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C. Donovan has returned to Port Eads, La. Christmas one week from aoxt Saturday. 3olden Rule lodge will elect offlcers this evening. F. Stofflet has a geography that was printed in 1825. Wm. CVRiley is the father of a 9 and 1-2 pound girl baby. Joaeph Donnelly bas sold bis interest in the Duffy block. We are now prepared to do all kinds of job work cbeap. Tbere is to be a foot race at armory hall this evening. Chas. Calboun has bis bid in for janitor of the court honse. The public schools cIobc to-niorrow for a two weeks' vacation. Meisrs. Hughes and Ward willconduct the opera house meeting Surulay. The senior pbarmics takiagquantilative liove tbeir exaniination tliis morning. A number of railroaders left for Mississippi Monday to work on the levees. The Rionda concert company failed to put in an appearance Tuesday eveuing. The First National bank bas declared a semi-annual dividend of six per cent. The hickory pole on the corner of Ann and Main streets was cut down Monday. Geo. W. and Margaret Farmer, of the flfth ward, lost another cbild on the lOth uit. The University Oraclo will ba issued from the Courier office after the holidays. Theold firm of Killer & Webster, wil make anotlior attempt to go tbroujh Imnkruptcy. The lectuie of Rev. Mr. Alabaster Sunday evening was boih interesting aud instructive. A. Wnght caugUt six pickerel in the mili pond Monday, aiKi their weight was 28 pounds. Philo Parsons, of Detroit, has presented to tbe university library 350 volumes o law books. Grave robbers can now give Oak Grovt cemetery the go-by, as the ncw HLlt is :ompleted. During Mr. Kinne's absence in Lansing M. H. Brennan will have charge of liis office hore. W. Tremaine succeeds A. C. Gregory as agent for the Michigan mutual benefit association. John Matthews proposes to go it alone, and will open a meat market in the opera house block. The opera house has been secured for the temperance revival whichcommences this cveuing. The Saline reform club was uddressed by the Rev. Dr. George, of Dundee, Sunday evening. Even the Ann Arbor reform club has not escaped the slanderous tongue of the tramp printer. A little snow Sunday night, sleighing thenext moroing, and raiaat night. Very changeable tbat. An infant daugliter of Benj. and Cath enne Bush died Saturday, of inflammation of the lungs. The law students expect to have Colfax, the smiler, spcak to them on Wash ingtou's birthday. Judge Cooley has been offered a prominent position in tiie Johns Hopkins university at Baltimore. Col . Larned had a full house Sunday afteruoou. At the close of bis speech 11 persons signed the pledge. Geo. Moss, the veteran barbar, has openeil a shop over Giinncl's sewing machine rooms on Main Street. Mary Cary pleaded guilty Monday to the charge of slandering Kachael Manning. Sentence suspended. John Taylor, township treasurer of Northtield, received $400 tor taxes, at Wni. JIcIntyre's store Saturday. Let others follow the example of Joe T. Jacobs, who has presented the stu. deots' gymnasium fuud with $25. The Cornwell fire departnient, of Ypsilanti, has received a present of $150 froni the Ypeilanti paper company. The Michigan eheep breeders' association, J. 8. Wood of Lodi, president, conAeneii iu Lansing Monday evening. Tice, who has been living in Webeter the past three years, has moved on Dr. Smith's farm on the river road. There is a married man in this city who thinks ahusband has the rightto chastise bis wife if she don't behave herself. The township treasurer of Pittsfield will take taxes at A. A. Terry's store, from 1 to 3 o'clock p. m., December 21 and 28. A large forcé of workmen are engaged in re building the paper mili at Ypsilanti, deslroyed by fire about two weeks ago. Edward Watson, of Sioux Falls, Dakota, has written E. D KinneEsq. , about contesting the will of James C. Watson. There will be 110 evening service at the Unitarian church for the next three Sunday evenings, iluriug the university vacation. A galvanized iron cap on the new museum building was blown off Monday night, and the 3late roof daraaged considerablj'. The young ladies' society of the Methodist church gave a mum social Saturday evening at the residence of Mre. Mary A. Foster. A special election is to be held in Ypsilanti next Monday to fill the vacancy occasioned by the rfisignation of Juslice Skinner. Day Belding, formerly a resident of the flfth ward, but now living near Hastings, Nebraska, is visiting liis molher, Mrs. A. Belding. A Miss Sage from the country, slipped and feil throngh a large pane of glass in front of Struble's barber ghop last Friday afternoon. The treasurer of Aun Arbor town will be at the store of Wm. Allaby, on Friday and Saturday of each week lo receire money for