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TOBACCO STORE. TT WILt DE FOrNDthat F. S. keen the . 1 best anortment of rifíARfl and tobacoo i n th city. Bst brand #f i'iprarettes a specialtr. NO ? Fast Hurón 8t. WATCH OuTcÓMÍÑisV iriLlS OPERA B0U8E. Víotulay & Tuesday Dec 20 & 21. THE GREAT, THEONLY ANTHONY &ELLIS' FliMOüP IlJRAT. Únele Tom's Cabin Co. arfrstand bfwt üncle Tom's Cabin Orsjanizutinn n the world. Suocess Amnzing' Praise Unstinted: Endorsed by the Press a'na Christian People of all Creed without restraint. Appearancfl of the Petlte and Favorita Actrcs. EP" MISS MINNIE FOSTER, The. ftreaUst Living inPST. ín hor oritfnul and renowni'd rndltion of Topsy. with her original 'oiijjs. Dances, and Banjo Solos, aa played hy her thrniighoiit the Dnltod States and Cnnailá over l,0(Xtime3. Supported by a Magniflcent 'ast, introdiiclnsfor the flrst time on of the troneest attractlons in thin countrr thts eaBon. M' Mcninhis University 6tudent, Our Importd ?merian Bloodhonnda, and the Oreat Knowing Donkey, TONY! will anpear at every performance. New Scenery, Original Mnsie," Magniflrent Stafre Aecessorteí. ADMISS1ON 85, and óO eont. No extra chars for reserved seat now on Bale i at Watts Bros. ' Jewelry Store. Doors opn at 7, p. m., eurtin risos at 8 p. m. AL. H. SIMONPS, Bnclnew Agent. Buckün's Árnica Salve. The best salvo in the world for Cuts, Bniises, 8on-, Ulcprg, Salt Rheum, Fe ver Sores, Tetter, Chappcd Hands, Chililnitin, Coma, and ali kinds of skin Erup tions. Tbi sitlvc i guaranteed to givt jerfect 8atiffM3tion Ín every case or Iht noney refunded. Pric 25 cents per box j Por sale by Eberbach A Son, Ann Arbur. i Mich. Stop that Cough! If you are sullerins with a Cough, Uold, Asthma, Broncliitis, Hay Pever, Consumption, loss of voice, tickling iu the throat, or any afíection of the Throat orLungs, use Dr. Kiug's New Discovery for Consumption. Tliig is the great remedy that is cuusing so much excitemcut by its wonderful cures, curins; thousands of hopeless cases. Over ouo miliion bottles of Dr. Kin's New Discovery have been used within the last year, and have given perfect satisfaction ia every instance. We can unhesitatingly say that this is really the only sure cure for throat and lung affections, mi can chccifully recomtnend it to all. Cali aud get a irial bottle for ten cents, or regular 8 rze for f 1.00. For sale by Elierbach A Son, Anu Arbor, Micli. Feeble Ladies. TtaoM languld, liresome, oenmtloat, cauing yon to feel carccly able lo be on vour feet ; that constant drein that is teken 'rom youi systcmall its elaeticity; (inving the bloom f rom your cheekp;lhat I tinual stniin upon your vital forces, renjerinfi yon irritable and fretful, can ily removed by the usc of that marvelioua remedy, Hop BitterB. Irreguianiic-! and obstniotions of your systeni are relievcd at once, whtle tho sp'eciiO rause of periodical pain 'is permanently removed. Will yon heed thisï- Otneinnaü Satwrdag Nïgh ■'■ H. Richrd8on, Sac atid Fox Ajeuey, Indinn Territory, gyfl:- The "Only Lun Pad" bas rentored mo to healtli, and I shall be glad to rfeommenl II to ny sn. - 8e Adit. ' It s imnossible for a womiiu, afu;r a fsitliful oourseof treatment with Ljdia E. Pinkbam'a Vegetable Compounil. to continue to suffer with a weakuess oí tbe Utertl. Endose a stamp to Mrs. Lydia E, Pinkhatn, 2H3 Western Avenue, I.rnn Mass., for her pamphlels. Chriit, Gorber, Wholenalé Hrdrre, Toledo, Obio, sayR:- Tlie BïCelsior Kid ney Pad han accomplislied more for ruy wifo in three weeks than all thw medioioe sho ha taken in three year?. liefer all tkeptics to me. - Scé Am, Perfectly 8afe in nll Casei. For discases of the Throat,Lung8,Croup, Whooping Cougb, Colds, etc., Dowiu' Klifir is a safe, reliable.and cffectual remedy. Dr. Baxter's Mandrake Bitters act upon the Stomach, Liver and Bowela, remove all seeretions, purify the Blood, and fortify the system against disease. riorsemen. Ak your merehant for Henry & Johnson' Árnica and Oil Liniment, and keep it always tn tho atable, to U80 In case of accident. THISSPACEj RESERVED FOR Gecu Clarken, BUSINBB8 OArii i' LEONARÜ HOUSE, -i r. LKONARD, Propiïotnr. JL Ann Arbor, Micfa. ' W 1 1 ,] JAM CASPARY, DAKERY AND COHFECTÏOKZRY, .!