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CiTY ITEMS. AtTRACTIVE AND UsKFUL GnRISTMAS Gifts. - We cali attentiou to our lurgo and attractive Stock of Cloaks and Shawls embracing Paisley, Broche, Persian, imitatioa India, Blanket shawls, Shoulder shawls, shawls for Misses, black Cashmere shawls, Dolmans, Cloaks and Walking Jackets. Our beautiful Lace Qoods, Embroidered Muil Fichus and Scarfs, Lace Tidies, initial and fancy Handkerchiefs, Lace and Slik Handkerchiefs, Harris Lace Top, and Foster's 10 hook Kid Gloves, choice Napkins, Towels and Spreads, and a large Stock of fancy artieles at Mack & Schmid's. An exchange asks : " What are we going to do with our gold ?" This is a momentous question, as most of our gold is hid away in an old sock.but many persons of our atquaintauce spena a good part of thcirs at J. llaller & Son, jewelen, who are offering great induceraents in the line of Holiday Goods. They have a large and well selected stock, and they will not be uudersold by any jewelry house in the city. Persons desinug anything in this line are invited to examine goods and prices. J. Haller & Son, 24 South Main street, Ann Arbor, Mich. You will flnd it to your advantage to cali on Adam D. Seyler when you want anylhing in the line of boots and shoes. He has them in every variety fioni a baby's slipper to the largest aud strongcst boot. House and Lot for 8ale.- A house and about four acres of ground on West Liberty street will be sold at u bargain. Any one wishing to purchase a nice little home, wiü flnd il for their interest to aildress John Kock.or cali on him athis furniture rooms on South Main street, Anu Arbor, Mich. Read This Notice. - I have reeen tly bought an immense quautily of overcoats and ulsters at prices to astonish you, and for the next 30 days I will give greiter bargains than before this seasou. A. L. NOBLE. Star Clothing House. Cropsey keeps first class groceries. If you don't believe it, give him a cal! aud be convinced. Great attractions in neck wear at A. B. Ilenion & Oo., No. 5 Hurón street. C. Bliss & Bon are having the largest holiday trade they have had in years. Thej' have an elegant stock to select from. Just received! Visiting and New Yesr cards in great variety of stylee. which will be written to order in a inanner that cannot fail to please. Cali early. J. ö. Haines, Room 10, Opera House block. Wanted. - Three first-class coat makers wanted immediately at Winan's & Berry's, No. 11 South Main street, Aun Albor, Mich. Ambrose Kearney's restaurant is in full blast during the day. It is just the place to get a square meal . Get one of those warm caps of Joe T. Jacobs, the Clothier. C. H. Minnis has a flrst-class run on repairing. Boys, if you want a No. 1 job done take it to Minnis's, rirst door east of Gwiuner's market, on Washington street. A perfect fitting boot made to order, and all work guaranteed to give satisfaction. If you want to make your wife happy, buy her a Davis verticle feed sewiug machine for a Chvistrnas present. Sold at J. F. Schuh's hardware store. Uon't forgct when you want rubber boots, overshoes and rubbers at lowest prices, to see L. Gruner, No, 8, Soulh Main street. - Ladies who are judges say that Maek & Schmid's satin at $1.25 a yard equal those solí by auy other house for $1.50. For the best woolen socks, go to Joe. T. Jacobs, the Clothier. Go to A. B. Henion & Co., for gloves and mittens. For the best and cheapest boots and shoes go to L. Gruner's, No. 8 South Main street. All the meats and vegetables at Cropsey's restaurant, are cooked in Flander's steam cooker. Every person purchasing a trunk of Chas. F. Burkhardt will receive one of those patent checks. The Davis sewiug machine has no equal for family use. - Ifyoüwant a good fitting cloak or dolman at a moderate price, go to Mack & Schmid's. The best place to look for Holiday Goods is at C. Bliss & Sou's Jewelry store No. 11 south Main street. When you visit the city, and want something to eat, cali at A. Kearney's restaurant, and appease your appetite. Joe T. Jacobs, the Clothier, sells the best overall that is made. The largest assortment of trunks in the city for sale at Chas. F. Burkhardt's, No. 4 Huron street. Stranger! Auybody will tell yon where Cropsey feeds tüe hungry. Mittens