taxes. Dr. Van Tyre, of Cüelsea, aged 82 years, and one of the earliest settlers of tilia county, died last Thursday and was buried Saturday. Cari Radke has purchased frotu the R. C. Steare estáte for $700, the property on the córner of Washington and First Sts., in the second ward. Martha Lulz.who is visitingherparents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F. Lutz, had $26 stolen f rom her Tuesday. A person has been arrested on suspicion. The merchants of Manchester, saya the Enterprise.bave purchased 100,000 pounds of dried apples the past fall and the supply is uot exhausted, Policeman Millman Ianded Sylvester Lucas in the Ionia house of correction last Friday. He will get out just in time to hear the birds síntr. A notice in thc postofiice says, "gentleman must not smoke." A great many meu smoke in the postofflce and therefore they are not gentlemen. The merabers of Athens Lodge No, 49, A. O. U. W. are requested to turn out tomorrow evening. Offlcers for the ensuing year are to be elected. Tuesday was a good day for blacksmiths judging from the number of horses shod. Fred Eslinger and Joseph Henderson alone putting on 95 shoes. Commercial: Washtenaw county elected the only democratie judge of probate in the state. His name is Harriman- the genial, social, and popular judge. E. B. Pond and Ben Brown, coaimiisioners in the estáte of John C. Burkhardt deceased, met Saturday to receive claims and adjourned over until Monday. Commissioner McKernan has flledjhis bond with the county clerk. It is in the sum of $4,000, and the sureties are A. Kearney, David Rinsey, and Wm. A. Mclntyre. Chas. H. Hanly bas completed hit abstract books as he agreed lo do when reelected register, and is prepared to loan money on good secunty in Eumi of $100 to $50,000. The athletic association of the university held a meeting Monday eveuing. Speeches were made by a number of professors, and the boys passed a series of resolutions. Last Saturday night two loafers insulted a young lady on Cathcrine street. The nextmorningbright and early, two brothers, with b!ood in their eyes, were looking f r the miscreants. Marión Goodale, of East Saginaw, was caught in the machinery in the central milla sonríe daysngo, and had his clothing torn off. He fortunately eacaped with only a few bruises. Tbere vvas a fight carly Sunday mom ing near Kobison's barn between sluilents anti town boys. They were arrested Momlay and contributed several dollars to the city's exchequer. Passenger agents to the number of a dozen or more, have swarmed around the universitp the past week, offering great inducements to students whointcnd to go home during the holidays. The Corinne merrie maker, if they ehould visit tlns city again, would undoubtedly be greeted b y an immense audience. The troup may po3Sibly risit this city sometime in January. The homeopathie college received on Saturday last a gift from C. S. Ilalsey, homeopathie pharmacist in Chicago, preparations of all the remedies treated of in Hering's condensed materia medica. Mrs. Jennie 8. Thomas of the fourth ward, died Monday. lier remains were taken to Lapeer for burial. Mrs. T. was the wif'e of Prof. Thomas, and daughter of Mr. J. B. and Mrs. L. A. Sutton. John Conners and Richard Lewis arrested Saturday night by Policeman Porter and Millman, were given the run Monday by Justice Winegar, and when last seen were making tracks for Ypsilanti. John Fin'eyson, a big six footer, arrested Francis Boyer, Tuesday, on the charge of assault and oattery. The justice decided that the girl luid a perfect right to wiUlop him, and clischarged her. Adrián Press: Warm bran mash, once a day is said to be good for horses with the epizootic. For human epizootic some men take sour mash, oftener than once a day and with very marked resulta fometimes. The pork buyers in this city are Daniel Donovan, O'IIara & Stohl, D. Hiscock and Stabler & Co . The price the past week has ranged from $4.90 to $5.15 per hnndred. Chotee pork yesterday was bringing $5.25. Jas. Webb, of Pittsfield, who was married some five years ago to a very estimj able lady, has become tired of matrimonial life, and last week he disposed of about $1,000 worth of property and left for parts unknown. Miss Carrie Davis, of Delhi, gave a aity last Fridaj evening to a number of ïer young fnends. Some of the young adies from this city were awful mad because they didn't get home until after ïx o'ciock the next morning. The first of a series of public rehearsals v the uuiversity musical society and choral union, was given Tuesday even ng. Tickets admitting to the three rehearsals, a concert and the monthly musicnls are offered for 50 cents each. Mining Journal: It was only a lapsus lingual - whatever that is. We refer to the anstocrat c matron who