eflorts are made in this departmcut to have iho varioües line, durable and of the very best quality, and we are pleased to note that tlioy have been crowned with iiattering succcsss. Kids ia all coloro abound. The firm offer the bost one dollar kid to be found In the city, and evcry pair is warranted. Ladies lace top glovea and cloth gloves are for sale in all the dark abades. Hosiery. - The assortment of tliis line of goods is the largest and flnost ever shown in Ann Arbor, it comprises all the qualities and sliadea nianufactured. Also a fine line of ladies and gents underwear. A specialty is made in tliis line of goods, and the stock is simply immense and well worthy of iuspection. Cloahmgs are diüplayed in abundance in all the latest novcltiea of the season. Fintcy Artidet. - Thore 19 aucli au immense variety oí ihe raro and beauliful comprised undcr this head that it seema needlesa to particularizo, but the display of silk handkorchief8 of lovely shades and color, linón liandkcrchiofs, embroidcred and plain, ladies pocket books and comba, is worthy of special niention. A full lino oí black erapca are in stock, also cloths suitable f'or mon and boys wear, while the assortmont of domestica is unsiirpassed. and comprehends bleachod and uiibleaclied ïnualins of all widtlis and qnalitiw, tickings, domins, shiuing, prints, cretonnes, cotton bats and warps, and in fact everything peculiar to domestic manufacture. We have endeavored to mention the leading specialitiea o! this Hrm whose business enturprisc is so creditablc to our thriving city, and rocount a few of tho most attractive Iwen of goods that met the cyo of our reporter, but that scribe fccls that his powers of descripion are nttcrly inadequato to thj) task, and in conclusión can only bog of his rcadors, cfpecially the fair ones, to Cali at om-o and seo for themseWee. - Rtgittor. Tlic apiarüuM of Washtcnaw county and vicinity, met in convenlion at tho eonithous n this city, 011 tlie Oth hiat. and fonneil an association u bc known as tlio Waahtenaw County Bec-kwpcra AaaodatiOD. Tlio moeting waa callcil to order by X. A. Pnnlon, of Ibis city, and temporary orpcanizution waa effeoted by oleeting X. Kastwood, chairrnan, and J. II. Murdooh, Secrotary. A committee of llirec was appointcd to drnfta canstilulion and by-laws, and after discuesing some minor mattere, the meeting was ndjntirned untilaftornoon. The comniitteo reported a coustitution and by-laws, which were adopted. Tlie followiDg ofiicora wcre then elcoted : Preuidc-nt, N. A. I'ruden ; Vice-prealdent, N. Kastwootl; Secreta ry, O. M. Su?phcnson: Treasuror, Stephen Mills. The following committec was appointed by tlio Pmsident : Sylvan, Clias. M. Davis ; Norlhfleld, C. K. Bennett; Pittslield, Y. K. Mills; Salem, Geo. Xallar; Ann Arbor town, Rusaell Goodell ; Ann Arbor city, O. A. Kelley ; Deiter, J. H. Murdock ; Ypsilanti, Dr. Ashlcy; Lima Oentor, Oscar Gearn; Green Oak, Livingston County, Oscar Douglass; Oolumbus, St Clair county, G. C. Stflphenaon. The Aasociation adjournei to meet iu Anu Arbor, at the court houo, on the last Thuraday in February, 1881. A cordial invitation is extended to all persons interestod in bos culture to be prosont at that time. O. U. STBPnEsmos, Seoretary. Tlie Ilahnamann society, l.itily organizad liy tlie homeopathie studente of the anivonity, give ttio firat of n sene of entertainment last evcning in the ] tlioatn of tlif homeopathie college, l'rof. Wilson deHrered an address, tlie subject of which ws 'The SoraeieH City," which was verj fine, and thequestion, EteiolTed " tht Uterary education i dvisnble fur medical itudcota,"diacassed hy Mesatt. Av(ry and KlLgl(-'S, with mu.-ic, duet nnd qiiartctlc, closctl the ovcningu - ti'rtniiiment. ApIosKMit aaooaneament made by (be ; Editora of 8t. Nicbolaa U (Sint ihey bave j secured for their next number a stnry of ' lnrlian life liy Inshtatheamba (Krighteyts), iIir daughtor of an Oinaha cliief, who ha been truvelmg tlirough tbo States during the last two yoara undrr the initection of Iwo of hor kinu'men, tryiag to rou8 the consciente of tha whitcs to the rights of her race . Miss La Flosche (for Uut', ia her KngliMli name) inskcn now, we believe her rirat eisay as an author; bilt fhe cannot hut auccecd f sbe gires au dramatic picture of the daily domestic life of lier people aa he has hitherto dons in her addressen. She ha hra&d cultura and keen perceptive faculty, and sh bas jven heraelf up to the cause of her people with a aimplicity and passionate .singleness of heart that must rouae sympathy in every man and woman whose wn iatlncts are true and] pure. - [N. Y. Tribune.


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