and gloves ruade to order at E. J. Jolinson's, tüe hatier. - John Burg sells the best boots and shoes for the least money. C. Weitbrecht has a few of those cele'jrated coal stoves left which he will sell at cost. - A large lot of the best English ware to select trom at A. Kearney's, 35 South Main street. Have y ou tried one of those Patent Bosom shirts, "THE EIGHMIE?" Joe T. Jacobs.the Clothier.has sold about one thousand of them. ' From now until Holidays we will receive daüy in every department novelties suitable for presents, useful, elegant and adapted to all Purses. Hack & Schmid. Adam D. Seyler has a splendid stock of boots, shoes, aud rubber goods to select from. A. B. Henion & Co., have a lare;e stock of those Japanese wool robes. Everything in the liat and cap line at E. J. Johnson's, No. 7 South Main street. A large stock of vahses to select from at Burkhardt's. It will pay you tö examine goods and pnces before purchasing elsewhere. A pair of gold spectacles makes a nice preseut for a father ormother. C. Bliss & Son have them. You can find almost anything andeyerything in the line of gloves anti mittens at Terry's. - For (Juristmas slippers go to John Burg's. Burkhardt, the harness man, will not be undersold by any house in the city. E. J. Johnson has a splendid line of gents' furnishing goods. C. E. Holmes keeps the finest line of perfumes to be found in the city. lt is astonishing how strangers visiting the city fiud out where Cropsey's restaurant is. Johnson won't be undersold by any hatterin the city. Now don't forget this. - The highest market price paid for country produce at Kearney's, 33 South Main street. Ladies and gentlemen's slippers, best assortment and bottom prices at L Gruner's, No. 8 South Main street. Never have the citizens of Washtenaw couuty had such a bargain offered them before. $5,000 of cloths and cassimeres, the etitire Sondeim stock at cost. When Bach & Abel say cost they always mean 'what they say. Reed's gilt edge tonic for sale at C. E. Holrues's, Cook's hotel block. - For rubbers and overshoes, go to John Burg's. -Go to John Burg's for Gent's fiue shoes. GeorgeW. Cropsey! Whoishe? Why he feuds the hungry. The ñnest display of holiday goods in the city at C. E. Holmes'. Cali and examine goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere. One Experience from Many. "I had been sick and miserable so long and had caused my husband so much trouble and expense, no one seemed to know what ailed me, that I was completely disheartened and discouraged. In tbis frame of rnind I got a bottle of Hop Bitters and I used thera unknown to my family. 1 soon began to improve and gained so fast that my husband and family hought it strange and unnatural ;but when I tolti them what had helped me, they said "Hurrah for Hop Bitters! long may they prosper! for they have made mother well and us happy. "-The Mother.- Home Journal. Reed's Gilt Edge Tonic cures Fever and Ague Dr. E. C. West 's Nerve and Brain Treatment: a speciflo for Hysteria, Bizziness, Convulsions. Nervous Headache, Mntal Depressions, Loss of Memory, Spermatorrheea, Impotency, Involuntary Emissioiis, Premature Ola Age, caused by over-exertion, self-abuse, or over-indulgencs. wh'ch leads tomisery, decay and death. One box will cure recent cases. Each box containsont" month's treatment. One dollar a box, or :;is boxes for flve dollars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxea to cure any case. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied with five dolin r will sendthe purchaser our written guarai return the money if the treatment doeffect acure. Guaranteesissued by Brown & Co., sole authorized Agts. for Ann Arbor, Mich. C. West & Co., Sole Proprietors, Chicaeo, I'l. Friezelle & Co. Wholesale Agts., Detroit, .V HENRY MATTHEWS, Hasjthe pleasure to infonn the public that ho is reaay to receive them in hisnewbrick MEAT MAREET! ONE DOOR EAST OF LEONARD HOUSE. Everything in his line wU be flrst-class, and At Reasonabie Rates. He returns Dis sincero thanks to all his old customer3 for their generous patronage, and cordi ally invites them, and all new customers to his new quarters, where ho hopes by fair dealing to enlarge his already growins business. Livery, Sale, AND BOARDING 8TABLE! I have