■; Detroit Street, JOHN F. LAWRENCE, A TTOBNET 4.T I.AW. xvOfflce, So. ■! and -i Hill.' Opor House, Ann Arbor. Mich. FRANK EMKRICK, ÏTORNEY AT LAW - Offlcx or Brown & . V ('o '3 Driig StOFB, (Vrnr MAiu and Iluron Streefs, Ann Arbor, BUeh. I I RON MARKET. Ijl 0. FRRER. Dualor iu Prcsh. Salt iinrt . Sraoltnd 5taW, tnwh b'isli, Oynters, Poultiy, etc No. ! East Iluron Street. MICHAEL H. BRENNAN, A TTOBNEY AT LAW. Office with K. D. V Kinne, SlAwtMm Bloclc, corner Iluron and Fourth stroeM. Aan Arbor, Mii;h . S. B. PARSONS, M. D., Succnssor to Stone & Pnrsoiis, OFFICE AND DISl'KNSAKY, Corner Huniu and Fifth Streets, Ann Arbor, Mick. O."C. JENKINS, QURQEON DESTI8T. Booms No. U East 0 Washington Street, formerly ocuupiedby Dr. Frotbinghani. Ana Arbor, Mich. CÖOK HOUSE, CXORNER HURON AND FOUIITH STKEETS, ■' Ann Arbor, Michigan. Heatml by Stem with no Extra Charge. C. H. & F. W'. Jewhli., Proprietors. JACOB IIALLER & SON, D KALER IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, Speciaclea, I'lated Ware, Oold l'ona and Fine Jövyöl ry. Special attntion given to repairniíí Vntuhcti and Jewelry. ii South Main tjf.reet, "Vnn Arbor. THE UNIVERSITY '■!■' ;SORIAI. PARLOK nrt 1 BATH ROOMS. Ne. S. North M.iin stn-i'f. .! v?. STRUBI.F-. Proprietor. (ioiitlt'manl.r barbtirsin attendanoe. ANTÓN BISELE, DBALER IN HONTTHENTSand dravestonei, manufactured from T&B&68B66 and ltalian Marlde and Scotch and American Hranirn Shop Cor. Petroit and Oathnrine Rt., Ann Arbor., Midi. S. T. SPEECHLY, PHOTOGRAPHER NO WSODTH MAIN STRKET. Cards, Cabi net. Promenade and RxlO. with Frames l.o suit. Backerounds and accessortes complet". N'ogatiTOS kept awhile frr orders. WILSE'S 'S MUSIC STORE. OÍANOS, ORGANS, SHEET MUSIÓ, InstrueL tlon Fooks, Yiolins, Oultai-s, Flutes. &c. , ebeftp at Wilsey'fl Musió Rooms, oast side Public fMluari". Ann Arljor, Michigan. Thi lnriist and b(RT. Stock of MTisical Goods oror broujcht into Washtensv Countv. Vinlin and Multar StrlnRs a spocialty. K. Tí. - Tfc w'll b$ Ui your intrií8t to cali boforo purchitsing anthinc lá Miisic lino. MUSIC STORE. -The ehrapest place to huv Pianos, Estey Otganfi, Vinlins. Quitara. Banjos. Tamhourines, DnimR, KifB, Flagolets, Zithors. Accordeons. Piano Stoola, vIoUo Boxbs, Inptruction IJooks for all kinds ot' instnnuents. Sheet Mnsic fneWi, Strings, nest qnality, all kinds; Mouth 'rjíans, Bridj?es, Iíowb, Keys and Rosln. Everythingin tho music Une from' a Chickorini,' Piano to a Jpw'k Harp casi be found at J. R. BAOE'S Music 8tore. No. i Washington St,. Ann Arbor. í lië Anïï ArböFSavings BañkT (Oreanized 1W9, under the General Itankinc 1mv of this state) has nov, Induding capital stock, etc.. etc., OVER $250,000 ASSETS. Business men, (juardianií. Trustees. Idiw nd other peraons wiU fliid fchin Hank a SAFE AND CONVENIENT Place at wbich to mivke Deposita and do hnninfB Interest is Allowed on All Savings Deposlts Of $1.00 and upward, according to the. rules of the bank. and interestt compounded emj-anuu all?. Money to Loan n Sums of S25 to ÍO.OOO. Seoured by Uninoumbered Hoal Estáte and other Kood aecuritie8. DIRECTOKS.- Christian Maclc, W. W. Wineo, W. V. Harrlnian, William Deubíe, R. A. Boal, Daniel Hísuook and W. B. ijmith. 0FFICER8- Christian Mook, President; W W, Wiua, Vice-Presideat; Cha. E.HiBcock, Cashier. 