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The Tramp Printer

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Thore ie nol in nature a more despicablo and disgusting thing than the Uad. From the reinotest time it has been emblematic of all that was abhorred, despised and filthy. The very sight of the disgusting creature, foul with slime and warts, seekiug the hidden places duriog tha day and coming forth only with the owl and darknoss, excites in us most intense feeliugs of loathing and disgust. At all limes the serpent haa been considered the incarnatiou of treaehery, cowardice, meanness and malice. It attacks though unmolested, it stings though uuoffended, it poisons though unharmed. When we see the monster's head rising from the center ol it poisoned coil, we shudder.we tremble, we fly. But there is in nature a reptile more loathsome than the toad, more venemous and treacherous than the viper It is & persou who wiü go secretly at work to in jure, undermine, or iutcfere with his neighbore' business, and by lying, duplicity, and double-dealing atteinpt to carry out HIS NEFARIOÜS 8CHEMES. Occasioualiy we meet aperson who was evidently placed on tbis mundane sphere for the purpose (judging from his mode of life) of giving his neighbors' trouble, and to get the wliole community by the ears. Such an one we have in mind. He foinierly resided in Auburn, and f rom what we have been able to learn of him during his residence in the east, he wai there looked upon in about the saine light that he ia held in this community - a meddlesome, peatiferous fellow. The press of Washtenaw county, without regard to politics.has had something to say about the tramp. He poked his nose into the Ypsilantian' busiuess and receired a evere lashing. The Register, of this city, has caused him great uneabiness, and the stories lie circulated coricbiniiig this paper brought forth THE FOLLOWING REPLT: "As the question "what is going to bcome of the Ann Arbor Printing and Publishmg company ' seems to weigh heavily on the mind of our meddlesome contemporary, we may state, for the express puipose of affording it, if possible ome relief, that this compauy is here to stay, and that it will probably be running years alter the with its patent platea, Lts dead advertisements, its stolen editorials and its local clippings, has ceased to make its weekly visits to its few score subscribers, and has obtained in death even greater obscurity, if possible, than its present editor has been abie to give it. This is only one of many notices thal aave appeared frotu time to time during the tramp's residence in this city; and yet thi egotistical nincompoop struU around the county with a two cent cigar ia nis mouth, lying about this or that paper, thinking perhaps he can make capital for himself and keep afloat HTS SINKING SHIP. The course he has taken to injure us ii well known, but we will remain silent for the present. In The Dkmocrat of Dec. 9th was this item: "The tramp printer will flnd himself in a puck of trouble if he don't mind his own business and let the proprietors of a hotel in this city alone." Now th proprietors referred to are Jewell & Son, of the Cook house, cach of whom have threatened to "bounce" the meddlesome tramp forsecretly interfering in tüeir business Those who are acquaint ed with him will not be surprised to know the cause of the estrangement between the parties. Some months ago there arrived in this cityfrom Auburn, THE TRAMP'S FORMKR HOMB, an old gentleman named Cobb, who applied for a situation as clerk at tlie Cook house. Mr. Cobb had a son who also solicited the situation for his fatlier, and as Fletcher Jewell, the junior meinber of the flrm, wascontemplating a western trip, Mr. C. H. Jewell concluded to take Mr. Cobb into his euiploy. The young Mr. Jewell went west, was taken sick, and in about four weeks fïom the time he left, was brought back to this' city. He was soon able to be around, when Mr. Cobb was notifled that his services were no longer nebded, and he was paid $25 for his month's work. Mr. Cobb told Mr. Jewell he had no place to go, and begged o hard to stay and work for his board that he was permitted to remain. The son had preriously informed Mr. Jewell that he wanted a home for his father and wages were no object. A week ago last Saturday night Mr. Cobb, the man who had been give.n a home, informed Mr. C. H. Jewell that he had something to teil him, that he could not KEEP IT ANT LONGER. In answer to the question, "why Cobb, what'sup?" was informed that the Cook house had been rented to his, Cobb's son and another gentleman from Detroit, and he wanted some money to go to Detroit and break the thing up. He was given the amount asked for and, in company withj the tramp printer, visited Detroit, where a long conservation took place between them and Mr. Cobb's son. From what transpired it has ince been learned that the pirtieg refused to sign the lease then, and in the evening Cobb and the tramp returned. Mr. Jewell was paying a certain rent and, in order to get him out, the owner of the building, a Mr. Packard, of New York, was ollcrcd $2,000 per year. Mr. Jewell alleges that the tramp had his "nose" in and knew all about the matter., in fact he had taken it upon himsclf.witb the assistance of Cobb, to dispossess nim of the premises for friondship's sake, as we have alrerdy stated, the tramp and Cobb are from the same place. The Jewells were naturally indiguant, and gave old man Cobb HI8 WALKINCi PAPERS, and threatened to make it interesting for the now thoroughly despised tramp. At ast an opporlunity preseiited itsolf, for on Mouday he strutted into the oftice of the Couk house, and Mr. Jewell went for jim. L. C. Hisdon happened to be present,, aud can give those who are anxious o know what transpired the full particuars. Probably no man in the short space of two years lias made as inauy euetnies or is held in such utter eontempt aa this sanie tramp. Tbs M. O. R. 1?. changed time Sunday. When the telephone exchauge is f ully established liere the manager expecta to put upat least 100 instrumenta. He thinks business men will find them so convenient hat they will uot ao without one. This s the way he has found it in other )lacea. (AiJtWional Local on Saconfl Page.)


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Ann Arbor Democrat