Real Estate Transfers
The following are the transfers of real estáte for the week ending Weduesday, Dec. 15: WARIIANTY DEEDS. John Greening to Michael Keelan, lot 8 Cnngdon's second ad Ohelsea, $50. Jas. M. Congdon to Michael Keelan, lot 7 Congdon's ad, CheUea, $30. John Lingane to Jno. F. Barth, 80 acres sec 14 Sharon $3,480. Josephine M. Calcteon to Arthur Salley, land in sec 33 Pittsfleld, $350. O. S. Gregory to R. P. Copeland, lund in Bec 31 2 Webster $1,750. Roscoe P. Ccpeland to Jno. P. Marble, land in bcc 31-2 Webster, $3,225. Benjamin D. Kelly to E. Z. Derbyshire land in sec 35 and 27 Ypsüanti, $6,025. W. and B. Hatt to Milo Hatt, et al, land in sec 6, Sylvan, $1,500. F. R. Williams to J. A. Williams, land in sec 36 Ypsilanti, $600. John Minnis lo Catherine Minnis lots 23-24 Weston addition Ypsilanti, $1,500. Daniel McCafferty to Alanson Amhrose property in Ypsilanti, $500. Alanson Ambroseto John II. Ambrose, property in Ypsüauti, $150. Letetia E. Walker to Elizabeth Burbach, lots 1 and 9 Brown and Fuller's addition Ann Arbor, $600. QUIT-CLAIM DESD8. F. B. Whitaker to Laura Whitaker, et al, propercy in Lima, $1. Chas. Whitakar (by heirs) to F. B. Whitaker, land in section 19 Lima, $1. F. L. Parker to Jno. Lingare, 40 acres sec 14 Sharon, $1. Levi S. Freeman to Lucinda A. Waterbury, 100 acres sec 13 and 15 Ypgilanti $1. Lucinda A. Waterbury lo Levi 8. Freeman, land in Ypsilauti town, $1. Peter Tuite to M. and P. Duffy, property in Ann Arbor, $2,000. Matilda Perrine to Winfleld Banfleld, lot 1 Ormsby and Page's addition, Ann Arbor, $1. L. B. and A Kellogg lo Mary J. Murray and L. E. Walker, lot 3, Brown and Fuller's addition Ann Arbor $2,000. Geo. H. Phillips to Delos Phillips, all rightand interest in the estáte of Wra. H. Phillips, deceased. J. II. Phillips to Win. Wallace, et al, same. Uncle Tom's Cabin next Monday and Tuesday evenings. Capt. G. M. Dennis, of Detroit, is visiting friends in the city. We would like several copies of The Demockat of December 2d.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat
John Greening
Michael Keelan
James M. Congdon
John Lingane
John F. Barth
Josephine M. Calcteon
Arthur Salley
C. S. Gregory
P. R. Copeland
Roscoe P. Copeland
John P. Marble
Benjamin D. Kelly
E. Z. Derbyshire
W. Hatt
B. Hatt
Milo Hatt
F. R. Williams
J. A. Williams
John Minniss
Catherine Minniss
Daniel McCafferty
Alanson Ambrose
John H. Ambrose
Letecia E. Walker
Elizabeth Burbach
F. B. Whitaker
Laura Whitaker
Charles Whitaker
F. L. Parker
John Lingare
Levi S. Freeman
Lucinda A. Waterbury
Peter Tuite
M. Duffy
P. Duffy
Matilda Perrine
Winfield Banfield
L. B. Kellogg
A. Kellogg
Mary J. Murray
L. E. Walker
George H. Phillips
Delos Phillips
William h. Phillips
J. H. Phillips
William Wallace