3?oIÍ5:e XJ-p00LD RIÑO, vrhlch th owner can have by provine property and jaying for this notice. Aadrg8, Ukuojkat Ann Arbor, Mich. DR. L. D. WHITE 'T'REATS SUCOESSFULIjY all mauner of A chronic disoasos. Ieas8 of tlio lungs and thi-uat a spucialtv. Offloehours from 7 A. M. to a P. M. Office and resldonco No. 51 Nurtli Main Bt. Ann Arhur, - MdMpao WOÖÏPirI-33John Flynn has gone into the, wood business aeain this sea-ion , and propose to keep on hand a Bupply of all kinds of wood. which will be fiold at reasonablt) ratoê; order lft at Durheliu's tobacco store on lïuron Street, or at th yards at the foot of fluron strei-t, adjoininR the Toledo railroad. wiH reoeire prompt attention. .JOHN FLTNN. Swathel, Kyer & Pctotson, FLOUR ANDJEED STORE, j Vo have constantly on hand ALL ; KINDS OF GRAIN, FLOUR AND FEED, which wil! he promptly delivered to any part of thecity- Office cor. Pourth and Anu Sireets, Ann Arbor - - Micb. OOW) MKDAL,Amri8. tBAKEK'S CHOCOLATE, Th itandard for Cntury. Thi Cboeolato it nado from Iho rboicett Coco, cnrofally selcctcd nd prepsrsd. It ! the T)ot prcparÜon of plaln Chocolate in t!i markct for famlly nno. SoW bjr firocen Tsrrvhtr. W. ÖAJBÜEn dt CO. VorcUetttr, Xê. CHRÏSTMIS" PRE MS I We invite our Friends and PaU rons to cali nt our store and examine onr large and "Well Selected STOCK OF GoU uit Silver Watches, JEWEIRY, SILVER, AND SILVER Plated-Ware Suitable for iliai Presents Which we ofièr at the very lowest prices. Respecthilly, ' ,T. Hai.i.ek & Sov, SJ SuU lUin St - Á.B Arixir. Miofc. OLIVER HOUSE, CIOENER BROAHWAY ANI OTTAWV i Streel, Toledo, Ohlo Pulford A. Hall, Propriotors. Mbshbs. Totpj Mii.ixh, Clerks. IIBADQITAUTERS FOB ANN' AIUIOK PEOPLE. ForSalel About 30 ton of cholee liay for snle in lulu tn guit pnrofamsera. For particulars nppiy to Bugene B. Arnold theold Arnokl place nliout turen mili-s west of (liiM-iiy, ir letter at the Ann Arlr postofflee. BUUBNB 1! ABNOLD ltox 117. Notice to Creditors. C TATE OF MICHIHAN, County of VVashtenaw kj ss. Notice is hereby raven, that ly uti order of the probate court for the county of Washtenaw, made on the 2á day of Norember, A. l. IStiO, ix ïiioiitlm from that date were allowed for creditors to present their claims againHt ths estt of John Younyu, lato of said countj, deceased, and thnt all creditore of said d606S86d are required to present thlr claims to Haid probate coui-t, at the probato ónice in the city of Ann Albor, for examination and allowance, on or hofere the SM day of May. next, aud that such claims will be heard before said crourt, on WVdnfsda.v the ü3d day of Fobruary. and on Monday the L3d day of May nezt, at teo o'clock in the f orenoon of each of 8aid days. Dated, Anu Ai'hor, Novemter m. A. D. 1HMU. WILLU.M V. HAUK1.MAN. Judi-e of Probat. Commissioners' Notice. CTA.TE OF MICHIGAN, County of Woshtenaw KJ aa. The undersigned having been appoiuted by the Probate court for said County, Conunis&ionere to receive, examine anti adjust all claims aud demanda of all persons agaiimt the eatat of Har riet J u i lson late of Haid County deceased, hereby give notice that six months trom date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, for Creditors to present their claims aainst the estáte of aaid deceased and that they wil] meet at the office of I'hilip Winegar, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said County, o Wedne&day the 2M day of February and on Monday the 23d day of May next, at ten o'clock a. m. of each of said 'la v.. to receive, examine and adjust aaid claims. Dated Norember id i - mi ('hilip Winegar, Daniel lliscock. Comniissioucn Real Estatt tbr Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN. County of Washtenaw i.- In the Matter of the Kstnto of Kiiss-tll Urlggs, Iacoinpetnt. Notice is hereby eiven, pursuance of an order granted to the undersigned Guardian of tfatd Iucompetent, by the Hon . Judge of Probate for the County of Washtenaw, on tlie fourth day of DecemberA. 