opened a Livery, Sale, and Boarding Stable opposite the CourtHouse on Fourth street, where livery rigs can be obtained at any time of the day or night. A fine lot of new carriages and good horses, at reasonabie rates. Brcaking colts andhandling track horses a specialty ; good references given. P. Irwin, Ann Arber. ÉkSnhpïi THE GREAT DISCOTEE? FOB DISEASES OF THE ÜONEYS. BLADDER ANO URINARY ORGANS. A remedy that will posittvely care DIABETES, GRAVEL, PHÖPSY, BRIGHTS DISEASF, HIGH COLORED URINE. INOONTINENCE AND RETENTION OF URINE, NERVOUS 8ÏPILI1Y end FEMALE COMPLAINTS when NOTHING ELSE CAN. lts success proves the offleaoy of ABSORPTION. It ssved the life of its diseoverer and is eavinij the Uves of tbousands of others. For sale by DruRglsts or sent by mail on receipï of the prico, (13.00.) OAY KiONEY PAD CO., So!e Proprietors, Toledo, OhiO. tLT Send your address for our pnmphlet, "How a Life was Saved." For Salo bjEBERBACH & SON. Druggists. C. H. MANU'S, ABSTRACT OFFICE. No excuse for a man who Buys a Farm with a Bad Title, or No Titleat All. Requirethe man who wouldsell you his farm or would borrow money of you on a mortgage, to go to C. H. Manly's olHce, in Ann Arbor, and pet a full and complete statement of all Deeds, Mortgages, Assignmests, Religases, Tax Titles, AttachS ments, Levies on Execution. Lis Pendens, Leases, &c, &c, that affect the title. Your landsare becoinint; valuable. and it wVA soon be time to bring out these old claims for you to settle. Five dollars paid for an abstract is a better inveatment than flfty dollars paid to defend or correct a bad title. If you desire I will assist you in perfectingyour titleat a reasonable rate. I have all the facilities for this work. Go to C. H. Manly's office and have your title examinedand theènoisiu tlw description corrected. Tkrms:- Abstract of Title, flrst 8 conveyances, $2.00;eachadditionalconveyance, 35 cents. W malee no abstract less than $8.00. Office in Register office . „_ Aun Arbor Michigan. DRAKE'S OYSTER DEPOT 2O East HuronSt. Oysters Always Fresh and Chsap. Pure Wines and Tjquors for medicinal pnrposes. Choicest brands ofCigars alwayg onanJ We will pay the above reward for any cae of [.ver Complalnt, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Indigestión, Constipation or Costiveness we cannot (■ure with West's Vegetable Liver Pilis, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely Vegetable and never fail to give satisf action. Sugar Coated. Large boxes, containing 30 Pilis, 25 cents. For sale Ty all Druggist. Beware of counterfeits andimitations. The gen uine manufactured only by John C. West & Co. , "The Pili Makers," 181 & 183 W. Madison St. Chicago. Free trial paekage ssnt by mail prepaid nreceipt of a 3 cnt stamp "ÏOWARD DUFF . WltolBSBlo BnüfietailGrocfir. DEALER IN BOOTS AND SHGES. Á!so a full Line of Ladies' and Gents' Hosiery and Unclei-vLiïo. Corner Main and Ann Streels. (Opposite Court-House) FRElTsÖRG, Dealer in PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES BKUSHES, WINDOW GLASS, And al! Painters' Supplies of tlio Best Quality SHOP AND STORE 26 and 28 East Washington Est. ANN AEBOR. - MICMIQAN. RINSEY & SEABOLT, No. 5 and 8 Washington st., Have on liand a complete stock of everything m the Crocery Line. Taey buy their Teas, CoíTees, and Sug-ars ín largo amounts, and at Oasli Prices And can sell at Low Figures. The large invoice of Teas they Buy and Sell, is n good proof that in Quality and Price Ihey Give Bargains. They Roast their own Coffees every week, and uone but prime anieles are used. Their Bakeryturn out excellent Bread, Cakes and Crackers. Cali and see tbem. JACKSON FIRE CLAY CO. Manufacturera oL Stone Sewer Pipe - AND-3DJEUL.T1ÏÏ TILE. All our Prain Tile are made of Flre Clay, are Sb .-ind IÍ0M wcight, -wiiich niaterially reduces the breakage and expense of transportation. The diti'hing for thisclaKS of tllingisiessexpen sive, as they do not require to be laid belowfrost, but only deep enouh to pscape the plow. Whilethtsls more economie! it also aids in obtainingui bettei "fall" or grade to the drain. A f uil assortment of al! sizes, for sala in small quantitïes or car load lot?, at the FEBDON LÜMBER YARD, JAS. TOLDERT, Agent.


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