boasted thut her little eight year old had gone through substraction, and completelymastered the mortification table in a single week. The following speakers have been eng.iged by the ladies' lecture associatiou of Saline: Prof. Fiske, Dec. 29; Rev. Thos. Stalker, Jan. 12; Prof. E. Copp, Jan. 26; Prof. Hudson. Feb. 9; Rev. C. T. Allen, Feb.22; Rev. J. Alabaster, March 9. The number of three cent stamps sold in Oct. and Nov. was the largest in the history of the Ann Arbor postoffice. In Oct. the number reached 31,553, and 29,736 in Nov. Total for 52 days, 61,289. The number of postal cards gold in Oct. was 14,358. and 11,908 in Nov. Total for the 52 days, 24,266. Washtenaw Chapter F. & A. M. No. 6 elected the following offlcers Monday evening: H. P., B. F. Watts; King, C. M. Jones; Scribe, I. C. Handy; C. of H., W. G. Doty; P. S., J. W. Hamilton, R. A. C, C. G. Wilson; Master 3d Veil, Ed. Eberbach; Master 2ud Veil, S. James; Maslerlst Veil, 8. B. Revenaugh; secre tary, A. Sorg; treasurer, Fred Sorg. Catheriae, wife of E. Saunders Taylor, of Lodi township, (lied last Saturday of cáncer of the stomach, at the age 43 years and 5 months. She wis bom in the town of Norlhfield, and 13 years ago moved with her lmsband to Lodi. She was a sister of John Keenan, of this city, and Mrs. A rnlrew Mead, of Northfield. The funeral was held Monday mJ was largely attended. Messrs. Joslin& Whitman, of Ypsilanti will disolve partnership the flrst of January. The Commercial aays of them : Mr. Josliu, the veteran lawyer of our Ypsilanti bar, will remain where he is in the Union block. Mr. Whitman has rented the suit of rooms over Hemphill & Batchelder's bank, corner Congress and Huron streets. He is fitting up as superb an office as cao be found in the state. Swathel, Kyer & Peterson, of the city milis, are doing an immense business. Although the mili is run night and day they are unable to get ahead of their orders, which come pouringin from all parts of this country and Europe. Monday this well known firm receiíed another order from Scotland for 2,000 barrels of flour. They have always had the reputation of making the very best brand of flour, which usually brings the highest price in the easteru market. The charminglittleoperetta "The Land of Nod" has proved a popular hit for tho Christmas number of St. Nicholas. It is easily gotten up, at slight expense, and proves a delightful entertainment, adapted to any season of the year. It is already in active preparation in many places, and attractive addilional music has been writteu for three or four of tho recitations, which Seribner & Co. will send to those desirous of bringing out the operetta. The Sunday school fair and supper will be held in tho vestry of the Unitarian church on Tuesday af terne on and evening Dec. 21st. A lurge variety of dolls and many other articles suitablc for Christmas presents for children besides numerous useful articles for old and youug, will be on sale. A supper will be provided for tho children at 5 o'elock. An oyster supper to which everybody is invited, will be served from Cto 7:30 i'. M. Admission to fair, 10 cents; children, 5 cents. Children's supper to members of Sunday school, free. Oyster supper 25 cents. The twenty-third annual meeting of the New Eugland society will be hele'. next Wednesday evening at armory hall. The following is the programme of exercises in the parlors at 7 p. m : Prayer, by Rev. R. H. Steele and an address by Rev. John Alabaster. Supper will be served in the upper hall at 8 p. ir. Toasts and response: "The Pilgrim Fathers," ressponse by Rev. J. W. Hough; "Puntan Nomenclature," response by Prof. J. N. Demraon; "New England Pioneers in tbe West," response by Rev. T. B. Forbush: "The Press," response by IJ. Frank Bower; "The Eastorn Mau," response by Hon. R. AVaples; "Common Schools,' response by Prof. J. M. B. BUI; "New Eniland's Mercautile EnterprUe," response by Prof. T. P. Wilson. Brighton Citizen: The remains of Chloe A. Clark, of Ann Arbor, who diec in St. Luke's hospital, Detroit, where she had been roceiving treatment, were brought to this place, Saturday, and taken to the home of her brother, B. T. O. Clark awaiting burial. The funeral was large ly attended at the Presbyterian church, Sunday, Rev. R. H. Dennis olflciating. She had been porfectiy helpless for many inonths, and finally died with what the doctors thought was c&rebro xpinal meningitis. She is the second, now dead, of three rnaiden sisters, who, for many years 'ived in Ann Arbor, where they kept a select school. The death of Mary, a few yearg since, however, was the cause of their closingtheir school. Theremaining sister is now here with her brother and will probably remain this winter.


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