1). I8SÍI, there will be sold at Public Vendu, to the hlghest bidder, at the eaat front door of the conrt house in the city of Ann Arbor, In the county of Washtenow in said state, on öatnrday tlie twenty-eecond day of January 1HNI, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that dy (subject to all oneumbraneeB by niortgage or othenviHO extatingat the time of the sale, liie fol lowing deücribed Real Kstvte, to-wit: Twenty c) acres on the east Htde of the wetit half of the north east quarter of section two (2) in town four soul ti range fivt nnt (Salem Wanhtenaw county. Michigan. MYHON WKIil!, Dafc Dec. i, 1S80. Guardian. Estáte of Henry Huesmann. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtennw ös. At a session of the probate court for the county of Woslitnttw, holden at the probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, mi Wedneed&y the nrat day of December, in the year one thousand eiKhtlmndrcd and eighty. Present, Wlllism D. Ilarriman, jnlp:' of probate. In the matter of the estáte of Henry Huo.s ïiiann, deoeawd. Tiambert Presaelhouse administrator ie bonis non of said estáte, coinés Into court and represente that he is now propared to ronder hts final account as such administrator. Thereupon , it is ordered, that Tuesday, the 4th day ot Janunry neit. at ten o'olock in tho forenoon, be assigned for examininf? and (1loxHngRUch account, and thnt tlie betrB-at-law of said deceaaed, and all other persons interest - ed in said estáte, are reiuireu u appear at a sesston of saidcourt.then to be holden at the probate ofllce, Inthecity of Ann Arbor, in Said County and show eau, Ir any there be, why the said account should not be allowed. And it isfurther ordered, thatsaid aduiinútrator givc notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the llfaringthereof, by causíng a copy of this order to be published in The Arm Arhur Dcmm-rat, a newqpaper printcd and circulatintr in said oounty, three successive weeks preWous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM I). HAItRIMAN, (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. W. G. Dorr. Probate Register. Estáte of Nicholas McCarty, OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, O fw. At a session of the Probate Court for the county of Washtenaw,holden at the probate oflleo In the city of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the 9th day of December, in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty. Present Willlam D. Harriman.Judge of Probate, In the matter of theestate of Nicholas McCarty deceased. Onreadtng and flllngthepetitlon dulj verifled, of James H, Lyman, praying that ïie may be Ücensed to sell the Real Eütate whereof said deceased died seizttd for purposes of difltribution nd paymeut of charges and expenses. Is ordered, That Friday, the 7th day of January next, at ten o'elock in the forenooñ, be assigned for the hearing of snid petitlon, and that the heirs at law of said deceased and all other persons in - terested In aid estáte, are required to appear at & session of said court, then to be holden at the probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should notlbe granted. And it is further ordered.that said fetitioner glve uotice to the persons interested 11 said estáte. of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof, oy causing a copy of this order to be published in Ï7ie Ann Arlmr Democrat, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county tliree successtve weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILTOAJI D. HARRIMAN, (A true copy.) Judge of Probate, WK. Q. Dott, Probate R(rlster. Estáte of Jerem ah Kennedy. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw sa. At a session of the probate court for tiie couuty of Washtenaw, holden at the probate offlcvin theeltyof Aun Arbor, on Saturday, the llthday of December In the year one thousand oight hundred and eighty. Present, William D. iluminan. Judge of Probate. Ia the mattr of the estáte oí Jeremiah Kennedy deceased. Ou readiug and flllng the petitioo.duly Teritii-il of Patrick Sheehev praying that a certain instrument now on nle in this court purportlng to b the laat will and testament of said deceased, may be admitted to probate, and that he may be appointed exeïutor thereof, or that administratton of 8id estatemay be granted to Scime suitable person should such will be refused probate. Thereuponit Is ordered, that Monday, tlie lOtli day of January next, at tu o'elock in the forenoon be atwigned f or the hearing of said petition, and that the devisees, lecrateea.and lieirs-at-law of said deceased and all otlier persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the probate offlee. in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any thore be, why the prayer of the petltloner should not be granted : And it is further ordered that said pelitioner give notice tothe persons interesUid in said cslate, of the pendency of said pi'tition, and the hearing thereof, by eaus ing a copy of this order to be published in The Ann Arhnr Dcmoerat, a newspaper printed and circulated in said eounty, threi' successive weeks, previous to sald day of hearing WILLIAM 1). HARRIMAN. (A. truft oopy.) Judge of Probate. Wiluam (5. Dott. Probate Résister. Now Is the Time te Subscribe KOR THE S01AY MAGAZINE. The Jnnuary Nunibcr, wbich comraences a new volume, is a very brilliant Holday one, opening witli a pocin, "Christmae," and followcd by "Chrisimas Carols and Cu8toni6," "Tho Childreo's Carols," "St. Nicliolas, tlie Patrón of Chri.stnias," "Cbristmas Eve in Madrid," "Christmas in the Far West," etc., etc. A oew and powerful scrinl ia eommeoced, entitled, "Out of the World," by lrs. (tobert O'Reilly; thero re several interest ing short stories, skelches, essays and poen, in fait, tho 2S quarto pagenare filicd with highly entertainini; and Inslructive arli clea, and theomheilishmeníB arenumcrous aud bcautiful The Öuiulxy Magazine lias now rcached IM ninth Tolurae, and has deservedly a lurjíu circulado; it pleasantly inmilratcs religious, moral and rirtuous Bentirnentfl, and should be found in evtry family in tho laiid, for it is essentiftlly a f ftmily magazine. Tbepriceof a single copv is only 25 cents, and the yearly suDBoription $8; sis uiontna $1.50 and four month 1, Bent post-free. Ad dros, Frtink T-eslie's Publishiug Bouse, 3, 55 and 57 Park Place, New York. W lf Toa aro a man VU you are a orbuiliii!i," H iiuui f I ■ enod by tho rtruln of WK U-nstoUlnKoverniI I your dnties arotd W nilfht worlc, to reaI tlmulaiihiand uie ■ toro brain nei ïc and I Hop Bitters. I". " Hop B. I Tf you aro youncc and ■ suffcrinar from any Indliretion or iliaalpa ■ tlon ; 1( you are inarrtcl or ringle, old or ■touwt, miircriw '■;'" SrorteüthorlanKuishBlntr on a bed of aicknei, rely on H o pBRitters. wiiwnr Tuftr jok Tbousands die anwttïryyouuï2i wn ?syorrKÍdñ; lint vour fvm (IMiD '"" " Kla ney niïd cleanaliiK. fljSp dlsoa' that DilKlit tukt Hop S HopBltters IIti yon rf B& eoi mwtii, '-"""'mESSi o. i. c. _,, - (1 ah,olutl p!(TM(, Uf M ITr.-k I and lrresinta. oi tha "fj. Dnp Ihliiruru f.r l4tvrorrrfMf j -.w - ■ us0 of opimnj Yon will be Mi ntTTTnl tobac eo , or eurodlfyoutiM Wj DM ILUvll narcotica. Hop Bitter IK I rn.)! KíiJílAtry 'H NEVER arUrin It maïB;!r-i ti I hop Brrma ave your W t A I lri,_ I Ife. ft has 1; TA I L 1 1 V? c?-_ aved I ■, B. 1.


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Ann Arbor Democrat